• Published 26th Mar 2019
  • 3,697 Views, 284 Comments

🐍 Medusa - Phantom-Dragon

A revival of Lauren Faust's scrapped project and inspired by WubcakeVA. The Rainbooms and friends are teaming up to help Medusa lift her curse.

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Friends Until The End


"Delicccciousssss!" Medusa hissed when she first tried out a gyro (YEE-ro) for the first time.

Gyro is a Greek dish made from meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie.

The Rainbooms, Spike, and Medusa were all out sightseeing the city. Their first stop was at a fast food shop, where they bought themselves to some of Greece's famous dishes, gyro.

As an added safety measure, more ways than one, Medusa was given a pair of shades. Though normally, and surprisingly, Medusa can prevent others from getting the full blast of her infamous stare, simply by blinking her third eyelids and keeping them closed across her eyes. However, to keep up appearances in public – and extra precautions – the Rainbooms gave her a pair of shades to wear

"φανταστικός(fantastikós – meaning fantastic)" Medusa commented on the glasses. "Thessssse devicccessss you called shadessss are impressssiveee."

"They look good on ya," Rainbow Dash playfully nudged the gorgon. "Anyway, we better get going. Everyone else are waiting on us, Maddie."

Medusa immediately ceased eating her gyro and she looked at Rainbow Dash, confused, "Maddie?" She asked.

Rainbow Dash turned to face confused gorgon as she explained, "It's my nickname for ya," Medusa puts a finger to her chin as she pondered on her very own nickname. "What? You don't like it?" Rainbow Dash frowned in worry. "Because I didn't mean you any offense–"

Medusa shook her head, "No, not at all," She reassured, slowly letting her nickname settle in. "Maddie. I think I like it."

"Cool!" Rainbow smiled, giving Maddie a thumbs up. "Now c'mon! Let's go!"

"Very well."

Later, Rainbow Dash and Maddie quickly caught up with the rest of their friends. From there they went on to explore the town, taking pictures together, and enjoying the day.

From under her hood and behind her shades, Maddie looked at the colorful wonders that surrounds her now. After centuries of bleak, dreary, and aimless solitudes on her island, to be brought back into a world that has advanced further from the era she once knew.

Even while wearing a new attire of the modern fashion, Maddie is still the same traumatized, but also naive, and curious person on the inside. Though she does not recall so much of her past, regarding to her life prior to her trauma, the gorgon did have a few instant flashbacks from which she sees the city in its early days in contrast to the modern transformation that stood before her very eyes.

She felt even more lost and confused than she was, since arriving on the mainland, with the Rainbooms and Spike.

However, with the Rainbooms at her side, she felt more at ease, relieved even. Is it too soon for her to put her trust in these strange girls and their magical talking dog? Can they really help her lift her curse? What more will she see in this new modern world?

Only time will tell. But one thing’s for certain. It’s better than another lifelong isolation on a desolate island.

An hour had passed and Maddie was feeding the birds with bread crumbs, with Fluttershy and Spike, though the birds were a bit hesitant. Most likely because they were uncomfortable with the snakes that poked out from under Maddie's hood. Luckily, thanks to Fluttershy, the birds were able to eat their bread lunch as they slowly grew to accept Maddie, while her snakes were kept in check.

Watching from a mile away, while enjoying some ice cream with the rest of the Rainbooms, Sunset smiled, "I feel so happy for Medusa right now."

"Me too!" Pinkie smiled, while helping to herself a large sundae. "Isn't this the bestest day EVER?!!! We've made a new friend! Showed her a good time! And we're having ice cream!!!"

Sunset rolled her eyes and shook her head in amusement at Pinkie's usual antics, before she turned to Twilight, who was taking down notes on a notebook, "Subject displays a sense of curiosity on interactions with the birds," The scientific girl noted. "Subject is also appears to be developing some slight signs of playful traits with Spike."

"Uh, Twilight?" Sunset asked. "What are you doing?"

"Can't talk now. This is mythology becoming history in the making!" Twilight continued. “This is bigger than King Tut, because we’ve actually discovered a real live gorgon! And not just any gorgon. This is Medusa we're talking about! And she’s alive!”

“I know, Twilight,” Sunset replied. “It was a shocker for all of us.”

“Just think about all the potential knowledge we could uncover from Medusa!” The excited bookworm continued, not heeding to whatever Sunset was saying. “Some lost pieces of Greek history will finally come to light. The unique perspectives of our world’s early days, the cultures, traditional holidays, everything about Greece’s early days, and they’re all together in a living fossil!”

“Whoa, wait a minute, Twilight!” Sunset spike up. “Medusa isn’t a fossil. In her own way, she’s still just another person. Just lost to the magic she’s been cursed with.”

"I know. But just think about all the possibilities we could learn from her!" Twilight resumed. "Maybe we'll even–"

"Twilight! Medusa isn't just some relic or a newly discovered species that you can perform experiments on, or put in a museum, let alone a zoo!" Sunset berated, before taking a calming deep breath and continued, "First thing's first, we have to at least help her get adjusted to our modern day and culture. Then, we can help her with whatever's ailing her.”

"Yeah, yeah, we hear ya, Sunset," Rainbow Dash replied, before she asked. "Pray tell, how long did it take for you to get adjusted to our modern world?"


"Yeah," Applejack joined. "I'd like to know how it was like for ya, when ya first came to our world for the first time."

"And how you managed to get accustomed to our ways," Rarity added.

"And how you managed to get yourself enrolled into Canterlot High School, manipulating your way to the top to claim the title as the Fall Formal Princess, in a diabolical queen bee plan to divide and conquer our friendship and to assemble an army of teenage zombies by using the stolen crown of Princess Twilight Sparkle from another world, which we later thwarted and destroyed your powers!" Pinkie Pie said it all in one breath. "And we became besties."


Though confused, and bewildered at Pinkie's fast paced and long winded statement, Sunset Shimmer blushed as she chuckled, "Guess we can relate more ways than one, don't we?" She said.

After feeding and playing with the birds, Fluttershy and Spike later took Medusa out to see more of the town. From behind her shades, Medusa looked to see not many people paid much attention to her, though a few gave her some odd looks, weirded out by her strange appearance. But if she had to choose, she can take these looks than the petrifying, lifeless, frightful ones that have haunted her dreams and memories.

But in spite of the unfavorable looks she was getting from the public, Medusa no longer felt withdrawn as she was before, which is new to her. Of course, everything around is new for her, as of late. The city is new; the people are new; even the smells are new to her.

Her thoughts are racing faster at an overwhelming pace, as she struggles to process everything that has happened to her. It wasn’t all bad. But she doesn’t quite like it either.

It was such a magnificent wonder at how a millennium of isolation on a desolate island has passed, only to come back and be greeted by the world’s astonishing changes and advancements that displays the improvements of mankind.

“Here Maddie!” The gorgon was snapped out of her train of thoughts, when Fluttershy walked up, with a bowl of vanilla-dark chocolate ice cream, with large chocolate chips. “I got you ice cream.”

“Icccce cream?” Medusa looked curiously at the dairy dessert.

“Mmm-hmmm, it’s delicious,” Fluttershy smiled. “Go on. Try some.” With that, Fluttershy picked up a spoon to scoop up a bit of the ice cream, and feed it to Medusa.

Upon touching the cold, fluffy, and sweet texture of the scoop, Medusa winced slightly from the cold, but mesmerized from the sweet flavors that washes over her tongue.

“Ουάου(Wow)!” Medusa exclaimed in Greek. “Thissss issss even...” She took a moment to compose herself, before she was able to finish, saying, “Thissss icccce cream isssss wonderful!"

Fluttershy giggled, “Do you like it?”

“Like it?” Medusa asked. “I ssssimply love it!” With that, she happily ate more of the ice cream. "I love thisssss iccccce cream!"

"Hey! Save some for me!" Spike begged.

Later, the gang were in a neighborhood, where they found a spot to look and admire the grand view of the city, and the sea.

“Isn't this absolutely wonderful?” Rarity asked, marveling at the scenery.

"I've never ssssssseen so much colorssssss before," Maddie hissed. "There'ssssss never been a day when I wasssss ssssurrounded by ssssso many life."

"Hmmm, I'd sure like to see it to believe it," Spike moaned. "I'm a dog. And unfortunately for us dogs, we're colorblind. We can't see colors."

Maddie looked at the dog with piqued interest, "Truly?" Spike nodded in response. "Oh, how ssssad."

"Don't you mean how ruff?" Pinkie joked, before receiving angry glares from her friends. "What? I'm just trying to lighten the mood," Again, everyone glared at the pink girl. "Okay, okay. I get it. Not helping."

Getting back on topic, Spike barked, "Hey, it's alright. I got used to it. Besides, color or no color, I'm happy being a dog." He said, wagging his tail as emphasis on happy.

The Rainbooms all smiled in admiration of the little dog, while Medusa looked at the dog with newfound fascination and curiosity, "But why?" She asked. "Wouldn't you rather be friends with ssssome other dogsssss? Or perhapssss find a sssspell to change yourssself into a human, sssso you could all be friendssss?"

"Who says we're not friends, just because I'm a dog?" Spike barked in outrage. "I don't know what kind of world you came from, Medusa. But I'm a dog and I'm proud of it."

"But you can talk, like a human," The gorgon pointed out.

"Okay, yeah. There's that. But still, we're all friends here. And I don't even have to be human to be pals with everyone. I still have some dog friends back home, and I get along with them the same I get along with Twilight and the Rainbooms here. Right girls?"

In response, the Rainbooms all exchanged agreements.

"It's strange," Twilight began. "But in a good way. Before, when we first met, I thought you were a cute little puppy who I adopted from the pound. But now, I think of you like you're my little brother, or something."

"Then you have the cutest little brother ever!" Fluttershy squealed excitedly.

"If only your brother was like that," Rainbow Dash snarked.

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy gasped, shocked and appalled at her friend's comment. In response, Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders.

Looking at the girls, then back at the dog, seeing the sincere and mutual love they have towards each other, once again, the same feeling that was both pleasing and uncomfortable has returned, putting her in the same state of confusions and inner conflict as she was before. These girls and their dog, the friendship they're sharing before her very eyes. Their dog was enchanted with the power of speech, yet the girls continued to treat him as if he is no different than they are.

"How?" Medusa began to inquire. "How did you all do it? Thisssss friendssssship you ssssspeak of. How did you manage to accomplissssh ssssuch feat? You're all sssssso different, yet the sssssame. Esssspecccially for you, Sunset," She asked, turning to the fiery haired girl.

"I don't know," Sunset replied. "I tend to wonder why myself. Back when I was Celestia's student, I didn't quite understand friendship so much. But as soon as I started making friends, and proving to everyone that I've really changed for the better, it just became natural," The girl ended with a chuckle and a smile.

Still, Medusa wasn't convinced. Turning to Spike, she asked, "SSSSpike. You sssssaid before that you know a good perssson when you meet one. Tell me, isssss that another form of magic you possssesss?"

"Oh believe me, that's no power," Spike waved his paw. "That's just good instinct for us dogs."

"But how doessss it worked?"

"I don't know why. I guess it's all part of being a dog. Best answer I can think of."

"Well, whether you're a dog or not," Twilight scooped up the little dog and nuzzled him affectionately. "You'll always be my best friend, Spike."

"Hey! Save some Spike love for us, Twilight," Applejack said, as she joined in the moment, followed by the entire Rainbooms.

Spike blinked an eye open, looking to see Medusa has yet to join in the group tender moment, "Well, c'mon! Join in!" He barked, waving his paw for the gorgon to join in, which she hesitantly complied. She held her hand out and gently stroked it across Spike's head, down across his back. The little dog felt soft and warm, just like the girls, and just the way she liked it.

Spike looked up to see some of Medusa's snakes poking their heads from under her hood, hovering up close to him, with their tongues flicking in and out of their mouth. Like most creatures, Spike felt intimidated, if not creeped out by their presence before the snakes all cuddled up to the dog, showering him with affections. One even gave him a big, wet kiss.

The sun was slowly setting down, bathing the sky in a beautiful coat of blazing orange and red.

"Whoo-wee! Day's almost over already!" Applejack hollered in satisfaction.

"Aw, over already? Bummer!" Pinkie Pie pouted.

"Well, like they say. Time flies fast when you're having fun," Twilight quoted.

"Hmph! I want more time!"

Tailing behind the Rainbooms, Sunset was conversing with Maddie, "Isn't today a lot of fun, Maddie?" The fiery girl asked.

"Yessss, indeed it isssss," Maddie replied, while playing a little bit with her shades. "Though, thesssse sshadesss of yourssss. They sssssseem to be much too....dark."

"Well, they are fashionable and functional. Besides, they look good on ya."

"SSSSSo you ssssay," Maddie glanced up to see several people were looking at her oddly. "Their eyessss speak otherwisssse."

"Just ignore them, Maddie. Don't let them bother you."

"How can I not? Maybe I'm the bother them."

"They just haven't seen anyone as, uh.....as unique as you are, before," Sunset reassured. "Just relax a bit, and try to act natural."

Again, Maddie was unsure with Sunset's words. But all the same, she trusted the girl, which says a lot.

"You're a good perssssson, SSSSunssset SSShimmer," Medusa hissed. "Or unicorn? Pony? It'sssss hard to believe sssssomeone like you had onccccce been a demon sorccceressss."

"Join the club," Sunset murmured.

"It'ssss awful nicccce of you and your friendsss for doing ssssso much for me. Tell me....issss thissss how friendsssship feelssss? Hasssss it alwaysssss been thissss magic?"

Sunset chuckled, "Yeah. You could say that friendship is magic."

"Hmmm, friendsssshipssss issss magic," The gorgon murmured to herself. "And yet....familiar? What? Who?" Maddie stopped in her track, when she began hearing voices.

Sunset stopped in her track, turning to look at the troubled gorgon, "Maddie? Something wrong?" But Maddie didn't answer. Instead, she placed a hand to her head, hissing and groaning, as if she was under immense pressure. Taking her chances again, Sunset puts her hand over her geode, then the other on Maddie, and once again, she enters her mind.

In her vision, through Medusa's eyes, Sunset Shimmer finds herself in what appeared to be a city, but the architectures, the designs, appeared to be all outdated. Without a doubt, this must be Greece in its olden days. Everywhere she looked, Sunset could see the people walking and going about their day. However, their faces were all blotted out, as if by some sort of cloudy mist.

A couple of voices spoke up, to which Sunset turned to the left to see two figures standing before her, from Medusa's perspective. Like all the other people walking pass them, their features were concealed, and they talked to Medusa in ancient Greek that Sunset does not understand. Then, in flash of light, with a clap of thunder, the memory took a sudden turn for the worse and the sound of bloodcurdling shrieks of terror rang in Sunset's ears, and like a rushing wave, she was greeted by hundreds of terrified faces, drained of life and color.

Before the memory can proceed any further, Sunset Shimmer finds herself back in reality to look at the distraught Maddie, "You sssssee them, didn't you?" She asked, aware of what Sunset Shimmer had seen. Whether she was referring to the innocent lives she had unintentionally taken, or the mysterious figures prior to the said horror, Sunset simply nodded her head in response.

Medusa wrapped her arms around herself, looking across the sea, as if thinking about returning to her island. Anticipating her returning grievance, Sunset held her arms out and once again, pulled Medusa in for a hug.

Not that she doesn't like the hug. It was still a new feeling for her, and she was still learning a lot of things from the Rainbooms, especially Sunset Shimmer, who is the most sympathetic.

"How?" Medusa asked. "How can you be sssso tolerant towardssss someone like me? You've obviousssssly heard sssso much about me. The sssstories of what my cursssssse issss capable of. You've ssssssseen my passsst. Yet, you ssssstill accccept me?"

"Because it's like I've told you Maddie," Sunset replied. "I understand you. I know what it was like to be a monster, and what it's like be alone and how hard it can be to make some friends, because everyone still remembers the terrible things you did in the past. And obviously, I've had my fair shares of being cursed with some powers I had no idea of controlling. And I think you feel the same way as well."

"You're right, I do," Maddie hissed. "But much deeper than you've ever felt. I hurt people. I've desssstroyed them."

"But it's not like you actually meant for it all to happen."

"Maybe not. But I never wanted to be a monssssster. I can't even remember why I wasss curssssed to be like thisss from the beginning. But whatever it wasssss I wasssss condemned for, it musssst have been awful. I mussssst have been a terrible perssssson asss well."

"So have I. But even then, I never wanted to be a monster. It was never my desire to be a monster, or even be remembered as one. But then Princess Twilight came, and she saved me with the magic of friendship," Sunset took Maddie by the hand, and puts a hand under her chin, directing her gaze to look up at her. "And look at me now." She smiled. "I've changed for the better."

A small sad smile appeared on Maddie's face, before it quickly disappeared, "But jusssst ssssay that my cursssse can never be broken. Even after everything you and the Rainboomssss have gone through..."

"Then at least we're happy to have made a new friend. Even if that friend of ours is unique in her own ways, and she doesn't believe it. Whatever happens, Maddie. I'm not giving up on you. Like Princess Twilight would say, we're friends until the end."

Medusa's eyes widened in fascination, behind her shades, as she took in what Sunset had said, 'Friends until the end,' She thought.

It was short, but sounded strong and encouraging at the same time.

It was only a few minutes, when Sunset Shimmer and Maddie finally caught up with the rest of the Rainbooms. But when they arrived, festivity was in the air, courtesy of another of Pinkie's antic, who had her phone out, and was playing a loud upbeat music, to which she, the Rainbooms, and some people were dancing to.

"Wh-What issss that noissse?" Maddie hissed.

"It's music silly!" Pinkie Pie answered. "It's our hit song! C'mon! Join in!"

"It'ssss not like any mussssice I know," Medusa hissed, folding her arms together. "It'ssss jusssst noisssse," It didn't take long, however, for Medusa to notice some odd things happening to her body, beyond her control. "What? What isssss.....what issss happening to me?" She asked, as her hip swayed to the left and to the right, before her arms followed. "What trickery isss thisss?!"

"It's called dancing!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "DANCE MAGIC!"

"Dancccccing?" Maddie's whole body continued to move, as if the music has taken possession of it, beyond her control. She was shaking her hip, waving her arms, and even bobbing her head from side to side, and her snakes were all hissing, feeling dizzy from the motion.

"Yeah, Maddie! Shake it!" Rainbow whooped.

"I don't–I can't–SSSSunsssset! Help me!"

"Calm down, Maddie," Sunset chuckled, as she joined in. "Just go with it. It's fun."

Dance Magic

Though initially weirded out, and she showed some attempts to resist it, eventually, Medusa finally loosened up as she danced along with the Rainbooms, and Spike.

"There ya go!" Sunset clapped her hands, applauding for the gorgon, who felt free from her worries.

But little did everyone know, aside from the magic of friendship and dance, more magic is at work.

Author's Note:

Speaking of songs. Enjoy this old classic Greek Pop song, performed by Melina Mercouri!

Melina Mercouri – Never On Sunday. alt. in Greek: ‘Τα παιδιά του Πειραιά’ (The children of Piraeus)