• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 3-3: The Wolf's Promise

The Wolf’s Promise

At the front door of a house in Canterlot, Princess Celestia puts her hoof to the doorbell. The door opens as a male Earth Pony peeks his head out.

“Princess Celestia,” The Earth pony said. “What brings you here?”

“Hello Fortwright,” Princess Celestia said. “I came to talk about your son, Danged Spell.”

“Danged Spell?” Fortwright said, assuming that his son was in trouble. “Did he do something horrible?”

“No,” Celestia said. “Far from it. He helped save my daughter and the Chancellor from some cultists. But with a special condition.”

“It’s the Wolf’s breath curse,is it?” Fortwright asked.

“Yes,” Celestia replied. “And while you’re at it, you may want to bring your wife Shanoa down to hear my plea.”

“Well come on in, your majesty,” Fortwright said as he opened the door to Princess Celestia.

“Oh,” Celestia added. “I hope you don’t mind bringing in his friends at school, plus my sister and the Chancellor.”

Fortwright looked outside and he saw his son Danged Spell alongside Princess Luna, Chancellor Cinch, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Wanda and Abigail.

Fortwright shook his head and said “I was hoping he would make some friends at school. But this is saying alot.”

Inside, Fortwright and his wife Shanoa were sitting together on the couch while Princess Celestia sat in a nearby chair. While the parents looked a bit nervous, Celestia looked calm and collective.

“So I understand this about Danged Spell,” Shanoa asked. “He started by taunting this...daughter of yours.”

“Only a minor infraction” Celestia replied. “Which was made worse thanks to my attempt at humbling. He did make up by becoming her friend. But that’s not why I came to talk to you.”

“It’s not?” Fortwright asked.

Cinch stepped out from the hallway and cleared her throat. She said “The Man’s Cub and I were involved in an unintended scuffle with the Windigo’s Guild, a group of cultist hoodlums who want nothing more than to cover Equestria in a blanket of ice and snow. Your son, under the effects of the Wolf’s Breath, came to our rescue.”

Both Fortwright and Shanoa were shocked by the words of Chancellor Cinch.

“You’re kidding, right?” Shanoa said, baffled by the words of the Chancellor.

“She’s not,” Celestia replied.

“We’ve known our son since the day he came to this planet,” Fortwright said to Princess Celestia. “We also knew about the Wolf’s Breath, and feared that it would cause him to lose control of himself.”

“You have nothing to fear, Fortwright,” Celestia said. “I understand what the Wolf’s Breath is all about, and I know how to help Danged Spell cope with his.”

“But how can I be so sure that you’ll be able to help him?” Shanoa asked, cautious of Celestia's promise. “I know you are the Princess of us all, but even I fear for my son’s well-being.”

“That’s because like Danged Spell,” Celestia said. “I too, possess the Wolf’s Breath Curse.”

Both Fortwright and Shanoa were shocked by Princess Celestia’s words. Their own princess, a bearer of the Wolf’s Breath Curse.

“You possess the Wolf’s Breath Curse?” Shanoa said, still in complete shock.

“And I can assure you both that she is in control of it,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I’ve known her since I was once her prime student long ago. I have seen her in action using this curse as a defense mechanism. By teaching your son, we can help him control his feral urges, and use it for good. Besides, I heard he wants to become apart of the royal guards.”

“Well that is something that has to be decided by him,” Fortwright said.

Upstairs, we find Danged Spell in a nursery with Princess Luna, Wanda, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer and Abigail. Inside the crib is a baby filly, with a coat and mane almost similar to Princess Luna, but lighter.

“Your sister reminds me of myself when I was younger,” Princess Luna said to Danged Spell.

“And the name Dream Seeker sounds appropriate,” Danged Spell said to Princess Luna.

“Why do I have the feeling that she would be an ideal candidate for a Dream Walker?” Luna joked.

“It’s amazing that you have a sister of your own,” Wanda said to Danged Spell. “Just like how I have two sisters.”

“Thanks,” Danged spell said to Wanda as he picked baby Dream Seeker from the crib and rocked her slowly with his magic. Dream Seeker giggled at the sight of her big brother.

“Reminds me of when I was the baby sister,” Twilight said. “Shining Armor use to rock me during the night. Always use to call me his precious Twily.”

Everyone in the room laughed at Twilight’s comment, being unable to contain themselves.

“I wish I had a brother,” Starlight Glimmer said. “Or a sister.

“You have me, Starlight,” Sunburst said as he put his arm around Starlight’s back. “I know I’m not related to you. But I’m here if you need me.”

“Hey Moondancer,” Sunset asked. “What about your relatives? Or even your own siblings?”

“Oh,” Moondancer replied as she blushed. “That’s something I don’t want to talk about at the moment. But I promise I’ll introduce my folks to you.”

As Sunset smiled at Moondancer, understanding of her plight, she heard a voice from downstairs.

“Danged Spell,” Shanoa yelled. “Celestia wishes to speak to you about a special training.”

Danged Spell was about to step out of his room, carrying baby Dream Seeker, only for Princess Luna to put her hoof on his shoulder.

“We’re going down together,” Princess Luna said, assuring Danged Spell. “I would like to see about this special program you plan on attending.”

Danged Spell handed Baby Dream Seeker to Princess Luna as he stepped outside the nursery. Princess Luna followed Danged Spell as she held Dream Seeker close to her.

“This sounds exciting for Danged Spell,” Wanda said to Sunset.

“No kidding,” Sunset replied. “I wonder what it’s all about.”

Downstairs, Danged Spell approached Princess Celestia, Chancellor Cinch, and his parents Fortwright and Shanoa. While Spell was eager to know of the special program he is to partake in, he is also nervous. But he isn’t alone. Behind him, Princess Luna sat down, holding Baby Dream Seeker with her magic. Next to her were Wanda, Abigail, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst and Moondancer, excited to see what will be of their friend.

“So Princess Celestia told me what happened today,” Fortwright said to Danged Spell. “On the one hand, you did say a few nasty things to one of your friends.”

“I know dad,” Danged Spell said. “But we made up and became friends.”

“But I also heard you saved her and the Chancellor while under the influence of the Wolf’s Breath,” Fortwright continued. “I’ve known you and your curse for a long time. I never thought you would use it to protect those who need it.”

“I couldn’t let anything bad happen to her,” Danged Spell replied. “Or the Chancellor.”

“We were told of this program by Princess Celestia,” Shanoa said. “One that can help you with the Wolf’s Breath. I was hoping that the School for Gifted Unicorns would have something like that, and I am glad they do. But this is something you must choose.”

“Really?” Danged spell said.

“But…” Shanoa replied. “You must listen to what they say to you. They’re here to help and make sure you don’t get into trouble with that curse.”

“Besides,” Fortwright said to Danged Spell. “You said you wanted to become Royal Guard material. So this is a good opportunity to learn how to control yourself. But this is your choice. What do you say?”

Hearing what his parents said, Danged Spell knew it would be his responsibility to take up this new task. But the fires of determination burned within him, and he felt like he was ready to take on the task.

“Of course I will,” Danged Spell replied. “I made a promise that I want to become a member of the Royal Guard. And I will do this to help protect those in need. Especially you both. I accept this special training for my Wolf’s Breath.”

“Then it’s done,” Celestia said. “Following our trip to Sire’s Hollow tomorrow to attend a funeral for Starlight’s Uncle, I’ll begin training Danged Spell under the ways of the Wolf’s Breath Curse. I recommend that his friends help motivate him for his training.”

Both Fortwright and Shanoa smiled after hearing Celestia’s message. Though they looked at the twin-tailed filly near Princess Luna, who looked depressed.

“I’m terribly sorry for her loss,” Shanoa said to Celestia. “We had gone to at least four funerals for my brother, my sister, my father, and Fortwright’s father. And every time, Spell was saddened by their death as he knew them personally. He even enjoyed hanging out with grandpa Kidwell.”

“Losing a relative always hits the heart of every one that loved him or her,” Celestia said. “I’ve known that for a long time.”

Celestia got up and approached Danged Spell as the colt was excited, and yet firm on the special program that he’s going to go through for his Wolf’s Breath Curse.

“Danged Spell,“ Celestia said. “This will not be an easy challenge. But I assure you will learn how to control your curse, and become one with your wolf side. Are you really up for it?”

“I have to be up for it,” Danged Spell replied. “If I can’t conquer my inner wolf, I won’t be up for defending my parents, or my sister, or all of Equestria. In fact, I vow to pass this with flying colors, to prove that I, Danged Spell, son of Fortwright, son of Shanoa, will pass this test with every inch of my magic.”

The words of Danged Spell has caused his hips to light up, blinding the entire room with a resonating magic.

“What’s going on?” Starlight yelled as she covered her eyes.

“Remember what I went through?” Twilight replied. “I think he’s going through it as well.”

“A cutie mark?” Starlight said.

“Yes,” Twilight said.

When the light went away, Danged Spell opened his eyes and looked on his hip. A picture of a Sun in the shape of a flaming sword was embedded. Danged Spell looked at his new Cutie Mark, and smiled ecstatically.

“I got my Cutie Mark,” Danged Spell said. “I GOT MY CUTIE MARK! I ACTUALLY GOT MY CUTIE MARK!”

“And it’s something I have never seen before,” Celestia replied, impressed by Danged Spell’s Cutie Mark.

“I never thought I would see a unique Cutie Mark like what you have,” Chancellor Cinch said to Danged Spell. “It seems destiny has intertwined with you, youngling.”

As Danged Spell jumped for joy over his new cutie mark, Fortwright picked up his song with his hooves and held him up. Spell went from happy to annoyed in a split second.

“Let go dad,” Danged Spell complained. “You ruined the moment.”

“Come on, son,” Fortwright laughed. “This is your moment. Your friend, family and royalty have witnessed you getting your cutie mark.”

“Imagine what would happen when your sister gets her cutie mark,” Princess Luna said as she rocked Baby Dream Seeker. “I am looking forward to that day.”

Near Luna, Wanda smiled at the fact that her new friend gained a Cutie Mark. She looked at Moondancer, Sunburst, Twilight, Sunset and Starlight as they were happy for Danged Spell.

“One day,” Starlight said. “I hope I get my cutie mark.”

“Don’t we all, Starlight?” Sunburst replied. “I hope mine involves the knowledge I gained through studies.”

“I hope mine is in astronomy,” Moondancer said. “I enjoy watching the stars in the sky at night. Especially with my favorite telescope.”

“Well I hope you three get great cutie marks,” Twilight said. “After all, we don’t want you three to feel left out.”

“Yeah,” Sunset said. “I bet your cutie marks will intertwine with your own destinies. Like we’re six ponies who will save the world from evil.”

“Sunset,” Twilight laughed. “That is so cliche.”

As Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst and Moondancer laughed, Wanda laid back as Abigail jumped onto her lap and lied down. Wanda stroked Abigail on the back of her right ear, reflecting on the events of the day. She had an adventure both in the school and out. But she ended up mostly unscathed, and with friends that will help boost her confidence.

“It’s great to have friends like them,” Wanda said to herself. “After all, Friendship is Magic.”

Later that night, Wanda, Sunset and Abigail were back home in the castle in their bedroom. Wanda had changed into her pajamas while Sunset was lying down in her bed. Abigail was taking a nap on Wanda’s bed.

“What a day sis,” Sunset said. “We befriend five other ponies, got you a companion, eluded the Windigos Guild, and Danged Spell got his Cutie Mark.”

“You got that right,” Wanda said as she climbed onto the bed.

“That’s quite an adventure you had.” That voice came from outside the room. Wanda and Sunset turned their heads to find Princess Cadence stepping on in.

“Big sister,” Wanda and Sunset said to Cadence.

“Mother told me about what happened to you both,” Cadence said. “Can’t believe you went on a wild ride while me and Shining Armor were bored. I also heard that there’s going to be a Cute-Ceanera tomorrow after the funeral you’re going to.”

“Yeah,” Wanda replied. “The Funeral is for Starlight’s Uncle. But the Cute-Ceanera is going to be for Danged Spell. You should have seen him when he got his Cutie Mark.”

“Well I’ve got good news for you both,” Princess Cadence said. “I’ll be coming with you tomorrow with Shining Armor to the Funeral and the Cute-Ceanera. It was mother’s wish.”

“Great,” Sunset said to Cadence. “I actually missed your company.”

“Well I miss being around you both,” Cadence said to Sunset and Wanda. “By the way, have you ever heard of this stallion named Buck Withers?”

Both Wanda and Sunset were confused by the name. Cadence assumed that none of her sisters are aware of him.

“Let’s just say…” Cadence said. “He’s obsessed with me.”

This lead to both Wanda and Sunset laughing.

“Why would some nobody want to date you?” Sunset said as she couldn’t stop laughing.

“He’s supposed to be some big adventurer,” Cadence replied. “But I’m perfectly fine with Shining Armor. Anyway, good night. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

As Princess Cadence walked out the room, Wanda and Sunset finally got their laughter under control. The sight of some random nobody dating their big sister. That was enough for a big chuckle.

“I wouldn’t want to date someone who was full of himself,” Sunset said to Wanda as the Man’s Cub got herself tucked in.

“I’ll be lucky to find someone of my type here in Equestria,” Wanda said as Abigail cuddled up to her. “Maybe this Amadeus person happens to be that guy.”

“But what matters, is that tomorrow, we have another big day,” Sunset said to Wanda.

“A funeral for Starlight’s Uncle, and a Cute-Ceanera for Danged Spell,” Wanda repled.

“I sure hope we get more of these important days,” Sunset said as she looked up at the ceiling.

“You and me both,” Wanda replied as she yawned. “But something tells me I’ll be worn out by the time we’re done with our first year at the school.”

“I’m glad to have you as a sister,” Sunset said as she’s about to fall asleep. “If it weren’t for you, I would have been some mean-spirited bully, or a she-demon.”

‘Now don’t say that,” Wanda said. “As long as you have me and your friends by your side, you have nothing to worry about.”

“Thanks Wanda,” Sunset Said with one last yawn. “And goodnight.”

And in an instant, Sunset Shimmer fell asleep on her bed. She was finally worn out from the day. Wanda yawned before also falling asleep, with Abigail sleeping right next to her.

Outside the palace, Princess Celestia and Chancellor Abacus Cinch looked up at the window leading to Wanda and Sunset’s room. Though both are relieved after the events of today, they also carry a face of concern for Wanda’s well-being.

“You had quite the adventure, Chancellor,” Celestia said.

“Indeed,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Early ago, I had a disdain towards the Man’s Cub. And even though I am still harsh on her, it’s so that she can grow to be apart of this world. And yet, after today, I may have become a bit fond of her.”

“Is that a confession I’m hearing?” Celestia said with a chuckle.

“Partially,” Chancellor Cinch replied. “But part of the reason why I’m becoming fond of the Man’s Cub was because of those hooligans who tried to kidnap her.”

“And you wonder why Tatarus is a bad place to put her,” Celestia joked.

“Still,” Cinch said. “Tomorrow’s field trip to Sire’s Hollow will be of a difficult lesson for her. She will learn about the harsh realities of death.”

“It’s about Starlight’s Uncle,” Celestia said. “I’ve already gotten the approval from all of the parents well in advance. I’ll be taking the entire class down there to help Starlight grieve for her loss. Danged Spell has been down this path many times.”

“As have I,” Cinch said.

“You’ve lost a good number of family and friends during your time growing up,” Celestia said. “Especially with that horrible fire from many years ago. I had to take you in as my student to help you cope with the loss of your parents.”

Cinch looked down after listening to Celestia’s words. The thought of losing her parents was a painful memory for Abacus Cinch. And to think, she once had a carefree life until that tragic day.

“Princess,” Cinch said with a tear in her eyes. “If the Man’s Cub is traumatized by the mere sight of death, do not be afraid to comfort her, like you did with me. It’s a harsh lesson that needs a mother’s voice to get through.”

“Believe me,” Celestia said as she put her wing around Cinch. “You’re not the only one who dealt with loss.”

To be Continued in….

Arc 4: The Funeral of Meteor Flare

Through Life and Death

Author's Note:

The next arc will deal with the concept of Death in the fanfic series, as we will head towards Sire's Hollow for Starlight Glimmer to pay her respects for her late uncle: Meteor Flare.

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