• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Endor Girls, Part five

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Endor Girls,
Part five

“Excuse me I'm looking for a mar... um, a girl with a red and yellow man, I mean hairdo with orange... skin. Have you seen any one like that?” Twilight asked.

The blue haired girl stopped, who had the same mane color as her brother tapped her cheek with one of the wiggly things at the end of her palm, Twilight really wished she studied minotaur anatomy more, and shrugged.

She adjusted her purple glasses and made a number of odd movements with her hands that left Twilight blinking.

“I have no idea what that was.” Twilight stated flatly.

Vinyl simply smiled, shrugged again, gave the odd girl a thumbs up and walked off.

“Well no luck there.” Spike muttered from her feet. “You'd think some one would know her.”

“I dunno, we only assumed she came to the closest building to the portal , she could be half way across this bizarre world by now.” Twilight grumbled.

“So what happens if we can't find it?”” Spike asked sounding worried.

“We go back, I work out a way to bring more magic here next time design an Element tracking spell and come back in thirty years, and that's if I can't figure out a way to force the portal to open longer and stay open longer, it was built by StarSwirl the Bearded and I finished one of his spells I should be able to figure out an artifact he designed before thirty years passes.” Twilight stated simply.

“Maybe we can figure out why I'm a dog too.” Spike grumbled. ”And stop that if we come here again.”


As is the natural order of things Twilight's venturing into the school with just Spike started as an argument.

Shining had wanted to leave Twilight here to watch the gate and go off looking for the thief on his own.

Spike stated that he should go looking, as no one would suspect the dog of being a spy.

Twilight countered saying she should go because she actually knew what the thief looked like having got the best look at her, aside from Rahs.

Rahs suggested he tear the roof off the building and they could watch for her to scurry out.

The others all glared at him until he pouted and complained he never got to do anything fun with this dragon form.

He was promptly ignored as the argument continued.

In the end it was still Rahs who offered the best decision, because jokes aside, a fifty story dragon was going to win an argument.

Shining Armor was not even remotely dressed like any one else who had been wandering around pointing and staring at them. He was the second most conspicuous of them.

He and Rahs could guard the portal while Spike and Twilight went to look for the thief.

After all if something happened to Twilight, it wasn't as if Rahs couldn't get her out.

Spike suggested Rahs sniff out the magic of the crown and Rahs pointed out he couldn't as it would be like smelling your own breath with him. The Element of Magic didn't have any flavor, nor did it have a smell he could detect. He did say he caught a few whiffs of very faint magic in the air , but nearly everything was over powered by the scent of lemon the portal gave off

With no real direction to go Twilight had ventured into the aforementioned school to start the search.

Twilight had been hunting for about an hour now asking any one she could about the red and yellow haired,'girl' as she found the mares were were called.

While some knew of her, most either didn't know where she was or tried to warn her away from looking for the girl. Clearly this girl had a rep.

Twilight had also gotten a name from one of them.

Sunset Shimmer.

Still she hadn't seen hide nor hair of the girl however, she did find out that she was here some where.

Spike had been the one to point out that something was going on down one of the side halls. A group of the students had moved quickly away from the hall , though a number of others had moved towards it , trying to act nonchalant as they moved in to watch what was happening.

“What do you mean you took it!?” an angry sounding voice shouted.

“Well, I mean it was there in the fish tank like a decoration, but I didn't recall putting it there and it was messing up the pH balance of Mister Fish's tank and I recognized it as being the Fall Formal crown so I gave it back to Principal Celestia.” Said a soft voice.

“Because I hid it there. It was there for ten minutes at best!?” the loud voice growled. ”How could you manage to fuck up losing my crown that quickly!”

“It's not your crown.” the timid voice stated.

“What?!” the louder voice growled.

Twilight poked her head around the corner as Spike did the same, taking note of a yellow skinned girl with long pink hair clutching a notebook covered in pink butterflies cowering before another girl.

Looming over her and clearly pissed off, as she slammed her fist into the locker right by the pink maned girls head was a yellow and red haired girl with orange skin.

Twilight narrowed her eyes and moved around the corner approaching.

“Excuse me.. are you Sunset Shimmer?” Twilight asked.

The orange haired girl glanced at her before glaring back at the pink haired girl.

“Piss off, this doesn't concern you." Sunset snarled.

“Oh I think it does...”Twilight snapped. “Thief.”

Sunset looked back at Twilight who had already closed the distance and managed to utter one more word.


Twilight Sparkle was not a warrior. She was in a different world, with little access to her magic, and even what little she did have, she didn't know how to use.

However Twilight was a quick study. She watched the creatures of the world as she was asking questions, learning mannerisms, and picking things up on how they moved and used hands to gesture and do everything. She wasn't a fan of the soft wiggly things despite understanding how they could be useful. She preferred her hooves.

However she did learn that if you pulled the four long wiggly parts back to touch the palm, and folded the thicker, oddly bent, wiggly bit over them, it form a fairly firm equivalent of a hoof.

This is what met Sunset Shimmer's face at high speed.

“ Seriously?” Spike sighed. “ And I thought Rainbow Dash was punchy.”

The impact knocked the orange haired girl away from the pink one and threw Twilight off balance as she wasn't used to this sort of movement.

Sunset recovered quickly enough and whirled on the other girl lashing out with a blow of her own which knocked Twilight down to all fours.

This was a better position for Twilight who then lunged forward ramming her head into Sunset's belly like she was trying to gore some one with a horn she didn't have at the moment.

Sunset crashed down to the ground the air knocked out of her and Twilight pounced, wailing on her.

Now as said Twilight was in a unfamiliar body, was away from her magic, and despite urgeings from her brothers, still hadn't learned to fight.

Sunset Shimmer knew how to fight, was familiar with her body, and had some actual guard training before coming to this world.

Twilight however was a literal goddess, and while magic might not be much here, the rest of her portfolios were quite fine and despite some nasty blows from Sunset, they were barely phasing the angry former alicorn.

Spike biting at Sunset's ankles didn't help matters for the thief either.

Those watching were some what disappointed to see that the two hot girls hadn't gone full on cat fight with tearing of clothes and such and were wailing on each other properly, which was almost as entertaining.

Still despite looking evenly matched this fight had a forgone conclusion.

In the end it was little surprise when both of them were grabbed by their shirt collars and yanked to their feet by a furious Vice Principal Luna.

“You two are coming with me.” Her voice boomed in a tone that would have given normal people nightmares.

The pink haired girl cringed as the pair were dragged away while protesting and still trading the occasional off balanced blow.

“Well that went about as well as expected.” Spike sighed. “She really needs more therapy.”

“You can talk?” The pink haired girl softly gasped.

“What dogs can't talk here? That's speciest.” Spike muttered.

“Oh sorry, I don't know any dogs that can talk at all.” the pink haired girl offered.

“Oh... umm, woof?”

Author's Note:

This thing with this sort of dimensional sideways thing , is despite my not liking the source material it gives me far too many things to play with and i keep adding to it . Which is why the chapters are short and barely seem to get any where despite being constant.

I'm trying to find what is and isn't useful. Because i need to do all the human world jokes now, because i don't plan to return here , this arc might take a bit .

Still progress was made towards the end resolution.

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