• Published 31st May 2019
  • 9,547 Views, 3,594 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Endor Girls, Part Seven

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Season 3

Endor Girls,
Part 7

Applejack glared at the dog.

The green and purple dog glared back.

“What tha hell did you just say?!” Applejack growled.

“You heard me.” Spike snapped back.

“Ah heard what you said, and ah was giving you tha chance tah take it back!” Applejack snapped in return.

“Pffft yeah right, but I'm a dog, what the heck do I care about pears and apples, thing is it got your attention and you're not ignoring us any more and pretending we don't exist. I've got Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and now you. You need to come with me so I can get Rarity and Pinkie Pie so we can fix this mess.” Spike stated.

“What mess?” Applejack demanded staring angrily at the dog still.

“Ehh, the mutt, the dragon, and some other girl came from another dimension after a crown thingy that was stolen by Sunset and the dog thinks the five of us are some kinda buffer against weird shit happening.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Like ah'd believe anything you say after what you said.” Applejack grumbled.

“By Luna's pointy ears, NO one sent anything to any one, I don't even know what one of those 'cell phone' thingies are, but every one of you have said you didn't send anything and every one else sent something to or about you.” Spike wailed. “Something is wrong here and I want to make sure that if my sister makes it worse or my brothers do something stupid that there is a back up plan. You five are the dimensional duplicates of my sisters friends and hopefully, HOPEFULLY, when the shit hits the fan sideways that will mean something.”

Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy stared at Spike as he ranted.

“If you want to go back to hating each other after I get home, far be it for me to stop you, but all three of you have both accused and denied the saying of something.” Spike grumbled. “Once is bad, twice is coincidence, but three times the same thing, that's a setup. You were supposed to be friends from what I've been told and what I know of my worlds versions so you need to give me a couple hours and still be that.”

Applejack blinked raising an eyebrow at the dog.

“Please, Applejack?” Fluttershy pleaded.

Applejack sighed sitting back in her chair at the sign up desk. “Fine, hey Carrot, take over for me somethings come up and ah gotta skedaddle fer a bit.”

The green haired girl Applejack called to glanced up from her phone and offered Applejack a wave before going back to her phone.

“Alright ah'm only agreeing tah this cause this cause a talking dog is a bit higher grade than Dash's usual pranks an that dragons kinda neat, and ah wouldn't mind a closer look at it.” Applejack offered. “Plus ah know where Rarity is.”

“Great.. here's hoping my sister can keep from blowing something up for a bit longer.”Spike agreed.

[Crystal Empire]

Forgescale the terrible roared out again and frowned.

Something was wrong.

Sure he was back on Equss, and back in his magnificent body, never to be forced into a ugly Christmas sweater to pose for a holiday card ever again, but things still felt off.

He knew where he was, this was the Crystal Empire, he often besieged this place, screaming meat and crystal all in one package, it was a delightful meal.

He considered a moment before looking to his claw as a massive glowing folder appeared in it. He finally understood the portfolio joke from his time in the human world and he hated it.

Lets see, majors are Volcanoes and Strength. Wait where were pain and dragons? Minors? Why were they minors? Shared at that. Who the hell was Scrivello that he shared pain with, and how dare another dragon try and usurp his claim on....... oh, it was her.

“Oh no, Bleu.” Forgescale muttered.

“OH YES, BLEU!!” a voice called before a large blue scaled claw slammed into his jaw, as a little blue dragon turned into a very very big dragon very quickly, upper cutting the massive red scaled beast and launching him up into the air and out over the city. The great dragon bounced as he hit a large pink shield that formed and a blue form larger than even he was slammed into him again launching him even higher into the air and out over the cities edge. ”Miss me Dad? Well I sure as Tartarus won't miss you!”

There was another crash before he could recover and he was sailing out into the northern wastes and over a distant mountain before he even heard the crack of her tail.

He spread his wings with a growl, uppity girl should have finished him rather than simply knocked him away, he was going to be sure that would cost her.

Wait, why wasn't he moving?

Forgescale hung there motionless in the air unable to move anything but his eyes and the reason why was soon apparent as a little white rabbit hopped up to sit on his nose.

“I saw you come back and I didn't let you leave when I gave you my regards. Don't forget I know what you will do, are doing, and have done.” White stated with more than a little anger. “So for the moment. Time Out.”

There were a multitude of flashes in the air above him as at least three score of other figures appeared in the air over him. Some he recognized, some he didn't though the ones he did know, he knew as gods. He spotted Kaz, Celestia, and a number of others who opposed him before he was banished, but this many others. Damn, must have dropped into one of their fucking meetings when he made it back.

White vanished from his nose.

Numerous massive attacks that would have leveled cities slammed into his chest belly and head as he was held there, unable to move, the attack spells froze on impact as well, building until an absolutely insane amount of power was covering his front making him glow like a second sun.

“Time in.” White stated and everything hit at once.

The force of the blows killed him at least eight times and then a ninth time when he hit the ground. The attacks came too fast to hurt and killed him almost painlessly. Even the impact with the ground was barely felt as his spine was driven up though his chest.

Crawling out of the crater left from the explosions, far far from the empire, Forgescale was pissed. The sucker punching fools, he would burn this world to ash so that nothing would be left of those who would dare oppose him like this.

Wait was it growing brighter out here?

“We once loved a mortal. He amused us and we were happy, even though we knew our time would be short.” stated a voice. “We had a child from that union, one who should have been with us even now. Yet Hooper's life was cut short by one whom we never had a chance to met out justice to. His whole guard unit was burned or was devoured and there never was a body left to even bury.”

Turning his head, Forgescale spotted a lone dark alicorn standing on top of a mountain.

“Allow us to welcome thee back Forgescale.” Princess Luna snarled before her moon impacted the massive dragon.

The first impact was felt across Equss, as were the second thru fifteenth.

Aside from annoying the god of the earth, who made sure the shock waves didn't spread too far from the impact point, and a few other gods who were not present, all of whom calmed down when the cause of it was explained, there was very little damage save at the spot the moon hit. That spot however now had a massive new crater that was filling up with water from a underground river and snow melt, it likely would wind up being a new inland sea. That would be of benefit to the Crystal Empire in a few hundred years.

Forgescale growled reforming and pushing himself up out of the rock he had been embedded into staring up at the mare as she dusted off her pet rock and placed it back into the sky.

“Crimes are as follows. Genocide, disregarding laws made by the council, attempting to destroy other gods, killing no less than six gods by wiping out their species, littering, illegal dimensional travel, jaywalking, cannibalism, disturbing the peace, and thirty two unpaid traffic tickets.” Discord read off.

Sitting in the crater was a long stone table that looked hastily made with five gods seated at it. Iinii, Aqua, and the Fates. Discord was floating nearby with a long list that was rolled out and across the ground at the bottom of the crater.

“We do not need the charges brought against him Discord. We were the ones who charged him with such before he vanished.” Iinii stated some how looking down at Forgescale.

“Though the parking violations are new.”Terrible added.

“All the rubble he made when he broke the Crystal palace is taking up all the cart parking near the palace and it's after hours, no parking allowed.” Discord huffed.

“I'm surprised you didn't add vandalism for the damage to the castle.” Aqua rolled her eyes.

“Of course not, he did us a favor there, that thing was tacky, like it was designed to be a fillies plaything.” Discord rolled his eyes back only for them to come out his ears and roll around his head before dropping back into socket.

“I do not see you as having any sort of power over me.” Forgescale roared lunging at the table only for something to grab him and yank him back to the dirt.

Shadows started oozing out of the cracks in the ground wrapping around the massive dragon drawing him down as a massive form composed of shadow rose out of the cracks, six red eyes staring down at the creature it held.

“This council was created to curb the more violent of those who became gods. A great deal of leeway is given in regards to individual events and personality's , but the goal is to keep the peace and achieve a balance. Something that you relished shattering every chance you could.” Aqua accused.

“For your crimes you are being sentenced to Tartarus until the end of existence, or until you have released your claimed portfolios and have died of old age.” Murphy stated. “Whichever comes first.”

Forgescale roared in defiance as he was wrapped tighter and the shadowy behemoth behind him pulled him into the ground, dragging him screaming to Tartarus.

The clack of bones and the thud of hooves was heard as a figure in a black cloak suddenly stood before the table.

“Grace. I do wish you and your husband would come to more of these gatherings as a guest, not only on business.” Karma stated.

“We KnOw YoU mEaN wElL kArMa, BuT yOu KnOw TrOpH aNd I aRe JuSt NoT tHe PaRtY tYpEs.” Grace, the god of The Dead and The Wilds, offered, with a smile on her skeletal face.

The skeletal zebra also had minors in Puns, Beer, Carols, and Welsh, but only a small few knew about those.

A massive shadow reformed from nothing standing over Grace. The darkness seemed form into a massive beast that was vaguely draconic with six glowing red eyes.

>” He is contained.”< The shadowy figure stated.

The massive form was Troph, the god of Justice, Rage, and Tartarus. He also had minors, in shadows, Dragon fire, and Tahiti, but even fewer knew about those.

“Thank you for your assistance. We wish you well.” Iinii stated, some how still taller than anything else in the crater.

“Toodles!” Discord waved.”You have to let me know if you ever have any kids that uncle Discord can come spoil!”

The pair faded back into the ground leaving the gods sitting at the table.

“So any one want to get something to eat? I hear Crystal Pony Joes is good.” Karma asked.

[ Other side of the Portal]

“Whaaat are yooou?” Rahs quaked in a voice like a mugger held up on the end of a rope by a guy dressed like a bat.

“Woof.” Rahs responded to the large blueish black bird sitting on his nose.

“RAHS GET DOWN FROM THERE!” shouted Twilight, the purple haired girl jumping back as the massive dragon lowered his head to look at her as well.

“Ground floor, menswear, sporting goods, and pantyhose.” Raven Rahs cawed.

“You two are back here sooner than I thought. Did you find the thief?” Shining Armor asked walking up from the portal his armor clanking lightly as he shifted.

“Thief?” Twilight asked looking up at the armored knight.

“Bark!” Spike added.

“Why is Spike barking? Also where did you get the glasses and the lab coat?” Shining asked curiously.

“What? I left the house with these, how did you get in front of us and where did you get that armor?” Twilight demanded.

“What?” Shining Armor asked.

“Twilight!!! What did I tell you about running ahead of me!” Shining Armor shouted as he ran up towards the dragon and the portal, his duster fanning out behind him before he slid to a stop and smoothed the coat out as he caught his breath. “You know for some one who never exercises you can be way too fast when you want to be.”

Twilight, both Rahses and Spike all blinked and looked between the two Shining Armors. The two men stared back at each other in confusion.

“Oh my gosh a doppelganger. I need to document this and study it!” Twilight squeed whipping out a suitcase from under her lab coat and set it on the ground busting it open to show off a number of instruments. “I'll need a blood sample, and a hair sample, and a skin sample, and nail sample, and a saliva sample, and a brain wave check, and blood pressure check....”

Detective Armor winced as he looked to Emperor Armor who was staring rather worriedly at the ranting girl.

“Sorry she gets like this.” Detective Armor offered sheepishly.

“Trust me I know.” Emperor Armor sighed.

"Forget it darling talking dog or not I am not going any where with these three.” Rarity snapped turning to ignore Spike and the other three girls as she went back to working on the dress set up in the home ec work room. Cloth and materials were scattered every where and the dress on the manikin looked to have taken weeks of elaborate work.

Spike glared at her from where he sat on the table.

“Come with us and help me find Pinkie Pie or I will pee all over your work table.” Spike threatened.

“You wouldn't!” Rarity gasped.

“Rares I wouldn't risk it. Little dudes angry.” Rainbow Dash nodded.

“No kidding.” Applejack admitted.” Tone it down a might will you Spike?”

“My sister has been missing for nearly an hour now. There are no alarms going off and nothing is on fire yet. I am getting a bad feeling along the spines I don't even have at the moment like I get when the CMC are about to do something. “Spike growled.” I am not calming down until I am home again.”

“.... FINE. I will help you find Pinkie Pie but that is it!” Rarity scoffed.

“Good enough, the explosions should have started by that point.” Spike nodded.

“Given it's lunch time she tends to visit one of the shops across the road to eat since she's not hanging out with us.” Rarity sighed.

“Wuff.” dragon Rahs offered.

“Woof!” bird Rahs responded.

“BARK!” real dog Spike chimed in.

“Stop that!” Twilight shouted up at the bird,” Don't start that again.”

Dragon Rahs grinned. “Bork.”

“LANGUAGE!” Two Shining Armors and Twilight yelled back.

“ Uh oh spagetiohs...” bird Rahs chimed.

“Errr Twilight I'm pretty sure he's not going to allow himself to be a test subject.” Detective Armor stated though Twilight ignored him and kept setting up her gear. “Though I for one would like to know what exactly is going on here.”

“Drama troup?” Emperor Armor suggested.

“Yeah, no, I'm not buying that.” Detective Armor stated.

“Kinda surprised Celestia did to be honest.” Emperor Armor shrugged. “Oh course we told her the truth and she chose to believe the drama trope thing.”

“That worries me.” Detective Armor sighed.

“Yeah well the short of it is, the thing behind me is a portal, the four of us came through to catch a thief who stole a powerful artifact.” Emperor Armor added. “The weirdest thing is you and your sister and her dog seem to be me and my sister and brother.”

“Surely you can't be serious?” Detective Armor stated.

“I am serious, and don't call me Shirley!” Raven Rahs called out.

“And that's got to be your version of Rahs.” Emperor Armor sighed.

Dragon Rahs chuckled.

Spike, the dragon who was a dog stared at the brown haired lightly tanned man in an apron standing before him behind the counter.

The man behind the counter stared at the angry looking little dog sitting on his counter.

“This is against a few health codes.” Doughnut Joe pointed out to Fluttershy who had brought the dog in.

“I'm on to you Joe.” Spike grumbled as Fluttershy picked him up and carried back to the table where Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity sat.

“So evidently darling I'm starting to think that all those messages were errors or some sort misunderstanding.” Rarity was explaining.

“Oh I know. Sunset hacked into our chat room and posted it.” Pinkie Pie stated, taking a sip of her drink.

“What? How?” Rarity blinked.

Pinkie shrugged and downed another doughnut.”I read the script.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash questioned

“Not going to ask, but if yah knew, why didn't you tell us?” Applejack grumbled.

“Well for starters no one listens to me. And second if I told any one then Spike here's whole mission to reunite us would be completely pointless.” Pinkie Pie stated.

“What?” Dash demanded again.

“Well.. at least Pinkie seems consistent between worlds.” Spike rolled his eyes.” That worries me more than anything else I've seen.

“My 'fingers' reach through heavy space and you 'see' 'Pinkie', but it is really just 'fingers'.” Pinkie Pie offered.

“What?” Dash questioned for a third time.

“Come on girls lets go meet Twilight.” Pinkie Pie smiled completely ignoring the looks..

“Well... I suppose you are right. I would like to meet a real Princess.” Rarity smiled trying not to think about it.

“Princess?” Pinkie raised an eyebrow. ”No no, the other one.”

Vice Principal Luna rubbed her temples as she knocked on the door to the office of her sister.

Hearing no response, she pushed it open, glaring back at the two girls following her.

Luna stopped and frowned as she took in the office. Her sister was there and she was sitting at her desk half hidden behind at least ten boxes of ice cream cakes from the shop down the road.

Two of them were empty already.

“Seriously?” Luna frowned.

“It's been a bad week.” Celestia grumbled through a mouthful of cake.

“We talked about this, you're going to gain two hundred pounds and make yourself sick. Put down the fork.” Luna chided.

“I don't want to.” Celestia pouted.

Twilight took a moment to look around the room. It was done in a much brighter coloration and style that Vice Principal Luna's. Most of the awards on the wall were scholastic achievements as well, and none for a damn ax.

There were numerous book shelves and books Twilight had never seen before and she was nearly twitching to start reading some of them. Of course her distraction allowed her to miss the crown sitting on the edge of Celestia's desk.

At least until Sunset Shimmer snagged it.

“Yoink!” The red head shouted turning and rushing towards the window, flinging it open with one hand and diving out of it.

“NO!! WE'RE ON THE THIRD FLOOR!!” Luna shouted as she and Twilight rushed towards the window.

Sunset was clinging to a gutter and sliding down safely to the ground. She landed and just before darting off displayed the human equivalent of a rude Griffonesse gesture to Twilight.

“I really hate her.” Luna snarled.

“Screw this.” Twilight grumbled shoving Luna out of the way and leaping out the window to follow Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight however was still not used to this form, missed the gutter, forgot she didn't have wings and fell three stories to crash into the ground with a sickening thud.

Vice Principal Luna gasped in shock staring down at the prone girl. She whipped around to her sister sitting at the desk.

“Tia call and ambulance!!.......” Luna shouted only to be cut off by a louder shout. She looked back out the window her jaw dropping.

“SUNSET SHIMMER, GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!” bellowed Twilight as she took off running after the fleeing thief.

Luna blinked looking down at the spot the young trespasser had hit, then at the figure as she ran around the buildings corner after Sunset.

Luna stepped back and closed the window and moved over to drop into the chair in front of her sisters desk, slumping over with a sigh.

“Give me one of those.” Luna demanded of her sister with an air of defeat.

“No.” Celestia pouted.

“Oh come on, you have eight of them!” Luna snapped.

Author's Note:

Should be wrapping this up next chapter

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