• Published 26th Mar 2019
  • 3,696 Views, 284 Comments

🐍 Medusa - Phantom-Dragon

A revival of Lauren Faust's scrapped project and inspired by WubcakeVA. The Rainbooms and friends are teaming up to help Medusa lift her curse.

  • ...

Embrace the Magic!

Author's Note:

Again, sorry if the wait was too long, but I can guarantee it will be worth it. Thank the Chinese's White Snake for inspiration. I was almost disenchanted...the greatest sin of all creative writers. *shudders*

But for Medusa's sake, I have to finish this story.

I've spent lot of weeks researching important Greek Mythology characters and real unique people in our real world worth empowering.

"Monster! MONSTER!" that 7-letter word rang and echoed through the air, together with the fires that danced on the perches of their torches, carried in the hands of her assailants.

Once again, Maddie finds herself in a world of nightmare, where she relives the dreadful days her whole life fell apart, within her, and all around her. She was surrounded by the shadowy figures of people carrying torches, pointing, and screaming at her in disgust, driving her off like the monster they all saw her to be.

Medusa covered her face with her claws, hiding her petrifying gaze and struggling to hold back her tears. Unfortunately, however, this leaves her ears vulnerable to their words, making her writhe in her coils, as if the words are like arrows and they are cutting her down.

"Pleassssse...stop!" Maddie sobbed, but still, the words of hate still come.

"There is no stopping to this nightmare," a voice spoke, banishing all the people into the darkness, and startling Maddie. It sounded almost like that of a woman.

"When you're a monster, gods want to kill you, people want to kill you, even other monsters want to kill you too," another voice spoke, just as feminine as the first, only slightly older.

"Who'ssss there?" the cursed gorgon hissed, turning her head in random directions, with her snakes coming to life. "Who are you?"

"We are the Fates, child," a third voice spoke, in a more soft spoken, warble voice. "Or perhaps, you're more familiar to our other nomenclature, the Moira."

With that, Medusa gasped in realization, "Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos!"

"Ah, so you do remember us," the first voice of the fates spoke, to which Medusa nodded her head in confirmation. "Then you know that it has been my purpose to spin your threads of life."

"And that it has been my purpose weave your life into fabrics of stories," the second voice confirmed.

"And I determine when the story will end, for you and for every living creatures," the third voice stated. "Though it seems the length of your thread has been very...conflicting. It refuses to be cut, even when I command it."

"What?" Medusa hissed, finding this news intriguing for her. "What do you mean?"

Greek Myth fact: Clotho chooses the material and spins it into threads. Lachesis measures the thread. Atropos cuts the thread.

"Child," Lachesis spoke. "This means that you aren't living the life that was woven for you. Somehow, in some miraculous way, far beyond the compressions of the gods, you are weaving your own story."

"Meaning you have a greater destiny than we've ever known," Clotho added. "From the day you were born, you were very different. You were, as the humans now say, the 'black sheep of the family?' You were born, very differently, from your family lineage of...children of the primordial sea god and goddess, Phorcys and Ceto."

As if she was hit by a splash of crashing waves, Medusa immediately recoiled at the mention of her parent's names, "Mother? Father?" She gasped. "They were... godssss?"

"Primordial, child," Lachesis reminded. "You were the first of their children to have ever been born human. Though two of your sisters have remained by your side, because it has been their nature to be your guardians. As it has always been."

"My ssssissstersss? Guardianssss? Imposssssible!" Medusa hissed in frustration. "If they truly have been my guardianssss, then where have they been? All thisssss time? I've lived for ccccenturiesssss, into thissss modern world, alone!"

"Patience, child," Lachesis replied. "All shall be revealed soon."

"Though you must be quick!" Atropos began. "While your thread is in a state of entanglement, the fabric stories of others are drawing closer and closer to their end."

Medusa's eyes widened, as her frustration melted away into worry, "Do you sssspeak of SSSSunssset Shimmer?" She hissed in concern. "Tell me where sssshe issss? And is it too late to save her? Huh?" Maddie exclaimed in shock, as she held her hand up to her mouth, startled to find that her usual snake-lisp was no longer there. Even more startling, when she looked down at herself, to find she was human. "What? What is this? What's–"

"The friendship you have forged with the Rainbooms and their dog has welcomed the magic into your heart," Lachesis explained. "Your devotion and concern for Sunset Shimmer has made you human; not on the outside, but within you."

"Within me?" Maddie asked.

Next thing the cursed girl knew, the world around her began to fade away into the light, "You are waking up, child," Astropos stated. "Go! Fulfill your destiny! Sunset Shimmer is alive! Go save her!"

"But where do I go?! Where is Sunset?" Maddie asked. "Where is she? WHERE IS SUNSET?!"

But it was no use. Before the Fates could answer, Maddie's eyes burst open as she and her snakes sprang to life, from her bed, next to Fluttershy. Once again, the cursed gorgon looked down at her sharp scaly claws to her long serpentine coils, confirming that she has awaken to the sight of her cursed, monstrous form. Remembering her roommate Fluttershy beside her, the gorgon blinked her third eyelids across, as she turns to see the shy, but kind girl was sleeping ever so peacefully, snuggling up to the gorgon’s coil.

The sight of such slumber was both comforting and saddening for Maddie, who has come to realize how precious her friends are to her, and how hurt she would feel if she were to lose any more.

With that, Maddie began to recall her dream, "The friendship you have forged with the Rainbooms and their dog has welcomed the magic into your heart," Lachesis's voice echoed. "Your devotion and concern for Sunset Shimmer has made you human; not on the outside, but within you."

"Within me..." Maddie hissed.

The Next Morning

After waking up and cleaning up, Maddie and Fluttershy both got down to the lobby, where the Rainbooms and Spike were waiting for them.

"Good morning everyone," Fluttershy greeted.

In response, the girls and dog all replied with sadden sighs, "Hey."

"I hope y'all slept well," Applejack frowned. "I couldn't sleep a wink, at the thought of Sunset still out there, with those monsters."

"I don't think the whole town could sleep after that monster attack last night," Twilight replied, as she watches a news report on TV in the lobby. "And it just gets worse. Look!"

Everyone all looked to see the town's local reporter, delivering the news in light of the recent attack, while showing a slideshow of the pictures taken, as well as the interviews from the witnesses. Of course, with the reporter speaking in local Greek, the Rainbooms and Spike could hardly understand a word she's saying. Though, from the looks of the slideshow, it's clear what they're saying.

There was a picture of a minotaur terrorizing a tourist bus, griffins ransacking an entire fish market, to a photo of Pinkie Pie, as Pink Spider, and Rarity fighting a giant crab.

"Oh my! Does my hair look that puffy last night?" Rarity asked, to which most of the girls and Spike rolled their eyes in annoyance.

"Never mind that. We've got to find Sunset, y'all," Applejack said. "But where should we begin? She could be anywhere with those monsters."

All of the Rainbooms, plus Maddie and Spike pondered, "Where's an oracle when you need one?" Medusa sighed.

"What's an oracle?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"An oracle is basically a priest or a priestess whom people seek out for advice from the gods," Twilight answered. "In ancient times, the Greeks would often consult with the oracles in the temples of the gods they serve, seeking advice and predictions of their futures."

"Oh! Kinda like you were, huh Maddie?" Pinkie Pie deduced.

"What?" Medusa asked.

"You're an oracle, aren't you, Maddie?"

"Me? How can I be conssssidered sssuch?"

"You were a priestess, once, for Athena, weren’t you?"

"Only assss a protege."

"Who cares?! You're still one of Athena's people! Which means she could help us find Athena!"

"Are you insssane? Didn't you remember what I've told you lassst night? I wasss banished! I'm not allowed back in the temple of Athena! Not anymore."

"Of course you're allowed, Maddie!" Rainbow Dash said. "Didn't you say before that Athena forbid you from coming back until you have found some real friends?"


"Well, we're your friends. Which means, we all get a pass!" Rainbow stated, to the gorgon who continues to look unsure. "C'mon, let's book the next trip to Athena's temple and find Sunset!"

“Already on it!” Twilight smiled confidently, holding her phone up to reveal an app she had used to purchase the next bus trip for both her and her friends.

The bus trip to Athens was an hour of awkward silence for the Rainbooms and Medusa, with most of the passengers gawking at them. Mostly Medusa, who was once again dressed in her streets clothes, and wore a pair of shades over her eyes. The only other feature which she couldn't conceal was her long serpentine lower-half, thus attracting too many unwanted attentions.

“Uh, yo?” Medusa greeted, attempting to make the situation feel less awkward.

Again, there was nothing but awkward silence, as a couple of passengers continued to stare at her, oddly.

“It ain’t polite to stare darlings,” Rarity scolded.

“Hey, we’re all people here, right?” Pinkie tried to lighten the mood. “A person’s a person, no matter how small they are. Quoted by Dr. Seuss. Right?”

Still no response, "We're just what we're all made of," Spike said, trying to sound reasonable, while unintentionally made the situation even more awkward at the revelation for being a talking dog.

“Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer,” Rainbow Dash suggested.

With that, a little boy slowly raised his phone up and snapped a picture of the Rainbooms, Spike, and Medusa.

At last, after a long awkward bus trip from Piraeus, the friends have arrived in the capital city of Greece, Athens.

The bus came to a stop, where it lets all of the tourists off to explore the city. The Rainbooms and Maddie were the last passengers to get off.

“Here we are! Athens!” Twilight said, holding her arms as she takes in the city’s environment.

“Thisss isss Athensss?” Maddie hissed in bewilderment. To her, it looked like a different city compared to the one she knew from the olden days.

"So where's the temple of Athena then?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"You mean the Parthenon, and it's over there!" Twilight pointed. "Big building on top of a large hill. It's not that hard to miss!"

Maddie looked up to see the said temple, or what’s left of it, still standing tall and proudly at the top of the hill.

In a heartbeat, Maddie’s eyes widen in shock as her life flashes before her, recounting the days of old, when she was once human, and when the city around her was still young.

With that, the familiar conflicted emotional turmoil within the gorgon returns, stronger and bitter than it was before. It was so strong, it threatens to burst out of her.

Maddie almost feel to the floor, while clutching her claws over her chest, “Yo, Maddie? Ya alright?” Rainbow asked, as she walks up to the gorgon to check on her.

“...Yesss, I’m fine...” Maddie replied. “Jusssst nossstalgic. That’sss all.”

“Well c’mon, let’s go meet Athena,” With that, the group were on their way.

Little did the heroic girls and dog know, they were being watched, with the promise of more impending dangers that are sure to follow.

"Are you sure about thissss?" Maddie asked.

"Sure, we're sure, Maddie," Twilight replied. "What other choices do we have? If Athena could help us, then it's–"

"I'm not talking about Athena. I'm talking about him," The gorgon pointed to Pinkie Pie, who was carrying Zephyr Breeze, still petrified from his shock of humiliation.

"Is he ever gonna snap out of it?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know, I kinda like him this way," Rainbow Dash commented. "Besides, in case anymore of those monsters came along, he'd make a great monster bait."

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy scowled.

"Kidding! Kidding," The athletic girl reassured.

As the Rainbooms, Spike, and Maddie made their way through the busy streets of Athen, most of the people around them shot bewildered if not suspicious glances at Maddie.

As for Maddie, the cursed gorgon was both captivated and intimidated by the modern developments made in Athen. It both confuses and amazes her to know that she is home, after untold centuries of exile. But to see the city had undergone tremendous changes, much like the port city Piraeus, it confuses the gorgon greatly to know that she is both home and not home at the same time. Furthermore, when they passed by some shops, the gorgon was perplexed at the arrays of merchandises they have on displays.

Then, as if the sight wasn't distracting enough, a delightful smell captures the gorgon's nose, "Mmmm, pizza~" Maddie licked her lips, when they passed by a pizza store.

Unfortunately, Maddie was so distracted, she didn't look where she was going and bumped into a woman. "Hey! Watch it!" The woman reprimanded the disguised gorgon.

"Oh. SSSSSorry," Maddie hissed apologetically.

"Ugh, say it, don't spray it," The woman huffed in disgust before she was on her way.

Maddie frantically looked through the crowd of people, before she notices the Rainbooms and she frantically slithered to catch up, only to be stopped by a dog barking. A small white dog was barking furiously at the disguised gorgon, but thankfully, the little canine was being held back by a leash, held by its owner, a man who appears to be walking with his wife.

"Macy! Macy stop!" The man coaxed the dog, who didn't listen and continued to bark at Maddie furiously.

The dog didn't stop barking until one of Maddie's snakes poked its head from under her hood and hissed threateningly at the dog. In response, the dog whimpered in fright, tucking its tail between its legs as it cowers behind its equally disturbed owners.

"No!" Maddie hissed as she frantically keeps her snakes under control and makes her escape.

"Maddie! Over here!" Pinkie called out to the gorgon, who quickly slithered and regrouped with her friends.

"Phew, thought we lost you back there," Fluttershy sighed in relief.

"The street's too crowded," Applejack pointed. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don't think we can make it to the temple through this crowd."

"Applejack's right," Twilight looked down at her phone and asked, "What's the fastest way to the temple?" In response, the phone pulled up a map, showing the heroes the only other way to the temple is by cutting through–.

"A museum? Really?" Rainbow Dash asked, as she and her friends were all walking through a large museum of ancient relics of old Greece, together with artworks that pays tribute to Greece cultures and myths. "This is the best you can think of?"

"Well I doubt any taxi or Uber services in Athens would be cool if not have enough room for all of us," Twilight replied. "That and remember, not everyone here are accustomed to seeing someone with... unique features. No offense, Maddie," She apologized, but the gorgon's attentions were elsewhere.

"Thissss issss a mussssseum?" Maddie asked in astonishment and curiousity, as she looked at the galleries of Greece's collective arts, ranging from paintings, statues, and potteries, as far as the eyes could see.

"Yes it is. Isn't it amazing?" Twilight squealed excitedly.

"I...I...I don't know what to sssssay."

Rarity smirked as she turns to her friends, "I think someone's experiencing a blast from the past~" Rarity said in a sing-song voice.

"Well, what you expect?" Pinkie Pie asked. "When you're in a museum, it's where history comes to life! And you know what Teddy Roosevelt once said!"

"I believe that the more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future." – Theodore Roosevelt.

"Who's thissss Teddy Roosevelt?" Maddie asked.

"Only the 26th president of the U.S. Rough Rider. Founder of National Parks, and a whole bunch of other awesome stuffs," Pinkie Pie smiled with glee, much to Twilight's surprise.

"Wow, Pinkie," Twilight commented. "I never took you for a history person."

"Well, I do watch Crash Course Histories now and then," Pinkie Pie giggled. "That and Robin Williams did helped make learning more fun in Night at the Museum."

"Hey! As much as I like you girls bonding and all, can get moving?" Rainbow asked impatiently. "We've got a friend to save and some monsters to mash!" Quickly turning to Maddie, the girl reassured, "Not you, Maddie. We like you. And uh... by that I mean... you're not a monster." Still, Maddie, the Rainbooms, and Spike continued to shoot the girl with awkward glances. "We don't have time for this. C'mon, let's go!"

With that, the friends proceeded to make their way towards the other side of the museum, passing through some exhibits on the way. On the way, Maddie couldn't help but look at all the artworks on display, mainly the statues of the gods and goddesses spoken of ancient Greece myths.

There is a statue of Athena.

Roman Name: Minerva
Sacred Animals: Owl, snakes(sometimes), spiders
Sacred Plant: Olive tree

The Olympian goddess of wisdom, and the revered patron goddess of Athens.

She is generally described as the female counterpart of the God of Wars, Ares, but favors more of the strategic approach, rather than a head-on attack. Greek heroes and heroines have often sought out for Athena's guidance to best help them on their quests.

When she is not in battle, she often associates with peace and handicrafts, especially spinning and weaving.

Next to Athena, there was also a statue of the god king, Zeus.

Roman Name: Jupiter
Sacred Animal: Eagle
Sacred Plants: Oak tree

The Olympian god of thunder and the heaven, Zeus is the king of all Greek Gods. Zeus is the chief figure of all Greek Mythology, dating back to when he had slain his evil father, Cronus, to his epic battle with the monster, Typhon. Magically, his daughter, Athena, was born from inside his head, after he had swallowed her mother, Metis, when the goddess was transfigured into a fly, while Zeus was transfigured into an eagle.

Next to Zeus, is a statue of Poseidon.

Roman Name: Neptune
Sacred Animals: Dolphins, horses, bulls
Sacred Plants: Pine tree, celery

The Olympian god of the sea, Poseidon is described as violent and ill-tempered, as the slightest thing that angers him would result in earthquakes. Poseidon is known to be the bitter enemy of the goddess, Athena, as well as the Greek hero, Odyssey.

Poseidon is always seen carrying with him a trident, which according to legend was what he used to create the first horse, Skyphios.

Across Poseidon, stood the statue of another Greek Goddess, by the name, Aphrodite.

Roman Name: Venus
Sacred Animal: Dove
Sacred Plants: Roses

The Olympian god of love, beauty, and fertility. She is regularly attended by her children, the Erotes – Cupids, winged gods of love – who have the powers to evoke romantic passions in both mortals and gods.

According to legends, she was born from the sea foams, off the coast of Cythera, which was how she got her name, from the Ancient Greek words "aphros," which means sea-foams.

As Maddie continued to observe the statues of the Greek Gods, she felt as though her head is pounding, as long suppressed memories started flooding back to her like a tidal wave. She happened to pass by – not a statue – by an artwork of another Greek Goddess, by the name Eris.

Roman Name: Discordia

The daughter of Zeus and Hera and Greek Goddess strife, chaos, and Discord. Eris is always out to cause trouble, mainly because she wasn't revered as an Olympian like her parents were.

She is best known for being the driving force that started a chain of events, which led up to what is known as the Trojan War. It began when she wasn't invited to a wedding of Peleus and Thetis, while all of the Olympians had been invited. Therefore, Eris arrived uninvited, to crash the festivity, by dropping her golden apple, with the words inscribed "To The Fairest One. As a result, the three goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, all got into a heated argument with one another, before Zeus appointed the Prince of Troy, Paris, to settle the dispute, which ended in Aphrodite being the victor, and evoking the Trojan War.

She was also intrigued by a few artworks that depicted her, or the very least, mentioned about her.

Artist unknown, 500 B.C.
Mediums: Terracotta and pigments.

The petrifying head of the gorgon, with its staring eyes, grimacing mouth, protruding tongue, and snaky hair, had the ability to ward off evil. This antefix exploits the gorgon's protective power. An artisan added bright paint to the molded terracotta head to emphasize its effect and visibility. The meander pattern painted below the face is a common decorative motif. Stylistic features such as the rolls of tightly coiled curls on the forehead date the work to the early fifth century B.C.

As Maddie looked at the antefix, she held her claw up to her chin and scratched, tracing the outline of her face, "Am I really that fat?"

"Don't take it personally, Maddie," Twilight giggled, when she came walking up to the gorgon, with the rest of the Rainbooms, plus Spike and a petrified Zephyr following. "I'm sure they didn't mean to offend ya."

"Huh, how'd you like that?" Rainbow Dash asked, reading the texts. "You have the ability to ward off evil. So you're supposed to be some kind of hero then?"

"Well, in ancient Greek, the name Medusa means to protect, or to guard, so in away, Medusa was meant to be a guardian," Twilight said as a matter of factly.

Next, the group came across a poetry with the subject of Medusa.

It lieth, gazing on the midnight sky,
Upon the cloudy mountain peak supine;
Below, far lands are seen tremblingly;
Its horror and its beauty are divine.
Upon its lips and eyelids seems to lie
Loveliness like a shadow, from which shrine,
Fiery and lurid, struggling underneath,
The agonies of anguish and of death.

Yet it is less the horror than the grace
Which turns the gazer's spirit into stone;


"Okay, what exactly is this guy saying?" Rainbow Dash asked, clearly lost by the poetry.

"This is the poem written by the brilliant poet, Percy Shelly!" Twilight smiled. "This is what he wrote after he saw a painting that was incorrectly contributed to Leonardo Da Vinci! Here in this poem, he describes how Medusa's powers can be attributed to 'grace,' and not evil."

This piqued Maddie's attention, as she turns to look at Twilight with astonishment in her eyes, "He really thinks that way about me?" She asked, feeling touched if not flattered.

"Well, you're quite the subject in arts and crafts for centuries," Twilight smiled. "Not only that, but some poets, like Percy Shelly, would interpret your stare: not as a stony stare, but a mesmerizing gaze. Not a monster, but a terrifying beauty."

"I personally feel sorry for her," A person commented. The friends all turned their attentions to the person next to them, who appears to be a two-headed woman. A conjoined twin, "I think Medusa's just misunderstood. After all, she's had a rough beginning."

"No kidding," Another deformed man, with a wart over one of his left eye added. "I mean, what's the deal? Just because she's born human, yet comes from a lineage of monsters means she ought to be treated like one? That's ridiculous! And don't get me started on the way Athena punished her unfairly, just because the god, Poseidon, decided to... have his way with her. Anyone would feel sorry for the poor girl after going through a trauma like that."

This got the girls and dog intrigued, "You guys feel sorry for her?" Maddie asked.

"Of course, we do," The two-headed woman replied. "Believe it or not, but there are a lot of us out there who were treated so unfairly, just because we were born different."

"Oh goodness, I'm so sorry to hear that," Fluttershy said apologetically.

"It's alright. It's not everyday we're all misunderstood, y'know," The man with the large wart said. "Some people just don't see the beauty within us."

"Within you?" Maddie asked quietly, before she instantly recalled her dream from last night.

"Of course, we're still humans, in spite of our unique appearances," The two-headed woman said. "And I personally don't mind at all. If the world doesn't see me for the person I am, then that's their loss. Because for what it's worth, this is who I am."

"Same here," The person with the wart added. "Besides, my mum once told me that she doesn't me to change my face, because it's my face. It's her son's face, and she wants to look at it everyday, just the way it is."

"Really?" Maddie hissed quietly. "She actually ssssaid that?"

"Well, that's what every loving mother would say to their kids."

"Oh! Kinda like how Dr. Seuss once said: A person's a person, no matter how small," Pinkie Pie added.

"Exactly!" The deformed people both said in agreement.

"Or as the motivational speaker, Lizzie Velasquez, once said: True beauty is discovering your uniqueness and owning it."

"Ah yes, Lizzie Velasquez," Rarity smiled. "Best known as the ugliest woman in the world, yet even with just a blind eye, she still sees the beauty in all of us, and taught us all that beauty is found within. She's like Mistmane incarnated."

"Darn right she is," Another person replied, revealing himself to be a blind man with a stick to help him navigate. "And probably because she's right. What makes you different is, in fact, what makes you strong."

"So how strong are you exactly?" Rainbow asked the blind man. "I mean, no offense, but you're blind."

"Well, I may be blind, but I still got a good sense of hearing," He pointed. "And I've got a good sense of smell, and a good sense of humor, don't I? Besides, I could've sworn I just smelled a cotton candy with chocolate syrups somewhere close."

"Oh, that's no cotton candy with chocolate syrups, that's me!" Pinkie Pie giggled, pulling out a bar of chocolate with nuts from her hair. "And that's no chocolate syrup! That's my chocolate bar!" With that, the girl takes a big bite out of her chocolate bar.

"And what about you two, or three?" Twilight asked.

"Well, my sister and I," The two-headed woman began, "Though we're both born the same, with the same body, but with different heads," The two heads said together, "We've decided that we're fated to stay together forever, because you know what they say. Two heads are better than one."

"Yes indeedy!" Pinkie Pie chirped. "Ooh! And on the bright side, you get to have TWO BIRTHDAY PARTIES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!"

The conjoined sisters couldn't help but laugh, "Yes, something like that."

"And what about you sir?" Applejack asked the man with the large wart. "With a wart like that over your eye, don't you have trouble seeing?"

"Well, I still have one more, don't I?" The man asked rhetorically. "And yes, even though I can't see well with my other one, that doesn't stop me from doing what I do best."

"What's that?"

"Why, dancing of course!" With that, the man started to do random dance moves, going from doing a few hip-hop dances.

"Wow," Maddie said, marveling at the differences, yet human features within these people. "Impressssssive!"

"Awesome," Rainbow admitted, before she went up and shook hands with the people. "Well, it's been nice knowing you guys! Hope you all have a great day, and we gotta go now."

Just before they took their leave, Maddie went up to the three people and wrapped her arms around them, "I am honored to have met people like you," She hissed. "And I'm glad to know I'm not completely alone in thissss world. I wissssh you all the besssst in the future," With that, the gorgon took her leave.

"Hey, good look out there, Medusa," The blind man said to the gorgon, much to her's and the Rainbooms bewilderment.

The sun was barely setting down over the horizon, by the time the friends have made their way out of the museum, the friends find themselves in a garden of ruined architectures of ancient Greece. They were on their way, when they suddenly heard the voice of their missing friend.

"SSSSSunsssset?!" Maddie hissed, hopefully and happily to hear the sound of her friend's voice. "SSSSunsssset? Where are you?" She hissed excitedly, following the fiery girl's voice, with her friends following.

"Maddie! Not so fast!" Twilight panted as she and the others struggled to catch up.

As Maddie continued to follow Sunset's voice, it became clearer and clearer, until it became obvious that the fiery girl was singing.

At last, Maddie arrived in a street, where there were some people standing outside of a TV store, watching Sunset Shimmer performing on screen, "SSSSunsssset SSSHIMMER! You're alive!" Maddie shouted happily, racing across the street to reunite with her fiery friend, but was distraught to see that she was only on TV. "Oh...it's not SSSSunssset."

"No, that's just a music video of Sunset Shimmer's hit song, Embrace the Magic," Rainbow Dash said, after she and her friends finally caught up to their gorgon friend.

"Embracccce the magic?" Maddie asked.

"Yeah. Here, let me pull it up for ya," Rainbow said, as she pulls out her phone, and scrolls down her list of songs, before she plays the one, featuring Sunset Shimmer singing the said song.

[Sunset Shimmer]

So you have magic
And it's not that great
But when it found you
You know it was fate

And it might seem scary now
But it can be wonderful, too
So how about we embrace the magic
And make the magic part of you?

You take a little dash of magic
And you let it ignite
Mix things up a little bit
And it might start to go right

In just five seconds flat
How the story has changed
All 'cause now you've embraced the magic
And it just got better in every way

I say embrace the magic
No more holding back, just let it out
If you can take the magic
And learn a little more what it can do
Once the magic is part of you

What's standing in your way
That you can't move today?
You've got the strength in you
To make your dreams come true

No need to shield yourself
From the magic that can help
Protect from any harm that might come

So you have magic
And it's not that great
But when it found you
You know it was fate

So if you listen close
You might make a new friend
And together we can make it!

I say embrace the magic
No more holding back, just let it out
If you can take the magic
And learn a little more what it can do
Once the magic is part of you
Once the magic is part of you
Once the magic is part of you

Once the magic is part of you

Overcome by the lyrics of the fiery girl's song, Medusa knelt to the ground. For the first time in her cursed, horrible existence, she felt herself overwhelmed by an emotional turmoil that drove her to tears. It was not out of sadness, nor was it out of happiness. Touched by her friend's empathy and wisdom, for the first time in her life, Medusa was able to clearly see the genuine beauty, within and all around her.

Unfortunately, the moment came to a bitter end, when one of Maddie's snakes hissed in alarm, alerting the gorgon of approaching danger. The gorgon jerked her head up, and her eyes widened in alarm, "Look out!" She screamed, shoving herself against her friends, right when a swarm of metallic arrow-like feathers came raining down on them, nearly skewering the heroes.

"What the hay?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in outrage.

"Look!" Fluttershy pointed up in the air, to reveal a whole flock of menacing birds, perching atop the roof of a building, glaring menacingly at the heroes.

In appearance, the birds are as tall as cranes, covered in metallic brass feathers, with piercing red eyes. On their chest, they bore the familiar symbol of an eye, the same kind which Maddie saw on the underside of the giant crab they fought the previous night.

"So Twilight," Applejack began. "What're we in for this time?"

"I don't know," Twilight replied. "I don't remember reading any Greek Mythologies about giant, brass birds!" Twilight wailed frantically, when the birds flapped their wings, raining down several sharp blade-like feathers onto the heroes. Luckily, Rarity was quick enough to conjure her shields in time, deflecting the blades off. "Right. Now I remember," Twilight whimpered.

Skimming through the pages, Twilight found the monster(s) she was looking for, explaining, "They're the Stymphalian Birds! They're man-eating birds who were created by the God of War, Ares, and they're known for shooting their arrow-like feathers at people before they devour. They're best known for being the Sixth labor of the hero, Heracles!"

"So how do we fight them off?" Rainbow asked, just as one of the Stymphalian Birds lunged at them. "Maddie! Stop them!"

With that, Maddie took her shades off, blinking her third eyelids open to let the bird have a full blast of her stare, but oddly enough, to no avail. In response, the bird let out an earsplitting screech, before it slapped its wings across Maddie's face, scratching her and knocking the gorgon away.

"Oh goodness!" Fluttershy whimpered, as she helped the gorgon up. "Are you okay?"

Smartened by the cut on her left cheek, Maddie hissed as she winced, "I'll live," She said, turning to Fluttershy, blinking her third eyelids across her eyes. "But I don't undersssstand. How could they resisssst to my gaze?"

"We'll find out later! Let's get outta here!" Twilight shouted, as everyone all took off running, with the Stymphalian Birds flying after the heroes.