• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 7-4: Where No Cutie Mark has Gone Before

Where No Cutie Mark Has Gone Before

The sun was starting to set in the evening sky of Canterlot. Inside Moondancer’s house, Moondancer, Artemis Light and Starlight Glimmer was giving Ditzy Doo a bath. The little pegasus filly relaxed as Starlight poured some shampoo on Ditzy’s head and gave her a good rub. Ditzy felt relaxed and calm.

“I can’t believe that three meanies were picking on you,” Starlight said. “At least you have someone to turn to.”

“Thanks,” Ditzy said as Moondancer levitated a small pail over Ditzy’s head and gently poured water to wash away the shampoo. “But I still couldn’t understand why I was picked on.”

“Actually, I’ve been down that path before,” Moondancer said. “When I lived in Cape Coltnaveral, I was always picked on for what I enjoyed, and that’s the curiosity of what’s beyond our sky.

“You mean those stars in the evening sky?” Ditzy said.

“They’ve always been something Moondancer has been interested in since she was young,” Artemis Light said. “It’s carried over from her father.”

“That’s right,” Starlight said. “In fact, at this moment, he’s already repairing Moondancer’s telescope.”

“Aww, don’t spoil the fun for us, Starlight,” Moondancer chuckled. “Besides, I’d like to give some care to Ditzy here, especially after what she’s been through.”

“My bad,” Starlight said.

A bit later on in Moondancer’s Bedroom, Sunset Shimmer sets the new objective lens into Moondancer’s telescope while Crescent Eclipse screws the top in, securing the lens in place. Everything was all set as the sun was about to disappear into the night sky.

Nearby, Baby Spike cuddled with Abigail while Wanda, Twilight and Sunburst watched with anticipation while Danged Spell sat nearby with an ice pack on his head. But even with that bump, it wasn’t enough to bring down his spirit.

“Wish I could have done more to help out,” Danged Spell said.

“Spell,” Twilight said. “You were knocked unconscious by a flying baseball. Tending to your injury was high on our list. Besides, you’ve done more than your fill to help out Moondancer.”

“How so?” Danged Spell asked.

“You said you wanted to cheer up the space gal and turn that frown upside down,” Sunset said as Crescent Eclipse set the telescope on the tripod. “Even though you were unable to do much, you still wanted to do this for her.”

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “In fact, I think you’re better than those three meanies that Moondancer drove off. You may have been a bit bad when we first met. But deep on the inside, you’re a nice guy.”

“Aww thanks you guys,” Danged Spell said as he blushed.

Just then, a knock was heard at the door. Everyone turned their heads to see the door open. Emerging was Moondancer, who looked excited in some way, but also calm.

“”Moondancer,” Crescent said as he completed the setup of the telescope. “How’s Ditzy Doo doing?”

“See for yourself,” Moondancer said as she stepped aside for a refreshed Ditzy Doo to walk on in. She looked clean and well-groomed. Behind here was Starlight Glimmer and Artemis Light, eager to show Ditzy off to her friends.

“So how do you feel, Ditzy?” Sunset asked.

“Better, I suppose,” Ditzy said, still unsure of herself.

“In some ways, you do remind me of myself,” Twilight said as she helped Ditzy come inside. “Like I’m unsure about my own future.”

“How so?” Ditzy asked, confused by Twilight’s words.

“I once believed that I was doomed to fail the entrance exam for the School for Gifted Unicorns, even as I prepared.” Twilight said. “And I nearly came close to. But I realized that there is something special within me. It takes a whole lot to get it out. And I think there is something special in you, Ditzy.”

“I…” Ditzy said as she struggled to get the words out of her mouth. “Don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to,” Twilight said. “Any friend of Moondancer or Wanda is a friend of mine, as well as everyone else. After all, we aren’t just friends, we’re a family together.”

“The egghead’s got a point,” Danged Spell said as he held the ice pack on his forehead. “Early ago, I used to be the most obnoxious member of the class, even disregarding Wanda as a nobody. But these others convinced me that there is more to all of us than meets the eye.”

“I’m sorry about your forehead,” Ditzy said as she flew towards the young colt.

“Don’t worry about it,” Danged Spell said. “Besides, I’ve whipped the Windigo’s Guild once.”

“And that’s something he can brag about,” Sunset whispered to Ditzy. “Especially when you see his Wolf’s Breath curse.”

“Well you know what they say,” Danged Spell said. “My bite is far worse than my bark. Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” The younglings said before they laughed.

“Oh that reminds me,” Ditzy said as she let out a few chuckles. “Mr Eclipse, wasn’t there a reason why we went out to the shop today?”

“You’re absolutely right,” Crescent Eclipse said as he stepped aside. Right in front of Moondancer was her repaired telescope, looking like new. But Moondancer was indifferent.

“I…” Moondancer said. “Don’t think I deserve it. Especially after what you both went through.”

“It’s okay,” Ditzy said. “We did this for you, especially after what I did. You loved that telescope so much.”

“She’s right,” Starlight said. “We’ve known you since our first day at school. You’ve always geeked out over space and science. And we want you to be happy.”

“So go ahead,” Ditzy said as she pointed to the telescope. “It’s the least we could do for you.”

“I don’t know what to say,” Moondancer said. “But I’ll do it for you, Ditzy.”

Slowly, Moondancer walked up to her newly repaired telescope and placed her eye on the eyepiece. She looked and saw the stars shining bright in the evening sky.

“Wow,” Moondancer said. “I was so busy moping over how broken it was, I’ve forgotten how beautiful the sky was.”

“And that’s what we like about you, Moondancer,” Sunset said. “You love the stars, the moon, and everything beyond the atmosphere of Equestria. We couldn’t ask for a better friend than you.”

“I can’t thank any of you enough for bringing my gift back,” Moondancer said.

But as she looked through the telescope, something caught her eye. It was a comet. It flew past the night sky and glowed with a bright white hue. Moondancer’s jaw dropped to the ground as she saw the comet with her own eye.

“Moondancer?” Twilight said. “Are you okay?”

But Moondancer said nothing as she stared at the comet. Her eye was fixed completely on its presence. She didn’t move a muscle. And yet, she was still amazed at her finding.

“Not to point out the obvious,” Sunburst said. “But I think Moondancer just saw something that she never saw before.”

“If I was in her place,” Wanda said. “I would have done the same.”

Suddenly, Moondancer glowed completely white. Everyone covered their eyes as Moondancer raised her head and looked down at her hip. When the bright light disappeared, a symbol formed on Moondancer’s hip. It was a purple moon and three stars. Moondancer looked at the symbol on her hip and felt real ecstatic.

“It’s my….my,” Moondancer said.

“Yes,” Sunset said. “It’s your cutie mark.”


Moondancer danced all around the room in celebration while Wanda, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Danged Spell, Ditzy Doo, Crescent Eclipse and Artemis Light cheered for her.

“I was wondering when you would finally get your cutie mark,” Crescent said. “Guess all you needed was some friends to help you with what you enjoy.”

Artemis Light wiped a tear from her eye and said “Our little astronaut is growing up. I can’t be any more proud than this.”

That night, everyone celebrated in the backyard of Moondancer’s house. Food and punch lined the tables while the decorations reflected the moon and stars, and the various planets that make up the solar system. For Moondancer, she felt the happiest in her life.

“So how does it feel to no longer be a blank flank?” Sunset said.

“Like a weight has been dropped off my back,” Moondancer replied. “Feels great to finally show to the world who I am.”

“Now this is how friends party together,” Twilight said as she let out an embarrassing dance. Sunset and Moondancer looked at Twilight’s dance and struggled to hold in their laughter.

“I’m glad you’re at this fun party, Twilight,” Moondancer said. “At least Princess Celestia didn’t give you an assignment that required you to leave Canterlot.”

“Now come on, Moonie,” Sunset said. “Let her have her fun.” But as the words left Sunset’s mouth, Twilight grabbed Sunset by the arm and pulled her in.

“Come on Sunset,” Twilight yelled as she held Sunset’s arms. “Let’s party the night away.”

“Oh no,” Sunset said. But it was too late. Twilight began dancing again, causing Sunset to move uncontrollably with her. Sunset looked like she was going to scream in agony.

As Moondancer giggled at the sight, Danged Spell walked up to the space geek with a smile on his face.

“To think, long ago I got my cutie mark,” Danged Spell said. “And now it’s your turn. I wonder how long till we all get our cutie marks?”

“I’d say not for long,” Moondancer said. “At the rate we’re going, all six of us will bear a cutie mark that will allow us to stand out.”

“”Well if anything,” Danged Spell said. “I’d say our friendship was about to…”

“Reach for the stars?” Moondancer interrupted with a chuckle. That caught Danged Spell off guard.

“Hey,” Danged Spell yelled. “You stole my act. And you’re no longer angered by space puns?”

“Well that’s the case of putting up with you, Danged Spell,” Moondancer said. “I could say that your act has..”

“Rubbed off?” Danged Spell interrupted with a smirk on his face, causing Moondancer to giggle.

“Okay, you got me,” Moondancer said as she and Danged Spell laughed.

Nearby, Starlight and Sunburst watched on and enjoyed some cake while everyone partied the night away.

“Can’t believe Moondancer now has a cutie mark,” Sunburst said as he took a sip of root beer.

“Do you suppose we’ll get our cutie marks?” Starlight asked.

“We will, Starlight,” Sunburst said. “I overheard them say that it may not be long until we both get our cutie marks.”

“I sure hope I get mine,” Starlight said as she looked at her flank. “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life as a blank flank.”

“You won’t Starlight,” Sunburst said. “That’s a promise.”

Starlight blushed a bit as she said “Aww thanks Sunburst,” before kissing him on the cheer. That caused Sunburst to blush a bit before steam vented from his ears. Starlight looked at Sunburst and laughed a bit.

Nearby, as the children were enjoying the night, Crescent Eclipse and Artemis Light were observing from the patio deck of their house. Right next to them was Chancellor Abacus Cinch, who was also observing the children cheering the night away.

“You should be proud of your daughter, Mr and Mrs Eclipse.” Cinch said.

“Thanks, Chancellor,” Crescent Eclipse.

“You can just call me Abacus,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Titles these days are starting to become overrated.”

“So I was aware that a trio of boys picked on my husband and Ditzy Doo,” Artemis Light said.

“It’s more like three juvenile delinquents,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“They gave Ditzy a hard time, smashed up the intended replacement lens, and they even bragged about being kicked out of their parents’ house like it was a medal of honor,” Crescent Eclipse said.

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that last comment,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I just looked up some information on those three, and it didn’t point to parents being fed up with them.”

“It didn’t?” Crescent and Artemis said.

“No,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Almost a year ago, someone set their house on fire burning everything down. Everyone who lived in that house evacuated, including those three boys. But it appears their parents had gone missing.”

“You don’t suppose,” Artemis Light said.

“No,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I’ve read up more on those three. They actually used to be well-behaved until that stunt was pulled. But even with their false claims, there was no evidence that pointed to them as the culprits.”

“So what turned those three into cruel monsters?” Crescent Eclipse said.

“Right now,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I’m looking into that file.”

“By the way,” Artemis Light said. “I take it you’re Wanda and Sunset’s guardian for tonight.”

“Until they return to the castle,” Chancellor Cinch explained. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are in Manehattan till tomorrow morning, and Princess Cadance agreed to look after them after the party. But I will say this about the man’s cub.”

“And what would that be?” Crescent Eclipse said.

“For someone who’s foreign to our planet,” Chancellor Cinch said. “She’s at least got more heart than even I realized. And I hope to make sure she doesn’t go in that wrong direction.”

As Chancellor Cinch continued to chat with Crescent Eclipse and Artemis Light, Wanda sat with Ditzy Doo, observing the night sky. Abigail and Spike were nearby, cuddling together.

“I wish this could last all night,” Ditzy said.

“I know how you feel,” Wanda said. “But after this, I have to be back home with Sunset Shimmer.”

“What’s life like at the castle?” Ditzy asked.

“Sometimes, it feels like a prison,” Wanda said. “But sometimes it also feels like home. Especially when mommy is around.”

But as Wanda and Ditzy continued to chat, someone said “There you are Ditzy. I’ve been looking all over for you.” Wanda and Ditzy turned around and saw a light blue filly pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail. On her hip was a cutie mark with a cloud and a rainbow lightning bolt.

“Rainbow Dash?” Ditzy said.

“Still can’t believe those good-for-nothings scared you here,” Rainbow Dash said as she landed right in front of Ditzy. “But I’m glad you’re safe.”

Rainbow Dash turned her head and saw Wanda’s face. She ran up to Wanda with curiosity on her face.

“I’ve never seen anyone like you in my lifetime,” Rainbow Dash said. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Wanda Young,” Wanda replied. “And I’m the adopted daughter of Princess Celestia.

“For someone who isn’t a pony,” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “You’re a really curious creature to be living in Canterlot, not to mention you’re a Princess. I take it you know the Wonderbolts.”

“Mommy often takes me and my sisters to see the Wonderbolts,” Wanda replied.

“Oh that is so cool,” Rainbow Dash said. She turned to Ditzy and said. “I can’t believe you are best friends with her. I can’t wait to tell the gang back in the Ponyville Providence.

But Ditzy turned her head. Something was bothering her.

“I don’t want to go back,” Ditzy said. “If I do, those three will heckle me again.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Ditzy Doo and saw a tear fall from her eye. The rainbow-maned filly went right next to the gray pegasus and put her arm around her.

“Tell you what,” Rainbow Dash said. “I’ll let them know that it’s going to be a while before you come home. In fact, after that, I think I might be here to watch over you till then.”

“Thanks, Arr Dee,” Ditzy said. “But you should thank Wanda for sticking up to me. And her friends.”

Rainbow Dash turned her head to Wanda and said “Right now, you’re the coolest gal I have met in Canterlot.”

“Aww thanks,” Wanda said as she put her arm around Ditzy. “But why the Wonderbolts?”

“One day,” Rainbow Dash said. “I want to be a Wonderbolt. It has been my dream since I got my cutie mark many weeks ago when I unleashed that Sonic Rainboom.”

“Wait,” Wanda said. “You were the one who caused that rainbow in the sky?”

“Guilty as charged,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Wow,” Wanda said. “That’s awesome. You really gotta show me when you get the chance.”

“For you,” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m game.”

As Rainbow Dash, Ditzy Doo and Wanda Young observed the night sky, Spike and Abigail cuddled close together. Fireworks lit up the sky with a barrage of colors, the stars twinkled in the night sky as the moon, which had the shape of a stallion on it, stood out in the sky for everyone in Equestria to see.

To Be Continued in….

Arc 8: The Wrath of Golden Lace

Visitors from Ponyville

Author's Note:

So there you have it. Moondancer has her cutie mark, leaving Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer left.

But as you know, Rainbow Dash has now become a part of the regular cast. She will be with the group until the end of Arc 10. And she won't be the last of the original Mane Six to show up. Expect to see Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie in the fanfic series.

Next up, we'll introduce you to another OC of mine: Golden Lace, plus her parents Silver and Gold Banks.

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