• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Endor Girls, part eight

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Endor Girls,
part eight

[Crystal Empire]

“Where is it, where is it!?” Cadence screamed out as she flung large chunks of crystal out of the pile she was digging through.

“It's not over here” Chrysalis called flinging her own pile out of the way.

“DAMMIT!!” Cadence swore as the pair of them continued digging through the rubble looking for the mirror while the other gods dealt with the dragon.

Cadence's mane was completely out of wack as she had been point blank for when the dragon had come through the mirror. She had recovered enough to shield the Empire from the dragons attack, and Bleu's counter attack but a good chunk of her palace was gone now.

Luckily most of the creatures in that section of the palace were gods, unfortunately all of the Element Bearers and a number of servants were there as well.

Fortunately while she had shielded the city itself, Chrysalis had been waiting for a counter attack from Celestia and had a shield ready already. She had reacted near instantly shielding everyone she could when the portal exploded in size and the massive dragon had come out.

The problem was the mirror had gone with the side of the palace and Cadence was freaking out trying to find it hoping it was still okay. A number of Guards and some locals were also helping her look. Most of the bearers were too, though Applejack was hiding in a intact room with Fluttershy watching the door as the burst of magic from the size change had turned her into Witch-Jack. After the third servant had freaked out in seeing her and at least one Guard had attacked her she thought it better to sit by and wait until the change faded.

“Where is the damn mirror?!” Cadence roared into the night.

“Hey. Pinks. It's over there!”a voice called.

Cadence looked over, spotting a light purple furred earth pony mare her dark purple and teal mane done up into long twin ponytails. The purple eyed mare was wearing some sort of black spiked collar and bracelets and Cadence assumed she was one of the 'companions' of one of the gods for the night given her get up.

Not that Cadence spared more than a glance at her as soon as she saw where the mare was pointing her hoof.

Sitting on the statue of the Empire's heroes, propped up against the back of the bowing Rahs, was the mirror. Cadence was over to it in an instant, yanking it away from the statue to look it over for damage.

It was lightly scuffed along the frame, but the mirror portal itself was undamaged and still active.

“Thank the stars, it's alright.” Cadence let out a sigh of relief turning to thank the mare who pointed it out only to find out she was gone.

Cadence blinked looking around in confusion, though she turned back to the mirror as Chrysalis and the Bearers ran up, forgetting about the odd mare.

“Shitshitshitshitshitshit!” Sunset shimmer cursed, dodging through the crowd of the school. She needed a moment to breath and to study this stupid crown. She could feel the magic in it. Unlike Twilight, Sunset had been here for three years and she had had a bit of time to practice with her magic before it vanished completely as she spent it. It seemed unlike Equestria, nothing here produced any magic to be used, so once what little she brought with her was gone, it was gone.

At least until the portal opened again for three days, and more magic flooded in. Even then she had little access to it and what magic she could do was limited by her lack of a horn. That harry potter bullshit with a wand might have been something, but she didn't find the time to yank out one of her own tail hairs when she was back in Equss, and even if she had she wouldn't have had time to craft a wand with it.

Still she could do a few things, particularly with something that was producing magic for her to use right in her hand.

Like yank a row of lockers over to trap the pursuing mare.

That little trick had NOT gone as planned.

Sure the mare had been caught under the falling lockers, but the purple haired girl had been trapped all of five seconds before she screamed out some curse or another in what Sunset was certain was Elk and Stood up holding a locker over her head to fling at Sunset.

It took Sunset a moment to recall that this one was a goddess of something and had parts of all three tribes. Thankfully her aim was shit and she didn't seem to want to risk hitting any of the others in the hall with the cheap metal boxes. And Sunset was hauling ass again before she got fully clear of the collapsed lockers.

Sunset was pushing through a crowd of students now, hoping to lose her in the rush to class. She stole a hoody from someone, darted around the group she was moving through and pulled the hoody on over her head to disguise herself before nonchalantly walking the other way staring at her phone like she was a normal student.

It worked, Twilight barreled past her and down the hall leaving Sunset to smirk and slip away.

This should give her time to unlock the power of the crown. Then god or no she couldn't be stopped.

“There ya are.” Sunset twitched, turning around to spot five girls walking down the hall towards her. Fluttershy , Applejack, Rainbow Dash , Pinkie Pie, and Rarity.

Sunset let out a sigh of relief, this was probably just some student bull shit she could blow off.

“We got words tah have with you Sunset.” Applejack stated.

“I don't have time for this or anything you idiots have to say.” Sunset snapped not caring about this lot.” Go whine some where else.”

“Oh I'm sure you'll make time, thief.” stated a male voice.

Sunset blinked looking back at them only to notice the purple and green dog running along side of Fluttershy this time.


“Give us the crown, thief.” Spike growled.

“How bout no?” Sunset snapped. Where the heck had a talking... oh crap it was the one biting at her ankles that came with the god who was chasing her.

“I was hoping you'd say that!” Rainbow Dash grinned and started running towards her with the others hot on her heels. Pinkie Pie for some reason busted out a boom box and started blaring a song.

Sunset was not about to tangle with a farmer and the athlete, and she was well aware of the martial arts awards that both Rainbow and Rarity had, and the less said about Pinkie the better.

“Shitshishitshitshitshit!!” Sunset cursed, throwing the hoody in Rainbow Dash's face, slowing the quicker girl and hauling ass the other way as the six started chasing her down.


“What the shit!?!” Both Shining Armors cursed as a veritable ton of masonry burst out of the back of the statue flying at them. Thankfully Dragon Rahs was quick enough to drop a claw between the humans and the mirror stopping the rocks from hitting anyone.

Unfortunately the dust cloud and a third new spot of shattered sidewalk distracted everyone else from noticing something else had slipped into the portal. A trio that had been waiting for a distraction before doing so in fact.

“What the fuck is going on over there?” Detective Armor cursed.

“You blew it up! Ah,damn you! God damn you to hell!” Raven Rahs cawed.

“Fascinating the readings have spiked again!” Twilight stated completely ignoring the fact she had just been in any danger.

“Dammit where the buck is Twilight this is taking to long and somethings going on with this portal.” Emperor Shining cursed.

“I'm right here.” Twilight offered.

“Not you.” the Shinings sighed.

“Where the buck am I?” Twilight fumed looking around the semi crowded hall. She had lost Sunset Shimmer some where and was not happy about that.

“Not to far from the computer lab. East hall and class rooms e-3 through e-12.” A voice pointed out.

Looking to the speaker, Twilight was greeted with the sight of a peach colored male of the species, with swept back spiky blue hair and a fairly tone build. At least she figured it was a toned build, she had no real frame of reference.

“Err thanks, but that doesn't tell me anything Mister...?” Twilight questioned.

“Oh sorry, my name is Flash...”


The sudden cry from a number of other students in the hall made Twilight jump and the male simply slap his forehead with his hand... wait... PALM, that's why the minotaurs called it a face palm, this made a lot more sense now.

“Sorry that happens some times, anyway I'm Flash...”

“AHHHH AHHHHHHHH!!” a new group of students bellowed.

“STOP THAT!” Flash yelled back.

“Oh right okay so I suppose it's nice to meet you Flash...”

“AHHHH AHHHHHH!” A new crowd shouted.

Twilight stopped considered, decided she'd dealt with weirder and continued. “My names Twilight, I'm looking for Sunset Shimmer.”

“Oh, I haven't seen her around today, but how bout I ..” Flash began only to be violently flung to the ground as a certain red haired mare, turned girl, turned mare, turned girl, slammed into him.

“MOVE IT FLASH!!!”Sunset bellowed tearing down the hall.

“AHHHH AHHHHH!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she ran past with the others trampling the poor colt, not girl, male.

“Never mind , found her, thanks Flash...” Twilight stated, as she took off after Sunset again.

“AHHH AHHH!” another group called as Flash twitched on the floor.

“He's a miracle!” a single female voice added in.

“ Stop already you psycho!!!” Twilight shouted as Sunset Shimmer burst out of the building hauling ass across the lawn. They had nearly lost her at least three times, once due to her leaping down a flight of stairs faster than they could, Once due to her hiding behind a poster, and a third time because the ran into the boys locker room to run out a fire exit.

Neither Spike nor Twilight were worried about running through either, though the other girls had to go around.

Sunset cursed, if she could get off the campus she could ditch these girls and finally have a chance to study the crown. There was no way any of them knew the back alleys and side streets like she did, she had been stuck living on the damn things that first year after all.

“Freeze, police!” Detective Armor shouted rushing towards the fleeing girl.

“Shit!” Sunset cursed. She turned to rush away from the cop back towards the building. This was the wrong side of the school the dragon was over here.

“No you don't!” Emperor Armor made a lunge at the girl who just managed to slip by him.

“RUN FOREST RUN!” Raven Rahs shouted as Sunset tore back towards the school the two Armors after her as well now.

She had to change direction a third time as the other girls rushed out of the front door forcing her to head towards the soccer field.

“Huh? What's with these readings?” Twilight asked sitting up with her laptop as she pointed a small metal tube at the portal, then at the dragon, before back towards the crowd running by. She blinked as the meter spiked when pointed at the red haired girl everyone was chasing.

Twilight stood up and started running after the crowd, chasing the red head with Raven Rahs and Spike the dog following along after her, leaving the massive dragon alone by the portal.

Dragon Rahs let out a sigh and sat back up towering in the air to watch what was going on with his tail curled around the portal to keep anything else from bursting out of it.

Despite over half the group chasing her not having the stamina nor the speed to catch up with her, the other half was far more fit than she expected, including the two horses turned people.

As such Sunset Shimmer was eventually cornered and surrounded by two dogs, a cop, two ponies turned humans, six regular humans, and a raven singing the English opening for Knights of the Zodiac.

This was bad, this whole situation had gone from bad to worse since it started. She was starting to regret stealing this damn crown, for the power it had. She should have just found a way to forge the documents for native citizenship and run for some sort of public office, though that would have taken time, and Sunset was not known to be the patient type.

“Give up the crown Sunset.” Princess Twilight demanded.” It's over!”

The cop was unexpected. She had no idea where the clone of the god she had robbed had come from. The Guard was something she had expected, the goddess coming after her personally was not. The dragon thankfully was staying back to guard the portal. The raven was just odd. And to top it off, the talking dog had some how gotten the group of popular girls she had broken apart back together. It was easy to do what she wanted and take what she wanted when the students were fighting each other and the teachers were set on edge or cowed into submission as well. Sunset had avoided dealing with the Principals as much as she could however, but Luna knew something was off and that Sunset was at the heart of it. Celestia didn't know Sunset as anything other than a honor student who had a chip on her shoulder about her specifically, but wouldn't explain why.

She really needed to get over the Celestia fixation she had.

Sunset was out numbered and out of options.

Well almost.

She had found something out when running with the crown.

It was a fount of magic power, it had been filling up her reserves since she first touched it and was still doing so now.. One last trick to try.

The group advanced when Sunset didn't respond, though they quickly back peddled as the red haired mare flung out her arm and gestured, an explosion of fire slamming into the ground between her and them flinging dirt into the air.

The grass crackled and burnt merrily around the small smoking crater left by the fireball.

“Well now.... this changes things a bit.” Sunset smiled realizing she had far more magic than she had planned and it was far easier to use than it should be.

“The readings are climbing?” Sci Twi stated looking at the device she held, the other end pointing at Sunset as the red haired girl put on the crown.

An explosion of green light engulfed the thief, blasting upward in a pillar into the sky lifting the girl into the air as storm clouds started to gather, lightning crackling in the air.

The energy flowed and swirled, blowing out a number of transformers on nearby poles in showers of sparks.

“THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!” Raven Rahs screamed at the light show.

The pillar of light seemed to consume the red haired girl before it finally vanished in a brilliant flare of light, revealing a fire haired, red skinned, monstrous winged form.

“A demon?”Applejack gasped.

“Well it's either that or Guy Fieri with all those flames on her clothing, and I don't think she's here to take us to flavor town.” Pinkie Pie chimed up.

“This much power in such a little thing...” Demon Sunset muttered, her leathery wings flapping once as she glared down at the ones gathered around her.

“Vegita what's the scouter say about her power level!?” raven Rahs demanded.

“This makes no logical sense. Even if there was a source of power in the Element of Magic it shouldn't turn her into anything. It's not even dark magic.” Princess Twilight complained.

“Magic? I refuse to believe something like this is simply magic, the readings are too consistent for some hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo.” Sci Twi frowned.

“There's a perfectly logical science to magic. “ Princess Twilight protested.

“Really, so you expect me to believe that curses and fairies and unicorns are real?” Sci Twilight scoffed.

“Of course not. There are no such thing as curses. Pixies are what old pony tales called Breezies, and of course unicorns are real, last census had them make up 26% of the pony population, not counting the Nox- Cal or Crystal Ponies. With the Crystal Ponies it's a mess, but there's only earth pony types left save for two unicorn foals that were recently born as half breeds of sorts, and the Nox-cal Thestrils are the most numerous of their side of things, but the point still stands there are a lot of unicorns.”

“What?” Sci Twi gasped.

“Umm guys not to interrupt girls, but there's still a demon over there.” Fluttershy offered pointing at Sunset.


“It looks bad ass and it's scary.”Sunset stated flatly growling at them.

“Okay, your transformation makes, 'some' logical sense.” Princess Twilight admitted with a grumble.

“What ever, you never should have come here Princess.” Sunset snarled. The demonic girl raised her hands over her head wings flared as she readied a spell to blast them all, once they were all out cold she could head back through the portal and use her new form to take over, once she took out Celestia it shouldn't be to hard to cow the other gods into submission if she had control of the sun.

The normal humans were panicking and starting to back away or try protect one another. The cop was urging them to run.

The raven and the dog were flapping and running around in circles making noise, the raven was also singing The Doom song.

The talking dog, the knight, and the goddess of whatever however were simply standing there, looking up at her annoyed, without a trace of fear, even though she clearly had the upper hand.

Why was...was that a shadow?



The massive blue scaled dragon's maw closed tight around the flying demoness as Dragon Rahs snapped her out of the air.

There was muffled screaming and cursing as Rahs' cheeks puffed up a little and he made the action of chewing as more curses in several languages, including what sounded like Elvish and Klingon could be heard, if a bit muffled.

After a few moments the massive head came down towards the ground again closer to the portal.


A drool soaked, mussed up, and human Sunset Shimmer was unceremoniously spat out onto the ground landing with a wet squelch in a puddle of dragon drool.

A moment later another patooie had the crown landing at Princess Twilight's feet.

“I have no idea how the fuck that can be some ones fetish...” muttered Sunset from the ground.

“Well that dragon's got ah surprisingly talented tongue.” Applejack chuckled with a whistle as the group started heading back towards the portal.

“Seriously?” Rainbow Dash sighed. “That's my line....”

“Honestly I'm not the slightest bit surprised that Rahs solved this by biting it” Spike sighed.

“Right, whatever, somethings happened in the Empire, a whole bunch of rocks fell through the portal and they looked like stone work from a building, we need to go back now” Emperor Armor stated.” The sooner the better.”

“But there's so much to study, it's a whole new world.” Twilight sighed clutching the crown. With the emergency over she was finally hit with all the things she had been ignoring up until this point.

“Okay if you want to come back in thirty years, be my guest, but we are getting out of here now if I have to have Rahs throw you through the portal.” Spike snapped.

The two Armors stopped over the drool soaked Sunset looking down at her.

“So are you going to come quietly or do I have Rahs eat you again?” Emperor Armor demanded.

“Please don't.” Detective Armor sighed. “We need to figure out what to do with her.”

“Simple she's coming back with us.” Emperor Shining stated.

“I can't just let you drag an American citizen off to who knows where to do who knows what.” Detective Armor protested.

“Okay look, I get where you are coming from, I really do, and had we the time I'd happily fill out the needed paper work to expedite her properly. But we have less than three days before we're stuck here for thirty years. Just in case you didn't notice the massive dragon and wonder 'what does he eat' when you first saw him, sticking around thirty years would not be good.” Emperor Shining offered. ”And two other things you should keep in mind, first she was a citizen of Equestria first, and second, going back to the dragon, who the buck is going to stop us from leaving?”

“Not to complain about your explanation, but you had me at 'feeding the dragon for thirty years'. “ Detective Armor added.

“See I told Cady I'm smart.” Emperor Armor smirked.

“Cady? Cadence?” Detective Armor blinked.

“Yeah, you know her over here? She's my wife in my world.” Emperor Armor offered picking up Sunset who was still in a rather limp state of shock from the magic flood and being eaten by a dragon.

“Huh interesting.” Detective Armor considered as he followed his counter part to the statue's base ignoring the fact the red haired woman was simply flung in like an old suitcase.

The others had quickly caught up.

“Alright girls, thanks for the help.” Spike smirked. ”Thankfully it didn't devolve into the chaotic series of explosions I expected, but I'm sure everything would have been cool if it did. And remember, you're supposed to be friends.”

Spike smirked and hopped through the portal.

“Argggh so much potential research.” Princess Twilight grumbled stomping through the portal.

“No kidding.” Sci Twi lamented.

“Woof” Rahs stated.

"Ogata, it worked! Both of you, be happy. Goodbye... farewell." raven Rahs cawed as the portal widened massively as dragon Rahs pushed into it.

“Oh hey, if Cadence brings up some one named Chrysalis, let me warn you she'll be all sorts of problems, but all sorts of fun too.” Emperor Shining smirked and offered a wave before stepping through the portal.

“Yeah, sure, okay.... that little tidbit better be worth all this paper work.” Detective Armor sighed.

The stone statue flickered and hummed before fading to simple stone work as if nothing had ever been there before.

“Wait, it can't be thirty years. I've been getting a odd reading from this thing every year for at least the last five.” Twilight exclaimed holding the non dragon Spike clutched to her chest.

“Really?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Hello, not Princess Twilight. Cup Cake?” Pinkie Pie smirked offering one.

“Seriously what was up with all that?” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Beats me, always something weird on this day of tha week though.” Applejack shrugged.

“For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday. “ raven Rahs cawed as he landed on Twilight.

“Oh my goodness, he's adorable.” Fluttershy squeed, looking at the bird sitting on Twilight's shoulder.

Author's Note:

For those of you wondering about any plot issues or other things i skipped in EQG... Let me just say that i tried to watch it, and i couldn't manage to get much past where sunset threatened fluttershy because it was so dumb and cringy. Thus all my info for past that point came from THIS.

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