• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Magical Mystery Chibiusa, Epilogue 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Magical Mystery Chibiusa,
Epilogue 2

[1 week later. Crystal Express ]

“ So you can just change back and forth now?” Spike asked, looking at Applejack who was sitting across from him on a bench as the train clacked onward towards the Crystal Empire. Spike had a small collection of cards laid out on the table in front of him. He had picked up a number of the sets just for this trip. It seemed the crystal ponies had heard his quip back with the juggernaut and figured it out it was from a card game.

That game was now one of the most popular things in the Crystal Empire and he would look stupid if he didn't know how to play it when he went back.

“Something like that. Still need a burst ah magic or some ambient around tah do so, but ah ken stay a pony if ah like unless ah get too much of it and I'm fully in control now. Spect ah know how yah felt as a dog with tha poison joke curse. It's rather weird going from quadruped tah something bipedal with paws instead of hoofs. Never actually felt it afore, ah just kinda blanked out.”

“Twilight suspects that that flare of her ascending might have been enough magic to evolve you to what the curse is supposed to do.” Spike considered the cards, he was definitely gonna make a dragon deck.

“Ehh whatever it is, things ken go back tah more normal now...” Applejack muttered readjusting her hat over her longer ears. “Still can't taste any apples ah grow, or eat chocolate, and these ears are bugging me with mai hat. Plus don't git me started on how everything smells now, but other wise every things fine.”

“Not complaining about the fangs? Or having to eat meat?” Spike questioned.

Applejack shrugged. “Ah ain't only able tah taste certain things like Rahs so all tha extra food types is only adding more flavors to mai diet than what ah lost. Being able tah taste magic is pretty weird though.”

“Oh? Find any new flavors like that?” Spike questioned not having heard Rahs talk about that for a bit. Three of the blue eyed white colored dragons would be a good starter, maybe some black ones too.

“Yeah, that spell of Starswirl's tasted like lemons, Rarity's magic tastes like marshmellows and Princess Cadence's tastes like strawberry shortcake. Sweetiebelle's tasted like maple syrup.” Applejack smirked.

“Tree sap.” Spike chuckled as he added a couple of spells and trap cards. “What about Twilight's? What did hers taste like? Rahs said she didn't have a flavor and I know she gave you a bit of magic while she was testing.”

Applejack's ears flattened to her head as she looked away from Spike.

“Well?” Spike asked looking up from the cards curiously. “It's been one of the flavors I've been wondering about since I first learned Rahs could taste magic.”

“Her magic..... well doesn't have a distinct food flavor per say...”

“Uh huh....” Spike tilted his head wondering why Applejack was trying to be cagey.

“Well it … her magic kinda tastes like Rahs.....” Applejack muttered turning a bit red.

“Huh... the moon dog spit theory....” Spike considered his tail flicking against the seat as he looked back at his cards before stopping and looking at Applejack. “Wait a minute. How do you know what Rahs tastes like?”

“Yah know, I'm feeling a might peckish ah'm gonna go see if Granny Smith wants anything and then head up to the food car real quick, talk to yah later Spike...” Applejack stammered very quickly before slipping out of her seat and rushing off.

Spike watched her go and smiled. “I wonder how much Twilight will pay me for that bit of information?”

Twilight Sparkle sat in her own train car reading. She had to admit the 'Princess' car was very nice and filled with countless comforts. It had it's own small library, a full bath, and kitchen with sixty types of coffee and at least forty cakes, that was terrible. Mostly because Pinkie had found out, now there were fourteen cakes.

Rahs was stretched out over one of the plush couches with Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash scattered about the room on other high end furniture. Pinkie Pie was currently taking up the bathroom after too many cakes.

“So your very first deity summit... are you're alright with this Twilight?” Rarity asked from where she lounged on another couch.

“Yeah, you didn't seem thrilled about being a Princess when Princess Celestia asked.” Rainbow Dash added.

“This is a little different. Since I'm ascended and also well known and fairly accessible, I'm supposed to meet and present myself to the council of gods, offer up what my portfolios are, get a list of rules from them and a bunch of other ceremonial stuff. It's rather exciting.” Twilight offered closing the book. “And being accepted as a god doesn't mean I have to do any paper work or gain any responsibilities unlike being a princess. In fact unless something in my portfolio becomes a issue that I would have to deal with no one will really expect anything of me.”

“A council of gods?” Fluttershy asked.

“ Yep. Seems a bunch of Equss' gods meet every so often to discuss things that effect the entirety of Equss. The last full meeting was when Cadence ascended. This one is going to cover my ascension, as well as the return of Discord, and Luna's situation. It's also going to address adding Chrysalis and upgrading the changeling race from abominations to an actual species that will be recognized by the council and therefor protected.” Twilight explained. “There are several heads of the council that are the oldest gods. Iinii, The Fates, White, although he has a tendency not to ever show up on time according to Celestia, and Aqua. The meeting is being held in the Crystal Empire as all of them attending want to investigate the place to make sure everything Solomon set up is gone for good.”

“I expect Princess Luna is not happy about this.” Rarity frowned.

“She's not, but there are more gods on her side than are against her.” Twilight offered. “Princess Celestia might not be one of the council's elders, but she has a great deal of pull with them due to her portfolio.”

“Well so long as nothing bad is going to come out of this.” Fluttershy offered.

“There might be a few things.” Twilight offered. “We're still not sure that I count as 'magic' in the prophecy. And there's still the others to contend with. Plus there are always gods that want to give the new comers a hard time. Not to mention the ones who want to try and increase their pull by trying to get the newly ascended to listen to them. In truth I'd rather avoid this, best I take Shining's advice, agree to nothing be polite but give no answers that can be considered favorable or unfavorable to any position.”

“So I take this Velkorn who made the prophecy has one of her portfolios in divination or something? Tea leaf reading?” Rarity questioned.

“According to Celestia her major portfolios are Zebra's and Alchemy, and her minors are prediction, medicine, and beans.” Twilight offered.

“Beans?” Rainbow Dash questioned as Twilight shrugged.

“A lot of gods pursue smaller or lesser portfolios in food types. They're supposed to be easy to acquire and are a decent power versus cost ratio to have a few of them. Though the more you acquire the less benefit you gain. Celestia has Ponies, the Sun, and Day, as major portfolios, and nox-cal and Zebra's as minor, though she's trying to get cake as another minor. Luna has the Moon, Night, Dreams, and nox-cal as her majors, with Moon Dogs, and Ponies as her minors and she's trying to get coffee added as a minor. She thinks she only needs to try Pinkie's coffee to get it as well.”

“This is complicated.” Dash grumbled.

“I know, I only got a week long crash course in it, but the powers are simple to understand. Gods draw more power from their major portfolios and some times take on aspects of that, which is why Celestia's mane looks like a sunrise and Luna's looks like the night sky. It acts a bit like a magical heat sink as well. The pair of them have a lot of power and bleed it off that way.”” Twilight explained. “Minor portfolios don't give as much power and are often shared lessening the power gained further, though having them means if anything happens to your primary power you can fall back on a lesser to avoid being destroyed.”

“Hmm so should we expect your mane and tail to do that ?” Rarity questioned.

“I doubt it. After all Cadence's hair doesn't act all wavy yet either.” Twilight smiled.

“Good thing too, it would probably wind up acting like one of those japony tentacle things.”Rainbow Dash snorted.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy blushed.

“Regardless, thank you all for coming out here with me. It'll be nice to have friends with me after all the scrutiny I'm likely to go through here.” Twilight smiled. “Interesting or not I don't like the idea of being the center of attention like this.”

“I'm sure it will be fine darling.” Rarity stated.” We are all here for you.”

“Woof.” Rahs agreed.

“That's right.” Fluttershy agreed.

“Damn straight, we got your back.” Rainbow Dash agreed.

“Thanks girls I appreciate it. Still I kinda wish Big Mac could come as well.” Twilight muttered.” I can't tell if he's intimidated by me now or not.”

“It's alright dear, with Grannysmith coming up here along with Applejack to check out some of the farm land around the Empire, some pony had to stay and watch the crusaders.” Rarity offered. “Besides if he wasn't intimidated by you before, it's unlikely he is now.”


Something exploded on the farm and Big Mac raised his head up looking out across the fields, taking note that there was a fair sized fire around the small area he had given the girls to work on their latest project. He wasn't sure what a 'rail gun' was, but he doubted they would get a cutie- mark in it.

He watched the fire for a moment as it started to die out along with the screams of the fillies, they had it under control for the moment.

Dropping his head back to the book he continued to read. He never knew there was this much detail in preening wings...

The whistle of the train blew drawing the attention of the ones in the Princess car even before Spike opened the door. “ Hey, we're coming into the station now. Everyone ready for this?”

“Not at all.” Twilight offered fanning her wings. “But lets get underway any how.”

The group of them rose and joined Applejack, Grannysmith, and Pinkie Pie moving to the front of the car to begin the Gods Summit.


The street was dark as a figure stood leaning against an old stone statue,watching the time click by on a small glowing box.

“It's almost time.. soon I'll have the power to get everything I rightfully deserve.”

The figure smirked as the glowing square winked out. Only briefly showing the figure's hair, the pattern reminiscent of bacon.

Author's Note:

This seasons not quite done yet.

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