• Published 26th Mar 2019
  • 3,696 Views, 284 Comments

🐍 Medusa - Phantom-Dragon

A revival of Lauren Faust's scrapped project and inspired by WubcakeVA. The Rainbooms and friends are teaming up to help Medusa lift her curse.

  • ...

The Island of Monsters

"There it is!" Twilight pointed. "The island of monsters!"

Ahead, is a large island, that is inhabited by all sorts of monsters. The waters that surrounds the landscape is swarming with vicious creatures that sailors have often told stories about, ranging from a giant squid to a monstrous crab. The air was no better, as harpies, griffins, and all kinds of flying monsters filled the sky with terrors.

Without a doubt, the island is certain to be crawling with all sorts of dangers. Greater dangers than anythings the Rainbooms have ever had to contend with in the past.

"Something tells me we've got our works cut out for us now," Applejack mumbled.

"Oh! Oh dear goodness," Fluttershy whimpered.

"Oh yeah!" Rainbow grinned excitedly. "Time to bash some monsters! Ready Pink Spider?"

"Who's Pink Spider?" Pinkie Pie asked, while appearing before her friends, dressed up as a witch in dark robes, and an orange tie with red stripes. "I'm Pinkie Potter!"

In response, the Rainbooms, Maddie, and her cursed sisters, all shot deadpan expression at the pink girl.

"She is an odd one, isn't she?" Stheno asked.

"You don't know the half of it," Maddie sighed.

With Pinkie's awkwardness aside, the heroes resume focusing their task at hand as they slowed down to land on the shoreline of the island.

Once on land, the girls and dog began to sneak through the trees and shrubberies to avoid detection by the island's monsters.

"Are we gonna sneak around all day?" Rainbow asked, sounding rather impatient. "Or are we gonna tangle with some monsters?"

"We can't risk drawing too much attentions to ourselves, Rainbow Dash," Twilight whispered. "Otherwise, we'll be overwhelmed by these monsters and we'll never find Sunset."

As the friends trek through the thickets of the island, Medusa couldn't help but take a glance at the surrounding areas and felt a familiar pull to the land.

Fluttershy immediately catches on to Medusa's concerns, "What is it, Maddie?" Fluttershy asked.

"I...I can't help but get the feeling that thisssss island issss so...familiar..." The cursed gorgon commented.

"Hmmm, now that you mentioned it," Spike began, as he turned to look at a statue of a frightened man. "Doesn't that guy look familiar?"

"Or that one?" Rainbow Dash pointed. "Or...that..."

It didn't take long before the gang all had an epiphany, when they happened to pass by a familiar grove that was once Medusa's residence.

"We're back on Sarpedon!" Twilight exclaimed. "We're back to where we started!"

"Say what?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, before she was shushed by her friends, reminding her of the situation at hand.

"That doesn't make any sense," Applejack shook her head. "Last time we were here, there weren't any monsters...besides you Maddie, no offense."

"None taken," Maddie shrugged.

"But why now?" Fluttershy asked. "Where did they all come from?"

"They're from the Box of Grogar..." Twilight reminded them, as she pointed to the information written in Sunset Shimmer's journal. "Remember what my princess counterpart said? This Box of Grogar has the power to turn anyone, people and animals alike, into monsters. So if there weren't any monsters the last time we were here, and there were now...then that means only one thing."

It didn't take long before the girls, gorgons, and Spike catches onto what Twilight was suggesting.

"The monsters we've been fighting!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "THEY'RE THE ARCHEOLOGISTS!"

"And the poor animals who've been cursed by the box!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Oh no!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, as her colors drained away from her bubbly and happy demeanor. "Maud!"

"Uh, girls?" Spike whimpered, pointing up to the trees.

The heroes all looked up and were horrified to see a flock of harpies, perching in the trees, glaring down at them, like vultures.

"Oh! Oh dear goodness!" Fluttershy whimpered as she hides behind Rainbow Dash.

"What do we do now?" Applejack asked.

"That's a no-brainer! WE FIGHT!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she activates her geode's power and runs up the trees, towards the harpies.

The harpies immediately scattered as they took flight, to evade the rainbow haired girl's attack. In retaliation, one of the harpies dives towards Rainbow Dash, knocking the girl off. Thankfully, Stheno manages to catch Rainbow before she hits the ground. The stone gorgon then looked up at the attacking harpies, and she retaliated by slashing her claws at the bird monsters.

"Easy there, sugarcubes!" Applejack said. "Remember, if these monsters are actually people hexed by the box, then we don't want to pulverize them to oblivion!"

"Kinda hard not to when they're trying to pulverize us," Rainbow Dash spatted.

"We have to get away before more of them arrive!" Twilight shouted.

"Twilight's right, darlings!" Rarity added. "Let's get going! Now!"

"Euryale," Stheno turned to her sister, who inhaled a deep breath before letting out a piercing shriek that stuns the harpies.

The Rainbooms, Maddie, Stheno, and Spike had to cover their ears to shield their hearings from the earsplitting shriek.

After her task was done, Euryale turned to her sisters and friends, "That won't stop them for long! We have to move now!"

"Look out!" Fluttershy pointed to the trees, to see several more monsters have arrived. "More monsters coming after us!"

"This way!" Rainbow Dash said as she took the lead.

The road ahead of the heroes was a hard one, as everywhere the looked, left and right are monsters about. Monsters of different shapes, sizes, and species were all lunging towards the heroines and dog from every directions.

"YIPE!!" Spike barked in fright, when he was nearly snapped up by what appeared to be a wolf, made of sticks.

The timberwolf, wasn't alone, unfortunately, as it was accompanied by a whole pack of more wolves, made of sticks. Medusa tried to stop the timberwolves in their tracks with her petrifying gaze, but like the robotic Stymphalian birds, her magical eyes have no effect on the wooden canines.

Luckily, Applejack, with the power of her geode, made quick works of the timberwolves with her super strength as she pounded her fist into the ground, shaking the earth, and thrusted her legs out into a powerful kick to break the wolves into splinters.

"Oh, the poor things," Fluttershy whimpered.

"They were going to eat us," Rainbow frowned. "You want them to kill us, than for us to turn them into toothpicks?"

"If I may interrupt your, what do you call it? SSSSSpat?" Maddie spoke up, pointing her friends' attentions to the wooden remains of the wolves, to show they were coated in a spooky dark aura, as they reassemble themselves into bigger wolves.

"Oh yeah," Rainbow said in sarcasm. "This just keeps getting better and better."

Stheno and Euryale stepped forth to fend off the timberwolves.

"Leave these mongrels to us!" Stheno suggested. "Protect our sister!"

"You can count on us," Rainbow saluted as she and her friends took their leave.

Along the way, a minotaur came charging towards the heroes. Applejack quickly stopped the charing bull-man, grabbing it by the horn, before she mustered up every ounce of strength her geode can provide to flip the enchanted man onto his back. Suddenly, without warning, Applejack was pounced by a griffin from behind.

"HEY!" Rainbow Dash shouted, kicking the griffin in the face, knocking it off her friend. "Keep your claws off my friend!"

Angered, the griffin snarled at Rainbow Dash before it let out an earsplitting roar that sounded like a mix of an eagle and a lion, and it lunged towards Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash quickly stepped to the side, to dodge a strike from the griffin. Then she stepped to the side to evade another strike from the griffin, before she charged in to retaliate. Unfortunately, a stray stick was in the way, and Rainbow Dash tripped on it.

"WHOA!" Rainbow screamed, falling to the ground, at the griffin's claws. With its opponent down, the griffin grabs Rainbow Dash by the shoulders with its claws and began to flap its wings. "AAAH!! Hey! PUT ME DOWN!!!" Rainbow Dash looked down and her eyes widened to see how high they've flown. "No, wait! I mean, don't put me down!" Rainbow whimpered, but the griffin didn't listen and released its talons. "AAAAAAAHHH!!!" Rainbow screamed as she falls back to the ground, before she was snatched up by the griffin again, who threw her back up into the air.

"RAINBOW!!!" Fluttershy screamed in horror, watching as the griffin continue to throw Rainbow Dash in the air.

Then, to further the horrifying experience, a whole flock of harpies swarmed around the griffin and Rainbow Dash, in a swarm, and they all lunged towards Rainbow Dash. The harpies snatched Rainbow Dash away from the griffin, with one of them holding the girl by her hair as it tosses her to another, who snatched the girl in its talons, before dropping her to the ground.

"RAINBOW DASH!!!" Fluttershy screamed.

Twilight held her hand out, while using the other to activate her geode's powers. With that, she telekinetically caught Rainbow Dash in the air.

"I've got her!" Twilight shouted.

"But here they come!" Spike pointed, as the harpies all dived towards Rainbow Dash.

"I'll stop them!" Rarity said, activating her geode's powers to fire several crystal shards at the attacking harpies, knocking them out of the sky.

"Mind if I join in?" Maddie offered, as her spitting cobras went to work, shooting down the harpies.

After fending off the harpies and griffin, Rainbow Dash was successfully recovered and regrouped with her friends, "Phew, thanks girls," Rainbow breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought I was a goner that time."

"Oh, Dashie!" Fluttershy quickly went to work, inspecting her friend. "Are you alright?"

"I'll live," Rainbow Dash groaned, before she pushes Fluttershy out of the way. "LOOK OUT!!" Rainbow Dash ducked her head in time, just as a swift of blur nearly tackled them.

When the girls and dog looked up, there in front of them, stood a snake-like monster, but not a gorgon. In appearance, the monster has the upper body of a human female, but the lower body of a python, with a rattlesnake's rattle at the tip. Pinkie Pie could hardly believe her eyes.

"MAUD?!!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"MAUD?!!" Most of the Rainbooms and Spike exclaimed.

Hissing menacingly and furiously was the former stone-faced and older sister of Pinkie Pie. Maud Pie opened up her mouth to bare her new fangs and a forked tongue to show the madness she has been cursed with.

"Maud!" Pinkie Pie pleaded desperately. "It's me! Pinkie Pie! Your sister! Don't you remember?"

But Maud didn't answer. In a blur, Maud Pie lunges forward in a blur, thrusting her hands out, knocking Pinkie Pie down to the ground. Without giving Pinkie a chance to get up, Maud Pie leapt up into the air and squashes Pinkie Pie beneath her massive coil.

"Get off of her!" Applejack shouted to Maud, with a lasso in hand, only to be taken by surprise, from behind. "AAAH!!!" Applejack screamed, falling to the ground, before she got back up and finds herself face-to-face with the minotaur.

With a loud bellowing roar, the minotaur brought its bulky arms down onto the country girl. But Applejack caught its hands and fought back. But despite her geode's enhancement, to Applejack, it felt as if she was pushing against the side of a mountain. Before the minotaur could overpower Applejack, it was tripped up by a sudden whip to its cloven hooves, causing it to lose its footings, allowing Applejack to throw the minotaur off.

Applejack looked down to see the tip of a snake's tail slithering away, before looking back to see it was none other than Maddie who tripped the minotaur.

"Phew, thanks Maddie," Applejack gave the gorgon a thumbs up. "Knew we can count on ya."

"You would do the ssssame...for me," Maddie panted heavily, before she turned back to Maud Pie, who was fighting off Rainbow Dash and Rarity, as they tried to rescue Pinkie Pie.

Maddie looks down to see the frightened Pinkie Pie, beneath the cursed lamia's coils, "Forgive me, Pinkie Pie," With a lunge of her coil, Maddie tackled Maud to the side, and together, the two cursed snake monsters fought to the ground.

If it wasn’t for the hoodie she was given, Medusa’s stand off with the enchanted Maud Pie was like a king cobra fighting a diamondback rattlesnake.

Maud Pie made the first move and strikes first, but Maddie slithered to the side and counters with a slash of her claws.

“Easy there, Maddie!” Applejack shouted. “Remember, that’s Pinkie’s sister you’re fighting there!”

“My apologiessss,” Maddie apologized.

Maud Pie struck again, slashing her claws and whips her tail at Maddie, who continued to slither away to avoid the attacks. Maud Pie lunged again towards Maddie, who caught the cursed lamia by the claws, and they both wrestled each other for dominance, in a tangled mess of coils. Maddie’s snakes all hissed fiercely as they snap their fangs at Maud, before a spitting cobra spits its venomous saliva, blinding the lamia.

Maddie through Maud off, who immediately slithered away, retreating into the shrubs.

“MAUD PIE!!!” Pinkie shouted, holding her hands out for her sister.

“We’ll come back for her later!” Applejack pulled Pinkie back. “We have to find Sunset and close the box!”

“Uh, girls?” Spike barked in alarm, pointing to more oncoming hordes of monsters.

"There's too many of them!" Fluttershy pointed.

“Let’s go and find someplace to hide!” Applejack insisted.

“But where?” Twilight asked.

“I know a placcccce,” Maddie hissed, as she lead the way. “Follow me! Hurry!”

With that, the Rainbooms and Spike all follows Maddie into the woods, to escape from the oncoming monsters.

[End of Song]

After a near death experience and a fight for their lives, Maddie, the Rainbooms, and Spike took refuge, in a cave. In the familiar grove that was once cursed gorgon’s home, littered with the statues of the unfortunate creatures who crossed path with Maddie, centuries ago.

“I think we lost them,” Applejack panted heavily.

“I hope so,” Rainbow Dash sighed. “I’m all up for adventure, but I don’t want it to be the death of me...Though, that would be awesome.”

“Rainbow!” The Rainbooms scolded.

“You’re right. Not helping,” Rainbow slumped against the wall of the cave, wincing from the bruises she received from the griffin and harpies.

Meanwhile, Medusa slithered at the entrance of her cavern, keeping an eye out for any monsters, while surveying her surrounding areas of her former home. Though, the look on her face was clear that the statues were no longer frightening for her.

"Maddie?" Applejack began. "Are y'all right?"

"...How can I?" Maddie asked. "Thisssss island wasssss my ssshelter. My home. My placccce of exxxile. Never in my nightmaressss have I thought of coming back to find it infested with monssssterssss. And all becaussssse of a boxxx."

"Yeah, it's real shocker for us too," Rainbow Dash added. "To think, there was a magic box close to us the whole time. Though, not to be a stickler of stories, or anything...but wasn't it called 'Pandora's Box?'"

"You're right, Rainbow Dash," Twilight confirmed. "But I did some research in my Greek Mythology encyclopedia, and as it turns out, there was a mistranslation. According to myths, what we thought was a box, in actuality, Pandora had opened the lid off of a jar called a pithoi, which releases all the evils into the world."

"So?" Rainbow asked, not sure where Twilight was going with this knowledge.

"So, I'm thinking the entire Pandora Box mythology got started because of this Grogar's Box," Twilight theorized. "Which could possibly mean someone might've opened the box before and created lots of monsters! The question is who? And when?"

"Who cares about that now?" Rainbow asked. "We're here to find and save Sunset Shimmer. And then we can find that box and close it up for good, before it can make more monsters!"

"Rainbow Dash's right," Applejack said. "Wherever that box is, it's already turned Maud Pie and the archeologists into monsters. And if we don't hurry, it could end up turning the whole world into monsters."

"But where can find it?" Rarity asked. "For all I know, it could be anywhere on the island. And by the time we find it, we'll be overrun by those dreadful monsters outside. It's no use! We are doomed!" The fashionista cried dramatically, much to her friends' annoyance.

"You have to be overdramatic about everything, don't you, Rarity?" Applejack frowned.

"Still, Rarity's right," Twilight began. "If we're going to save Sunset, and the world, then first thing's first. We need to find that box and destroy it. Once it's gone, then every monsters the box had created will all change back to the way they were before! And then we can all find Sunset and go home!"

"But where can we find it?" Fluttershy asked.

Maddie looked outside her cave and looked up in the air. That was when she noticed a light show of menacing auras, on top of a hill, where flocks of harpies have clouded the air.

"Uh, my friendsss?" Maddie hissed, before she pointed in the direction of the light show and their source.

After evading some of the monsters that patrolled the island, the heroes were all climbing up a marble staircase, up to the top of a hill, where a temple rests. There, at the other side of the temple, rests an opened box. Standing before the box was a large shadowy figure of a winged creature. Surrounding the figure and the box were several statues of past guards.

As if sensing their presence, the figure turned to look at them, and the Rainboom's horrors have been realized. Standing before them, once again breathing and walking on the face of their world, is the demon sorceress of their friend, Sunset Shimmer.

"Welcome back to Sarpedon, my friends," Demon Sunset greeted. "I've been waiting for you all to arrive. I wanted you to have a front row seat as I begin the main event."

"We're too late!" Applejack bemoaned. "She's been corrupted!"

"Sunset! Snap out of it!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "This isn't you! You're better than this!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha, the Sunset Shimmer you knew and loved is gone," The demon sorceress cackled. "I, Demon Sorceress Sunset, am back in control. Thanks to this Box of Grogar behind me," She pointed to the box behind her. "Had I known it was here in this world, I wouldn't even bother stealing the magic crown of Princess Twilight Sparkle a few years back. I would've diverted all of my time and resources searching for this one box, granting me the power to change the world to my liking and the ability to create and control a whole army of monsters at my disposal."

"No, Sunset!" Twilight shouted. "Don't do this! I beg of you! The power doesn't belong to you, or either of us! Don't you remember what you've taught me the last time I became a demon sorceress like you?"

"Yes, I remember," Demon Sunset scowled. "Sunset wanted to save you and to teach you friendship, when she should've helped you unlock your full potential. No matter, it's not too late for you to join me, Twilight. Together, we can rule all, have all. And with these monsters under our commands, there's nothing and no one who can stop us!"

"Not gonna happen!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

Unfazed, Demon Sunset merely scoffed and laughed, "I was hoping you would say that," She smiled. "Why conquer the world in a hurry, when I could have the last pleasure of destroying you all? Princess Twilight Sparkle isn't here to save you this time!"

Demon Sunset Shimmer started the fight with a hurl of her claws and threw a fireball their way. Rarity quickly activated her geode's powers to create a wall of crystal shields to protect herself and her friends. The fireball exploded upon impact, but it was so strong, that it knocked Rarity off her feet, scattering her crystal shields and knocked everyone across the temple.

The heroes got up in time to see Demon Sunset flying towards them, with a fist raised for a punch at Applejack. Applejack activated her geode's powers as she held her hands up to block the attack, but Demon Sunset was still strong enough to punch the country girl through a pillar.

"Ooh, that felt so good!" Demon Sunset smirked as she picked Applejack up by the neck. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that!" The demon was about to raise her claw up for another punch, when a sprinkle bomb was thrown and exploded in her face.

"And I'm sorry we have to do this to you, Sunset!" Pinkie Pie frowned. "Really, it hurts me more than it hurts you!"

"Aw, my heart aches," Demon Sunset scoffed. "If I HAD A HEART FOR YOU!!!" With a wave of her hand, the demon threw a wave of fire at the Rainbooms.

Reacting fast, Twilight stepped in and used her geode's power to create a forcefield that protects herself and her friends from the incoming firewalls.

Zipping from behind a pillar, Rainbow Dash leapt up in a flying kick and landed a blow to Demon Sunset's face.

"OW!" Rainbow Dash winced, hopping on one foot, while clutching the other. "I'm gonna feel this tomorrow."

"For you, there is no tomorrow!" Demon Sunset sneered, grabbing Rainbow Dash by the hair, before she puckered her fingers together and blew a whistle, summon a pair of harpies, with the griffin from before. "Make quick work with this one. Make it slow. Make it painful!"

"NO!" Fluttershy stepped in between the monsters and Rainbow Dash, and stared the monsters down. "You will not hurt my friend! You want her? You gotta go through me first!" The griffin and harpies began to back down at Fluttershy's words, coupled with the intensive stare she was giving them.

"Don't listen to this mortal, fools!" Demon Sunset barked. "She's weak! She can't hurt you! Do as I say and kill Rainbow Dash!" The griffin and harpies frightfully begin to comply to the demon sorceress's words as they advanced on Rainbow Dash.

"You hurt one hair on her, and you will answer to me!" Fluttershy scolded sternly.

"I AM YOUR MASTER!!!" Demon Sunset shouted. "You answer to me!"

"Forgive me, SSSSSunssssset," Before Demon Sunset could react, a pair of claws reached out and grabbed the demon from behind, covering her eyes.

"What is this?!" Demon Sunset exclaimed, reaching up to pry the claws off. "GET OFF OF ME!!" She shouted, while releasing Rainbow Dash in the process.

"Maddie?!" Rainbow exclaimed, looking up to see the cursed gorgon, coiling herself around the demon, struggling to hold her down.

"The boxxxxx!" Maddie directed her friends' attentions to the magic box. "CLOSE IT! QUICKLY!!!"

"Uh...right!" Applejack nodded.

After recovering from their shocks, the Rainbooms all raced towards the box, in a combined effort to close it and end its magic. Unfortunately, the task was easier said than done.

"It won't shut!" Applejack grunted, despite activating her geode's power of super strength.

"Well, try harder!" Twilight grunted, as she struggles to telekinetically pull the lid down.

"FOOLS!!!" Demon Sunset roared, after she blasted Maddie off of her, and held her claw out to telekinetically pulls the Rainbooms away from the box. "Did you honestly think it would be that easy? The box was made by Grogar to contain his spells to create monsters. But like all the monsters it created, it needs a leader. So they chose me! And as long as I will it, the box will never be shut! I should know, it told me itself."

"IT told you?" Rainbow asked. "What? Can it talk or something?"

"In a way, yes," Demon Sunset continued to boast. "It also told me how it served its purpose to Eris, long ago, in ancient times when Greece was still young, and before Maddie become the abomination she is today."

"Eris?" Twilight asked. "As in the goddess of chaos and discord?"

"Ah, someone's been doing their homeworks..." Demon Sunset smirked. "Then you should know also know how Eris never received a temple of her own in ancient Greece. And because of that, she felt rather offended, if not insulted. And so she took it out on mankind for centuries, using every tricks up sleeves to create chaos. Which included cursing Medusa and making it look as if Athena did it."

"WHAT?!" The Rainbooms and Spike exclaimed at the revelation, though none was more shocked than Medusa herself.

"Oh yes, it was a surprise for me as well. And a hilarious one at that!" Demon Sunset continued to laugh. "It was so simple, yet effective. And for thousands of years. Open up the box, curse an innocent maiden because she wasn't thrilled about her own unique identity. Frame Athena, with millions and millions of statues to pay for it all. And it would've gotten away for even more thousands of years, until you meddlers had to get in the way."

Demon Sunset then turned to a shocked Medusa, "But don't worry, Maddie," The demon sorceress smirked. "After this, I'll think about creating a world of monsters, just for you and I. That way, you'll never feel alone again, and you will feel welcome in a world where we're all the same."

Spider–Man vs. Doctor Octopus PS4(29:44 - 46:48

After what felt like hours as she struggles to process the shocking revelations behind her curse, Medusa turned her attention towards the box that had been the cause of all her troubles. She looked back at the monsters that have plagued the island, and soon to be the rest of the world. She looked back up, with sadness and fear, at the sight of the demon sorceress that was once her friend.

Her heart began to beat louder and louder, faster than a drum, as her eyes narrowed with anger, and her snakes all hissed aggressively to add to the ferocity of her appearance.

"I...am...NOT...LIKE YOU!!!!" With a loud scream, Medusa leapt forward and tackled Demon Sunset, towards the box, knocking them both out of the temple.

"MADDIE!!!" The Rainbooms and Spike followed outside and watched as their cursed gorgon friend, Maddie, battles the demon sorceress of Sunset Shimmer, for the box.

"THISSSS ENDSSSS NOW!!!" Medusa wailed, as she continues to make several lunges towards Demon Sunset, trying to get pass the demon sorceress for the box.

"It will never end!" Demon Sunset spatted, as she fired several fireballs at the gorgon. "I didn't came this far to see it all gone because of a wretched snake in the grass, who can't see my way!"

"On the contrary," Maddie hissed. "I can ssssee CLEARLY, thankssss to you!" The gorgon's spitting cobras continued to fire several poison darts at the demon, who magically repels them with her powers.

"Aren't you suppose to be my friend?" Demon Sunset taunted, while blocking some of Medusa's poison attacks.

"I AM your friend!" Maddie hissed as she lunges towards the demon. "But thissss issssn't you!"

With a disgusted grunt, Demon Sunset blasted Medusa off of her, "This is EXACTLY who I am!" She roared, as she continued to fire several fireballs at the gorgon.

"MADDIE!!" Rarity shouted as she jumped in and protected the gorgon with her crystal shields. "Are you alright, darling?"

"I'm okay..." Maddie panted heavily. "Just tired..."

"Well, we gotta close that box and fast!" Rainbow Dash said as she joins the two by their sides. "If we can close and destroy it, there's a chance we can turn Sunset back to normal!"

"You'll never close the box in time," Demon Sunset smirked. "After 24 hours, the victims of the box will be monsters forever!" The heroes were even more horrified by the revelation. "And last I checked, it's been at least 23 hours since I've been reborn. And in a few minutes, I'll be here to stay and you will never see your precious Sunset Shimmer again!"

"NOOOOOO!!!" The Rainbooms screamed as they all made desperate lunges towards the box, only to be repelled by Demon Sunset's powers.

"SSSSunsssset!" Maddie hissed sadly, as she blinks away her third eyelids, "Forgive me. But thissss hassss to sssstop!" The gorgon gazes her petrifying stare at the demon, who immediately shields herself with her wings.

"Your power is formidable, yes," Demon Sorceress smirked. "But it only works if you can see!" With that, Demon Sunset opened her hand and fired a blinding flash of light, straight at Medusa's unprotected eyes.

"AAAAH!!!" Maddie winced as she fell back onto her coils.

"Maddie!" The Rainbooms and Spike gathered around the gorgon.

"Maddie?" Applejack called. "Are y'alright?"

"Applejack? Is that you?" Maddie asked, as she looked up, turning her head to reveal her eyes have lost their color. "Where are you? I can't see? Why is it so dark?"

The heroes were horrified, "She's blind!"

"As a bat," Demon Sunset sneered. "But don't waste all your tears on her. You should really save some for each other! HA!" With a wave of her hands, the demon sorceress threw a fireball that exploded, scattering the Rainbooms and Spike away from Maddie. "I'll be back for you later, Medusa. You'll see soon enough."

With a flap of her wings, Demon Sunset resumes the battle with the Rainbooms, while Spike went off to hide, while the blinded Medusa fumbled around.

"Sunset!" Applejack exclaimed in horror. "Do you have any idea what you've done?!"

"Yes, I do," Demon Sunset cackled, as she fired a fireball at the country girl. "I'm changing the world! But before I can do that, I need to let go of some unnecessary baggages!"

"You're insane!" Rainbow Dash said as she ran circles around the demon.

"You're sick, Sunset!" Twilight said in worry, as she fought the demon, telekinetically. "Let us help you!"

"I have all the helps I need!" Demon Sunset's eyes glowed in a menacing aura as she summons every monsters on the island to come to her aid. "And I will not stop until I've achieved the future for all monsters!"

"And we are gonna have to stop it! PINKIE!!!" Rainbow Dash shouted, to which Pinkie Pie threw several sprinkle bombs, creating a multicolored fog that blankets the entire fight.

Demon Sunset grunted as she fans the fogs away, until she catches sight of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie making a run for the box. Just as the girls could reach for it, they were stopped by the griffin from before. With a loud screech, the griffin lunges towards Rainbow Dash and the two rolled down the hill in a tussle, while Demon Sunset sets her sight on Pinkie Pie.

"You think you can stand in the way of the future?!" The demon screamed. "I. AM. THE FUTURE!!!"

"AAAAAH!!!" Pinkie Pie screamed as she threw a sprinkle bomb at the demon to escape.

"RARRRGH!!! ENOUGH!!!" Demon Sunset scanned amidst the battle, before she finds the little dog, Spike, hiding behind a tree. She held her claws out, focusing her telekinetic powers to bring the dog to her.

"Hey, what's happening?!" Spike barked in alarm. "HELP! Put me down!"

"SPIKE!!" Twilight shouted in alarm, turning away from the monsters she was fighting.

"STOP!" Demon Sunset commanded, holding Spike in her claws. "One more step from any of you and the dog gets it!"

"HELP!!" Spike barked tearfully. "Twilight! Help!"

"Spike..." Twilight whimpered, as she and the Rainbooms all stood down, out of worry for their little dog friend. "Please...don't hurt him..." Twilight pleaded.

"Don't worry...I won't hurt him," Demon Sunset smirked as she walks over to Grogar's Box. "I think he'd make an excellent monster, would you agree?"

"No!" Twilight wailed desperately.

"Sunset..." Medusa hissed wearily, with her snakes hissing to match her mood. Tracing her claws up to her chest, she clutched tightly to the geode amulet that once belonged to Sunset.

"He'd make an excellent attack dog," The demon commented. "And not so fluffy."

"But I like fluffy," Spike barked.

"Say good-bye, while you still can," Demon Sunset grinned evilly as she walks closer to the box, with the dog in her claws.

"SSSSunssset!!!" Maddie cried, lunging towards the demon, guided by the pulls from her snakes.

The blinded gorgon's aim was true, though she only managed to grab the demon by the arm.

"Get off of me!" The demon scowled, struggling to shake Maddie off.

"SSSSunsssset!" Maddie hissed. "Pleassssse, come back!"

"Get off of me, you–" Demon Sunset was cut off, when the Geode of Empathy around Medusa's neck lit up. "Ah, what?! What is this light?! What is this magic?!!" Distracted, she released her grip on Spike, who quickly jumped into Twilight's arms for protection.

"Oh, Spike!" Twilight cuddled the dog, as she and the Rainbooms looked up to see the magic at work.

"What's happening?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know," Twilight replied, as she and her friends watch the struggle between Medusa and Demon Sunset.

"SSSSUN...SSSSET!!!" Maddie grunted, as the magic of the geode took hold of its original owner, and the gorgon finds herself entering the demon's thoughts.

"SSSSunssset...SSSSunsssset?" Medusa called out in the darkness. "SSSSunsssset? Where are you? Where am I?"

"Maddie?" Sunset spoke up, to which Medusa turned to see the fiery girl chained up in the air, by a net of dark chains.

"SSSSunsssset!" The gorgon called out, slithering up to the fiery girl. "SSSSunssssset! I knew I would find you...are you alright?"

"Maddie...I...how did you find me?" Sunset wearily asked. "Where am I? Where are we? No...wait...I...I think I remember..." The fiery girl groaned as she struggles to process what's been happening. "I remember being taken by the harpies. I was on the island of Sarpedon. And...no..." The fiery girl broke down in tears. "They've done it...Once again, I've become a demon...why..."

"SSSSunsssset..." Maddie began as she strokes Sunset's cheek. "We're here to ssssave you...but we need your help!"

"Help?" Sunset asked wearily. "What can I do? I'm trapped in my mind. I can see what I'm doing, but I can't stop it..."

Maddie shook her head in denial, "You can't give up on usssss now, SSSSunsssset!" The gorgon hissed. "You told me that I sssshould never let my passssst stop me from making my future. You taught me that there'ssss friendssssship worth fighting for. Your friendssss have sssshown me that differencccesss can make me ssssstrong!"

"I know..." Sunset replied. "But that was before they turned me into this...."

"...SSSSo what? You never let that sssstop you from helping me! Now it'ssss my turn to help you. Pleasssse SSSunssset. I came all thissss way, to sssssave you, becaussssse I believed in you!"


But before their mindful talk can continue, the inner demon of Sunset took over and pulled Maddie out of her thought.

"SSSSUNSSSSETTT!!!" Maddie wailed as she was pulled away from the fiery girl's thought.

"MADDIE!!" Sunset mentally screamed.

With a flick of her arm, Demon Sunset tossed Maddie to the ground.

"Nice try, snake," The demon glowered. "But too bad it was all in vain. So much for friendship!" The demon then conjured up a fireball in her claws. "But tell you what? Since I like you so much, Medusa. I'll let you go first, so you don't have to see me destroy the others one-by-one!"

In defense, the Rainbooms all gathered around Medusa, standing protectively over her.

"You'll have to get through us first pal!" Rainbow challenged.

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie added.

"A pleasure!" Demon Sunset smirked, when a sudden surge of light enveloped her from her heart. "AH!!" Demon Sunset winced from the sudden light. "What...what is this?!"

Then, out of nowhere, Sunset Shimmer's voice was heard, "Thank you for believing in my, my friends," Sunset Shimmer spoke.

"Sunset!" The Rainbooms, Spike, and Medusa exclaimed.

"Sunset?" Medusa rubbed her eyes, slowly regaining her visions. "Is...is that you I hear?" For a brief moment, Medusa was certain she saw a vision of Sunset Shimmer, exactly the way she was before.

"Hey girls, and Spike," Sunset Shimmer greeted invisibly. "Sorry I had you all worried. Now it's my turn to save the day...again...as a friend."

The heroes watched as the demon sorceress began to wobble her way towards the box.

"No!" Demon Sunset groaned, as she struggled to regain control. "STOP! What are you doing?!"

"Coming to my senses," Sunset Shimmer replied, as she forced herself towards the box. "Must. Destroy. The box!"

“NO!!!” The demon pulled herself away, only for Sunset to pull back.



“No we DON’T!!!”

“BUT IT’S OUR DREAM!!! You wanted to rule the worlds!”


Mustering every ounces of her strength, Sunset threw herself onto the box, forcing it to reclaim its magic spells on the creatures it had enchanted on the island.

“NOOOOO!!!!” Demon Sunset yelled in horror, watching the box’s magics, lifting off the creatures and returning them back to their original forms.

The timberwolves and Stymphalian Birds were restored to be sticks and stones, while the Griffin and harpies were restored to being ordinary birds. As for the rest of the monsters, they were restored to being the archeologists team.

“It’s working!” Twilight exclaimed with excitement.

“Girls! Look!” Spike pointed to see the demon sorceress’s appearance, melting away to reveal half of Sunset Shimmer’s face.

"Girls!" Sunset Shimmer called out, as she struggled to force the box closed. "You know what to do! Destroy the box! QUICKLY!!!"

“Uh, right!” Twilight soon joined hands with the rest of the girls, minus Medusa, as they focused their friendship together, feeling the magic manifesting through their body.

A beautiful magical rainbow burst from the Rainbooms as it arches up in the air and falls down towards the box, enveloping its entirety in a coat of blinding light. Cracks started to form on the box, as its dark magics were leaked, until at last, it shattered into millions of pieces.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!" Demon Sunset wailed, as the magic washes over her and completely restores Sunset Shimmer back to the way she was.

"BEGONE!!!" Sunset Shimmer screamed, glad to have the magic cleanse her of her dark, evil demon half. Hopefully, for good this time.

However, the magic didn't stop there, as it spreads across the land, washing over all the monsters it touches on the island and beyond. In shimmering sparkles of lights, the monsters were all reverted back to their true forms, people and animals alike.

"What...happened?" Professor Fossil asked, while noticing how she was hanging on a statue, as if she was a monkey.

"I don't know," Maud Pie answer in her usual monotone voice. "But has anyone seen Boulder?"

Meanwhile, back in the fight, Grogar's box was no more, along with all the darkness it contained. But that wasn't all. The vile creature that was formerly the demon sorceress, laid on the ground, burnt, battered, but very much alive. From the ashes, laid the fiery girl the heroes had all came for.

"SSSunsssset..." Medusa hissed as she slithered over to the girl, with the Rainbooms and Spike gathering around.

At that moment, Stheno and Euryale arrived on the scene.

"Is everyone alright?" Stheno asked, before she noticed the girls and dog, gathering around their unconscious friend.