• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 1-2: Three Alicorns and a Baby.

Three Alicorns and a Baby.

Many years ago in Canterlot, night fell on the vast city, especially at Canterlot Castle located deep in the center. A strong rain poured from the heavens onto the streets and rooftops, leaving behind small puddles. Every pony was tucked away in bed as the noise of the storm lured them to sleep.

But there was one that was not asleep, nor was it a pony. She was navigating her way through the city, covering her with a hood, and carrying a basket of some sorts. The basket had a blanket so that the contents inside would be protected from the harsh rain. The only thing the figure had to worry about was the storm, as the guards had taken shelter so that they would not catch a cold from the nighttime weather.

It didn’t take long for her to arrive at the front gate of Canterlot Castle. Not a single soldier was guarding the front gate because of the rain. There was also a dry spot at the entrance of the castle, protected from the rain thanks to a shade setup above. Without a second thought, the figure ran over to the dry spot of the entrance and placed the basket down. She opened the basket, revealing it to be a female human baby.

The figure took off her hood, revealing to be a young human woman with flowing yellow hair and a purple regal dress. She looked down at her baby as a tear fell from her cheek. Judging by the look on her face, she may not be seeing her child ever again.

“To my little Apricot, my Darling Wanda,” The figure said to her child in a somber tone. “I wish I could raise you like a proper daughter. But thanks to the war at home, I’m afraid you are in much danger. And had I not discovered this mysterious land, I would have lost you to the cruelty of the invaders. I can only hope the warm heart of this ruler will accept you with open arms, and treat you like I wanted to. But know this. Your mother Eleanor will always remember you, even as we struggle through this horrible war. With love, forever more.”

Eleanor, the humanoid figure who has been carrying baby Wanda, left a note on the basket before kissing her baby daughter on the forehead. She then reached for the knocker on the door, ready to catch the attention of the residents of the castle.

Inside, we find three alicorns relaxing by the fireplace. The eldest, Princess Celestia, is a white-coat pony with a mane flowing with four colors: light cerulean, light turquoise, very light cobalt blue and a pale heliotrope. The second oldest is Princess Luna, who is graced with a dark blue coat and a Moderate Sapphire Blue mane, outlined with a white streak. The youngest, resembling a filly, is Princess Cadance. Her coat is a pale, light grayish cerise while her mane consists of various streaks of moderate violet, moderate rose and pale gold.

They were all relaxing when they heard a knock at their front door. Princess Celestia was alerted the most by the knock and realized there was someone at her front door.

“I got this,” Princess Celestia said to Luna and Cadance as the eldest of the alicorns got up and walked to the front door of the castle. Princess Luna and Princess Cadance watched out of curiosity, wondering what could be here at this time of night, especially in the rain.

As Princess Celestia opened the front door, she noticed a figure sprinting off in the distance. She tried to say something, but the figure was completely unrecognizable. As she could barely make out who that was, she heard the crying of what sounded like a baby. She turned down and saw Baby Wanda in the basket crying her eyes.

“I don’t believe it,” Princess Celestia said as she was surprised by the presence of Baby Wanda. “A man’s cub. But it’s impossible to see one in Equestria. Any man who steps foot becomes a pony or another creature.” She looked up as the figure disappeared into the night before she said “But this is rather odd to see two humans in the world without becoming a pony.”

Celestia looked back down, looking at Baby Wanda, who looked up to the alicorn princess and giggled with delight. But as Celestia was curious about the bambino, she saw the note that was next to her basket. Celestia used her magic to lift the note up and unfolded it before reading the note.

“To the occupant of this castle,” Princess Celestia said as she read the note. “Please take care of my darling Wanda Young...my precious Apricot. I want her to be safe from war, and to grow up in a land that knows peace. I can only hope that your pure heart can teach her what is right and wrong, and what you can offer that I cannot. Signed, Eleanor Young.”

Celestia sets the note down and looks at Baby Wanda. She gently lifted Baby Wanda as the youngling giggled at the mere sight of the alicorn princess. As Celestia lowered the baby to her chest area, Wanda rubbed her face around it, cooing with a gentle tone.

“There there, my darling Wanda,” Princess Celestia said with a soothing voice. “I will be your mommy from here on out.”

Back inside, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance were waiting patiently for Princess Celestia to come back and report on who was at the door. But it didn’t take long for Princess Celestia to walk on in, holding with her magic Baby Wanda. Luna and Cadance took a look at the baby man’s cub, and were surprised by her presence.

“Dear sister, what is that?” Princess Luna asked, still shocked after looking at Baby Wanda’s face.

“It’s a man’s cub,” Princess Celestia replied.

“A man’s cub?” Princess Cadance asked, curious about Baby Wanda.

“Normally, when a man from Earth wanders into Equestria, they become ponies or other creatures.” Celestia said. “But for some reason, this one maintained her form.”

“Aww,” Luna said as she thought Baby Wanda was adorable. “He looks so cute.”

“Not a boy,” Princess Celestia said, correcting Princess Luna. “But a girl. And she will be Cadance’s younger sister.”

“Neat,” Princess Cadance says as she gently rubs Baby Wanda’s head. The young child just cooed herself to sleep. “I always wanted a sister,” Cadance added.

“But what about the rest of the kingdom?” Princess Luna asked in caution. “What would they say if they saw a man’s cub?”

“Then for now, she will stay within the castle,” Celestia responded. “As her new mother, I will raise her to be a part of Equestria. But her presence will have to be kept a secret. I heard the newly appointed Chancellor Abacus Cinch isn’t fond of non-pony creatures.”

Princess Luna let out a sigh and said “I was afraid of that. The moment Cinch sees the man’s cub, she’s going to freak out. Especially after what happened to her husband.”

“It’s something I wish would never happen to poor Wanda,” Celestia replied, as she showed concern for the child.

“Wanda?” Luna said, confused by Celestia’s choice of words. “Is that the name you gave her?

“No,” Celestia responded. “It’s the name her original mother Elenaor gave her.”

“I think it’s a darling name,” Cadance replied. “A human mare named Wanda. I bet the many ponies of Canterlot would adore that name.”

Celestia chuckled for a bit and said “Well that may be a nice idea. But it’s time for little fillies to head for bed.”

“Aww, do I have to mom?” Cadance whined.

“You don’t want to be late for school,” Celestia responded with a smile on her face as she kissed Cadance on the forehead. Cadance slowly walked out of the room, disappointed that she couldn’t play with Baby Wanda. But regardless, she will be playing the man’s cub soon.

Luna turns to Celestia and says “I hope you are right, dear sister. One day, they will find out.”

“They may not understand her,” Celestia said as she gently rocked Baby Wanda with her magic. “But one day, she will be a fitting member of the Equestrian family, as a very fine princess like the rest of us.”

Months have passed since Princess Celestia adopted Baby Wanda as her child. It was a bright sunny afternoon as Princess Luna was attempting to make funny faces at Baby Wanda. But the little tot could do nothing but cry, as if she missed her mother. This has frustrated Princess Luna to say the least.

Luna let out a sigh and said “How in my sister’s name was she able to keep her content? I feel like an amateur.”

“Aunt Luna, I’m home.” That sound came from Princess Cadance, as she wasted no time running up the stairs and into the nursery where Luna was still struggling to entertain Baby Wanda. Princess Luna let out a sigh of relief as she turned to see her niece, who is excited to also play with the man’s cub.

“Glad you could make it, Cadance,” Luna smiled as she carried the still crying Baby Wanda over to Princess Cadance.

“Aww,” Princess Cadance said as she accepted Baby Wanda from Princess Luna. “I missed you so much, little sister.” Her playful presence was enough to lighten up Baby Wanda’s mood.

“For someone who’s far younger than I am, you sure know how to turn off the waterworks,” Princess Luna said as she yawned from a long day of looking after Baby Wanda. “You really need to tell me your secret.”

“Even I don’t understand why little sister is afraid of you, Aunt Luna,” Cadance said as she was confused by Luna’s predicament. “Why is that?”

“I have no idea,” Luna said as she let out a good laugh. “Maybe my coat and mane are too edgy for her.”

Cadance let out a giggle before saying “By the way, mommy is coming upstairs.”

“Actually, she’s already here.” That voice came from Princess Celestia, who was right behind Princess Cadance. But the princess of the sun looked exhausted from her day serving as the prime princess of Equestria. Her eyes were baggy, her mane frazzled up, and she looked like she was going to collapse.

“Another day at the Senate, I take it,” Princess Luna asked, knowing what kind of problems Princess Celestia was living through.

“I thought becoming a monster a thousand years ago was horrible,” Celestia joked as she walked towards Cadance and Baby Wanda. “But now, I’d wish you banished me to the moon. I cannot stand these pointless debates over a stupid wall.”

Cadance hands Baby Wanda to Princess Celestia. In a mere instant, Baby Wanda cheered at the sight of her adopted mother as Celestia rocked her daughter.

Luna smiled at Celestia and said “With you by her side, Wanda’s day has already lightened up.”

“I think you got it wrong, dear sister,” Celestia joked as she cuddled Baby Wanda. “It’s like she was sent to me just to calm my nerves after a long day of ruling Equestria. I feel like without Wanda, I would have gone completely mad.”

“You always hated politics, dear sister,” Luna joked. “But when it comes to children, they always brighten your mood.”

“No kidding,” Princess Celestia replied with a chuckle. “Why must I be the Prime Princess of Equestria? Why couldn’t I have started a babysitting service? Or an orphanage?”

“You know,” Luna said to Celestia. “If you want, I can rule Equestria for you, and you can raise Wanda as your daughter.”

Celestia only chuckled as she said “I wish. But too many ponies approve of me as Princess of Equestria. As much as I want to retire, I have to at least give them hope.”

“Well that’s a shame,” Princess Cadance said. “Guess there’s no rest for the best of the best, mother.”

Celestia giggled and said “You’re absolutely right, Princess Cadance.”

Luna then pulled out a newspaper and showed the front page article to Princess Celestia. “By the way, dear sister,” Princess Luna exclaimed. “You heard about what happened to the Canterlot Orphanage last night.”

“Oh dear, I forgot all about that,” Princess Celestia said, as she was still exhausted from today’s royal duties. “I heard a demon ravaged the whole place, forcing matrons and orphans to evacuate the building. They say one filly has gone missing.”

“If you wish,” Princess Luna said. “I can find the missing filly for you.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Princess Celestia said. “I can locate the missing filly once I’m rested up.”

“Excuse me, your majesty, but you’re wanted at the front door of the palace.” That voice came from Kibitz, the Majordomo of Canterlot Castle. He was standing in front of the door, allowing passage out of the nursery.

Celestia lets out a sigh and says “Wait right here, sister. I have some unfinished business to attend to.”

But as Celestia was about to hand Baby Wanda back to Princess Luna, Kibitz says “That also means Princess Luna as well.”

“You have got to be kidding me,” Luna complained. “Who’s going to watch over the baby while we’re occupied?”

“I’ll do it,” Princess Cadance says as she begs her mother and aunt to give her Baby Wanda.

“Okay,” Princess Celestia said to Princess Cadance. “But promise you’ll keep her out of trouble.”

“No problem,” Princess Cadance says as Princess Celestia hands Baby Wanda over to the young filly. It didn’t take long for Cadance and Baby Wanda to snuggle together as Celestia and Luna departed the room.

Kibitz looked at the young filly playing with Baby Wanda and chuckled. “If only they assigned me to look after the tyke,” He said to himself. “After all, my grandfather once taught me how to raise a foal.” Kibitz chuckled a bit to himself as he walked out of the room, following Princess Celestia and Luna from behind.

As the adults left the room, Princess Cadance was all alone with Baby Wanda. She was making funny faces at the little bambina, causing the tot to giggle at the filly’s silliness. But as Baby Wanda was cheering and clapping at Cadance’s silly show, insect wings sprouted on her back. This caused Princess Cadance to stop and gaze at them.

“Woah,” Princess Cadance said as she was amazed by Baby Wanda’s wings. “I didn’t know you had wings. Much less flutter wings.”

Baby Wanda turned on her back and began to flap her new wings. In almost an instant, she began to levitate off the ground, laughing as she was almost as high as the ceiling. Princess Cadance was amazed by Baby Wanda’s use of her wings. As Baby Wanda was hovering in the afternoon of the nursery, sunlight poured through her wings, emitting a rainbow towards the wall.

“They’re so beautiful,” Cadance said as she was mesmerized by the colors.

But as Cadance observed Baby Wanda, the little tyke saw the open window of the nursery, and flew off. Cadance’s face went from happy to scared. Her own younger sister flew out the window, exposing her presence to all of Canterlot.

“That’s not good,” Cadance said to herself. “The ponies of Canterlot are going to freak out.

To Be Continued in….

Baby’s Day Out

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