• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Too Many Moon Pies

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Too Many Moon Pies
[Golden Oaks Library, the following Tuesday.]

It was a normal afternoon in the library. The Sparkles had just eaten lunch and gone back to their usual Tuesday in Ponyville activities.

Which consisted of hiding at home, and waiting for the other horse shoe to drop.

Spike was sitting on the upstairs balcony reading a comic and keeping watch for whatever might happen.

Twilight had reinforced the wards around the tree again, and doubled checked for any issues before delving back into her current research project.

Rahs was taking a nap on the couch.

It was Pinkie Pie's turn to keep an eye on Applejack just in case, though she had been stressing that Rainbow Dash was back for the academy's spring break and the day was warm enough to go swimming. She was also supposed to be doing something with Fluttershy. Twilight had offered to help but Pinkie shouted something about an idea and took off like a shot some where.

Twilight had started the day trying to turn an apple into an orange.

After several exploded apples Rahs had suggested trying the spell with a suppressor ring or two to lower the power.

After four of them she finally managed to turn an apple into something other than applesauce.

Since she had become the Element of Magic's bearer, Twilight had been keeping a close eye on her magic power with her scanner. Rahs and Spike were also subject to it more often then they liked.

Twilight had noticed quite a number of spikes in her power level, most noticeably after dealing with Discord and again after Sombra.

Rahs had had a increase in his power and healing abilities as well, though it was harder to get a base line for him.

Even Spike had shown some growth, but Twilight wasn't sure if that was just him starting to enter his teens or if it was an effect of the power increasing.

Twilight had first theorized that the spike in power came from Rahs eating magic from The Crystal Heart and Discord himself. The problem with that theory was that the power level hadn't dropped any no matter how much magic she had used.

So far there hadn't been any problems save her needing to dumb down her power on some particularly finicky spells she was trying to learn.

She was currently trying to figure out if Witch-Jack was some how connected to her and was sending magic along a untapped length like Rahs did when Spike rushed back down the stairs interrupting her study.

“Twilight!!” Spike huffed working to catch his breath.

Rahs and Twilight were both up and in full on ready mode by the time he caught his breath.

“Discord's on the balcony!” Spike stated.

“What why? Shouldn't he be having tea with Fluttershy?” Twilight demanded.

“I asked that. He said it had been canceled, then he just started giggling and pulled a giant tub of popcorn from some where and started eating it..... the tub not the popcorn.” Spike blinked.

“That's not good.”

Any further conversation was cut off as the door burst open and Rainbow Dash tore into the room slamming the door behind her.

“There's too many Pinkie Pies!!!” Rainbow Dash shouted only for a sudden roar of canned laughter to fill the air along with Discord shouting.

“The line, she said the line!!!”

“What?” Rainbow asked looking around for the source of the laughter

“What?” Twilight repeated trying to figure out what Dash was talking about.

“What?” Spike asked not having heard her clearly.

“Woof?” Added Rahs for the heck of it.

“Fun?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“AHHHH!” Rainbow Dash yelled, pointing a hoof at the pink mare that had popped up from behind the couch.

“Rainbow Dash calm down, it's just Pinkie Pie.” Spike sighed.” Weirdness is kinda her shtick.”

“ But there were dozens of her at the pond!” Rainbow Dash protested.

“Changelings?” Twilight asked tapping her hoof to her chin.

Rahs scooped up Pinkie Pie with both hands, holding her by the barrel nearly nose to nose with her. Pinkie Pie giggled like she was being tickled then exploded into a shower of water.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Everyone in the room screamed.

Rahs' eyes rolled back in his head as he fainted and fell over with a crash, while Dash, Twilight and Spike continued screaming at the sight of their friend popping like a water balloon.

Discord cackled.

Rainbow Dash brought Twilight back to the swimming hole where the multitude of Pinkie Pie's had first been seen.

The pandemonium of a pack of pronking pink pony Pies was perfectly present at the paddling pool.

But there were no Pinkies.

Recalling that Pinkie said something about helping Applejack with a barn, the pair raced over towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Upon arrival it looked like a storm had blown through.

The new barn was in shambles, the parts of it lying everywhere. Big Mac and Applebloom, along with a few other Apple family members who had come by to help, were staring in shock at the ruins of the barn they had been trying to build.

The ground was soaked, looking like there had just been a down pour, but the sky was clear and most everything beyond the barn area was dry.

“Mac what happened, where's Applejack?” Rainbow Dash shouted flitting around above the wreckage.

Big Mac simply blinked and pointed a hoof to the front of the house.

Grannysmith was currently standing over by the edge of the porch trying to coax a terrified Witch-Jack out from under the porch.

“Seriously what happened here?” Twilight demanded.

“Like a whooole buncha Pinkie Pie came rushing up screaming bout fun as we're trying ta raise one ah tha walls and they manage tah knock it down.” Applebloom stammered. “ Then Applejack starts yelling at them and they all start bouncing around her an Applejack gets an odd look and all tha Pinkie Pies around her suddenly explode and she's turned into Witch-Jack and she freaks out and tries tah hide under tha porch like Winona does when she's been bad.”

“What tha heck is going on?” one of the other Apple family members questioned.

“Still working on that part.” Twilight muttered. “Though I'm starting to get an idea.”

“Magic water copies?”Grannysmith asked.

“No.. I mean yes.. I mean what?” Twilight stated.

“Old legend round here bout a mirror pool that can duplicate tha user” Granny offered. ”Never put much stock in it as ah ain't never seen it personally, but there's a lot of stories.”

“Is it from an Old Ponytale or an Old Breezy Tale?” Twilight asked getting an odd look from Granny at the question. ”Sorry bit of a tick I picked up being Celestia's student.”

“Ehh hold on a second, think ah got an old book that might have it in there, old local pony tale book ah used tah read Applebloom.” Granny offered meandering back into the house coming out a few moments later with a book.

“A new book!?" Twilight gasped happily.

Witch-Jack simply whimpered as Dash rolled her eyes.

Twilight greedily snatched up the book reading over the story within and raised an eyebrow.

“Narcissus Mirror pool.... I've heard of that....” Twilight muttered as she read over the story.

“Really where?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“One of Solomon's spell books. It's a dark magic spell to create a horde of duplicates of yourself. It was a perversion of the standard mirror image spell used for defense as all the clones had the same powers and abilities of the caster.” Twilight frowned closing the book after looking it over a few more times.” Not sure I like the idea that there's a natural way to replicate the spell.”

“It was in the evil magic book the guy in the Crystal Empire had? If he could do this how did he even lose?” Rainbow Dash frowned.

“Well because the spell's mostly useless. An army of creatures that can be turned back into water just by poking them with a bit of mithril or anything else that disrupts magic makes them fairly useless in combat. Particularly when he was also surrounded by creatures that ate magic and could absorb lower level spells simply due to their presence.” Twilight offered. ”Plus depending on the purity of the water you could have anything from dumb clones, to clones with the same intellect as the caster, clones who might take offense to being just a copy.”

“Huh... so what do we do?” Rainbow Dash frowned.

“Well we make sure everyone else is alright, then we get the rest of the girls to try and find the real Pinkie Pie and figure out what the heck she's doing.” Twilight sighed. “ But first we get Applejack out from under the porch.”

A bit later the trio made their way to Fluttershy's house, with Applejack having taken a good bit of time to revert without Rahs present to bleed away the excess magic.

Upon arriving at Fluttershy's cottage however they were greeted by an odd sight.

A swarm of animals was sitting on the other side of the chicken pens at the edge of the forest. Twilight recognized a number of them as some of the injured animals that had been inside the cottage before, now they were on little gurneys and beds out in the field.

Angel Bunny was sitting on a post overseeing the group. He took a look at the approaching mares, shook his head and ignored them as he went back to fussing at a bobcat that was trying to eat one of the injured voles.

And by fussing, he meant adding another injured animal to Fluttershy's list.

Twilight studied them curiously before shrugging and making her way to the door of the cottage with Dash and AJ . She knocked loudly on the front door, after all if any one knew Pinkie Pie best it would be Fluttershy.

It took a few moments for the shy pegasus mare to answer the door. She opened it only a little to look out, even after seeing who it was.

Twilight took note that Fluttershy was soaked and was covered in a large fluffy pink bathrobe that she kept pulled tight around herself. A small stream of water also trickled out the door and down her front steps.

“Oh sorry about interrupting your bath, but we have a problem with Pinkie Pie” Twilight offered.

“Oh what's wrong with her?” Fluttershy asked glancing back inside.

“There's a whole herd of her bouncing around causing a ruckus.” Applejack commented.

“Oh dear... well that explains a few things.” Fluttershy added, her mane still dripping.

“Yeah there were like dozens of them at the lake.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Bout that many at tha farm too, but ah kinda popped intah water when ah broke tha magic accidentally.” Applejack frowned, her long ears laying flat to her head under her hat.

“There's dozens more of Pinkie?” Fluttershy gasped.

“Yeah and they're causing all sorts of trouble in the name of 'Fun'.” Rainbow Dash snorted.

“Fun?” chorused at least four voices from behind Fluttershy.

The trio at the doors ears perked as Fluttershy jumped a little at the noise looking back behind her with a glare. The robe she wore shifted a little showing one of Fluttershy's forelegs wrapped tight in a black silk stocking with spiked bands on it that covered her whole leg and ran up to her barrel. Fluttershy quickly covered her limb back up as she turned back to those at the door, and the trio did their best to pretend not to see it.

“Oh dear. Well, umm if you see any more of them send them here and i'll give them a good talking to...” Fluttershy trailed off.

“Errr not a problem. We'll check the town and ummm let you get back to your bath...” Twilight offered quickly.

“Oh, alright. Thank you, and well, good luck.” Fluttershy offered turning back and closing the door quickly, but not before the trio heard her yell at somepony on the other side.

“What did I say?” Fluttershy scolded followed by the sound of a whip crack before the door closed fully.

Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash stared at the door a moment more before turning to walk away from it in complete silence.

At the edge of the yard Rainbow Dash finally spoke up.

“It's always the quiet ones.” Rainbow Dash nodded sagely.

“ Yeah … ah know that a little too well.” Applejack stated in agreement glaring at Twilight. “Particularly if some pony keeps fergitting that their sound proof spell dissolves after a while near me.”

Twilight blinked at the glare before turning bright red.

“Umm, yeah. Lets.... go find Rarity” Twilight stammered as Rainbow Dash cackled.

Author's Note:

I know a few of you have had a bit of a issue with my Pinkie x Shy shipping in this fic. But i would like to tell you, the pairing was kept up soly for this joke right here in this chapter.

And i am not the slightest bit sorry about it.

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