• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 5,562 Views, 1,260 Comments

Perchance to Dream - David Silver

Linda settled for bed, only to awaken in the middle of a garden of statues of horses. She was one of them, only not so stone. When she eventually slumbered there, she returned home. Living two lives, can she make sense of it all? Fix it, or enjoy it?

  • ...

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9 - Office Party

Linda stepped off the elevator to have a party hat popped on her head.

"Linda's here!" came a voice that inspired a chorus of cheers.

That answered that. Work was not a very high priority that day. I gave a quirk of a smile and was ushered into a room with a bottle of cheap wine in a box, chips, dip, and happy faces all around. Kevin was there, smiling with the rest.

So was the boss, chatting it up. On seeing me he waved me over. "Linda, good to see you! That was a close one. I didn't want to worry the rest, but if you hadn't finished the last permit when you did, the client was getting fidgety. We were afraid for a moment there they'd back out on the last second." He swigged his cheap booze as his voice lowered. "We might be having a very different meeting otherwise. I'm glad you're on the team."

I felt a chill crawl along my spine, remembering the email that never was. A glimpse into a world that could have been? "You can count on me."

"I know I can." He smiled. "Now listen up, people, enjoy the party, but I want to see people back at their desks in the hour. Let's put the bow on this gift for the end of the year before we head home!"

There was a mix of cheer and grumble, but it was work, and we had to work. I shared pleasantries with the others, but moseyed over to Kevin specifically. "Hey."

Kevin smiled. "Hey! Hero of the year. How'd you like the book?"

"This weekend was a bit... crazy." It was the truth! "I'll give it the proper looking at this evening, promise. It looked adorable though, so thank you." What was with my life and throwing cute things at me?

Kevin clapped me on the shoulder. "No rush. It's not a gift if you're forced into it. Did you get a bonus like the rest of us?" He raised a brow. "A stupid question, I know. I bet yours is the biggest here."

I waved that off. "Let's not compare sizes."

He snorted at that. "I didn't know you'd make that kind of joke. You feeling alright?"

I blinked, thinking back on it. I was usually very proper on the job, so that joke was a bit out of my usual comfort zone, but what was 'comfortable' had changed a lot since the last week. "Sorry. I didn't mean to--"

"It's alright, promise." He put his hand over his heart. "It's actually kind of nice to see you open up a little."

Had I been a shut-in before? With the perspective of True Shot, that almost felt silly. But I wasn't True Shot, right?

"You alright? You look spaced out."

"Just thinking." I smiled at Kevin. "Say, there's this movie--"

"Are you asking me out?" He looked stunned at the idea.

"If you do--"


I let out a little breath. "Good, after work? Let's head over and see what's playing."

"I'd love that."

Did I really just ask Kevin out? I suppose I had. I did like him, and I think he liked me back. I was just... so focused on work, and avoiding being 'improper' there before. It wasn't like either of us reported to the other. He did marketing, for Christ's sake. The only regulations he had to worry about were obscenities in media.

Shit. When I was seated at my desk, I looked up a different policy. I pulled up the company's site and quickly browsed over to the HR section past our gateway and checked for workplace romance. There were rules about that.

No hooking up with supervisors, alright. That was basically universal. No hooking up with people of significantly higher or lower title, supervising or not. Alright, we were in the clear there. The usual cautions and recommendations, but nothing seemed to stand in the way. I relaxed a little, knowing I hadn't just broken a company rule in my daring action.

I got back to work, finalizing. It was the process of crossing the ts and dotting every i and checking them all over again. It wasn't hard, just tedious, but also the worst place to make a mistake, so I took my time to get it done right. I set the folder gently in my outbox and smiled. My work, at least, was complete. The company would reap the benefits of that lucrative deal, and I could enjoy my bonus, and a date.

Life was looking up.

At least until Twilight appeared on my monitor, smiling brightly. "Hello!"

I almost fell out of my chair in shock before glancing to the door of my office to make sure no one was there. "What the hell are you doing here?" The two dreams were supposed to be separated! Was I losing it again?

"You promised we could discuss humanity in further detail. It took quite a bit of doing, but your statue serves as a fine focus for finding you. Is now a bad time?" She looked so innocent, entirely unaware that her presence could even cause an issue. "I must confess, I didn't think you'd be so close to a scrying pool."

Scrying pool? "That's my monitor you're in." I reached out and tapped the glass lightly, which she didn't seem to feel, but she could see it. Poking her nose made her eyes cross a moment following it.

"Monitor? Please tell me more." A quill levitated into view with a heavy-looking scroll at the ready. "I have so many questions!"

"Look, this is my work, and there's an official policy against having guests in here."

She started. "Oh! I didn't mean to break any regulations! Here." She pulled out a button and... bonked it against the inside of the monitor to little effect. "I didn't think that through entirely. I hardly expected the pool to be solid on your end. We'll talk when you next wake up, alright?" I nodded quickly, then she faded away, leaving my computer alone.

I sank in my chair, took a slow breath, and got through the day without anymore invading ponies. Twilight was as cute as most, cuter in some ways, but I didn't need her in my office.

"Hey, all finished?" It was Kevin. "I checked what movies were rolling, wanna see that Hawaiian one? Looks cute."

I remembered seeing an advertisement or two about that one. "Sure, that does sound nice." I was on my feet, and we strolled out the door.

"Look who has a date," came a female voice. It was the office secretary. I knew her, but not terribly well. Cindy? Her voice was teasing, but her smile seemed sincere. "Have fun, you two."

We wished her a happy holidays, and were out. We both had a car, so we got into our separate vehicles and met back up at the theater. It had actually been quite some time since I last saw a movie outside my television, so I let him take the lead to get us inside. I didn't let him pay for my ticket though. We were peers, and I was a moderate feminist. That is, I thought everyone should be equal. He didn't have to buy me, and I wasn't buying him.

Enough social politics.

He got a big tub of popcorn and an equally large soda and soon we were seated in the dark. We shared the food and watched the movie. It was a cute movie, thumbs up there. The only problem was me. I felt like I should do... something, but every idea I had I waffled on instead. I knew Kevin fairly well, but I didn't want to come off as someone desperate, or easy.

In the lobby, he held out his hand towards me. Was he going to shake goodbye? That felt... formal... I reached for his hand though.

Then he grabbed mine and pulled it right up to kiss it with a little smooch.

My cheeks lit right up like a virgin and I laughed at his boldness. It wasn't fair, a guy who did that was brave and commanding. A woman who made that a habit was a cheap floozy. Society, right? Still, it was hardly the place to examine social justice. "If I didn't already know you."

Kevin chuckled softly. "Good thing you do. Not a bad movie, right?"

"No, very nice." My mind was ticking away rapidly, then it hit me. "Hey, Saturday, you have any plans?"


"New Years." I smiled. "Any plans?"

"Nothing specific," he admitted. "You?"

"I was thinking, if you wanted, maybe come over, watch the ball drop?"

He said yes, cementing my second date. Why had I been so shy before?

Social contact wasn't a terrible thing to be avoided at all costs.

I retreated to home, happy with the day, and life in general. I stopped to look in a mirror. "You were alive before, but you weren't living," I scolded my reflection. "Let's give living a chance, alright?" That reflection was not the woman I knew a week before. She looked more than content, but... "Nothing like a near-death experience to make you enjoy life."

Author's Note:

Things are looking up for Linda, I think. Well, besides the living typo that is a curious Twilight Sparkle.

This can only complicate things...

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