• Published 26th Mar 2019
  • 3,700 Views, 284 Comments

🐍 Medusa - Phantom-Dragon

A revival of Lauren Faust's scrapped project and inspired by WubcakeVA. The Rainbooms and friends are teaming up to help Medusa lift her curse.

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Looking Through A One-Way Mirror


In a hidden cave, concealed by the thickets of her grove, she slept soundly to the calm silence of the outside world. The sound of her own hissing echoing throughout her cavern walls was her lullaby. Unfortunately, it was never enough of a peaceful slumber for her. Her tears flood from her eyes, knowing that tomorrow will be just the same, as always.

It's never a new day for her.

Like her statues, she was stuck. Stuck in the same place she's been in, since her banishment. Unable to move on, and unable to forget the horror of her past. Isolated on a lonely island, deprived of all life, shunned away by the eyes of the world, who would never welcome a being like her, ever again.

Centuries of doing the same old thing, awakening and staring to the same scenery that brings tears to her eyes, and forever after in her dreams – or nightmares. Even though she is a reptile, and reptiles symbolically shed their skins of their old lives and begin anew, apparently she's experiencing the hardships of casting her own.

Memories of love, memories of hate, feelings of regret, she questions fate. Will this ever end? Will it go on? Only a millennia can tell.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" A scream sounded, startling her awake. "I have to get out of here!"

Someone has entered her grove. But who would come to her part of the forest at this time of night? She intends to find out, soon enough.

With a hiss, she wearily blinked her eyes and as usual, she was greeted to the sight of darkness. Though her pets have little to no difficulty, to see a faint spot of red and orange at the mouth of her cavern.

While she is partially a reptile, she lacks the natural, innate heat vision the snakes in her hair possess.

Her snakes all hissed violently in the direction of their prey, and she followed their pulls as they directed her through the blinding darkness, crawling along the floor of her cavern lair, before she stood upright at the mouth of the cave. Slowly turning her head from side to side, with her snakes flicking their tongues out to smell the air, and their eyes opened, catching thermal sight of the moving figure and hissing in its direction.

"Who is it thisss time?" She hissed, solemnly slithering after the figure, which didn't go unheard for him.

She's never in a mood for visits, from people or creatures, whether or not they knew of her existence. But even if they did, she would never turn them to stones, unless it was for self-defense. However, considering her whole garden a gallery of statues is enough to display her many years of defending herself. Her story was half-true anyway.

Countless of warriors have all sought to slay her. Not for protection or for the good of mankind, but for the potential of her powers. She wasn't just cursed to be a monster. She was also cursed to be a prize for the foolhardy of warriors. Why was she cursed to be this way? Why was she chosen to endure this torture? All will be answered soon.

Right now, she needs to inspect on her uninvited guest. But before she began, just for the visitor's sake, she blinked a covering over her eyes from the sides. That way, she can still see, but anyone who see her won't have to look directly into her eyes.

Back at the campsite, the girls were waiting for Spike's return, only for Fluttershy's ears to ring upon hearing a loud scream from the forest, "Oh, oh dear goodness!" Fluttershy exclaimed frantically. "It's Spike! He's in trouble!"

"What?!" Twilight exclaimed, running up to Fluttershy, clasping her hands around her shoulders. "What's happening?! Where is he?"

"He's lost," Fluttershy replied. "And he's being chased...by something!"

"C'mon! We've got to save him!" Rainbow Dash shouted, as she activates the geode around her neck, and took off with a burst of speed.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Spike screamed, as he struggled to climb the steep, rocky walls to escape from his pursuer.

Taking his chances, Spike turned his head to look, and saw the moonlight illuminating the shadowy outline of a tall creature, almost human, slithering up to him, raising a sharp claw up in the air, which glistens in the moonlight, to reveal a coat of precious silver.

Spike quivered in fright, as he closed his eyes, shivering and anticipating for the killing blow. But instead, all he felt was a gentle scratch behind the ear. It eased his quivering a little, and he felt less scared of the creature.

"No need to be afraid, little dog," The creature assured in a faint voice, that's both soothing and haunting. "I won't hurt you." Judging by the femininity in the voice, Spike was certain the creature is female.

Looking up, the creature's face was obscured in the cloak of darkness, prohibiting Spike any chances of getting a clear look.

With a gulp, he asked, "W-Who are you?"

The creature flinched in response, as if she was surprised to see a talking dog. However, the creature looked away, stroking her arm with the other, which gives the impression she looked rather ashamed for some reason.

"Who I am isss not important," She hissed sadly. "But I can ssshow you the way out."

Though he still has some questions to be answered, Spike decided now isn't the time to be asking them. He's more concerned on finding his way out of the grove he had unintentionally intruded and get back to Twilight and the girls.

"Then, by all means, lead the way," He said, to which the creature turned her head, and began slithering down a path.

The end of her tail gently touched Spike, linking itself around his dog collar, "Hold on tight, and sssstay clossse," She advised, to which Spike complied.

While being guided through the dark grove its mysterious inhabitant, Spike couldn't help but be amazed at how she was able to move through the blinding darkness with ease, as if the crumbled ruins of the statues that littered across her grounds was natural to her. She barely showed any signs of being hindered in her movements, while Spike still tripped and stumbled over the stone fragments.

Deciding to break the silence and make conversation, he began, "So, you live here?" The creature didn't reply, "I mean, seeing how you know your way around here and all, I'm guessing you do live here," He chuckled, awkwardly. "I'm sorry. What I meant to say was, how do you see your way through the dark?"

Finally, without stopping, she answered, "I don't," Some loud hissings filled the air, "But my petsss do," She said.

Spike didn't need to figure out who the pets were, "Your pets are snakes?" He asked, uneasily.

"You don't like ssssnakesss, do you?" The creature asked, with a hint of sadness in her tone. "That'ssss okay. Doesssn't ssssurprissse me. Everyone hatesss snakesss."

"Uh, no, no, it's okay!" Spike barked, reassuringly. "It's fine if you like snakes, and if your pets are snakes. I just...it's a dog thing. I mean, I have a friend who likes snakes. Really." Again, there was silence. Deciding to change the subject, Spike started, "Anyway, my name is Spike. What's your name? Or do you even have one?"

"Of courssse, I have a name."

"Great. So what is it?"

But before the creature could answer, they were interrupted when a sudden blast of light shines on them, startling the creature, who held her arms up to shield herself from the sudden light.

"Spike!" Twilight shouted, running up to the little dog, bending down and scooped him up in a hug. "Oh, thank goodness you are alright! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Twilight," Spike barked, reassuringly. "Thanks to her."

The Rainbooms looked up, and were shocked at the appearance of the creature before them.

In appearance, she looked almost like a normal human female, but with some noticeable differences. Instead of a normal human hair, she has a mass of living snakes, a coat of sickly green scales, with long sharp black nails, and a long serpent tail for the lower body.

For attires, she wore a torn up purple toga, that had lost its luster, wrapping around her upper body.

The creature hissed loudly, sounding almost hostile, "Daylight at night?!" She hissed, while keeping her hands over her face.

Fluttershy instantly went pale, "G-G-G-GORGON!!!!" She screamed.

"Quick! Put on your shades!" Pinkie shouted, taking dark sunglasses from her eyes and quickly puts one over Fluttershy's eyes, before she proceeded to give the rest of the girls their own. "As long as you can't see her, then she can't turn you to stone!"

"A gorgon?" Twilight gasped in astonishment. "A real live gorgon?! But...that's not possible!"

"Well believe it or not, Twi," Applejack began. "We're looking at a real deal here!"

"AWESOME!!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "C'mon girls! This is the part where we glow, pony up, rainbow lasers, and everything! Let's kick this monster with some good old Equestrian magics!"

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Pinkie said, pulling out a baseball bat from her hair and swings it wildly, and blindly, due to her shades. "Where is she? Where is she? Where is she?"


"Ow!" Applejack groaned. "My nose! PINKIE!"

"Sorry, AJ," Pinkie quickly apologized.

"Hold on!" Spike barked, throwing himself between the gorgon and the girls. "It's okay! She's a good gorgon! She was helping me out!"

"Really?!" The girls asked incredulously, taking their shades off to look at the dog, then back at the gorgon.

"It'ssss true," The gorgon hissed, lowering her hands to reveal her eyes were covered in a transparent, yet reflective, third eyelid that shows only the group's reflection. "Your dog wasss lossst in my grove. I wassss simply helping him out, by ssshowing him the way to you."

"Wow, that's awfully nice of you," Twilight thanked the gorgon, while avoiding direct eye contact.

With a sigh, the gorgon began, "If I had wanted to turn you to sssstone, then I would've done it the moment we firsssst met, would I not?"

"Oh, it's not that," Twilight began. "It's just...well, you're a gorgon. And no offense, but..." Wanting to steer the topic away and to get back to camp immediately, Twilight cleared her throat, "Anyway, thanks for helping Spike out, um....say what's your name?" She asked.

The gorgon was taken aback by the girl's question. Has the world finally forgotten who she is? In ancient times, her name was spoken in whispers. Those whom she crossed paths have greeted her with looks of dread and horror before their untimely demise. But these girls, they looked rather unfazed by her appearance. Well, most of them that is.

Taking her chances, the gorgon introduced herself, "I am called Medussssa."

"MEDUSA?!!" The Rainbooms and Spike all exchanged astonished looks with one another.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Rainbow began. "Medusa?! As in the Medusa? The girl who got on Athena's bad side and was cursed? Medusa, who was supposed to be slain by the hero Perseus? The Medusa's whose face has been the subject for all of Greek arts and everything?"

Medusa looked dumbstruck, "I beg your pardon?" She finally asked.

"I thought you said she was dead, Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy whimpered.

"I did!" Rainbow replied. "I mean, I thought she was! I mean..." Turning to the gorgon, Rainbow began, "How do we know for sure you're really Medusa? Medusa was supposed to be dead a long time ago!"

"Who ssssaid I wasss dead?" Medusa asked.

"Well, at this point, just about every one around the world," Pinkie answered, emphasis on every. "Everybody know about your story. You were cursed by the gods, for your beauty, you became a monster, you were given a freaky magic that turns anyone who looks at you into stone, so the gods sent a hero named Perseus to fight you, and then he defeated you when he beheaded you!" Pinkie concluded, squeamishly groaning while clutching her hands around her neck.

Though baffled, and a little disoriented from what Pinkie had told her, Medusa understood, nonetheless, "I ssssee," She hissed solemnly. "However, I can asssssure you all, I am Medussssa. I have lived for hundredssss of long missserable yearssss since I wasss cursssed to be thissss way."

Fluttershy gripped her hands tightly around Rainbow Dash's shoulders, "But then, the stories," The athletic girl began. "About you and Perseus?"

The gorgon hissed as she revealed, "I never met any other humanssss by the name Perssssseussss. I have lived on thissss island for countlesssss seasssonsss, undissssturbed."

The girls weren't so sure about the gorgon's words, "Are ya sure?" Applejack asked. "What about those statues back at the dug site? If I remember yer story right, you should have the power to turn anyone to stone. So–"

"No, no!" Medusa and her snakes hissed aggressively, wriggling about with her hands over her ears. "It wasssn't...I don't...don't make me relive that day!"

The girls and dog were all taken aback by the gorgon's sudden change in behavior. Taking her chances, Sunset Shimmer walked up to Medusa, puts her hand on the gorgon, focusing her geode's magic, and her eyes immediately lit as the fiery girl dived into the gorgon's memories.

In her vision, Sunset Shimmer was greeted of the traumatizing events unfolding before her, through Medusa's eyes.

"NO! Please!" Medusa pleaded, before an angry woman, dressed in ancient Greek toga. "Have mercy! I didn't–" Whatever Medusa was apologizing for, it was clear the woman wouldn't hear any of it, as a flash of blinding white light pierced the air, disorienting both Medusa and Sunset's visions momentarily. "No! NO!! NOOOOO!!!!" Medusa was looking at her own hands with dread, as the skins turned green, and were coated in sickly green scales, with the nails on her fingers growing long and sharp, before it became clear they have become claws.

To further her horror, Medusa looked into a shield, that was neatly polished like that of a mirror, and she screamed at the sight of her hair, transfigured into a mass of living snakes. Her eyes glowed a piercing emerald green glow, with the pupils of her eyes becoming reptilian slits.

Still in her memories, Sunset watched in horror as all the unfortunate people screamed for their lives, literally frozen in fear when they cast their gaze on Medusa – who was still distraught and disoriented from her transformation at the time.

"No, pleassssse!" Medusa hissed pleadingly in her memory. "Don't look! No! AH!!" Medusa stumbled and fell on the ground, and she turned to look her legs have become a huge snake's tail. She can no longer walk! Nor can she run from the frightened people who were all running all over her in blind fear, bumping and crashing into the statues she had made, unintentionally.

Amidst the chaos, Medusa spotted two girls whom she was familiar with, "Sssstheno! Euryale!" She called out. "Sssssisterssssss! Help me!"

"Medusa?!" The two girls exclaimed in shock, before the memory fast forwarded to the point where, from the cursed gorgon's perspective, she was fleeing for her life, with the voice of her sisters shouting from the distance. "Run, Medusa! Save yourself!"

More memories revealed the constant struggles Medusa has had to endure, from attempting to seek companions, to defending herself from countless warriors who have tried to slay her in the past. The emotional feelings of bitter loneliness and isolations all made a jab at Sunset Shimmer's heart, as she came to the end.

Sunset looked at the gorgon with empathy, who looked at her with confusion and shock, "Magic?" Medusa hissed. "You...you are.....witchessss?"

Sunset shook her head, as she clarifies, "Actually, we prefer the term 'Equestria girls,' if you'll please."

Medusa tilted her head in confusion, "Equesssstria?" She hissed. "What isss thisss Equessstria you ssssspeak of?"

"Nevermind that," Sunset dismissed, before getting back on topic. "What matters is, I know your story. Your real story."

Medusa hissed venomously in response, "My real ssssstory?" She began. "What do you know?"

"I know how it's all too much for you to take in when you were cursed to be this way. How alone you've been all your life. And how the world just unfairly treated you because they look at you, and they're afraid of you, because they see you as monster." Even as Sunset speaks, most of the Rainbooms slowly looked up to see Sunset was talking to the cursed gorgon, face-to-face.

"Sunset! What are you doing?!" Twilight asked. "Look away!"

"Since when do you start believing in legends now?" Rainbow asked.

"Since I saw snake hair with my very own eyes!"

"Shh, girls!" Applejack shushed the two arguing, and they listened as Sunset continues her talk with Medusa.

"You don't have to be a monster, Medusa," Sunset began.

"It'sss too late for that now," Medusa hissed angrily. "Look at me. I didn't choossssse to be a monsssster! I'm curssssed. I can never ssshow myssself to the world again! I'm too different, too horrible, and too.....dangeroussssss." She hissed solemnly at the end, hugging herself in a huddle.

The girls and dog couldn't help but look at Medusa sympathetically. Even Fluttershy, who finally snuck a glance, couldn't help but see a sad, lonely girl, in place of what she, the legends, and everyone have all perceived to be a horrendous creature. Though, come to think of it, this isn't the first time where she and her friends have encountered a terrifying creature that is seriously misunderstood.

"Y'know, when we first met, you weren't all horrible or dangerous," Spike barked, when he walked up to the gorgon and stood next to Sunset. "When we met, the first thing you did was help me out, because I got lost. I know a good person when I meet one. It's a dog's kind of thing."

Medusa looked at the dog, perplexed, "How issss it that you are able to talk?" She asked. "What ssssorcccery isss thisss?"

"It's kind of a long story," Spike chuckled. "It all started when Twilight and I were visiting Canterlot High School, and this strange bunny jumped out, and I chased it, and next thing I knew, I'm the inspiration of a child's book that was later promoted into a PBS Kids show."

Medusa and her snakes were still confused at what the dog just said, "Nevermind that," Sunset spoke up, wanting to get back on topic. "Look, the point is Medusa, I know how it feels to be alone. But we can help you."

"Help me?" The gorgon asked. "Why do you care?"

"Because it's what we do best," Pinkie answered, as she the girls joined in the conversation. "We're good at making friends!"

"And we're awesome at it," Rainbow added.

"That and we're good at helping others with their problems," Applejack added.

"Indubitably," Rarity added.

"And you do have cute snakes," Fluttershy sounded, to which the friends and Medusa turned, to see the formerly shy girl petting the snakes on the gorgon's head. "Aw, you're all so cute! Yes you are~" She cooed, much to Medusa's bewilderment.

"She has a thing with animals," Sunset explained.

"Fascinating!" Twilight said, adjusting her glasses, as she took a glance at Medusa's eyes. "You have nictitating membranes – a pale whitish or translucent layer that forms an inner eyelid in most reptiles, birds, and mammals! I never thought a gorgon like you would even possess such trait, let alone reflective! This could be a discovery of a lifetime for science....and magic."

As the Rainbooms crowded around the lonely gorgon, she couldn't help but feel a new feeling that was both uncomfortable and pleasing at the same time. She wanted the girls and dog to step away, as she needed her space, but at the same time, she didn't want them to leave her completely alone. They're all so different, but they all share the same friendship. She felt nervous, but secretly happy. She couldn't understand what it is, but it made her feel warm, and pleasing inside, almost rejuvenating. Better than she has been in a long time.

Confused, and conflicted, Medusa shook her head as she slithers away into the darkness, "Where are you going, Medusa?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm going where I belong," Medusa hissed, while hiding her face. "In the dark...hidden and forgotten by the world."

"Aw, but why?"

"Trussst me. It'ssss better thissss way. There'sssss no room in the world for a creature like me."

"That's not true, Medusa!" Sunset called out. "No one should be alone forever. Come on out. We can help you through this."

"What'ssss done issss done," Medusa hissed solemnly. "Thisss isss my fate. I musssst embraccce it for all eternity." She hissed before she was on her way, while shedding a tear.

Author's Note:

This has been my third chapter, and I hope you are still enjoying it so far. Even if it's not exactly close to Lauren Faust's genuine article.