• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 1,974 Views, 108 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 16-2: Tales of the Beast Wars

Tales of the Beast Wars

“Are you both going to be alright?” Twilight Velvet said as Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie stepped out of the house with Spike riding on Twilight’s back.

“We’ll both be alright,” Twilight Sparkle said. “It’s just a day with our friends from La Maresa.”

“Yeah, Miss Velvet,” Pinkie Pie said. “We got this day at the back of our hooves.”

“Well I hope you be back by evening time,” Twilight Velvet said. “Besides, you have the big Grand Gallopin Gala event coming up.”

“I know, mom,” Twilight Sparkle said. “In fact, this is why we’re excited. We need something to distract our minds.”

Twilight Velvet just laughed and said “Well you better get going soon. You don’t want to let your excitement ruin your big night.”

With that, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie ran off with Spike riding on Twilight’s back. The two fillies were gone in a flash as Twilight Velvet looked out the window.

“I used to be young and innocent like that,” Twilight Velvet said. “Maybe that’s the price we pay for growing older.”

“Now don’t you worry about growing old, my dear,” Night Light said as he gave Twilight Velvet a kiss on the cheek. “We have all the time in the world.”

Twilight Velvet just giggled and said “Night Light, dear. You said that yesterday.”

Down the streets of Canterlot City, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie ran through the crowds that gathered while Spike rode on Twilight’s back. Even with so many ponies gathered around, none of them took notice of Twilight or Pinkie’s presence.

“Can’t you believe it, Pinkie?” Twilight said. “The Grand Gallopin Gala is almost here.”

“Oh I’m ready for it,” Pinkie Pie said. “Ready to join in the biggest par-tay in all of Equestria.”

“Pinkie Pie,” Twilight said. “Sunset and Wanda told us how boring that place is, and how they don’t normally enjoy the Grand Gallopin Gala.”

“Well why not?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“To them,” Twilight said. “It’s more like adults doing adult things. And besides, Wanda gets claustrophobic when around that many ponies who tower over her. I heard she had an emotional meltdown at the last Gala.”

“Oh I’m aware of that,” Pinkie Pie said. “Poor kid. Even with Princess Celestia by her side, it’s like all of Equestria is out to get her.”

“But don’t you worry,” Twilight said. “As long as she has friends by her side, she can make it through this. Even our friends from La Maresa.”

“Did someone mention La Maresa?” Twilight and Pinkie Pie came to a stop as they saw Applejack waving right by. Right next to the country bumpkin were Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity,” Pinkie Pie yelled as she waved at the group of four fillies.

“I was wondering when you two would show up,” Rainbow Dash said. “I was about to get anxious and go off on my own.”

“Rainbow,” Rarity yelled. “Just because you’ve been here before doesn’t mean you get to goof off without the rest of us.”

“Oh come on, Rarity,” Rainbow Dash said as she flew down to the ground level and put her arm around Rarity’s back. “It’s our time to relax until the big Grand Gallopin Gala. So quit being such a sourpuss.”

With that, Rarity raised her hoof into the air and slammed it right on top of Rainbow Dash’s head, causing the rainbow filly to scream while holding the top of her head in pain.

“Never call me a sourpuss,” Rarity said in a cold tone.

“Noted,” Rainbow Dash said as she held her head.

Twilight and Pinkie walked up to Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy while Rainbow Dash got up, still holding the top of her head with one hoof.

“I take it you’re as excited as a cow in the meadow, Twilight,” Applejack said.

“Of course I am,” Twilight Sparkle said. “This is going to be my first ever Grand Gallopin Gala. Of course, Wanda and Sunset have been to the Gala before, and they’re not fans of it.”

“I actually heard that from Princess Luna,” Fluttershy said. “Sunset Shimmer always winds up bored to death by every year she helps Princess Celestia greet ponies. And as for Wanda, oh dear. I heard she freaked out at last year’s Gala.”

“Freak out is an understatement,” Pinkie Pie said. “You should have seen what the tabloids were talking about. Rude princess ruined a Gala for real adults. Or Monkeys should be in bed, not at the gala. That was the worst garbage I have ever seen.”

“The nerve of who wrote that,” Fluttershy said as her eyes squinted in frustration. “Everyone knows monkeys are docile creatures who only mean no harm. What right do they have to talk like that about an innocent creature of the wild?”

“Whatever Gold Banks paid them to,” Applejack said. “This is why Granny Smith doesn’t pay attention to those gosh darn, twenty four hour news stations like PNN, KSNeighBC, and especially the Hog News Network.”

“You mean the Horse News Network,” Twilight giggled.

“They don’t deserve to be called the Horse News Network,” Applejack said. “I haven’t heard that much garbage coming out of one news station in my life, much less three.”

“But I’m glad you’re all here for the Grand Gallopin Gala,” Twilight said. “And I’m hoping you could help Wanda out while she’s attending.”

Applejack pulled her hat down and said “I wish I could, Twilight. But I promised Ma, Pa and Granny Smith to help out with selling Sweet Apple Acres goodies there. It’s to help drum up business.”

Twilight turned her head towards Fluttershy and said “Well what about you, Fluttershy? You want to make sure Wanda’s night is alright?”

“Well truth be told,” Fluttershy said. “I’m not really good with crowds that hover over me.”

“You did handle it well at the Fair,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“Well that was because the fair was set outside, and I could fly if necessary,” Fluttershy replied. “With the whole Gala, it’s set inside, and I can also get claustrophobic. Besides, I heard Princess Celestia has a garden complete with a number of exotic animals.” Fluttershy started to get excited as she added “Oooooh. I can’t wait to see them all.”

Twilight started to get discouraged. She said “Okay. Duly noted,” before turning her head to Rainbow Dash.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Rainbow Dash said. “But I’m no babysitter. I don’t think I can keep an eye out on Wanda all the time. Besides, this is my big chance to meet the Wonderbolts.”

“Say what?” Twilight said.

“They’re going to be at the Grand Gallopin Gala,” Rainbow Dash said. “And that means I get a chance to strut my stuff. I’m going to pull off all those sick moves in my wing, and show them what it takes to be Wonderbolt material.”

“Except you forgot one thing,” Twilight said in a cold tone. “Wanda always breaks out in pain when you use the Sonic Rainboom.”

Rainbow Dash’s face turned nervous as she said “Well. That’s going to put a bit of a damper on my plans. But I’ll improvise.”

As Twilight Sparkle sighed, she turned to Rarity and said “I take it you also have big plans for the Gala.”

“Oh as a matter of fact, I do,” Rarity said. “There is a certain pony I have always wanted to meet. A certain nephew of Princess Celestia. I heard that he’s a handsome little colt who sets a high standard for Equestrian Royalty.”

“You...you’re kidding me, right?” Twilight said with a surprised look on her face.

“”Well what’s the matter, dearie?” Rarity said. “You’re not jealous, are you?”

“No, not really,” Twilight said with a fake smile on her face and sweat pouring from her forehead.

As Rarity moved away from Twilight and began to drift into dreamland, Rainbow Dash inched towards the lavender unicorn.

“I take it she means Prince Blueblood,” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“Unfortunately, yes,” Twilight whispered back as Rarity appeared twitterpated. “Sunset Shimmer told me about him. Let’s just say Rarity’s bitten off more than she could chew.”

As Rainbow Dash turned her head around and gagged, Twilight just looked down with a depressed look on her face.

“Aww come on,” Pinkie Pie said. “Why the sad face?”

“Well I just want Wanda to at least have a few friends by her side,” Twilight said. “Golden Lace and Cozy Glow all promised to look after Wanda during her time at the Gala. But I was hoping someone else would also pitch in.”

“Oh leave that to me,” Pinkie PIe said. “I came to par-tay, and I’m not going to do it without a few friends by my side. And if it means Wanda gets to par-tay as well, then so be it.”

Twilight’s face beamed with excitement. She jumped around Pinkie Pie as she yelled “YES YES YES YES YES!” as Spike rode on her back, cheering. Pinkie Pie just looked at Twilight and giggled a bit.

“Silly,” Pinkie Pie laughed. “You remind me of myself when I got my cutie mark.”

Twilight Sparkle just stood in the air as Spike sat on her back. Twilight slowly stepped down till her hooves touched the pavement and blushed in embarrassment.

“Reminds me of when I first went to the Ponyville Providence Fair,” Applejack chuckled. “I’ll never forget that day.”

“Well yeah,” Twilight said as she turned her head, positioned her right arm behind her left arm and grinned. “It happens to all of us.”

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie tapped Twilight on the shoulder, causing the unicorn to turn her head towards the party pony.

“Hey Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said. “Didn’t you say that you wanted to show us a little something?”

“Oh right,” Twilight said. “As you all know, there is a comic book shop here in Canterlot that is one of the best ever. It’s like a miniature comic book convention exhibit hall.”

“A comic book convention exhibit hall?” Rainbow Dash said. “Now you’re talking.”

“Sounds like you’ve been to a lot of comic conventions, Twilight,” Rarity said.

“The only one I’ve been to was the one in San DiNeighGo,” Twilight replied. “But I can assure you that this one is for those who want a small taste of that comic convention goodness.”

“That sounds really fun,” Fluttershy said. “I would not handle going to a comic convention.”

“Which does lead to one last question,” Applejack said as she approached Twilight. “Where would this comic book store be?”

Twilight’s smile grew deeper as she pointed behind Applejack and said “Easy. You’re standing in front of it.”

Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow Dash look up at the building behind them. The words atop the building said “Canterlot Comic Emporium.” The four ponies look at Twilight and blush a bit.

“Wow,” Applejack said. “Didn’t realize we were already at the location.”

Rainbow Dash flew up to the logo of the comic book store and said “And to think, I didn’t pay attention to this. Silly me.”

As the fillies all laughed together, Twilight walked up to the entrance and said “Come on, girls. Let’s check out this fun place.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said. “I heard they have comic books for all sorts of fans, plus games, toys, and all other goodies.”

“Oh, I hope they have IT there,” Fluttershy said as she squealed in excitement.

“What exactly is...it?” Twilight asked as she looked a bit puzzled.

“You’ll find out,” Fluttershy said. “Besides, it’s a favorite among fillies and colts across Equestria.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and said “Okay. Let’s go inside and figure out what Fluttershy’s favorite series is.”

With that, Twilight Sparkle walked up to the entrance with Spike on her back and entered through the automatic doors. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash followed from behind.

Inside, the whole store was filled to the brim with creative content. Comic books filled the shelves that lined the middle. Atop some of the shelves were toys based on various properties based on superheroes, cartoon characters, mythical beasts, ponies in various armors, and even cute mares and fillies. Some figures even take the form of other species like dragons, yaks, griffins, hippogriffs, changelings, kirins, felines, canines, and even monkeys. Along the walls lined up various board games and video games. A few customers browse the shelves full of goods while one cashier rings up a customer’s order.

“Wow,” Rainbow Dash said as she stared at the layout of the comic book store. “What a place. I never saw anything like that in Zephyr Heights or even in Cloudsdale. Even La Maresa never had this.”

“Zephyr Heights never had anything like this?” Twilight asked as Spike looked around.

“Only smaller comic book stores,” Rainbow Dash replied. “They’re not as impressive as this one. But they had their fair share of comics and stuff.”

“Rainbow’s got a point there,” Applejack said as she stood by the rainbow-maned pegasus. “Back in La Maresa, we never had a store that was filled to the brim with all of these comic books and other fun stuff. This place is only dwarfed by the legendary San Di’Neighgo Comic-Con.”

“Wow,” Twilight said. “I wonder if, besides San Di’Neighgo and Canterlot, there isn’t much of a following when it comes to comic books.”

“I’d say,” Pinkie Pie replied as she rubbed her head around Twilight’s head. “Some ponies don’t appreciate a good story when they see one.” Her words caused Twilight and her friends to laugh.

“That’s actually a good point there,” Rarity replied. “Sometimes, I wonder if we really don’t appreciate a good story, like the adventures of Shadow Spade novels that often caught my interest.”

As the girls continued to laugh, Fluttershy looked to her right and her eyes beamed with excitement.

“Girls,” Fluttershy said. “They have it. They actually have it.”

Before Twilight and the others could turn to Fluttershy, the timid pegasi filly ran off from the group and towards a stand full of action figures that resembled animal-themed robots.

“What’s gotten into her?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I think I know why she did that,” Pinkie Pie said before she bounced towards Fluttershy’s direction. “Come on. It’s something that Fluttershy’s been dying to get.”

Twilight shrugged her shoulders as she, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack followed Pinkie Pie with Spike riding on Twilight’s back. They all walked up to, or in Pinkie’s case, bounced, to Fluttershy’s location, who continued to stare at the robotic figures, each with a respective animal, insect or reptile theme.

“They actually have them,” Fluttershy said. “I’ve been a fan of this series since the very start.”

“No offense Fluttershy,” Applejack said. “But what are these figures?”

“I think I know what they are,” Twilight replied. “Have you girls ever heard of the Beast Wars?”

“Oh yeah,” Pinkie Pie said. “A toy series about a group of robots in disguise who take these kinds of organic forms. I heard Hasbro came up with the idea.”

“Not really,” Twilight replied with a smirk. “Some say the Beast Wars actually happened long before we ponies took root in Equestria.”

“Say what?” The others said as they turned to face Twilight.

“Are you saying that this form of fiction actually happened here in Equestria?” Applejack said.

Twilight tapped her hoof on the floor, causing Spike to reach into Twilight’s mane and pull out a smartphone. Twilight levitated the smartphone and tapped it with her hoof before turning it towards Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy.

“Recognize this?” Twilight said as she held up images of cave paintings that resemble animal-themed humanoids, including those that resemble the robots on the shelf.

“I remember that,” Rarity replied. “Those are the mysterious cave paintings that are located near Farasi.”

“And not only that,” Twilight said. “There were even some artifacts that the excavation team discovered that gave clues about these Maximals and Predacons that existed here in Equestria.”

“Like Optimus Primal and Megatron?” Fluttershy said as she put her hoof near her mouth.

“So this whole Beast Wars thing isn’t just a cultural phenomenon,” Applejack said. “It actually happened?”

“Come to think of it,” Rarity said as she pulled a newspaper out of her mane and unraveled it. “I do recall talking about the discovery of a wrecked spaceship that they pulled out of the river. Surprisingly, its data tracks were still intact.”

Rarity presented the newspaper to Twilight Sparkle, who looked right at the pages. Her eyes popped with a eureka moment.

“That’s what helps connect the lore of the Beast Wars to these toys,” Twilight said as she walked over to the set of Beast Wars toys . “And there is a lot more to the Beast Wars than meets the eye.”

“And since I am a fan of the Beast Wars toys,” Fluttershy said. “I’d be happy to explain the characters in general.”

Fluttershy walked up to the two mega figures on the shelf. One had the motif of a gorilla while the other had the motif of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

“Now,” Fluttershy said as she pointed to the gorilla-themed robot figure. “This little guy is named Optimus Primal, the leader of the Maximals group that came to this planet long ago before our time. He ordered his crew to follow the rogue Predacons in order to stop them from stealing the energon to restart the great war.”

“And I assume that the T-Rex-themed character is named Megatron,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“That’s correct,” Fluttershy said as she pointed to the T-rex robot called Megatron. “He’s named after another warlord with that same name. But his discovery of this planet wasn’t just for this energon. It was also what he claims was to rewrite history and end the war in favor of his ancestors.”

“That’s a lot of lore to cover about these Beast Wars,” Applejack said. “Especially if it did happen here in Equestria.”

“Maybe there was a group of aliens who was responsible for laying the energon around this planet and they simply observed the Maximals and Predacons,” Pinkie Pie said. “Maybe once they realized that the robots were far more dangerous, they decided to detonate the energon supply to destroy them.”

“That….might be a possibility,” Twilight said.

“Well that being said,” Rarity said as she looked at the smaller Beast Wars figures. “What about all those other Maximals and Predacons besides Optimus and Megatron?”

“Well I’m glad you asked,” Fluttershy said as she pointed hoof at the cheetah-themed Maximal figure. “Now this scout here is named Cheetor. He’s naive, but very enthusiastic, and often looks up to Optimus Primal as a father figure.” She then pointed to a rat-themed Maximal and said “This one is called Rattrap. Despite his sarcasm and cynical attitude, he really doesn’t have a thing for Predacons.”

“Something about that rat just looks so adorable,” Rarity said. “Then again, you’re talking to someone who’s often afraid of rats.”

“Now wait just a darn pickin minute, Rarity,” Applejack said. “I once saw you dressing up a rat in a sky blue dress before the Ponyville Fair. I think your claims of musophobia are all horse hockey.”

“Oh come on now,” Rarity said with a flick of her hair. “I do get scared of rats from time to time.” She proceeded to aim her head down at the Rattrap figure in the package and yelled “BUT THIS IS THE MOST ADORABLE RAT I HAVE EVER SEEN! I MUST HAVE IT!”

As Rarity snatched a Rattrap figure in a package off the shelf and held it close, the other fillies laughed really hard at her behavior.

“I have never seen anyone obsess over a rat like that,” Pinkie Pie chuckled. “What a hoot. What an amusing sight.”

Rarity just looked at the others and blushed with a bright red hue.

“Ahahahahaha,” Rarity laughed with an embarrassed tone. “We all have our tastes, girls.”

As the other girls laughed, Rainbow Dash’s eye caught a Maximal figure in the motif of a hawk.

“Hey Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said as she stopped laughing.

“Oh this?” Fluttershy said as she pointed to the Maximal. “Well this is Airazor. She’s a flier, just like Optimus Primal. She has a calm and confident tone, but she’s also brave and adventurous.”

“Now you’re talking,” Rainbow Dash said as she swiped a package containing one of the many Airazor figures. “This is one Maximal that I will never part with.”

“Wow,” Fluttershy said. “You sure know how to make up your mind.”

“Of course I do,” Rainbow Dash said. “If Airazor was a pony, she’d be the leader of the Wonderbolts.”

“Funny you should say that,” Twilight said. “Did you know that a certain leader of the Wonderbolts is named Airazor? And she considers those kinds of figures flattering.”

Rainbow Dash held the figure close to her, blushed and said "Yeah. I uhhh, kinda knew that."

As the girls chuckle a bit, Applejack took a glance at a velociraptor-themed figure, which appeared to be holding a kind of sword.

"Something about this figure just screamed dedicated," Applejack said as she picked up the package containing the raptor-themed robot and looked at the packaging. "Just who is this...Dinobot?"

"Good question," Fluttershy said. "Dinobot was a predacon who was on the side of Megatron. But his honor and Megatron's ambition caused Dinobot to defect to the Maximals. He has been said to be one of the most popular characters of all time."

"He is?" Applejack asked.

Fluttershy moved her muzzle to Applejack's ear and whispered "Some say he sacrificed his life to save a primitive tribe from extinction."

"Well now that I think about it," Applejack said. "Something about this chopperface warrior works for me."

"Well that and he happens to have a rigid.." Pinkie Pie said before her mouth was covered by Applejack's hoof.

"That's enough of that, Pinkie," Applejack said in a stern tone. "Kids could be reading this. Do you want to set a bad example?"

Pinkie Pie moved Applejack's hoof off her mouth and said "Since when could you break the fourth wall?"

Applejack just looked at Pinkie with a smug look on her face and said “Since I was a little foal.” She turned to face the reader and added “Apple sense. Runs in the family.”

As Applejack continued to face the reader of this fiction, by right now you should really be disturbed by that, Twilight Sparkle’s eyes caught a White Tiger-themed Maximal figure.

“I know who this is,” Twilight said. “Tigatron. A maximall who prefers the natural beauty of this planet over the war between Maximal and Predacon.”

“That’s correct, Twilight,” Fluttershy said. “But how did you know that?”

“I do my research,” Twilight said as she looked down at the package containing the Tigatron figure. “Though Tigatron was considered a pacifist as he cared for the planet, he was willing to fight against any Predacon who threatened it. He even knew how to master the true potential of his beast mode. Thus, Tigatron became an essential member of the Maximals.”

“And I assume that’s the figure you want,” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course,” Twilight said as she pulled the Tigatron figure from the shelf. “By the way, I might ask mom to watch over all of your figures once you purchase them. That way once the Gala is over, you can all take your respective figures home.”

Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash cheered towards Twilight as Pinkie Pie takes a good look at a black widow spider-themed Predacon.

“Oooh,” Pinkie Pie said. “I like this figure. Hot, poisonous and deadly.”

“Pinkie,” Fluttershy said with a confused look on her face. “That’s not like you to want a figure like that.”

“Oh come on,” Pinkie Pie replied as she pulled the spider Predacon figure from the shelf, “Why wouldn’t I want a Blackarachnia figure? After all, she was a Maximal protoform that was reprogrammed into a Predacon by this big meanie named Tarantulas. Also to the fact that she was a scheming spider who was always looking out for herself, until she met a Maximal Fuzor named Silverbolt. She fell in love with the fuzor, and when Megatron’s ambition threatened her own existence, she switched sides and became a Maximal.”

The words that came out of Pinkie Pie’s mouth caused Fluttershy’s jaw to drop to the floor. The pegasi filly shook her head and stared at Pinkie.

“How,” Fluttershy said, completely flabbergasted. “How did you know all that?”

“Just a hunch,” Pinkie Pie said as she smiled and pulled the Blackarachnia figure from the shelf.

“Well, in spite of Pinkie Pie’s unexpected knowledge of the Beast Wars,” Twilight said. “It appears five of us have decided on what to purchase. What about you, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy looked at the shelf full of Beast Wars toys and saw a wasp-themed Predacon before pulling it off the shelf.

“I’ll pick up this Waspinator figure,” Fluttershy said. “He’s said to have taken a lot of abuse from the war, mainly being blown up by the Maximals, or friendly fire from the Predacons. I felt really sorry for the poor bug. Besides, I think he’s cute.”

“Well as long as you have an ideal Beast Wars bot to pick up,” Applejack said. “That’s what matters the most. Though if you ask me, it’s rather surprising that the Beast Wars actually existed here in Equestria.”

“Oh you ain’t heard half of it,” Twilight replied. She turned to the rest of the ponies and said. “Everyone got your wallets?”

Without a second thought, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy pulled out their wallets full of bits. Pinkie PIe pulled out a large sack full of bits, causing all the other youngsters to drop their jaws in shock.

“Pinkie,” Twilight said. “You actually had that much money?”

“Why not?” Pinkie Pie replied. “Besides, being a big help to Mrs Cake does pay off in the end.”

“Well let’s not be a big show off,” Rarity chuckled. “Let’s go pay for our Beast Wars figures, for there is more to our friendship than meets the eye.”

With that, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie walked towards the checkout counter, each with their respective Beast Wars figures in their hooves. But as she walked towards the counter, her eyes caught a comic book with a masked pony vigilante wearing a hat and costume. On the top of the cover, it said “Mysterious Mare Do Well.”

“Blecch,” Rainbow Dash groaned as she flipped the comic book, facing the cover away from her eyes. “That’s too dark and depressing of a series. Besides, who rambles about how other superheroes’ mothers have the same name?”

As Rainbow Dash walked away from the shelf and towards the checkout counter, Twilight Sparkle and Spike looked on next to the Beast Wars figures.

“You know Spike,” Twilight said. “Maybe there is more to this friendship than meets the eye. But then again, maybe that could be the same about all of us ponies.”

Spike let out a playful giggle as he rode atop Twilight’s back, all while the lavender filly walked up to the checkout counter.

But outside, a lone changeling with a green, yellow and black carapace in the theme of a wasp peeked from behind the doorway. The changeling looked at the figures and tears began to fall from his eyes.

“Hey Waspinator,” someone yelled out. “Are you obsessing over those Beast Wars figures?”

Waspinator turned around and saw two other changelings approaching, all while no one else was around. The changeling to the left had a green/blueish and gold carapace, while the one on the right had a light blue and bright red carapace.

“Waspinator thinks Beast Wars figures bring out something within, Quickstrike and Inferno,” Waspinator said. “But Waspinator can’t seem to figure out why.”

“Our job isn’t to obsess over silly action figures, Waspinator,” Inferno said. “Our job is to observe the ponies of Canterlot, and prepare for our queen’s rise to power. After all, the royalty commands it.”

“Yeah,” Quickstrike said. “I can’t wait to open a can of kick-plot right all over those stupid ponies. Especially those traitors who abandoned us.”

“But those figures may mean something to Waspinator,” Waspinator said. “May mean sometime to us Predacon brothers.”

“Tell you what, brother,” Inferno said. “When we conquer Canterlot for our queen, then you may take your fill of toy figures.”

“Aww yeah,” Quickstrike said. “Maybe we can take the figures that resemble the most hideous creatures to ever walk this planet.”

“Oooooh,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator like that idea. Waspinator is down with serving the Queen.”

“Then let us press on,” Inferno said. “For the glory of the ROYALTY!”

With that, Inferno and Quickstrike turned around, transformed into a pair of pegasi and flew off into the sky. Waspinator looked back inside the store and took a good look at the Beast Wars figures from outside.

“Waspinator will be back for you, my precious,” Waspinator said as he stared down at his namesake figure. “Then Waspinator will be happy at last.”

To Be Continued in…

The Unfriendly Upstagers

Author's Note:

What I liked about writing this part of the arc was two things.

1) The first MAJOR interaction between the Mane Six


2) Beast Wars: Transformers lore implemented into this fanfic series

And yes. I chose to call the company in Equestria "Hasbro," as a nod to the company responsible for franchises like the Transformers, GI Joe, Jem and the Holograms, Dungeons and Dragons, Littlest Pet Shop, Power Rangers and especially My Little Pony. Who knows what other Non-Pony Hasbro elements should be implemented into this Alternate Universe?

Well, beside the fact that there are now changeling versions of Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator, not to mention a pony version of Maximal Airazor.

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