• Published 26th Mar 2019
  • 3,696 Views, 284 Comments

🐍 Medusa - Phantom-Dragon

A revival of Lauren Faust's scrapped project and inspired by WubcakeVA. The Rainbooms and friends are teaming up to help Medusa lift her curse.

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True Colors

It all happened so fast. Pinkie was looking forward to another day to spend with her friends and her sister's archeological dig site. Sunset and Twilight were both looking forward to witness history in the making, with the rest of the Rainbooms simply tagging along. What they got was more than any of them bargained for.

It was like nothing they've ever experienced before. Though the Rainbooms have faced all sorts of magical events in the past, ranging from demon sorceresses, three power-hungry sirens bent on world domination, a talking dog, and rogue Equestrian magics that have interfered and caused troubles for them and the lives others, none of them were close enough to prepare the girls and dog for this shocking discovery.

No words can describe the overwhelming feeling of shocks that has washed over the Rainbooms and Spike, following their recent encounter with the legendary cursed gorgon, Medusa.

Medusa, the gorgon from Greek Mythology is real and is very much alive. This discovery is both alarming and saddening, as with this knowledge, the girls and Spike have now become unsettled at the fact that the statues that populated the Isle of Sarpedon were once, in fact, living people!

No longer are the Rainbooms disturbed by the terrified facial expressions on the statues, but the bloodcurdling screams of dark days long past now echoes through the air, from the men, women, and children, and all other unfortunate souls who are literally petrified in fear, frozen in time. Their once lively village has now become a silent graveyard, all because of one creature. The creature who was just as frightened as they all were.

All the same, the girls couldn't stop thinking about Medusa and how distraught she was when they first met. But none felt so much empathy and sympathy for the cursed gorgon than Sunset Shimmer herself, as she recalls the emotional turmoil she had experienced, when she first looked into Medusa's memories.

From what she remembered, Sunset Shimmer can see how frighten Medusa was on the day her life was changed forever. How she pleaded mercy for a past misdeed, that she might've been responsible for. How her sentence was carried to the extreme. How confused, frightened, and distraught she was at her transformation, and the horror that forever scarred her for life, when she learns of the frightening powers of her curse.

The very thought of taking so many innocent lives was enough to make people like Sunset and the Rainbooms sick to the core. Of course, having looked into Medusa's thoughts, seeing how frightened and saddened she was, because she never intended for this to happen, anyone would feel sad for the gorgon.

Back with Medusa, the cursed gorgon was just as confused and emotionally conflicted as the Rainbooms at the moment.

Alone in her grove, in her cave, cuddling up to herself, with only her snakes and statues of her past victims for company.

Ever since her recent meeting with Rainbooms, she was confused and conflicted at this emotional pull that was pounding within her. For all her years of isolation, the only emotional feelings she's ever known was grief, loneliness, and despair. The glorious days of when she once had other feelings, memories of when she too was human, have all become a distant past to her; faded away, to leave behind a lonely gorgon, lost in a world full of people.

Until now, after she first got acquainted with the Rainbooms and their talking dog, she had felt a strange feeling that was both foreign, but also familiar. Why is it so familiar? Was this from her distant past? Why does it feel sensational inside?

She doesn't know, and she doesn't understand. The troubled gorgon shook her head, causing her snakes to hiss loudly, aggravated by the shake. She just wants to be alone, to have some peace and quiet, like before. To hide herself away for both her sake and humanity's. But now, all she could think about were these girls and their dog. The love they have for each other. The unique blend they have with each other. She just doesn't understand how so many different people could come together and commune in such harmony.

But one thing's for certain, she didn't want these girls to leave her. And by that, she doesn't want them to stay as statues. Last night was the first time she's ever had any real conversation with anything or anyone alive. But as fate would have it, she would soon be having another lively conversation with the girls again tonight.

"NO! Please!" Medusa sobbed in the past. "Have mercy! I didn't–No! NO!! NOOOOO!!!!"


"AH!" Sunset Shimmer screamed, falling back, off her seat.

“Whoa! Sunset!” Rainbow yelled, nearly dropping the marshmallow she and the girls were roasting by the fire. “You okay there? You zoned out for like an hour there.”

“Uh, yeah, yeah, I’m okay,” Sunset muttered. “Just a little....disoriented.” She said, while taking the time to collect herself to see she was back in present time, with her friends, sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows, under the moonlit starry sky.

The Rainbooms and Spike exchanged looks, knowing what’s up as they turned their attentions back to the fiery girl.

“Still thinking about Medusa?” Applejack asked. “Well I’m sure we’d be lying if we say otherwise.”

“I still can’t believe it,” Twilight said, still struggling to process everything that’s happened. “This is uncanny! She’s real. She’s alive, all this time. And most of all, her stories are true! Well, most of them, actually.”

“It’s more than that,” Sunset frowned.” When I looked into her memories, I could say how scared she was. How sad and lonely she’s been, because of her transformation.”

“Yeah, no kidding,” Pinkie Pie nodded. “Though, you’ve got to admit. It ain’t like she’s the only one,” The party girl said, bouncing her eyebrows, gesturing towards Sunset. “Want some?” She asked, offering a roasted marshmallow to Sunset.

“Uh, no thank you,” Sunset cringed, while politely declining Pinkie’s offer.

Pinkie shrugged, as she takes out a pair of graham crackers, a small chocolate bar, and puts them all together with her marshmallow to craft her s’more.

“But you’re right, Pinkie,” Sunset sighed. “I do know that feeling very well. I was just as frightened and disoriented than she was when I first came to this world,” The girls nodded their heads, recalling the time when Sunset lost her memories to Wallflower Blush.

“And I also felt just as lost and confused and heartbroken than she was, during that Christmas fiasco, when you girls accused me of being Anon-a-Miss,” The Rainbooms, minus Twilight and Spike, cringed in discomfort at the mention of that event.

“Oh you had to bring that up,” Rainbow Dash groaned.

Wanting to change the subject, Applejack quickly spoke up, “But despite all that, we’ve all been able to come out triumphant. Didn’t we?”

Sunset Shimmer nodded, “Yeah, I know,” She sighed, while thinking sadly of Medusa. “And it’s all because of our friendship. Something Medusa’s been denied of for so many years.”

“Poor girl,” Spike whimpered.

“Yeah, it’s not easy making friends when you’re a monster with freaky eyeballs that can turns anyone who looks at you into stone,” Pinkie began, before she turns to one of the screaming statues. “She kinda took you for granite, didn’t she?” She joked.


The Rainbooms and Spike groaned in discomfort at Pinkie’s pun, “Oh sufferin’ succotash Pinkie!” Rarity chastised. “How can you joke at a time like this?”

“What? I was trying to lightin’ the mood,” Pinkie replied in her defense.

"No offense, Pinkie, but you're not exactly helping at the moment," Sunset sighed. "Still, I feel bad for her. Just imagine what it's like to live for this long, without a living soul, and being isolated from the world and everyone you once knew."

The gang all exchanged random agreements, "Oh, it must be awful," Fluttershy whimpered. "But at least she has her snakes for company, doesn't she?"

"For some reason, I doubt they're much for company," Rarity voiced her disbelief. "I mean, they're technically her....hair and all."

"Still, you all saw how sad she was," Sunset frowned. "There's just got to be something we can do to help her."

"I'm sure we'll figure it out, Sugarcube," Applejack smiled reassuringly. "We always do. But for now, let's enjoy ourselves to some good ol' fashion campfire get-together," Then, reaching behind her back, Applejack pulls up her bass, and starts to strum a few strings, "And nothin' like a little tune to calm the mood."

With that, Applejack starts strumming the strings with her fingers, as she begins a song, with the Rainbooms and Spike joining in, along with a certain guest who will be joining them soon.

Medusa was once again getting herself settled in her cold, murky, and quiet cavern, with her snakes. She was just getting herself comfortable, curling herself up in her coils, when her ears perked up to the sound of something unfamiliar to her.

She blinked her eyes open, 'What....what is that sound?' She mentally asked herself.

Though she may be snake-like in appearance, and while she does have snakes for hair, it pleases her that she retains her sense of hearing. And right now, she doesn't need to think twice to know where the sound was coming from.

The only question is, what is making that sound? And how is it being done?

Stretching her arms out, standing up from her makeshift bed, Medusa slithered her way out from her cave, navigating her way through the grove, pass her statues, until she was finally out in the forest, where the sound became more clearer and where she saws a glow of warm light in the distance.

Knowing what she needed to do, the gorgon's third eyelids slide over her eyes from the sides, before she crept low to the ground and silently slithers along the ground. As much as she wanted to avoid any further interactions with the outside world, especially the Rainbooms and their pet dog, curiosity still runs wild with her, urging her to investigate.

As she got closer and closer to the campfire, and the source of the sound, she could hear the voice of one of the girls, singing.

'Singing?' It became apparent now, that the noise she was hearing was music. But what kind of music is it? No known Greek instruments was ever capable of making musics like that before. How is it possible?

But as she got closer, she listened to the words of their song.

True Colors – Covered by Amy Diamonds – Written by Billy Steinberg and Tom Kelly, performed by Cyndi Lauper

'So beautiful,' Medusa thought, while feeling a sting in her eye that made them water. She shook her head again, blinking her eyes furiously, trying to hold the waters back in futile. Her snakes hissed in aggravation, but she quickly silenced them, as she continues to listen to the song. For some reason, it feels like it was meant for her.

Slithering silently and carefully, creeping up behind a tree, she finally arrived at the outskirts of the Rainbooms camp. Medusa watched closely at the girls sitting around the campfire, singing together, so merrily, and so colorfully. It wasn't like any singing she's ever heard of before. The same can be said about the instrument that the blond girl — Applejack— was using to play the music.

It’s obvious, Medusa has never seen an instrument like a bass before. Then again, she hasn’t gone to the theaters in ancient times for a long while.

Her eyes welled up with tears, with her heart feeling like it’s about to burst, and the corners of her lips tremble as they curled upward.

‘What? What is happening?’ Medusa asked herself, putting her claws to her lips, unsure of the sensation she was experiencing as she continued to listen.

Medusa's eyes welled up with tears as she listened to the beautiful and soothing lyrics of the song, feeling as if she's been lifted into the air, feeling all of her negative emotions peeled away like the scales from her body, washing her off with relief.

"Hi Medusa!" Pinkie Pie called out, startling the gorgon.

“Oh, Medusa!” Sunset spoke up, greeting the cursed gorgon. “What a surprise.”

Turning her head shamefully away, Medusa frowned, “I’m sssssory,” She apologized, proceeding to slither away. “I ssssshould go.”

“N-N-No, it’s okay,” Sunset called out to the gorgon. “No need to be sorry. Please, join us. You’re welcome to sit here with us.”

“Yeah! We can tell stories, sing songs together, roast some marshmallows and make some delicious hot s’mores!” Pinkie listed happily.

Medusa turned her head at the pink girl in curiosity, “Sssssss’moressssss?” She asked. “What issssss thisssss sssssss’moressssssss you sssspeak of?”

“What is s’mores?!” Pinkie exclaimed in outrage. “Oh! It’s only like the best treat for camping ever! Here, try some!” She said, offering a half-eaten s’mores out for the gorgon. “Careful. It’s kinda hot, and delicious!”

Looking down at the treat, then back up at the smiling girl, Medusa was touched. No one’s ever offered her a treat before. Reaching her claws out, Medusa gingerly picked up the smoldering chocolate and marshmallow confection from the pink girl’s hand and took a small bite out of it.

Her eyes immediately widened from the powerful sweetness of the chocolate that touched her fork tongue. In her state of shock from the sweetness, her third eyelids immediately parted to reveal her eyes. Before anything could happen, in her haste, Medusa dropped the piece of s’mores to the ground, closes her eyes shut, as she slithers away from the Rainbooms.

“Medusa?” Sunset called out. “Medusa, wait! Don’t go!”

“But I mussssst,” Medusa hissed sadly. “For yourssss and all the people’ssss ssssake, I mussssst remain here.”

“But if ya must, then why’d ya come to our camp?” Applejack asked.

“I wasssss lissstening to the ssssound you were making with your.....thing.”

“What? Oh! You mean the song I was playing with my bass here?” Applejack asked. “Huh, never took you for a music lover.”

"Well what do you know," Pinkie smiled. "I guess what Granny Pie said is true! Music does sooth the savage beast!"

“Pinkie!” The gang berated the girl.

“Musssssic?” Medusa inquired. “That’ssss no music. Not like any mussssic I’ve ever heard.”

“Well, given that this is the 21st century and we humans have underwent an evolutionary shift in the advancement of our cultures, our technologies, and knowledge, then I guess we should’ve expected a clash between our definition of musical culture compared to yours from what I’m estimating to be the 8000 A.D. from your point of time.”

Everyone, minus Sunset, all looked at Twilight with confused look, “What Twilight meant was, the world’s different now,” Sunset explained. “Humans aren’t like what they were back then. Come with us. And we can show you—“

“A whole new world~” Pinkie sang, much to Sunset’s annoyance.

"Do you not undersssstand?" Medusa hissed. "I can not leave thissss island. I'm sssssafer here, than anywhere elssssse in the world. The world isssss safer with me confine to thisssss placcce. It'sss not much. But it'sssss home."

"But are you happy with where you are?" Medusa fell silent. "Somewhere, deep down, I know you’re just as scared as everyone else is.”

“Of coursssse everyone are ssssscared,” Medusa hissed dismally. “Look at me. I’m a monssster.”

Sunset couldn’t help but chuckle, “Well, I know a thing or two about being a monster,” She said, while looking fondly at Twilight who blushed in agreement.

“What do you know?” The gorgon asked. “You’re human. I’m a monssster. We’re not the sssssame. Don’t toy with me.”

“I’m not lying Medusa, I’m really being sincere here,” Sunset continued. “I know what it’s like to being different, and I know because I was just as scared of myself than you were. But look at me now. I’ve changed for the better, thanks to the friends I’ve made. The friends who are standing besides me now."

“Now I want to do the same for you, and help you with your curse. Maybe even find a way to break your curse.”

"It can't be broken."

“But what if it can?”

“And how would you know?”

“Because it’s what we do,” Pinkie replied. “Making friends, fighting magic, facing bad girls-turned-demon sorceress is what we’re all about. That kind of a deal.”

“We’re very awesome at it!” Rainbow boasted.

Still, Medusa was unsure, "But then, where will we go?" She asked. "What will I do?"

“Trust us,” Twilight spoke up, walking up to Sunset’s side. “Sunset’s right. We can help you Medusa. What have you got to lose?”

“I....I don’t know.”

“C’mon, Sugarcube,” Applejack began. “Wouldn’t ya give anything to have just one more day to be out and about to see the world than another eternity on this lonely island?”

“When was the last time you’ve ever been out in the sun darling?” Rarity began. “Who knows, it will do wonders for your skin.”

“So what do you say, Medusa?” Sunset asked, offering her a hand. “You with us?”

From under the curtains of the shadows, Medusa looked at the girls and dog, then at the hand that was being offered to her. She looked back at all of the screaming statues that were wasting away, losing themselves to the ages of time.

“Admittedly, it’sssss pleassssant to have ssssome livingsss to talk to,” She admitted. “Very well.” She gingerly accepted Sunset’s hand.

It felt so soft and so warm, in contrast to the cold hard touch of the lifeless stones.

“Uh, you can let go of my hand now,” Sunset chuckled.

“Oh,” Medusa gasped, releasing her grip. “Forgive me. It’ssss been a long time ssssince I’ve touched ssssomeone’ssss hand....like yourssss.”

“Uh-Huh, I’m sure,” Sunset giggled.

“So what now?” Rainbow asked.

Author's Note:

Like Rainbow Dash asked, so what will the heroes do now?

They’re not stuck between a rock and a hard place, but it’s still a tough call to make.

How will they get Medusa off the island, unnoticed? So far, the suggestions I’m getting are:

  1. The Rainbooms will throw a concert to distract the archeologist team, while Spike sneaks Medusa onboard a boat without anyone noticing. But where exactly can Medusa stay while she’s onboard the boat? And how long will it take for the Rainbooms to end their concert and catch the boat off the island?
  2. The Rainbooms can disguise Medusa as a person by giving her a large hat, a pair of shades, and a large trench coat. This would be a perfect cover for her when they get to the mainland. But then what can they do to cover her very large and distinguishable lower-half?
  3. The Rainbooms can sneak her off the island, onto a boat, while everyone is asleep. But then wouldn’t Maud be suspicious and be worried sick if she finds her sister gone the next morning? Unless Pinkie leaves her a note.

Any thoughts?