• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 17-4: Princess Wanda's Despair

Princess Wanda’s Despair

It was outside in the garden of the castle. Wanda was all alone, crying atop a nearby bench. Nearby, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow, Trixie, Ditzy Doo and Abigail watched on, feeling sad for their friend.

“Still can’t believe Senator Twinkle Wish pulled that stunt again,” Golden Lace said.

“This wasn’t the first time?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“No it wasn't,” Golden Lace said. “Days before this big event, I took notice of Senator Wish berating Wanda, telling her that if she were Chancellor, she would banish her to the Deadlands.”

“That is just utterly and disturbingly despicable,” Trixie said as she smashed her hoof into the dirt. “Why is it that the elite have to be this selfish?”

“They’re all like that,” Cozy Glow said. “The Banks, the Senator, and even my own mother Magistrate Creme Dream. And the worst part about it is that they can get away with it.”

“That’s just sad,” Ditzy Doo said. “How come Princess Celestia doesn’t do anything about this?”

“It’s because she’s as helpless as Wanda is. Maybe worse.” Pinkie Pie, Abigail, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Cozy Glow and Golden Lace turned to the right to see Sunset Shimmer emerge from the doorway leading from the ballroom. She approached the group, looking as concerned as ever.

“Sunset Shimmer,” Golden Lace said as she jumped out of the group and approached the sun-themed unicorn. “I thought you were with Princess Celestia.”

“Well I was,” Sunset said. “But Aunt Luna insisted on having fun. So Twilight and I came out to the ballroom and we saw the whole thing unfold.”

“And not only did that witch make Wanda cry,” Trixie said as she stepped forward. “But she had the nerve to wreck the act of the Great and Powerful Trixie. One of these days….POW! Right in the kisser.”

“Trixie,” Sunset said as she placed her hoof on Trixie’s shaky hoof. “Let’s not resort to violence. After all, we’re Wanda’s close friends. We need to set an example here.”

“But what am I supposed to do with that jerk of a witch?” Trixie said as she was still steaming.

“I’ve sent Twilight Sparkle to tell Princess Celestia about this,” Sunset said. “Either she or Princess Luna will know what to do.”

Trixie started to calm down after hearing Sunset Shimmer. She turned towards Wanda and began to walk to the crying man’s cub. Sunset followed from behind, approaching her adopted sister all while she pulled out a handkerchief.

“Here,” Sunset said as she held out the handkerchief with her magic. “This will help dry your eyes.”

Wanda got up and looked at Sunset Shimmer, who still held out the handkerchief. She took it from her and blew her nose right into the cloth.

“Thank you,” Wanda said as she sniffled a bit.

“I saw what happened back inside,” Sunset said. “It’s not your fault that Senator Wish decided to take her anger out on you. Once Princess Celestia and Princess Luna learn about this, they will discipline her for the heartless act.”

“You really think so?” Wanda asked.

“I know so,” Sunset said. “This isn’t the first or the second time that the senator took her anger out on you. But at least you can take comfort that we’ll have your back, one hundred percent.”

Wanda slowly got up and looked Sunset in the eye. She wiped the last tear from her eye and looked like she was about to give her filly sister a hug.

“Make way for the future king of Equestria.” Those words caught Wanda, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Abigail Albright, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow off guard as Prince Blueblood and Rarity marched through the garden. Prince Blueblood held his nose up high while Rarity just walked by his side, blushing with embarrassment. Wanda and Sunset looked at Prince Blueblood and immediately, their tones went down south.

“Him again,” Wanda said as she stared coldly at Prince Blueblood.

“That narcissist never fails to anger me,” Sunset Shimmer said.

Rarity slowly approached Wanda and Sunset as she stood by Prince Blueblood. The two sisters stare at Wanda as Rarity brushed the back of her mane.

“Please don’t be that rude,” Rarity said with a fake grin on her face. “After all, she is the nephew of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

“He’s also our rude cousin,” Wanda whispered to Rarity.

“And he snubs us as pretenders to the throne,” Sunset whispered.

“Oh please,” Prince Blueblood said. “Don’t be such a pair of snowflakes.” Those words made Rarity blush a bit more.

“Rarity,” Wanda whispered. “Why do you want to be with that guy?”

“Because he’s the ideal pony of my dreams, the destiny I was meant to be,” Rarity whispered back.

“More like a stallion of your nightmares,” Sunset said. “He’s self-centered and full of it.”

“Relax already,” Rarity said. “I’ve got this. He’s nothing more than a windigo who needs his cold, cold heart melted.”

As Prince Blueblood began to walk off with Rarity right beside him, they take alook at Golden Lace and Pinkie Pie.

“So you’re the infamous Prince Blueblood,” Golden Lace said.

“And I heard you earned a reputation in not honoring thy mother and thy father,” Prince Blueblood said.

“That sounded too much like a complement,” Golden Lace said with a smile on her face.

“Young lady,” Prince Blueblood said as he glared at Golden Lace. “The fact that Princess Celestia chose to forgive you for that stunt is disgraceful. Then again, I’d say the same thing because of the friends you made. The ponies of Manehattan would have made you a pariah.”

Prince Blueblood gently shoved Golden Lace aside as the golden unicorn looked like she was about to seethe in anger. But as Blueblood stepped forward, Pinkie Pie got in his way, staring right at his visage.

“I don’t trust you one bit,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Says who?” Prince Blueblood said.

“Says the reincarnation of Discord,” Pinkie Pie replied.

“Discord? You?” Prince Blueblood said as he let out a huge laugh. “Foolish child. Discord was a fictional character.”

Pinkie Pie slammed her hoof on the ground as Prince Blueblood and Rarity walked past her. Rarity looked at Pinkie Pie and began to sweat a bit.

“Okay, take it easy,” Rarity said to herself. “I’d say I would melt Prince Blueblood’s heart, and I will do it.”

As Prince Blueblood walked off with Rarity, Wanda, Sunset Shimmer, Golden Lace and Pinkie Pie all stood there, teeth clenched and eyes squinting with anger. Abigail got on all fours and hissed loudly at Prince Blueblood.

“This is why I can’t stand that stench of a horse’s rear-end,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“I thought I was a self-centered jerk,” Golden Lace said. “That narcissist made my worst days look pleasant.”

“A fictional character?” Pinkie Pie said. “What am I? A joke to him?”

Cozy Glow looked at the group and said “You know, I think we’d be better off heading inside. Get our minds off that stubborn mule.”

Wanda, Sunset, Pinkie and Lace all snapped out of their mood and began to regain their composure.

“You’re right,” Wanda said as she brushed off her dress. “Come on. We have some partying to take care of.”

Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Sunset Shimmer, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow all turned tail and walked towards the entrance back into the ballroom. Somewhere nearby, Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst were seen hiding under a bench.

“This really looks like a better place to watch the stars,” Sunburst said.

“Yeah,” Starlight said. “At least we don’t have any animals to worry about.”

The moment Starlight finished her sentence, a group of animals began to gather around her and Sunburst, looking like they are trying to hide nearby. The two youngsters just groaned stubbornly as the animals continued to pile up.

“Me and my big mouth,” Starlight said.

As the two are blocked off from the light of the evening sky by the various animals, Fluttershy is seen looking around the garden area, trying to locate any animals. One by one, they run away from her and towards the pile area.

“This just isn’t my night,” Fluttershy said.

Meanwhile, at the grand foyer of the castle, Princess Celestia continued to greet the guests that came in by the dozens, while Princess Luna looked at her sister with great distress.

“She’s been at this since the gala started,” Luna said to herself. “She needs a break this badly, because I don’t know how long she can take this.”

As Luna looked at her sister closely, she felt a tap on her leg. Luna looked down to the back and saw Twilight Sparkle and Spike looking up at her.

“Twilight,” Princess Luna said. “I thought you were going to enjoy your time at the Gala.”

“I was,” Twilight said. “But I need to bring this to Princess Celestia’s attention.”

Princess Luna raised her head and directed her eyes at Princess Celestia. Twilight looked up and saw Princess Celestia continuing to greet ponies coming in, all while she showed signs that she’s starting to crack a bit.

“Oh dear,” Twilight said as Spike looked up at Celestia and the guests pouring in. “Now what am I to do?”

“Twilight,” Princess Luna said as she turned towards Twilight and lowered her head down to the filly’s level. “Whatever you have that troubles you, tell it to me. I think I’ll be able to solve it.”

“It’s Senator Twinkle Wish,” Twilight said. “She went up to the group and said some horrible words to them, especially towards Wanda.”

“Towards Wanda?” Princess Luna said, shocked.

“She told Wanda that just because she’s under Celestia, Cinch and your protection, doesn’t mean she’ll get away with it. And that one day, she’ll pull a big mistake, and wind up either in Tatarus, or the Deadlands.”

Luna’s face dropped from the revelation. Her eyes began to twitch up as Twilight and Spike began to back off.

“Twilight,” Princess Luna said as she began to walk off. “Stay with Princess Celestia. I will deal with Senator Twinkle Wish about the comments she made towards Wanda.”

Twilight Sparkle nodded and stood by Princess Celestia while Princess Luna made her way towards the ballroom. Twilight and Spike watched as Luna disappeared through the doorway before turning their attention towards Princess Celestia.

“Trying to interrupt Princess Celestia is going to be a miracle unto itself,” Twilight said as Spike nodded to her. “I’d be lucky if the crowd dies out before then.”

Meanwhile back in the ballroom, every pony began to dance around as if they didn’t have a care in the world. Shining Armor danced alongside Princess Cadance as the two began to get lost in the melody filling the atmosphere.

“I wish this moment could last all night,” Princess Cadance whispered.

“A part of me wishes I could,” Shining Armor said. “But for some reason, it doesn’t feel right.”

Princess Cadance opened her eyes and asked “Why’s that, Shining darling?”

But before Shining Armor could open his mouth, he felt a bump that pushed him upwards before coming back down. Princess Cadance looked behind Shining Armor to see another couple bumping into them unexpectedly.

“I think I know what you’re talking about,” Princess Cadance said. “Come, we should dance somewhere else.”

“Right,” Shining Armor said.

But as Shining Armor and Princess Cadance began to dance away from the other couple, the teenage alicorn felt a bump in her rear end. Shining Armor looked behind her and saw that another dancing duo had intentionally kicked them both, glaring at both teenagers with a sour attitude.

“That was rude,” Shining Armor said.

“I know,” Princess Cadance said as she rubbed her butt. “That kick felt intended. But why?”

“I think we should refrain from dancing if the other guests are going to be mean to us,” Shining Armor replied.

Princess Cadance nodded as she and Shining Armor let go of each other and began to walk away from the crowd. As they emerged from the other dancers, they noticed Wanda and some of the other younglings walk in through the doorway from the garden. Immediately, the two teen ponies approached the younglings.

“Wanda,” Princess Cadance said. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Wanda said. “Just had a brush with Senator Twinkle Wish.”

“It’s not actually fine,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Senator Wish said those awful words to Wanda to cause her to run out crying.”

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor lowered their heads in shame, much to Wanda and Sunset’s surprise.

“This is our fault,” Shining Armor said. “We should have been paying attention to Wanda and her well being. Not dancing around like a pair of fools.”

“It’s not your fault,” Sunset said. “You just wanted to enjoy the night while it’s still young. Wanda and her friends wanted to enjoy the night themselves.”

“Easy for you to say,” Princess Cadance said. “Even after all the work I did when I was acting prime princess of Equestria, it felt like neither me nor Shining Armor got any respect in this ball. The Fall Formal Festival was a far more enjoyable event, even in spite of the Roc that attacked all of us.”

“Wow,” Pinkie Pie said. “Sounds like the Grand Gallopin Gala ain’t what it’s cracked up to be.”

“Back before I met you all,” Golden Lace said. “I always wanted to attend the Grand Gallopin Gala. Dad used to tell me all those stories about how glamorous the Gala was. But after seeing what the Gala truly is, there’s a part of me that wished I never stepped a single hoof into this wretched event.”

“It may be an early night for you all, but you have a point.” The group all turned to the side to see Queen Novo, Princess Skystar and baby Silverstream approach them.

“Aunt Novo,” Wanda cheered.

“I take it you had your problems here at the Gala, Queen Novo,” Princess Cadance said as she bowed before the queen of the hippogriffs.

“First off, you don’t need to be that formal,” Queen Novo laughed before her tone changed to a more somber one. “Second off, I’m afraid so. Some of the guests here were rather rude and unpleasant, and I’m not just talking about the Banks.”

“That’s saying alot,” Sunset said. “Senator Twinkle Wish decided to say such nasty language to my sister while Prince Blueblood decided to snub all of us.”

“Why does every pony here have to be so rude?” Princess Skystar asked.

“To think,” Queen Novo said. “They used to be so pleasant. Times have changed for the far worse.”

“You’re not kidding,” Ditzy Doo said as she flew up to Queen Novo. “I’ve had three bullies pick on me for no reason. What’s worse, is that they constantly caused trouble in La Maresa until they were banished. But even then, they only continue to spread mischief where we all go.”

“I’ve heard all about what’s going on, little one,” Queen Novo said. “Even though they are only three of many self-centered ponies, they need to be taught a lesson so that they will never pull those stunts again.”

“And no doubt I agree with that,” Golden Lace said. “After encountering those bulliles a couple of times, I can understand why.”

“At least you saw the mistakes you made were willing to change for the better, Ms Lace,” Queen Novo said. “As I stated, I am proud of you for changing for the better, and sorry that you had to put up with your own parents.”

“Well one thing’s for sure,” Golden Lace said. “I’ll be with my uncle and aunt once this is over.”

“But at the same time,” Wanda said as she gave Lace a hug. “I will miss you once the Gala does come to an end.”

“Thanks Wanda,” Lace said. “If anything, I hope you pay a visit if you do come back down to La Maresa.”

As Wanda and Lace hugged each other, Sunset Shimmer spotted Princess Luna walking through the doorway leading from the grand foyer.

“Something’s not right,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“What’s wrong, sis?” Wanda asked.

“If Princess Luna is here,” Sunset said. “Then it seems Princess Celestia is still caught up in greeting guests. So it looks like I’ll have to accompany her to Senator Twinkle Wish.”

“Be careful,” Wanda said as Sunset ran towards Princess Luna.

Trixie and Ditzy looked at Sunset as the sun-themed unicorn ran towards Luna.

“Ditzy,” Trixie said as she turned towards the cross-eyed filly. “Let’s deliver some Great and Powerful Justice towards that jerk senator.”

“Aye aye,” Ditzy said as she saluted Trixie.

Immediately, Trixie and Ditzy Doo ran off towards Sunset Shimmer as the young unicorn was about to approach Princess Luna.

“Here’s hoping they teach that meanie a lesson not to be mean to younglings,” Pinkie Pie said.

“I do have my doubts, Pinkie,” Skystar said.

“Relax,” Pinkie Pie said. “By the end of the night, that Senator is going to be humbled to Tatarus and back.”

Skystar and Pinkie Pie laughed as Queen Novo, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Wanda watched on. Cozy Glow flew up to Wanda and gave the little man’s cub a noogie atop her hair, causing the human girl to giggle.

“Tell you what, sis,” Princess Cadance said. “You can stay with me and Shining Armor for the rest of the Gala.”

“Really?” Wanda asked.

“Yeah,” Shining Armor replied. “After that stint Senator Wish pulled, I think it would be best if we accompanied you.”

Wanda looked at both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, and felt as if she were about to cry tears of joy, when she heard the sounds of hooves approaching her. Wanda looked to her right and saw Chancellor Cinch approach the group.

“That won’t be necessary,” Chancellor Cinch said with a smile on her face. “I’ll look after the younglings.”

“Chancellor Cinch?” Queen Novo said with an unexpected look on her face. “That’s pretty unexpected of you to show up at this time.”

“I dunno,” Princess Cadance said. “After what’s going on with the Gala, I was hoping to use this time left to look after my sister and her friends.”

“Nonsense,” Chancellor Cinch replied. “You two go enjoy yourselves. I’ll ensure the little ones will be safe and sound.”

Chancellor Cinch approached Wanda and said “Now come along, Princess. I’ll escort you all to somewhere fun.”

Wanda looked at Pinkie Pie, completely confused. She looked back at Chancellor Cinch and couldn’t put anything into words.

“I take it that’s not how Chancellor Cinch acts,” Pinkie Pie said.

“I know,” Wanda whispered. “But let’s play along, just in case.”

Chancellor Cinch tapped her hoof on the floor and walked off with Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow following right behind her. Queen Novo looked at the Chancellor with a cold stare.

“Something tells me there’s more trouble brewing,” Queen Novo said. She turned to baby Silverstream and said “Stay close to them. If anything happens, you might be able to fly out of there and return to me.”

Baby Silverstream squawked as she flew towards the younglings and landed right behind Wanda. Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow and Abigail took notice of Baby Silverstream and giggled a bit as they followed Chancellor Cinch out of the ballroom.

“Why send your own baby to help out Wanda and her friends?” Princess Cadance asked.

“I need to know if that really is the Chancellor,” Queen Novo said. “Because something tells me that’s not how she acts.”

Outside the Ballroom, Chancellor Cinch led Wanda, Abigail, Silverstream, Pinkie Pie, Cozy Glow and Golden Lace through a nearby hallway. Though the Grand Foyer nearby was lit up, the hall was darkened with a cold essence in the air. Cozy Glow looked through the castle and flew right next to Golden Lace.

“I’m scared,” Cozy Glow said. “It reminds me of my mother.”

“You’re not the only one,” Golden Lace said. “I don’t like this, one bit.”

At the end of the hallway, Chancellor Cinch opened up a nearby door. Inside was nearly pitch black, except for a small open window lit up by the moonlight.

“Miss Cinch,” Wanda said as she looked inside. “Are you sure this is a safe place to be?”

Chancellor Cinch smiled with an evil grin and said “Yes. It is.”

With a glow of green magic, Cinch picked up Wanda, Abigail, Pinkie Pie, Silverstream, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow and threw them into the room before shutting and locking the door. Wanda ran up to the door and tried to turn the knob, only for it to be stuck

“We’re trapped,” Wanda said.

“Are you kidding me?” Pinkie Pie said as she got up and banged on the doorway. “What kind of a sick joke is this?”

Golden Lace, Cozy Glow and Abigail ran up to the door and began pounding on it as they all yelled out “LET US OUT! OPEN THIS DOOR!” They kept pounding and pounding until they collapsed due to being worn out. Tears began to fill Wanda’s eyes as she looked up at the door.

“What’s going on?” Wanda cried. “Why would Miss Cinch do that?”

“That’s not like her to pull a stunt like that,” Golden Lace said. “Especially after all she did to protect you from my parents.”

Cozy Glow got up and began to pound the floor with her hoof in a fit of anger.

“I thought she was on our side,” Cozy Glow yelled. “But she’s no better than my own mother.”

“That’s because she’s not the Chancellor.” Everyone snapped out of their own trance as Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom emerged from behind some furniture.

“Prince Hoofar? Jasmine Bloom?” Wanda said as tears continued to fall from her eyes.

“I’m afraid that what you just encountered,” Jasmine Bloom said. “Was a Changeling.”

“A changeling?” Golden Lace said.

“Wait,” Cozy Glow said. “Time out already. There are Changelings in the Gala?”

“Oooh, I’ve heard of those,” Pinkie Pie said. “They’re said to be bug-like pony creatures who can transform into just about anything.”

“You’re exactly right on that,” Jasmine Bloom said. “And unfortunately, I haven’t been truthful to any of you since I met Prince Hoofar back in Saddle Arabit.”

“Wait,” Wanda said. “Why would you say that?”

Prince Hoofar nodded to Jasmine Bloom and walked up to Wanda Young.

“That’s because Jasmine Bloom is a Changeling,” Prince Hoofar said. “And her real name...is Ocellus.”

“Say what?” Wanda replied in total shock.

Jasmine Bloom levitated into the air and a flash of light surrounded her body. When that light disappeared, she was now Ocelllus, a baby changeling with a pale, light grayish arctic blue carapace, a ladybug themed back, and a light amaranth fin on her head and neck.

“I’m sorry to have lied to you all,” Ocellus said. “I only took the disguise of a pony filly because of the prejudice against Changelings, and because of Queen Chrysalis.”

“Wow,” Wanda said. “I didn’t know I wasn’t the only one who felt like that.”

“At least you have the safety and comfort from Princess Celestia,” Pinkie Pie said. “But at the same time, I do feel sorry for this little gal because of our attitudes towards Changelings.”

Baby Silverstream flew up to Baby Ocellus and gave the little changeling a hug. Ocellus only giggled due to the hippogriff’s feathers rubbing up against her chest.

“Cut that out,” Ocellus giggled. “That tickles.”

Wanda, Pinkie Pie, Abigail, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow watched as Silverstream interacted with Ocellus. Prince Hoofar walked up to the group, attracting their attention.

“Not every Changeling agreed with Queen Chrysalis’ agenda,” Prince Hoofar said. “Some, like little Baby Ocellus, want to live in a world where Ponies and Changelings can interact in harmony. But the prejudices we have towards the species causes them to disguise themselves as ponies.”

“And my own mother, Magistrate Creme Dream, has persecuted Changelings before,” Cozy Glow said. “She always bragged about how they are nothing more than disgusting little bugs that need to be turned into slaves.”

“It’s horrible what my own kind is going through,” Baby Ocellus said as Silverstream let her go. “But at the same time, we should not underestimate Queen Chrysalis. She is currently disguised as your Chancellor, and she is planning an ambush for the guests at the Gala.”

“Well we have to do something,” Wanda said. “We have to get those doors unlocked.”

“Not exactly,” Prince Hoofar said as he pointed to the open window in the room. “One of us can fly up there and escape.”

Cozy Glow flies up to the open window at the top of the room. Looking at it, the window is slightly smaller than her.

“I’m afraid not,” Cozy Glow yelled. “If I tried to go through, I would be stuck.”

“So would I,” Wanda said. “Even my wings would get crushed under that small size.

Pinkie Pie looks down at Silverstream, and something goes off in her head.

“Wait,” Pinkie Pie said. “What about Silverstream? She’s smaller than the rest of us.”

“Good idea, Pinkie,” Golden Lace said. “Let’s give it a shot.”

Wanda nodded and approached Baby Silverstream, who looked eager to go.

“Silverstream,” Wanda said. “Fly out of that window and find Queen Novo. Let her know where we are.”

Silverstream nodded. She then flew upwards and out the window as Wanda, Abigail, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow, Hoofar and Ocellus watched on from the floor area.

“Good luck, Silverstream,” Wanda said.

To Be Continued in….

Even more Trouble at the Gala

Author's Note:

So the truth is out. Jasmine Bloom is familiar face Ocellus(Except she's a baby who knows how to speak well). But that's not the end of the problems at the Gala. Stay tuned. Things are going to get worse before they get better.

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