• Published 26th Mar 2019
  • 3,700 Views, 284 Comments

🐍 Medusa - Phantom-Dragon

A revival of Lauren Faust's scrapped project and inspired by WubcakeVA. The Rainbooms and friends are teaming up to help Medusa lift her curse.

  • ...

The Sun Rises

The sun rose over the horizon, signifying the star of a new day. In her room, Fluttershy was soundly asleep, when she was slowly awaken to the sound of soft hissing in her ears, and the cold touch of rough scales running across her face. The kind girl slowly blinked her eyes open to see the morning light washing into her room.

But when she tried to move her arms up to wipe the sleep from her eyes, she looked down to see she couldn't. Fluttershy was startled awake to see her whole body was wrapped in a long coil of a giant serpent's tail. It wasn't long before Fluttershy realized a pair of arms were wrapped around her neck and shoulders, pulling her close. Wiggling about in her constrictions, Fluttershy was able to turn to her right to see it was none other than Medusa, who appears to be more content in her sleep than she has in a long time. Furthermore, the gorgon's snakes were all cuddling up close to Fluttershy, losing themselves into the soft, luxurious, and heavenly texture of the kind girl's pink hair.

As much as Fluttershy felt happy for both Medusa and her snakes, she was beginning to feel lightheaded from the tightening grip.

"Medusa?" She squeaked, while trying to wriggle free, only out of impulse, Medusa pulled the girl even closer. "Medusa!? ....Can't.....breathe!"

Fortunately, her plea didn't go unheard. Medusa wearily blinked her eyes open, only half-way to spare Fluttershy from her horrifying petrifying stares, "Fluttersssshy?" She hissed, drowsily.

"Can you....let me go....now? Pleeeeeeassssseee?" Fluttershy squeaked in a high-pitch squeaky voice.

Confused, Medusa looked down to see the awkward predicament she's got herself and Fluttershy wrapped in their sleep.

"Oh! I am ssssso ssssssorry," Medusa blushed, as she quickly pulled herself away from Fluttershy, freeing the girl from her coil.

"Phew, I can breathe again," Fluttershy panted heavily, reclaiming her voice, and drew in several deep breaths to study herself.

"Pleassssssse forgive me, Fluttersssshy," Medusa pleaded. "I don't know what came–"

"It's okay, Medusa," The kind girl reassured. "No harm done."

"....SSSSStill, I could've sssssuffocated you."

"Aw, there, there," Fluttershy walked over to put a comforting hand on the gorgon's shoulder. "You didn't mean to. Besides, it must be nice for you to finally have a friend to sleep with. Yes?"

"SSssomething like that," The gorgon hissed, averting her eyes away, while her face was colored a shade of pink, which didn't go unnoticed, "What are you laughing at?" She asked, when she saw Fluttershy struggling to stifle a giggle.

"Oh, nothing," Fluttershy giggled, until she blurted, "Your face....it's turning pink!" She chortled.

"What?" Turning to the nearby mirror in the room, Medusa could see, indeed, her face was coated in a blush of pink. "What?! What happened to my faccce?!"

Fluttershy could only giggle at Medusa's naivety, when there was a knock at the door, "Hello~" Rarity called. "Fluttershy, darling. Are you awake?"

"Coming Rarity!" Fluttershy replied, as she walked over to open the door, greeting the fashionable girl, standing with a bag in her hand. "Morning Rarity."

"Good morning darling!" The girl greeted, before she looked over Fluttershy's shoulder to see Medusa, "Oh and good morning to you too, darling! Did you have a wonderful night with dear Fluttershy?"

Though flustered, Medusa answered, "Yesssssssss."

"Splendid!" Rarity then held up her bag. "Anyway, I have your new clothes all ready for you." She said, handing the bag to Fluttershy, before she gave it to Medusa, who is further confused at her new clothes.

Nevertheless, not wanting to come off as rude, Medusa nodded her head in gratitude, "Thank you."

Rarity soon turn to the side and was about to take her leave when she added, "Well, hurry up and get dressed you two." She said. "Everyone else are all downstairs for breakfast."

"Ok Rarity. We'll be there," Fluttershy closed the door and walked over to Medusa, who looked at her new clothings, with newfound bewilderment.

"What isssss thisssss?"

In the hotel's cafeteria, the other girls and Spike were waiting, until Fluttershy and Medusa arrived. They looked to see Medusa was dressed up in her new clothes. For the top half, she wore a dark black hoodie, with the front colored pale yellow, a zipper that splits down from the neck to the waist, and the back of the hood sports two yellow bands that run down from the head to the shoulders in a chevron pattern. She wears the hood up to conceal her snakes. For the bottom half, she wears a long skirt with matching colors and patterns that touched the floor.

"Whoa, Medusa! Looking good!" Rainbow Dash complimented, with all the other friends joining in, exchanging agreements and compliments.

"Rarity, I think you've outdone yourself," Applejack complimented the fashionista.

"Why thank you, darling," Rarity smiled.

"I know I'm a big fan for the dark types of clothings and all," Sunset admitted. "But I gotta say, Rarity. This is just....I envy you Medusa."

At that comment, Medusa turned away, "Forgive me," She hissed solemnly. "Do you wissssh for me to change–"

"No, no, no!" Sunset waved her hands, stopping the gorgon. "I only meant it as a compliment. You look great!" Relieved, a small smile spread on Medusa's face, "Well come on. Have a seat."

The gorgon complied, as she slithered up to the table, with a chair pulled out for her to sit in to join the Rainbooms, "Mmmmm," She said, as she took in the heavenly aroma of the food. "SSSSSmellsssss ssssso good!"

"It's waffle!" Pinkie chirped happily, as she zipped up and placed a large stack in front of the gorgon. "It's what we're having for breakfast today! So eat up!"

"Waffle?" Medusa looked at the food in front of her with mixed curiosity and bewilderment.

"Come on! Eat it while it's hot!" Pinkie urged.

With a shrug, Medusa complied and was about to reach for one with her claws, "Um, how about I help you with that?" Fluttershy suggested, as she went over to pick up the knife and fork on the gorgon's side of the table, helped cut a piece of the waffle, before feeding it to Medusa.

Upon consuming the food, Medusa's eyes widened with fascination, bedazzled by the soft and delicious flavor washing over her. It was nothing like pizza, but it's just as good, maybe better.

"Thisssss waffle!" She began. "It'sssss.....it'ssssss.....it'sssssss sssssso fabulousssss!" She exclaimed, happily munching down some more.

"Sheesh, say it, don't spray it, Medusa," Rainbow Dash said, repulsed at the gorgon's excessive lisp.

"Ooh, she's not a pretty eater," Applejack muttered.

"I don't know. She looks alright to me," Spike commented, while sitting in Twilight's lap as she fed him a piece of bacon.

"So Medusa? I take it you've been enjoying your stay here with us?" Sunset asked.

"Hmmm?" Medusa looked up, with drops of syrups dripping down her lips, before she swallowed. "I'm ssssorry. But what did you sssssay?"

"How are you feeling?" The fiery girl repeated. "Enjoying your stay with us?"

Medusa looked down for a moment, searching for the right words to say, only to find herself lost in her thoughts about the girls' hospitality and their social interactions with her. The positive attitudes they showed her, the laughters, and the love they shared that colored her once bleak and bleary world, which left her confused, disoriented, and troubled with these new feelings, but less lonely with each passing seconds she spent with these girls.

"Well, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked. "Ya feeling alright?"

Looking up at all the friendly faces of the Rainbooms and their dog, Medusa admitted, "I feel ssssstrange. I don't know what it issssss and I don't know why, but it feelsssss good. Am I ssssick?" She asked.

There was a moment of awkward silence, before Pinkie broke the ice, "Well, you're a little greener than usual," Pinkie said. "Though considering how long you've been green, you look pretty good!" Medusa looked rather annoyed at the comment. "What? Can't you take a joke?"

"What'sssss a joke?" She asked.

"Oh you know, something you just make up....to laugh," The pink girl was met with a deadpan look from the gorgon. "You mean, you've never heard of a joke before?" In response, Medusa shook her head, much to Pinkie's horror. "GASP! What kind of a messed up world did you grew up from?! Who's never heard of a joke?!"

"Pinkie. I'm pretty sure in those days and era, people don't normally tell jokes like we do today," Sunset explained.

"Well then there's no time like the present for her to have some jokes!" Pinkie said, as she pulled a slip of paper from her hair and reads, "Why did the chicken cross the road?" Nobody answered, "To get to the other side!" Pinkie laughed loudly, which quickly died down when she noticed Medusa wasn't laughing. "Y-You're not laughing?"

"Why sssshould I laugh?" The gorgon asked. "Wassss I sssssuppossssed to laugh?"

"Well duh! That's the whole point of telling a joke!" Pinkie quickly perked up. "Oh! I got another one!" Reaching into her hair, she pulled another paper slip and reads, "Knock knock!"

"Uh ha ha ha ha," Medusa forced a laugh. "Funny."

"That wasn't the joke!" Pinkie frowned.

"But I am laughing, am I not?"

"Oh come on! That was terrible! It's fake! That's not a laugh!" The pink girl pouted. "You can't just force a laugh! It needs to be real from the inside!"

"From the insssssside?" She looked uneasily.

"Uh, what Pinkie means was, she wants you to laugh, when you're actually humored by her jokes," Sunset tried to explain.

"But I don't know what a joke isssss."

"Then just listen and pay attention, alright?" Pinkie said, while sounding like she's on the brink of losing her mind. "Uh, what does the abominable snowman like to say when he meets you?" Again, there was silence, before Pinkie answered, "Chill out dude!"

With that, most of the Rainbooms all burst out laughing, while some simply giggled at the joke, but Medusa remained confused, if not, stone faced.

"Uh, why did the dog cross the road twice?" Pinkie asked.

"Leave me out of this!" Spike barked, demandingly. Clearly, he does not like jokes that are at his expense.

"Sorry," Pinkie quickly apologized, before she desperately pulled out another one. "Knock knock!"

"Who's there?" The Rainbooms and Spike asked.

"Impatient cow."

"Impatient cow who?"

"MOOOOOOOO!!!!" Pinkie screamed in Rainbow Dash's face, and attracting unwanted attentions from several people, shooting them weird looks.

"Pinkie! We're in public!" Sunset scolded.

"Aw, c'mon. That was funny."

"Yeah, I'm laughing so hard," Rainbow Dash commented in sarcasm.

"Oh pffft. Like you can tell a better joke?"

"Oh it's on!" Rainbow Dash scowled, as she began, "Just the other day, I met this old guy with a wooden leg named Smith."

"A wooden leg named Smith, you ssssay?" Medusa asked in mixed amusement and curiosity. "What'sss the name of hiss other leg?" With that, the Rainbooms and Spike all burst out laughing. "What? What'ssss so funny?" Unfortunately, the group were laughing too hard to reply. "I-I don't underssstand...." Even as she says this, Medusa could feel her voice breaking, as a few chortles escaped from her. "What'sss....what'sss happening to me? Why am I laughing?"

"Just go with it!" Pinkie giggled.

Soon, the laughter became too contagious for Medusa to resist, and she and her snakes all joined in the laughter.

Later, after the friends have had their breakfast, Medusa slithered out of the hotel, next to Zephyr Breeze, to get some fresh air and to bask in the new morning's light. The feel of the sun's heat felt pleasant on her skin, even her snakes poked a bit from her hood to get some rays.

"Hey Medusa," A voice called, to which Medusa turned around to see it was only Sunset Shimmer. "What're you doing?"

"Jussssst getting ssssssome lightsssss from the sssssun," She answered. "It feelssssss so nice and warm."

"Well, I guess that shouldn't be a surprise, considering how your species is pretty much classified ectotherms," The fiery girl chuckled.


"Oh, never mind," Deciding to change the topic, Sunset started, "So Medusa. Doesn't it feel nice to be with some friends? C'mon, admit it. Just say that it is."

Medusa turned away, "I....I don't know what to sssssay," She said. "Thisss issss all new to me. I've never....that isssss, no one hassss ever.....I don't know anymore. But I think it feelsssss nicccce."

"Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it," Sunset reassured. "Believe me, the first time I experienced friendship, it took some times for me to get it right."

"Of coursssse, so you sssssay," Medusa hissed, now looking more curious at Sunset Shimmer. "You ssssspeak assss if you know what it meanssssss to be a monsssster, that you can actually ssssssympathizzze with me. Even your friendsssss seem to vouch your sssstory. How sssso?"

Sunset cringed at being asked by that question, "It's kind of a long story," She replied.

"I'm lisssstening," Medusa hissed, eager to hear the whole story.

"Well, get this," Sunset began. "I'm not really your average human. I'm actually a unicorn pony from another world," And so, for what felt like hours, Sunset enlightened and entertained Medusa her whole story of how she was once a bad pony who craves for powers and knew nothing about friendship, how she was defeated by friendship's magic, the struggles she had endure to redeem herself, the magical adventures and struggles she shared with the Rainbooms and friends, and how they got the geodes that supplies them their unique powers.

"And so, that's the story," Sunset concluded.

Needless to say, Medusa had never heard such a fascinating story, "You were.....a demon?"

"You better believed it," The fiery girl frowned. "I turned into a raging she-demon. And definitely not proud of it."

".....SSSSSunsssset, I–" The gorgon looked down, feeling ashamed of herself. "Forgive me, I didn't–"

"Don't be. It's all in the past. Besides, I'm with friends now, and we've all gotten past that. Sort of," She muttered at the last part, recalling how there were two major conflicts that said otherwise.

"SSSSStill, I am grateful for all you have done for me, SSSSunsssset," Medusa hissed, giving the fiery girl a small sad smile, before it turns to a frown. "But I'm afraid even your powerssss cannot find the anssssswer for me."

Sunset nodded sadly at Medusa, "Yeah, I'm sorry Medusa. I really wished I could look and see what sort of, lead up to what happened to you," The fiery girl looked down at her geode necklace. "I can look into other people's memory, yes. But I can't exactly see the whole story if you don't remember everything."

Medusa looked even more solemn, "Believe me, I tried," She said. "I could almost hear the voicccessss of my sssssissstersss. But their facccesss...I can hardly remember what they were like."

"It's been that long, hasn't it?" With that, out of impulse and without a care in the world, Sunset got up and wrapped her arms around Medusa in a hug.

"Wha-What are you doing?" Medusa asked, taken aback by Sunset's action.

"Just giving you a hug," Sunset answered.

"A hug?" This was all foreign to Medusa. And yet, she liked it. No, she loved it.

No words can best describe the turmoil of emotion Medusa was experiencing at the moment. The warmth, the life, and the love she was feeling from Sunset. The fiery girl's soft, gentle touch against the cursed gorgon's cold, rough, scaly skin was enough to banish all imprints of loneliness she's had endured for so long in the past. It was nothing compared to the sun's light. It felt better, tenfold perhaps.

Then, acting on instinct, Medusa's arms slowly trailed around Sunset's back, and she pulled the girl close, deepening the warmth of their hug, and she lovingly nuzzled the top of Sunset's blazing lock, enjoying the soft touch.

Later, Medusa was following Fluttershy back up to their room, when Pinkie caught up to her.

"Hey Medusa!" Pinkie smiled. "I just thought you might like a snack!"

"Ssssnack?" Medusa hissed.

"Yeah!" Reaching into her hair, Pinkie pulled out a cupcake, much to the gorgon's bewilderment. "Here! Have a cupcake!"

"Cupcake?" The gorgon inspected curiously. "What issss cupcake?"

"What's a cupcake?!" Pinkie shrieked. "This is a cupcake! Ever seen it before?"


"Wow, girlfriend! What a small world you came from!" Peeling the paper layer away, Pinkie handed the dessert to Medusa, who held it in her claws, unsure. "Well go on! Try it! You'll love it!"

Unsure at first, Medusa flicked her fork tongue to sample a bit of the cake's frostings.

Upon impact, her eyes lit up, feeling the sweetness sensation of the pastry overwhelming her taste. Before she knew it, she downs the whole cake in a single bite.

"What do you think? Pretty good, huh?" Pinkie Pie smiled.

Medusa looked at the happy girl, still finding her hyper optimistic bizarre, and yet enjoyable, "Yesssss, it issssss good," She hissed. "Never have I tassssted sssssuch wonderment! Got any more? I musssst have more of thissss magical concoction!" Then, out of sugar-craving impulse, Medusa whips the end of her serpentine lower-half, ensnaring Pinkie Pie by the leg, and held the pink girl upside down. Pinkie Pie tried to protest, but it was no use. Medusa was already shaking the girl like a doll, forcing every drops of candies, donuts, pies, and all kinds of sweets were pouring out of Pinkie Pie's hair.

It was literally raining gumdrops for Medusa.

Meanwhile, back on Sarpedon

Maud Pie and the archeologist team continued with their careful and meticulous preservation of their site. Most of the statues were carefully hefted away to be stored in some crates, where they'll be shipped off to some museums, while some others with missing limbs were either being patched, or put on hold to search for their parts.

Maud Pie was inside a huge temple that was covered in vines, with Professor Fossil taking notes.

"Extraordinary!" Professor Fossil said, while observing some statues of armored soldiers – a whole army of them – with their spears, swords, and shields at the ready, facing towards the entrance. "I must say, this may even dwarf the discovery of China's Emperor Qin Shi Huang's terracotta army in 1974!"

"Except these statues appeared to be made of quartzite," Maud Pie analyzed. "Not terracotta."

"Yes Maud, but even so, this is a discovery of a lifetime. A history in the making," The professor explained. "Now, these soldiers appeared to have been guarding something. Or if my theory is correct, someone. But who?"

"Excuse me. But what's that?" Maud Pie asked, pointing at a small box, in the hands of a statue.

From outside, the other archeologists were working nonstop, when there was a flash of light, emitted from inside the temple.


Author's Note:

The inspiration for Medusa's new attires came from the King Cobra.

When it comes to gifts or curse, there's no one better than Sunset to give encouragement.

Embrace the Magic - Sunset Shimmer