• Published 31st May 2019
  • 9,547 Views, 3,594 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Endor Girls, Part two

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Endor Girls,
Part two

[Crystal Empire]

The rest of the event went fairly well.

Despite Discord getting away from Twilight, she was able to clean up and return to a much smaller gathering.

While a number of the gods were going to hang around for a bit and see the sights in the Crystal Empire, most had already left for the return trip to where ever they lived. A secondary gathering that was a lot less formal and included a number of mortals was held in a different ball room. Her brothers and her friends were able to come to this one and Granny Smith even plodded around talking with those who were approximately her own age, or made her feel younger.

Applejack and Rahs gathered a great deal of interest, much to Applejack's annoyance and Rahs' delight.

Spike was fawned over by a number of female gods who thought he was adorable.

Much to Cadence and Chrysalis' annoyance Shining armor gathered a good bit of attention as well.

Oddly Cadence let Chrysalis run interference with Shining as she stayed closer to Twilight giving one or two of the gods a glare when they thought to approach.

“Welcome to the after party of a council meeting. More hookups and flirting than a Guard bar after a mission.” Cadence muttered. “Any new comers are often targets of those who like to yell out 'First' when they do something.”

“Uhhuh... and you're … against that?” Twilight raised a brow as Cadence turned a bit red.

“I'm in a relationship thank you very much. And so are you and some of these gods can be most persuasive.” Cadence sighed.

Twilight snorted not expecting to have any issues refusing, though some of them did look interesting purely from an anatomical stand point. I mean would the god of octopodes rip off his own dick and throw it at her? Did the bird gods all have clocoas? For that matter did the reptiles all have that?

Twilight blinked then silenced her own thoughts before they got any lewder.

The after party wound down after a while with a few of the gods retiring to their rooms either alone in pairs and in one case in a gaggle. The ponies split up here and there with Granny Smith headed to bed first followed by Applejack who wanted to get away from all the questions and requests to change forms. Plus she was getting rather stuffed on magic.

The others trickled away with only Pinkie Pie and Luna not seeming to be slowing down any.

Everyone else was guided by Cadence to where they would be staying. Rooms in the palace were a bit scarce with all the deities and their entourages staying there, so some ponies needed to double or triple up.

Rainbow Dash, Granny, and AJ were in a room, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy were in another, Celestia and Luna had their own and Cadence and Shining had their own bedroom, no one asked where Chrysalis was staying, and Spike, Rahs, and Twilight had their own room.

The rooms were all down a slightly curving hall way along the side of the palace with one of the mithril magic nullifying rooms at the far end of the hall past some converted storerooms temporarily made into bedrooms for other guests.

Cadence let them know that artifact room had the ones that were deemed safe, or mildly problematic. The really dangerous ones were sealed elsewhere.

With a last announcement of when breakfast would be served the group all retired to their rooms for the night.

Twilight quickly put a silencing spell on Spike's cot as Rahs crashed on the rooms couch with a pile blankets and his own coat covering him. Twilight got ready for bed and fell asleep nearly instantly on the rooms main bed once she was sure she couldn't hear Spike's snoring through her spell.

This whole day had been exhausting.

[Earlier, in a locked chamber]

There was a faint sound in the room, like a large drop of water hitting a still pool in a large cave system. The sound died out rather quickly turning to a faint hum as something magic activated in the mithril room.

Most of the artifacts in there were dormant, subdued by the materials that constructed the room.

The tall horseshoe shaped mirror on the other hoof, glowed in defiance of this place. After all, magic nullification was something that happened to other ponies creations, not things made by the Great Starswirl the Bearded.

A figure emerged from the glowing mirror with a sound like a bit striking the pool at the bottom of a wishing well, the air was filled with the faint whiff of ozone and clear water. The surface rippled like water before going still.

The clatter of hooves was heard briefly, there was a small triumphant 'HAH' before the sound of hooves sliding against tile and the thud of a body hitting the floor.

“Fuck... right four legs again. Just like riding a bike..” the figure muttered pushing itself back up onto it's hooves shakily as it turned it's head regarding the darkened room.

“Right let me see where the hell am I?” There was a moment of silence before a horn sputtered to light showing the orange furred face of a unicorn mare in the dim light.

“Huh? A magic Faraday cage? I thought those were only theories.....” Another moment passed before her horn brightened considerable and acted like a normal light spell. The brighter glow revealed a orange unicorn mare with a red mane striped with blonde, and a cutie mark that looked like a divided sun. The mare moved over to the front of the mirror picking up an odd bag and digging into it pulling out a cloak to put on. She fiddled with the bag a moment before with a small sigh she let her horn light up changing the lay out of the straps to make it a half saddle bag before she put it on under her cloak.

“Wow that is a lot of mithril.” The mare whistled lightly looking over the room at the number of boxes and locked chests around.

“She put the mirror in another storage room? Where the hell is the damn, ahh there it is.” The figure moved closer to the door to the room, taking a moment more to get used to walking on four hooves. She leaned closer looking over the lock in the door. She let out a small sigh at the sight of it. It was non magical obviously, but it was also far simpler than she had gotten used to dealing with.

“Damn monkeys make better locks than this.” the figure grumbled before starting to pace a little to get used to this form again and to take stock. “Suppose I better check to see if this works, I only have three days if my calculations are correct and there's no telling when someone might come in here.”

The light faded from the room as her horn went out, though a moment later a green panel lit up in front of the mares face as she looked it over curiously.

“Oh good it seems to be working. That's weeks of theory not wasted. Lets see time to weed out the other powers... a super powerful artifact like the element of magic has got to have it's own … oh wow that's a lot of power around here.”the figure considered. “Hmm might be a god meeting I suppose there was one coming up, bunch of perverts.” She frowned.” That's Celestia's energy and is that some one with her? And i think that's Cadence's, that one's Bleu's Hmm constant fluctuations like these must mean that power with this sort of fluctuation is from something living. Alright time to check on something nonliving. Here's the mirrors read out and it's stable, good. Hmm, nearly everything in this room is a stable magic artifact, might have to look into some of them later. Ooh, wait, here we go. Six readings that are the exact same wave length and are stable.”

The figure muttered as she fiddled with the magic panel looking over the readings curiously as she fiddled with the sensor narrowing down magical surges and powers. The process took several hours before she seemed satisfied she had what she wanted.

“Okay.. there. That has to be the six Elements of Harmony.....HAH I knew she was hiding them in Canterlot, lost power my ass or flank or whatever.....”

The orange mare stared at the glowing panel curiously taking note that another power seemed to be around one of the six artifacts.

“They're moving...” the mare considered. “They have bearers? Great this is gonna make this harder.”

She considered a moment watching as the signals she was watching approached her position then moved off to the sides before ceasing movement. The well of power around what she thought was the Element of magic was enough for two gods. “That much power next to that artifact, a god has that one..... that has to be Magic. What the heck is that one the god of?”

Her horn glowed as she adjusted the panel to sit before one eye resting on her muzzle, she filtered out all other sources of energy save the one she was after and let the spell act as a tracker for it.

“Can't believe I'm this lucky... it can't be that easy to get this thing on the first try.” She muttered. “Ah well might as well see if it is the Element of Magic. If it isn't, maybe it's still something I can use. Also, note to self, stop talking to yourself.”

She moved to the door, her magic slipping into the keyhole picking it easily. She opened the door a little a small spell slipping out like a tendril to act as an eye to alert her if any one was near. The hall seemed clear and the mare cautiously opened the door poking her head out.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the crystal walls and floor running down the hall past a collection of wooden and metal doors like the one she was peering out. The door she stepped out of was more like an alcove of some sort and had she not just come out of the door she wouldn't have even noticed it. She propped the door open with a small box from the storage room and started making her way down the hall. Once out in the hall she cast another spell, her eyes glowing a soft green as a 'Cats eye' spell gave her night vision. Spells on the optic nerves were very fragile by design so she didn't try it in the mithril room.

The mare paused at one of the windows looking outside into the night sky, her eyes widening at the sight of the empire laid out before her, this sure as hell wasn't Canterlot. She couldn't think of any god that had a crystal kingdom like this, maybe it belonged to the one with the Element of Magic.

Creeping her way down the corridor she stopped in front of the room where the magic was coming from. The sound of hoof steps down the hall had her cast a spell and quickly scurry up a wall as a pony made of crystal trotted by under, her wearing something that looked like Guard armor.

She stared at the stallion curiously wondering if it was some sort of golem as he wandered off. Slipping back down off the wall, she pressed her ear to the door listening. She heard a faint snoring and smiled, the god was asleep, time to get to work.

Unlocking the door much the same way as she had the other door, she let out a weak pulse scan not finding any traps, though there was a strange dead area over by one of the couches. Slipping in she took note of the mare asleep on the bed.

The purple unicorn was laying face down on the bed the covers pushed up in a tent on one side and fallen down on the other showing a long purple feathered wing.

A purple alicorn? Who the fuck was this? Her eyes darted around the room noting a small sticky bit of paper stuck to the edge of the bed, with the label 'Hello my Name is' followed by the name Twilight Sparkle.

Well that answered who she was but not WHO she was. Ehh what the hell ever research later, heist now.

“...Would you like to swing on a star... carry moon beams home in a jar....” the orange mare hummed to herself as she crept forward glancing to her tracking spell. The Element of Magic seemed to be in the pile of blankets dumped on the couch.

What kind of ungrateful mare would leave such a powerful artifact buried under a bunch of blankets?

As she approached she took note of a little dragon on a cot snoring loudly, though the sound was muffled by a rather strong silencing spell. She edged wide around the dragon and approached the couch.

Getting closer to the couch, her cats eye spell suddenly broke. She paused, freezing in place her ears shifting around to try and see if there was any change, if some one noticed her. The dragon's muted snoring and the soft breathing of the alicorn was all she could hear. The Element must be in a chest or something that blocked spells. That would be a better theory than simply throwing it on a couch under some blankets and coats.

Shifting up to the edge of the couch she pulled back a few blankets, digging into the mass with her hooves drying to find out where the Element was. It had to be an item like a bracelet, or necklace, or crown, or something, and if it was in a chest that should be easy to find.

Her hoof eventually found something hard, though it was an odd shape, a wand perhaps. She lit her horn up with a dim light to glance down at what she found.

Her teal eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as she looked down at what she had grabbed at.

“That is not the Element of Magic.” She gasped.

“No, it is not.” growled a voice to her left.

Her dimly lit horn showed a dark blue face of some sort of diamond dog that was just waking up, amber eyes narrowed at her and fangs were bared.

“Uhmmm this isn't what it looks like......” The mare started yanking her hoof back. “Ehh, fuck it!”

The words were punctuated by a point blank stun blast to the the diamond dog's face, the impact sending him flying over the back of the couch to smash into the crystal wall.

“ Sorry , not sorry.” The mare winced.

The blast sent all the blankets flying and destroyed a large blue coat. A number of things crashed to the floor and clattered about falling out of the destroyed coat, including a odd crown that set off her scanners tracker something fierce.

“Rahs so help me if you ate the spell keeping Spike from snoring....” The purple alicorn snapped, lifting her head up, her eyes squinting at the odd light in the room cast from the orange mares horn.

“BORK!” Rahs shouted as he yanked himself from the wall, leaping at the orange mare.

“Intruder, what!?” Twilight shouted trying to shake the sleep from her mind.

“Shit.” the mare cursed again, diving under the creatures leap and snatching up the Element of Magic off the floor. The diamond dog crashed into the cot with the dragon waking the small creature who cried out in panic, setting several blankets and the curtains on fire.

She hauled flank out of the room slamming the door behind her only to hear it ripped open as Rahs burst out into the hall way wrapped in burning blankets, with the small dragon clinging to his back still screaming. The noise seemed to have woken up others, as several doors were opening and other ponies and creatures were poking their heads out to see what was going on.

Rahs made a lunge for the mare only for his paws to slide out from under him on the crystal sending him crashing to the ground as he shucked off the burning blankets.

The orange mare froze up as a tall white alicorn poked her head out of one of the rooms directly in front of her.

The white alicorn's gaze locked on the orange mare, her eyes widening as she saw the face under the hood.

“Sunset?” Princess Celestia asked in shock taking a step forward out of the room.

There was a loud click, then the Solar Goddess was crushed under a giant statue of some sort of bug/pony creature that fell from the high vaulted ceiling.

“HA HA HA HAH, I was waiting for that!” Chrysalis cackled from down the hall.

“And this is why we let you go first sister.” Luna stated from the other side of the statue.

“STOP THIEF!!” Twilight bellowed tearing out of the room after her brothers.

Sunset yelped as Rahs nearly landed on her again, teleporting away to the other side of the statue to keep running, leaving her cloak behind for Rahs to get tangled in.

The hall way in front of her was suddenly filled with curious figures and gods, as well as a few normal guards who had rushed to the scene.

“Parkour don't fail me now.” Sunset cursed, tearing down the hall dodging into and around various creatures, Rahs and Twilight hot on her hooves. She dodged a spell blast from the purple alicorn, one of the guards trying to grab her getting hit with the stun spell instead.

She ducked under a llama god, hopped over a turtle, and teleported away from a white unicorn that tried to grab her. She reappeared in the air, planting all four hooves into the cackling bug ponies' face. She kicked off there sending the black chitinous form crashing back into Cadence, another short teleport had her nearly to her destination. Another teleport hit and the purple alicorn was in front of her, flinging spells with abandon.

Sunset shrieked vanishing with a pop as the spells peppered the hallway where she had just been standing, the purple alicorn whipping about to rush after her along with the moon dog.

“Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit...” Sunset cursed teleporting again, behind the charging Sparkles. The moon dog slammed on the brakes trying to spin around on her, only to slide into Twilight with a crash sending the three tumbleing. Sunset lept over them, galloping down the hall and rushing into the mithril room.

A growl and the feel of hot breath on her neck along with a screaming dragon made Sunset risk a leap for the mirror just as Rahs slammed into her, sending Sunset, The Element of Magic, Rahs, and Spike through the mirror portal. Twilight having reached the door as her brothers and the thief fell into it didn't even hesitate diving through after them.

“They went into the mirror!” Cadence stated as the rest of those awoken by the mad rush through the halls. “Celestia what is this thing?”

“Don't yell at me. I could have stopped them if I wasn't crushed by a tacky statue.” Celestia snapped glaring at Chrysalis who whistled innocently.

“Stop playing the blame game and tell me what this is.” Cadence growled.

“We have not seen that in a while.” Luna frowned looking at the mirror as she trotted up. “It is an artifact that Starswirl the Bearded made. He claims to have imprisoned the greatest evils he had ever seen in the mirror.”

“That is hardly damning as he called a chef who forgot to put a sprig of parsley on his meal the greatest evil the world had ever seen.” Celestia grumbled.

“My brothers and sister have just gone into that thing. Where does it go?” Shining Armor demanded approaching the mirror, pushing past every one else in the room, his horn flaring as a pair of saddle bags and various gear and armor and supplies started popping into existence around him as he geared up. “I want to know where it goes and what it does, now.”

“We don't know. We only know that it opens once every thirty years for three days, and when the moon reaches it's apex on the third day it closes again for another thirty years.” Luna stated.

“How long has it been on?”Applejack asked.

“I don't know.” Celestia frowned.

“I'm going after them.” Shining Armor stated.

“Shiny no.” Cadence reached out to stop him.

“We do not know what to expect over there, give us time to gather a guard...” Luna offered.

“Yeah, how bout no Princess. A thief stole the Element of Magic, and my brothers and sister went after her. Does the term inter-dimensional incident mean anything to you?“ Shining snapped.”I'm going to have to drag those three back by their ears. And since I'm the only non god, non Element bearer here, I'm going in after them before they have a chance to get lost, distracted, or blow up something important.”

“Shining.” Cadence sighed not wanting to admit he had a point. “Be careful.”

“We shall not let the moon rise to it's highest point until thee returns, but as we do not know if that matters to one of Starswirl's contraptions, we would suggest thee hurry.” Luna offered.

Shining checked his gear a last time, kissed Cadence and dove through the mirror.

Cadence let out a sigh staring at the mirror.

“So then sister....” Luna stated her attention turning to Celestia who had been mostly silent. “Who is this Sunset?”

Author's Note:

Yet another joke I've been waiting to use for a while.

Next chapters might not post as fast cause it's black friday, and i work retail.

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