• Published 31st May 2019
  • 9,526 Views, 3,594 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Mitchell Duel, part 5

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Mitchell Duel,
part 5


The imminent destruction that many in the Ponyville betting pool were waiting for was thankfully not coming.

Despite her tone, Twilight had had a rather good day. After escaping Ponyville she and Applejack had stopped for breakfast in Canterlot at Doughnut Joe's, gotten the farm mare to her doctors appointment on time. As such Applejack was cleared by a specialist. That was good news as now Twilight wouldn't have to listen to Applejack whine about sitting around for that much longer. Though Applejack was still very limited on what she was going to be allowed to do, she wouldn't be forced to do nothing but rest like she had been.

Pinkie Pie was tired of having to hog tie the mare to her bed.

And not in the fun way.

The pair had wandered around Canterlot for a while, had a nice lunch, talked to some of Sweet Apple Acres buyers and checked out a few bookstores. They were going to have tea with Princess Celestia, but it seemed she was out, so they used the time to pick up Spike's comics from his pull box at the store and few things here and there for the others.

After a nice day like that, and a few more doughnuts for the road, they headed back to Ponyville on the afternoon train fully expecting to deal with something.

Seeing the dome as they headed towards town, Applejack and Twilight both agreed that if they ever needed to go to Canterlot for something they would schedule it on a Tuesday from this point on.

Breaking the shield for the train to pass wasn't that hard. There was more power in it than she expected, but Twilight had dealt with worse far more often than she liked.

Of course once inside she couldn't help let out exactly what she was thinking seeing the multitude of illusions, statues and topiary of her brother around.

Twilight let out a small sigh rubbing her temples with a hoof. She should have asked more questions this morning. Though to be honest she didn't really want to know. The towns ingrained mentality of 'let it happen and clean up later' still didn't sit well with her.

Now She was standing with Applejack, Spike, and pretty much the rest of Ponyville, staring at three females who looked like foals caught in the cookie jar, oh and the other three that were clearly brain damaged given they liked her drama prone brother.

Chrysalis had run off the moment she saw Twilight.

Twilight mentally ranked her up a notch in terms of intelligence.

“Princess Celestia....” Twilight began.

“I'm allowed to take a day off every once and a while.” Celestia stated firmly.

“Fair enough, but we were supposed to have tea.... and evidently you left with enough speed to panic half of Canterlot.” Twilight sighed.” Ehh whatever the nobles are your problem.”

Twilight looked at the next one as Celestia let out long held breath in relief.

“Princess Luna....”

“You know our reasoning Twilight. Besides, some pony needed to clean up after mine sister.” Luna offered.

Twilight raised an eyebrow glancing at the few craters and all the fake Rahses about.

“We said we were cleaning up after our sister, not any pony else.” Luna added quickly.

Twilight rolled her eyes before looking at Cadence.

“What? I needed to give your big brother a break sooner or later. I mean we're almost finished with the palace and the rest of the empire isn't quite cleaned up yet for that sort of activity....” Cadence began.

Twilight winced. “ No, stop, stop, don't care TMI, TMI.... ugh”

Moving past the three princesses who seemed quite pleased with themselves for getting away unscathed, Twilight looked at the Three females who seemed to have caused the greatest mess.

“Okay... Trixie I know is after Rahs, and I take Spike was right about you two?” Twilight offered frowning at Jynx recalling her last encounter with diamond dogs. That glare shifted to the still undisguised Saturnia who Twilight thought was very pink for a changeling.

“I find it very hard to believe that there's some one other than Trixie with such a horrid taste in males.” Twilight sighed.

“ There is nothing wrong with Rahs!” Saturnia stated.

“He's my brother , there's plenty wrong with him.” Twilight corrected.

“Trixie agrees there is nothing wrong with Fuzzy he is quite the handsome moon dog.” Trixie stated getting glare from Twilight.

“Okay you know what. Don't care, I've got shopping to unpack. Just clean up this mess and I'm pretty sure every one will agree today never happened.”

“Except Shy, cause she won the pot.” Dash added.

“Right, what ever.. Where even is Rahs?” Twilight asked.

Trixie, Jynx, and Saturnia looked at each other then looked around confused.

Twilight slapped herself in the face with a hoof as Spike laughed.

“Seriously you've been fighting over him all day and you don't even know where he is?” Spike cackled.

About this point a pair of foals struggled into the middle of town pulling a large gold colored block of stone. The pair managed to get almost to the middle of the road in front of the gathered towns folk before both collapsed panting hard as a illusion of an over sized Trixie sat on the block dressed as a queen glared down at them.

“Please great, huff, and powerful Trixie can we stop...” Snips whined.

“Yeah we've been pulling this thing for days...” Snails panted.

Twilight raised an eyebrow looking at Trixie.

“ It's hardly been an hour and if they didn't want to be stuck doing menial labor all day they shouldn't have skipped school.” Trixie stated.

Twilight glanced to Spike who nodded though any more conversation was cut off as Rainbow Dash whistled shrilly.

Also sitting on the slab of stone the colts had been pulling was one of Rarity's fainting couches, reclining on that and eating grapes from a bowl was Rahs.

The whistle from Rainbow Dash brought to everyone in the towns attention what the dark blue furred moon dog was wearing, which wasn't much. Wrapped gold sandals around his rear paws and ankles with matching bracelets and collar around his arms and neck. A thick ornate gold belt hugged with waist with a fine purplish red loincloth that fell to his ankles but left his legs free. His top was covered by what looked like a metal bikini of the same gold and maroon coloration as the belt and loincloth. The outfit some what matched the over sized Trixie illusion staring down at Snips and Snails and was very reminiscent of a certain famous sci-fi Princess.

Jynx, Trixie, and Saturnia stared.

“When did you put him in that?" Jynx asked trying not to drool.

“Trixie did not, but she wishes she had.” Trixie muttered.

“Uhhhhhhh.” Saturnia stated eloquently.

Twilight however was not impressed. "Rahs.. that had better not be my Nightmare night costume!”

Big Mac who was watching on confused, heard that, looked at the costume on Rahs, looked at Twilight picturing how it would fit on her, and promptly excused himself very quickly.

“Bork” Rahs taunted.

“IT DOES NOT LOOK BETTER ON YOU!” Twilight snapped.

“Disagree.“ Rahs' three suitors stated together.

“Take that off right now!!” Twilight shouted.

“SLOWLY!!”came the cry from most of the towns ponies, much to Rainbow Dash's annoyance that her line was being stolen.

Rahs for once seemed a bit embarrassed by that much attention, though he shrugged.


“What! ? You did not just .. it is not too baggy on your fat ass... !!” Twilight shrieked leaping onto the slab rushing her brother, who wisely stood up and fled. Spike sighed tugging on Pinkie Pie's mane and pulling her head down to his level before reaching into her poofy hair a moment and pulling out a rolled up newspaper and a spray bottle of water before chasing after his siblings.

Every one stared after them as the first explosions started down the street before turning their attention back to the Princesses. Sparkle shenanigans were old news. All three princesses being in town at once was new.

Besides there were bets on the line.

“Well as much fun as this was if you three are serious about courting Rahs you need to tell him how you feel. Today.” Cadence ordered as she trotted up to the three. “If he's anything like Shiny, he's as dense as lead.”

“I also would ask that you accompany me afterwards Miss Lulumoon. I have questions on where you acquired that amulet.” Luna added in.

“I'm sure your pack is in need of supervision given I saw a few of them being chased by a skunk when I was knocked over the edge of the forest.” Celestia pointed out to Jynx.

“And we need to have a talk any way.” Cadence added as she looked to Saturnia.

The three looked at each other clearly about to argue again before Luna sighed. “Trixie speak first , Saturnia then Jynx. Do not interrupt each other, state your feelings and intent to him directly, grand pup or not he is not that bright when it comes to his relationships.”

The three nodded then darted off after the screams of Twilight and the taunting barks of Rahs.

With that done Celestia looked over at the rest of the town who was still staring at them. She took note of some bits changing hooves still.

“Soooo who wants to watch me lower the sun and Luna raise the moon?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Does that mean party?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Sure why not.” Celestia chuckled as Pinkie Pie squeed.

Cadence however was looking over the crowd curiously. For a moment there she thought she felt a rather intense burst of lust from the crowd that didn't come from the trio of Rahs' possible suitors. It wasn't Dash either. Had she missed some one? Scanning the crowd she didn't see any one who looked like they might have a interest in Rahs and the flare was over rather quickly despite how strong it was.


[3 fires, 6 explosions, and a angry flock of chickens later ]

Rahs harrumphed, shifting his coat back on over his shoulders before trying to wipe the excess water from his face. Spike had gotten good with that sprayer.

Of course now he was just confused again.

Jynx, Saturnia, and Trixie had shown up before him with Luna and Cadence watching in the background near a bush. Oddly the pair of goddesses, including the bush, had little flags they were waving with the girls names on them.

The three had evidently something planed and it worried Rahs a little, particularly as Trixie approached with other two glaring at her.

Rahs raised a eyebrow as Trixie trotted up to him her horn glowing forming a rather elegant and very familiar yellow dress around herself with illusions. She rose up on her back legs one fore hoof on his chest as she smiled.

The scene was very familiar to him though by this point he had usually been replaced by the pony playing the Prince.

“It is you.” Trixie said softly before kissing his cheek lightly, fire works starting to go off in the air above them all. “ And I do mean that more than just in a scene Fuzzy.”

Rahs blinked as Trixie sighed softly before she moved off with a glare at the other two as she let the illusions fade leaving Rahs wide eyed at the meaning of that.

The two goddesses and the bush all held up score cards, with Luna giving a 10, Cadence a 8 and the bush a 4.

Saturnia sighed frowning a little as she revised her plan , then she smiled shifting back to the blue pegasus form Rahs knew briefly before approaching him.

“Ancient Armour, scene eight page one twenty, line four. “Saturnia stated leaning up to kiss Rahs' other cheek. “And yes, I mean it like that.”

Rahs turned bright red red recalling what that scene was.

Luna was also red and held up a 9, Cadence had a confused 5 held up and the Bush held up an 23 before Cadence smacked it with a wing.

Jynx watched Saturnia and Trixie backed off with a frown. She didn't have any sort of secret thing to pass on like the other two did that confessed their feelings. Still she wasn't going to give up.

She moved up to the still blushing Rahs and smoothed down her ruined dress a bit before looking down at him. The moon dog blinked up at her a moment before she quickly swept his legs out from under him, caught him with an arm, and planted a rather deep kiss right on his lips.

Luna offered a 9 though Cadence and the bush both held up 10s.

Jynx lifted Rahs back up to his paws smiled at him and walked off her scared tail wagging.

The other two glared at the diamond dog Alpha who simply stuck her tongue out at both of them as they left along with the goddesses to deal with their respective issues.

Rahs stood there a moment alone staring blankly into the night one ear half drooped.


“HAHAHA suck it !. 'Stop making stupid bets Lyra.' 'Where do you come up with these ideas Lyra?' ' Here to waste more of your bits Lyra?' Who just won the TRIXIE POOL SUCKERS!!!” Lyra cackled dancing past with a very large bag of bits floating in her magic and a clearly long suffering Bon Bon walking beside her as Lyra kept yelling back at the main crowd of the Ponyville betting pool.

“WHAT!?” Rahs demanded of the night.

Author's Note:

For those wondering Trixie went with the last scene of beauty and the beast[fitting for her] only without the 'beast' being replaced by the prince.

What the Chapter Saturnia brought up said well... i ain't telling.

And Jynx... yeah .. one of them had to do it.

And now that Rahs knows that there's three females vying for his attention what will he dooo?

find out next time.

Same Puppy Site, Same Puppy story!

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