• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 16-4: Evil Lurking

Evil Lurking

“Are you absolutely crazy?” Silver Banks paced back and forth inside his mansion as Gold Banks sat in a fancy chair, sipping some earl grey tea.

“Crazy is not a strong enough term, Silver dear,” Gold Banks said. “After all, we still have our trip to the Grand Gallopin Gala.”

“But we were banned from the Gala because of that stunt you tried to pull at the Canterlot Hospital,” Silver Banks said. “Not to mention Princess Cadance placed a restraining order between us and our daughter and that Man’s Cub.”

“Oh please,” Gold Banks said as she set her teacup and saucer down on a table and pulled up a newspaper with her magic. “You haven’t got caught up on the recent news.”

Silver Banks yanks the newspaper away from Gold Banks and takes a glimpse at it. His jaw dropped down and his eyes popped out at the very center cover.

“You actually went and got our ban reversed?” Silver Banks said as he turned the newspaper and faced the front cover at Gold Banks.

“Oh it wasn’t just me,” Gold Banks replied. “Magistrate Creme Dream had a lot of help in making sure the ban was reversed. You should have seen the looks on Princess Celestia’s face when she found out.” Gold Banks’ tone turned sour as she added “ A shame that her daughter Cozy Glow is a rebellious little brat like Golden Lace.”

Silver Banks paused for a moment before sulking down and rolling his eyes away from Gold Banks.

“Lace my precious flower,” Silver Banks said. “Had we not thrown her out, she wouldn’t have had the courage to stand up against us. And I loved her with all my might.”

“Oh please,” Gold Banks replied. “Love and friendship are nothing more than an illusion in Equestria. Money and power are the real deal here. Besides, Magistrate Creme Dream has big plans to reverse the restraining order. But give it time.”

“Give it time?” Silver Banks said as he turned around and faced Gold Banks. “I don’t know what you’re planning. But having to go without my daughter really got under my fur.”

“Oh Silver,” Gold Banks laughed. “Equestrian politics is a big joke. You have all these political parties at each other’s throats with their so-called ideals. While ponies whine about the top political parties, you bribe third parties into going against them, stating that they go against what makes Equestria great. Then you bribe the ballots by crushing these minor parties into a humiliating defeat.”

“So in other words,” Silver Banks said as his attitude began to tone down. “Play with the nation at the ends of our strings.”

“Exactly,” Gold Banks said as she got up, approached Silver Banks and placed her hoof around his face. “We also control the mass media. We have our message pushed out to gaslight the ponies into thinking our way. There is nothing that we can’t do.”

Silver Banks looked at Gold Banks and placed his hoof on hers, before brushing her hoof off and turning away..

“I’m still upset about what happened at the hospital,” Silver Banks said. “Besides, I recall that you tried to euthanize that man’s cub of a princess.”

“And I still plan on doing so,” Gold Banks said. “But this time, not directly. If necessary, I may consider riling up a mob into storming the castle and doing our dirty work for us. Make her an instant pariah to justify the….accident.”

“You really think you’re willing to pull that stunt off and get away scot free?” Silver Banks asked as Gold Banks approached him.

“Of course,” Gold Banks said. “After all, I got away with that stunt thanks to a little bribe for the newscasters. And I will make you a pariah as well unless you do as I say.”

Silver Banks’s eyes popped out a bit. He turned his head a bit and thought to himself before turning back.

“Fine,” Silver Banks said. “I’ll do it. But only because I can’t bear the thought of being an outcast while you sit on a throne of gold.”

“Good husband,” Gold Banks said as she put her hoof on his forehead. “Now let’s prepare for the Grand Gallopin Gala. We don’t want to keep our pet princess waiting.”

As Gold Banks was about to walk off, Silver Banks stopped her and said “So how come we don’t oust Princess Celestia from her throne?”

“Because my dear,” Gold Banks said. “It would make her a martyr in the eyes of her people. And we don’t want that.”

Silver Banks lets go of Gold Banks as the rich golden mare dances off, singing a haunting tone. Silver just stood there, staring at her wife with a hint of regret in his soul.

“Was it a mistake to marry her in the first place?” Silver Banks said to himself.

Outside, a pair of Windigo’s Guild cultists looked through a nearby window of the Banks Mansion. They turned to each other with a serious tone on their faces.

“We should report to Lord Snap about our findings,” one of the cultists said.

“Indeed we shall,” the other cultist replied.

With a kick of dust in the air, the two cult members turned tail and ran off from the Banks Manor and into the alleyways.

Meanwhile, in an underground lair, Coldnelius Snap observed his minions reciting their rites and practicing their ice magic. He walked through the crowds of cultists, smiling with total satisfaction, when he heard the sound of hoofsteps running through.

“Ahhh,” Coldnelius Snap said. “That must be the scouts.”

Coldnelius Snap slammed his hoof onto the floor, bringing everyone in the room to his attention as the two scouts run in from the doorway.

“Scouts, report,” Coldnelius Snap said as the two cultist scouts stood at attention.

“The ponies of Canterlot are completely unaware of our presence, my lord,” one of the scouts said. “Especially after the stunt we pulled back in La Maresa.”

“Excellent,” Coldnelius Snap said. “And I take it you got a peek at the aristocrats.”

“We did,” the other scout said. “The Banks as they call themselves plan on showing up at the Grand Gallopin Gala. One of them mentioned turning that Man’s Cub into a pariah with the use of the news media.”

“Interesting,” Coldnelius Snap said as he rubbed his chin with his hoof. “It seems Gold Banks has a thing for the mainstream media, and social media in general. Her use of gaslighting the ponies into a fury is a rather curious phenomenon.”

Coldnelius Snap turned away from the two scouts and began to ponder for a bit as the rest of the cult kept their eyes on their leader.

“In case this plan does fail,” Coldnelius Snap said to himself. “We can always take advantage of the mob mentality to swipe the Man’s Cub away while they least expect it. It is a brilliant plan if I say so myself.”

Coldnelius Snap turned to the scouts, who proceeded to bow before their mighty leader.

“When the Grand Gallopin Gala does go underway,” Coldnelius Snap said. “We will disguise ourselves and blend into the audience. Once everyone is distracted, we will strike and freeze all those ponies to the bone. Then, we will take Canterlot Castle and use it as the peak for which all of Equestria will face an eternal winter.”

“My lord,” one of the scouts said. “With what disguise shall we use?”

Coldnelius Snap’s grin widened as he pulled out a dark green orb before he said “With this.”

“What is that?” the other scoult asked.

“A changeling orb,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Another scout was able to steal this from Queen Chrysalis. With it, we can transform into just about anything and blend in with the crowd.”

“So pretend to be the common folk just to lure Princess Celestia into a false sense of security?” One of the scouts asked.

“An ideal use,” Coldnelius Snap said as he looked into the orb. “But I have a better idea. Pretend to be the guards.”

“That is a brilliant idea, my lord,” the other scout replied as he bowed before Coldnelius Snap.

“It is, isn’t it?” Coldnelius Snap said before pointing to the two scouts. “Now go. Find as much intel as possible. The more we know, the better our chances at victory.”

The two scouts got up and saluted as they said “Yes my lord. For the Windigos.” Immediately, they turned tail and ran off in the opposite direction as Coldnelius Snap turned to the rest of the cult.

“Windigos,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Our time of victory is about to be as cool as ice. When we ambush the ponies at the Grand Gallopin Gala and freeze their very hearts, we will claim Canterlot as our new frozen throne, and bring about the eternal winter to the ponies of Equestria. After all, who are we?”

“We are the Windigo’s Guild,” the cult yelled.

“And who is this for?” Coldnelius Snap yelled.

“For Queen Icelina,” the cult yelled.

“A little louder, perhaps?” Coldnelius Snap said.

“For Queen Icelina,” the cult yelled at a higher voice.

“Once more for good luck,” Coldnelius Snap said.

“For Queen Icelina,” the cult yelled as loud as possible.

“Excellent,” Coldnelius Snap said in a pleasant tone as he raised his hoof into the air before he yelled out “The powers of the Windigos that the cold sends, now begins the eternal winter that NEVER ENDS!”

The crowd of cultists cheered as Coldnelius Snap took a bow.

Outside as the two cult scouts exit a nearby secret passage, one of them shifted his head to the other.

“Listen,” the cultist said to his companion. “I think I can find a floor plan for the castle. But it’s going to take some time to swipe it. You go on ahead and report anything you can find.”

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” the other cultist asked.

“Of course I am,” the first cultist said. “As long as I have Queen Icelina’s blessing with me, there’s no way I can lose.”

“Very well,” the second cultist said. “For Queen Icelina and for the Windigos.”

The second cult kicked dust into the air as he ran down the alleyway. As soon as that cultist disappeared, the first one walked down another alley path and smiled deeply.

“I think it’s time I reported to Queen Chrysalis,” the cultist said as he transformed into a changeling and flew off.

Meanwhile, a huge number of changelings populated an underground cavern. Queen Chrysalis walked down the path with a younger filly that resembled her, but with her carapace and mane with reversed colors.

“Mommy,” the young changeling said. “When are we going to invade those mean ponies and take their love?”

“Patience, Princess Chrysalis the Second,” Queen Chrysalis said. “It won’t be long until we hide into the crowd and wait for the chance to strike.”

As the mother and daughter duo walked through the changeling-themed cavern, a lone changeling flew in from a nearby hole and landed right next to the adult queen.

“Ahh, Locust my loyal subject,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Do you have anything to report?”

“I do your majesty,” Locust said. “The rich elite will be among the guests at the Grand Gallopin Gala. Especially the Banks who were rumored to have been banned.”

“Banned?” Queen Chrysalis said with a subtle laugh. “Well, guess fake news travels faster than the real thing. Ponies and their propaganda are so amusing.”

“I also report that Coldnelius Snap and his Windigo’s Guild have the changeling orb,” Locust said.

“Exactly as planned,” Queen Chrysalis said.

“Tell me my queen,” Locust asked. “Was it necessary to let them take our orb?”

“A small price to pay for the victory we will feast upon,” Queen Chrysalis replied “Coldnelius Snap will be our unintended guide to sneak our own troops through. They are not affected by the orb’s magic, so blending in will be easy for them. Then as soon as Coldnelius Snap reveals his own cult to those pitiful ponies, we’ll make our move.”

“I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces when we surprise all of them,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Especially the Man’s Cub that Princess Celestia clings onto.”

“I also can’t wait, my daughter,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But preparing for the plan is as fun as exciting it.”

As Queen Chrysalis spoke, a changeling soldier flew in holding a rolled-up parchment in his hooves. He held it out as Queen Chrysalis took it from his arms and unrolled it.

“Locust,” Queen Chrysalis said. “You said you needed the floor plans to convince Coldnelius Snap.”

“I did, my queen,” Locust said.

Queen Chrysalis turned the parchment around, showing what appears to be the layout of Canterlot Castle. Locust looked up and his eyes shined like sapphires.

“Take this to Coldnelius Snap,” Queen Chrysalis said as she rolled the parchment back up. “Let him know that a bunch of dumb ponies allowed the plans to get stolen. And don’t worry. We made a copy to be safe.”

Queen Chrysalis handed the plans over to Locust as the changeling scout took the plans and said “Yes my Queen. It will be done.”

With that, Locust transformed into a Windigo’s Guild scout before he tucked the plans into his fake cloak. He turned tail and ran off in the opposite direction.

As Queen Chrysalis watched her own disguised soldier run off, she felt a tap on her hoof and looked down at Princess Chrysalis II.

“Mommy,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Are we going to call on the Predacon Brothers to help us out?”

Queen Chrysalis laughed and said “Of course, my dear.” She turned to the caverns and yelled out “Predacon Brothers. To me at once.”

With a buzz of insect wings, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator flew down from the top of the caverns, towards Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II. The moment their hooves touched the floor of the cavern, the three predacons bowed before Queen Chrysalis

“My queen,” Inferno said. “What is thy bidding?”

“Inferno,” Queen Chrysalis said. “It won’t be long until we make our move at the Grand Gallopin Gala. How has the spying gone on those miserable ponies?”

“Oh let me tell ya, Queenie,” Quickstrike said. “Those fools don’t even know we were there. It was like we were invincible.”

“And you were,” Queen Chrysalis said. “A spell that I cast that allows Changelings to be invisible to a pony or cultist’s eye. This made spying on them so satisfying.”

“Waspinator liked spying on ponies,” Waspinator said. “Makes stupid wall look like a mere joke.”

“Of course it was,” Queen Chrysalis said. “To think that a mere wall could stop us at all.”

Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II circled the three Predacons with ambition in their eyes. Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator all stood up tall and proud with a hint of loyalty in their eyes.

“It won’t be long until your big day will come,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I want you three to rest up and prepare for it. Drink as much fire water as possible. This is in case Coldnelius Snap and his Windigos decide to attack us. Is that understood?”

“Of course my Queen,” Inferno said as he bowed before Queen Chrysalis. “The Windigos will burn if they cross all of us.” He turned towards Quickstrike and Waspinator before he yelled out “FOR THE GLORY OF THE ROYALTY!”

With that, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator turned tail and flew off from Queen Chrysalis and into the shadows of the cavern.

“I could get used to hearing that every day,” Queen Chrysalis said.

“As much as we get used to hearing ponies scream in constant fear?” Princess Chrysalis II asked.

“Of course my dear,” Queen Chrysalis replied. “After all, their love is what nourishes us, gives us strength, and makes us superior to the rest of Equestria.”

The mother and daughter duo laughed with a sinister tone as the changelings around them cheered.

Meanwhile, at a nearby changeling-themed bar, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator had already taken their seats and their mugs were full of frothy fire water. The three predacons were anxious, and yet satisfied.

“Can’t believe we’re doing a big one, bro,” Quickstrike said. “The Grand Gallopin Gala. I can’t wait to kick some kiester down there.”

“Waspinator also excited, “Waspinator said. “Waspinator going to do evil things like kidnap fillies and tip over chocolate milk.”

“Now come on here,” Quickstrike protested. “Kidnapping fillies I’m down with. But tipping over chocolate milk? That’s way too devilish, even for me.”

“Now where’s the fun in that, Quickstrike?” Waspinator said. “Waspinator thinks you not evil enough.”

“Why does it matter how evil we have to be?” Inferno said before drinking his fire water. “All that matters is winning over those wretched ponies and taking over Canterlot. This will be our new colony for our Queen.”

“I see you’re really excited to give those ponies a whoopin,” Quickstrike said.

“The excitement comes at fulfilling our mission,” Inferno said as he turned his seat around and faced away from the bar. “And if any Windigo tries to mess with us, this will happen.”

With that, Inferno belched out a stream of fire that lasted for a mere second before disappearing. Quickstrike and Waspinator clapped their hooves together as Inferno faced his brothers and bowed down.

“That was impressive,” Quickstrike said. “Imagine the look on those softies when we bring the fire down on them.”

“Waspinator likes burning things,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator once set a colt’s favorite tree on fire and made him cry.”

“Now that’s what I call a real monster,” Quickstrike said as he gave Waspinator a big hug.

“Then this calls for a celebration,” Inferno said as he lifted his mug. “Mugs in the air, brothers.”

Immediately, Quickstrike lets go of Waspinator before both changelings grabbed their mugs and thrust them into the air

“For the day that will come and the fall of Equestria,” Inferno said. “A day that will be perfect.

“A day that we dreamt when we were small,” Quickstrike said.

“To all those ponies that will freak at our superior physique,” Waspinator said.

“Who says we changelings can’t have it all?” The three brothers yelled in harmony as they clanged their mugs together before downing the fire water within. They all slammed their mugs on the table and laughed really hard.

“Oh I cannot wait to see those ponies fall,” Inferno chuckled. “Especially the Windigo’s Guild.”

“Oh you said it, brother,” Quickstrike said. “All those colts and fillies are going to be crying. Especially that little Man’s Cub.”

“Waspinator agreed,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator will help rule this nation, and Queen Chrysalis will be pleased.”

The three brothers laughed really hard as the changeling barkeep poured more fire water into their mugs

To Be Continued in…..

Arc 17: The Grand Gallopin Gala

Preparing for the Gala

Author's Note:

What I loved about writing this last part was the focus on all three villain groups.

Gold and Silver Banks, who proved to be far more elusive to any form of punishment because of how broken Equestrian Politics are(Remind you of anything?)

Coldnelius Snap and the Windigo's Guild, to showcase how maddening they are

and Queen Chrysalis and her Changelings for those who want familiarity. Though like I said, including Beast Wars characters Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator as Changelings was also a nice touch.

We're down to our final 2 arcs. The next arc is called the "Grand Gallopin Gala," and it will run for 7 parts. The final arc is called "Queen Chrysalis and the Changeling Invasion." This one will be the longest arc of the saga. Stay tuned this month. It's going to be a doozy.

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