• Published 26th Mar 2019
  • 3,690 Views, 284 Comments

šŸ Medusa - Phantom-Dragon

A revival of Lauren Faust's scrapped project and inspired by WubcakeVA. The Rainbooms and friends are teaming up to help Medusa lift her curse.

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Heroes, Gods, and Monsters

It was cool, breezy, summer night in Piraeus. Many fishing boats had just docked into the harbors, reeling in their latest catch.

Once they were secured in place by their ropes, many of the fishermen proceeded to unload their cargos of fishes, squids, crabs, and all kinds of sea creatures. The fishy stenches filled the air, attracting the gulls that circled overhead, looking for their next meals.

But the smell of fishes didn't just attract the gulls. Danger lurks beneath the waters and the boats, with only the thought of dinner on its mind.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the night sky, a lone owl was flying overhead, before it turned its wings, flying lower and lower, into the port city of Pireas.

"Where-where am I? How did I get here?" Medusa asked herself, finding herself in a large city of old. ā€œWait, I know this place! Iā€™ve been here before!ā€ She gasped in amazement, immediately recognizing the familiar, yet fading scenery from her memory. ā€œThis is-this was home! Home....ā€

Before long, Medusa found herself surrounded by many young men, whose faces were all obscured, fading away to be forgotten to the cruelty of time.

But even with their facial expressions made undistinguishable, Medusa can tell from the gestures they make with their body, the bundles of flowers they brought to her as gifts, and they way they all greeted her and courted her in Ancient Greek, it was clear that they were all attracted to her.

She looked down at herself, to see she was no longer covered in sickly green scales, nor does she have sharp claws, and she has legs instead of a large serpent's tail. But the most distinguishable feature of all, she has hairs instead of snakes. She is ā€“ at least in her dreams and memories ā€“ human. Pushing through the males he were courting her, Maddie rushed towards a nearby fountain, to look at herself in the water. However, upon gazing into the waters, she was dismayed to see her own reflection was obscured, just like the people who surrounded her.

Then, in a blink of an eye, the waters in the fountain started to churn and splashed vigorously, as if the water was coming to life. Before Maddie knew it, the water erupted, blasting itself towards Maddie, who was taken by surprise and instantly shuts her eyes closed, bracing herself from the watery impact. But it never came.

Taking her chances, Maddie slowly opened her eyes, blinking herself awake, and finds herself back in the hotel room.

"What?" She asked herself. "I'm back," She turned her head, side to side, finding herself in bed, with Fluttershy beside her, together with a few of her sleeping snakes.

A small smile curved itself up at the corner of her lips, relieved to see Fluttershy was still in bed with her, sleeping at her side. It's a tremendous comfort for Medusa, because it means it wasn't a dream that she had met and befriended a group of strange girls and talking dog. Furthermore, she doesn't have to wake up in an empty cave and be greeted by a garden of lifeless, horrified statues.

After a whole day spent with her new friends, Maddie can't deny that it was a joyful experience. For centuries, and for as long as she can remember, she has always been alone. All because she is different from the rest of the world. All because in the eyes of the people around the world, and in accordance to the stories they have passed on for generations, she is a monster. A grotesque, demonic, terrifying monster of a cursed and traumatized soul. One whose humanity was forever taken from her, against her own will and beyond her control. She was no longer an ordinary human female, but neither is she an ordinary creature. She became something that solely exists in myths and legends, with terrifying powers that the faint of hearts can scarcely imagine. All this negativity, this fearful and horrible reputation she never desired. It isolated her, denying her of companionship from the outside world.

But now, that feeling of horror and despair was beginning to lose its grip on her. It was all amazing as to how it was all made possible, by a group of strange girls, each gifted with unique powers in the name of friendship. A friendship that was made magical and possible, courtesy of one fiery unicorn who came from another world. And to further her fascination, it was hard for Medusa to even believe that same unicorn was once a demon sorceress, who now seeks friendship to repent her past mistakes. That unicorn, who has transformed herself into a human being, is now one of her friends, if not her very best and faithful, of all friends. Medusa has longed for companionship, but she never expected it to be in the form of a group of colorful girls, with a talking dog. Though their first meeting was rather.....unwelcoming, the Rainbooms and Spike had all invited her into their group and they were all more than willing to help her with her current condition.

But can they truly succeed in their quest? Only time will tell.

Twilight was in her room, reading a book on Greek Mythology, "I always knew it'd be a good idea to bring a book on Greek Mythology with me on this trip," Twilight commented. "And I was right!"

"Yeah, you've said that for like several times since we've met Maddie," Spike grumbled in annoyance.

"Well it's true. Besides, now's a good time as any for me to brush up on my mythologies and maybe find a way for us to help her with her curse."

"So, did you find anything?"

"I'm getting there."

Just then, the door to their bathroom was opened, and Sunset Shimmer stepped out, wearing her pajamas, "Hey Twilight," Sunset greeted. "What're you looking at?"

"Just reading some Greek Mythologies, Sunset," Twilight answered. "I have a feeling the answer to Medusa's curse is in here somewhere."

Sunset looked at the girl, skeptical at her course of action, "Twilight, I don't think that's going to work," She frowned. "I know my stories as much as you do, and Maddie's living proof that many of those stories aren't all true. Half-true that is."

"Well, what else can we do?" Twilight asked. "You've already tried looking into her memories, and that's hardly gotten us anywhere. And whenever we try to ask her how she became this way, it's clear she'd rather not talk about it."

Though she hates to admit it, Sunset nodded, knowing Twilight was right. Still, for Maddie's sake, they've got to try, "Well, any ideas on what we can do now?"

Twilight looked back in her book and looked through the pages, before she arrived on the section that describes the details to Medusa's legend, "Well, there have been many versions of Medusa, and how she was like this. Some say she was just born this way, along with her two sisters, Stheno and Euryale. They each have the power to turn anyone who looks at them into stone, though some would say that Medusa is the only one with this kind of power."

"Yikes, and I thought one was enough," Spike commented. "Three's a crowd."

"Still, if Maddie really had sisters, you would think she'd be less lonely," Sunset commented. "Besides, where were they when we were on Sarpedon?"

"Well, it says here they are immortal," Twilight stated.

"Immortal?" Spike inquired.

"It means you'll never die."

"Really? Wow," The dog commented. "Not being able to die. Imagine what that's like."

"Yeah, imagine that," Sunset replied, getting her friends back on topic. "Anyway, keep going."

"Well, both Stheno and Euryale were made immortal, because they say they'd swore to protect their sister forever," Twilight read, before she comes across a fascinating topic. "Oh, here's something. Athena!"

"Athena?" Spike and Sunset asked.

"Yeah, Athena, Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom," Twilight explained. "In some stories, they say that Medusa had once been a priest to one of Athena's sacred temple. But one day, she evoked the goddess's wrath, which ended with her being cursed. Some say it's all because Medusa was so vain about her beauty that she can't help but brag about it. It soon became her downfall, when she commented she's far more beautiful than Athena. Others say that Athena cursed her, because she had an affair with Poseidon, God of the Sea."

"Why?" Spike asked. "Is it because Poseidon is Athena's special someone, or something?"

Both Twilight and Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but laugh at the little dog's question, "No, Spike," Twilight giggled. "Athena and Poseidon hated each other. They're bitter enemies. So to Athena, she takes it as an insult for Medusa or Poseidon to have any sort of relationship together."

"But still, what's Athena got to do with us helping Maddie?" Sunset asked.

"Well, I was thinking maybe we could go and talk to Athena?" Twilight suggested. "Iā€“"

"Whoa, wait a minute, hang on," Spike barked. "How do we know if this Athena goddess even existed? Where would we even find her?"

In response, Twilight skimmed through the pages of her books, before she came across what she was looking for, "Well, according to legends, Athena won favor from the people when she gifted them her most sacred plant; an olive tree. Since then, the people have named their city, Athens, after her. And it just so happens to be where we are right now. Just in the port section of it. And as another sign of tribute to their patron goddess, the people have built for her a huge sacred temple in her honor called the Parthenon. It's the huge building that rests atop the Acropolis of Athens."

Realizing where Twilight was getting at, Sunset inquired, "So you're saying we should book a trip to the temple and speak with Athena?"

"Best answer I can think of," Twilight shrugged.

"Then that's where we'll go!" The fiery girl nodded.

Spike and Twilight both exchanged looks, before Twilight broke the silence, "But what will the others think?"

"We'll talk it over with them in the morning," Sunset suggested as she walks up to the door. "I'm gonna go and talk to Maddie about this and hear what she thinks."

Back in Fluttershy's room, the cursed gorgon was helping herself to some midnight snacks available in the refrigerator. She was having trouble getting back to sleep, and for some odd reason, her first instinct was to help herself to the foods they have available in the fridge. However, she didn't expect it to be so cold.

"What magic issss thissss?" She hissed, taken aback by the cold air from the fridge. Normally to a normal human, the fridge isn't that cold, but for Medusa, she felt herself and her snakes slowing down and falling into a state of stupor.

Fun Fact: Reptiles are cold-blooded, and when they're in the cold, they instinctively slow down their body and go into a state of hibernation.

She barely managed to close the fridge and was on the verge of collapsing, when there was a knock at the door.

"Hello?" Sunset called from the other side. "Maddie? Fluttershy? Are you awake?"

Though groggy at first, Medusa slowly shook herself awake, snapping both herself and her snakes out of their drowsiness, before she answered the door.

"SSSSSSunssssset SSSSShimmer?" She answered, when she creaked the door slightly.

"Hey Maddie," Sunset greeted. "Can I come in? I just want to talk to you about something."

"If you mussssst," With that, Maddie opened up the door just a bit, allowing Sunset to walk in, while they both avoided stirring Fluttershy awake. "What issss it you want to talk about?"

"Well, Twilight's been doing some research about your past, and some stories about you," Sunset explained. "Just to find some answers, y'know, so we could properly help you, of course," She quickly reassured. "And well, we came across something, or should I say someone, who I think might have the answer to your problem."

"Issss that sssssso?" Maddie asked. "Then tell me, who isssss it then?"

"Well, first off," Sunset began. "By chance, are you familiar with Athena?" She asked to the gorgon, who looked up with piqued interests.