• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 9-3: Rainbow Dash, Danged Spell and Ditzy Doo: The Rematch

Rainbow Dash, Danged Spell and Ditzy Doo: The Rematch

Deep within the Ponyville Providence Fair, Rainbow Dash was walking along with Danged Spell and Ditzy Doo. The trio were observing the sights, the sounds and the aroma of the fair, having separated from the rest of the group. The sight of the delicious grub caught Danged Spell’s attention. He took a glance at a Grand Oat Burger booth. The oat burgers sizzled on the grill as the smell drifted to his nose. He couldn’t resist it.

“You look like you want a taste of that,” Rainbow Dash said. “It happens to be one of my favorite treats.”

“I sure want a taste of that burger,” Danged Spell said as he was mesmerized by the aroma of the oat burger, licking his lips.

“Stand back,” Rainbow Dash said as she pulled out a sack of bits. “I’ll treat you and Ditzy.”

With a flash, Rainbow Dash flew towards the booth, thankfully free of any lines. She placed a few bits onto the counter and said “Three orders of your Barbecue Oat Burger, with three bottles of sparkling apple juice.”

The Attendant at the counter accepted the bits before he turned around to the interior of the booth and yelled “You heard her. Three Barbecue Oat Burgers.”

Inside the booth, a chef flipped three oat burger patties from the grill into the air. He dashed towards the other end and pulled out three buns. Then he caught each of the patties with those buns and placed them on the counter. Without a second thought, he topped each finely cooked patty with soy cheese, hay bacon strips, onion rings and barbecue sauce before topping each sandwich with an onion bun.

“Served to perfection,” The chef said with a smile as he proceeded to wrap each of the three burgers in a special serving paper.

Rainbow Dash, Ditzy Doo and Danged Spell were amazed by the chef’s work in putting the burger together. Danged Spell’s jaw dropped to the floor in complete shock.

“I take it he really enjoys his job,” Rainbow Dash said to the Attendant with a satisfied smirk on her face.

“You have no idea,” The Attendant said with a smirk.

Later that day, Rainbow Dash, Danged Spell and Ditzy Doo were in the stands of an empty circular stage, enjoying their oat burgers. Spell couldn’t resist the taste as he took a huge chomp out of the burger and chewed with delight. Ditzy took a sip from the apple juice before taking another bite.

“Wow,” Danged Spell said, having swallowed that bite. “I thought it was going to be good. But that’s an understatement.”

“And he doesn’t just do it to show off,” Rainbow Dash said. “That chef cooks those delicious oat burgers because of how good they are.”

“I’m actually surprised that he doesn’t have his own restaurant,” Danged Spell said.

“Well that’s just it,” Ditzy Doo said. “He prefers to operate like this and he definitely doesn’t want his own fancy restaurant or fast food chain.”

“Oh tell me about it,” Rainbow Dash said. “I tried out this place called the Golden Arches. It’s supposed to be the biggest fast food chain in Equestria. Blandsville is more like it. The oat burgers taste like someone put sawdust in the mix, and don’t get me started with the so-called milkshakes. And what is up with the mascots of that place? A rejected circus clown? An overeager hippogriff? Whatever the heck that pink thing is? Yeah. I’ll stick with the local oat burger stands over the big, mainstream ones.”

“No kidding,” Danged Spell said. “I once tried their oat burgers. Bleach. It’s like they didn’t put any heart or soul into their cooking.”

Rainbow Dash let out a friendly chuckle and said “Despite our differences, we seem to have some things in common. Oat burgers are one of them.”

“Speaking of which,” Danged Spell said as he took a sip of apple juice. “Didn’t we have a tug-o-war match back in Canterlot? Only for Golden Lace’s antics to ruin the mood?”

“Oh yeah,” Rainbow Dash said as she looked down and took notice of the stage. “As a matter of fact, I think we have an arena to finish with what we started.”

“That sounds great,” Danged Spell said. “But first, I’m not done with lunch yet.”

“Danged Spell is right,” Ditzy said. “I barely get to eat lunch with you guys, and I’d say this is the best moment for us all.

“Oh...right,” Rainbow Dash said with a blush on her face. “Guess I get too carried away with the thought of competition.”

“It happens to all of us,” Danged Spell said. “Sometimes, I get so worked up of the thought of being a part of the Canterlot Royal Guard, that I also get carried away.”

“And sometimes,” Ditzy replied. “I usually let my mind wander and think of nothing. Because I once heard that doing nothing can sometimes be the best thing..”

Both Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash were surprised by Ditzy’s comment and just stared at her with amused smiles.

“Wow,” Rainbow Dash said with a chuckle. “That’s something to think about.”

“Well look on the bright side,” Ditzy said. “At least it helps me relax.”

“Point taken,” Danged Spell replied.

And with that, Rainbow Dash, Danged Spell and Ditzy Doo continued to enjoy their oat burgers as ponies walked around the arena.

Later, after they had finished lunch, Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell were on opposite ends of a long rope in the middle of the arena, similar to the one back in Canterlot. Ditzy Doo stood on a platform on two legs, holding up a pair of blue flags. The two youngsters in the middle of the arena stared down at each other as if they were ready for a major duel.

“So,” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk on her face. “This is how we end it. You, me and one more round of tug-o-war.”

“Don’t think I’ll go down that easy this time,” Danged Spell replied with a grin. “We’ve got no audience to cheer us on at the moment. But I’m hoping the ponies of La Maresa will see that I am the prime pony.”

“Oh now you’re asking for it,” Rainbow Dash laughed. “Better say your blessings to Princess Celestia, because you’ll be crying back to her when this is over.”

As Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell stared at each other and at their respective ends of the rope, Ditzy Doo yelled “This tug-o-war contest will determine who is truly the iron stallion. The first pony to pull the other to the end wins. Are you two ready?”

“Oh I am,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Bring it,” Danged Spell yelled.

And with that, Ditzy Doo yelled “GO!”

Without a second thought, Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash picked up their own ends of the big rope and pulled as hard as they could. Rainbow Dash used her wings in an attempt to pull the rope away. But Danged Spell held firm, digging his hooves into the ground while also using his magic to pull his end.

“You still got that spark of competition in you,” Rainbow Dash said as she held tight. “I can respect that.”

“The feeling’s mutual,” Danged Spell grinned as he held down the rope.

Both Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash continued to pull as hard as they could on their own ends of the rope. Neither pony looked like they were going to tire as they pulled as hard as possible, and there was barely any sweat pouring from their heads. They pulled as hard as they could, and they barely budged from their spot. Rainbow Dash kept flapping her wings while Danged Spell kept his magic going strong..

Suddenly, a caramel-colored flash of light darted towards the center of the rope and grabbed it. The rope went flying into the air, pulling Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell upwards, flying out of control.

“WHAT IN THE?” Rainbow Dash yelled as she lost control and was yanked from her position.

The two competitors yelled really loud as the bolt of light threw the rope into a nearby pole. The rope twirled around the pole, causing Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell to spin around and around, until they bumped right into each other. With a loud “OWW,” Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash fell to the ground.

“OH MY GOSH!” Ditzy Doo yelled. “ARE YOU BOTH ALRIGHT?”

But before she could make a move, the bolt of light landed on the ground and took the shape of one familiar colt. Ditzy looked at the colt and began to freak out. The colt turned out to be Hoops.

“OH NO!” Ditzy yelled. “NOT YOU AGAIN!”

Hoops got himself up and glanced at Ditzy with a devilish grin. He turned to Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell and laughed at their misfortune.

“So nice to see you again, Rainbow Crash,” Hoops said. “I hope you didn’t mind us spoiling your sense of competition with that….Royal Pain.”

“HEY!” Danged Spell yelled as he got up onto his four hooves and puffed steam from his nose. “WHO ARE YOU CALLING A KING YOU JERK?” That only made Hoops slightly confused.

“Wow,” Hoops said. “Guess I need to come up with better insults with this hot head.”

With a chuckle, Hoops turned his back on Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash, and glanced right at Ditzy Doo. The cross-eyed pegasus filly looked as if she was about to cry.

“You stay away from me you big meanie,” Ditzy Doo cried. “You’re the reason why I ran away from La Maresa.”

But as Ditzy Doo began to take a few steps back, she felt something blocking her way. She turned around and saw Dumb-Bell and Score standing right behind her. The two colt pegasi laughed at her in a cruel tone.

“Where’d ya been, defect?” Dumb-Bell said with a snort.

“And to think, we would have chased you to the ends of Equestria after you tried to hide in Canterlot,” Score crowed.

Ditzy Doo began to step backwards from Dumb-Bell and Score, afraid of the duo. But as she did, Hoops grabbed her from behind with a powerful bear hug, causing the cross-eyed filly to freak out.

“LET ME GO,” Ditzy cried as she struggled to get out.

“Sorry squirt,” Hoops chuckled. “But you’re going to have to endure this for being a defect.”

As Hoops held onto Ditzy Doo with Dumb-Bell and Score laughing at her misfortune, Rainbow Dash was already on her four hooves. She and Danged Spell observed the trio harassing Ditzy and giving her a hard time.

“The nerve of those cowards,” Rainbow Dash said, gritting her teeth. “We gotta teach those jerks a lesson that they should never pick on someone that innocent.”

As Danged Spell had his eyes on the three boy bullies, he glanced to the left for a moment and saw a spray bottle full of seltzer. His angry attitude turned into a smug smile as he levitated the bottle close to him with his magic.

“Hey Rainbows,” Danged Spell said as the spray bottle floated towards him. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Rainbow Dash took notice of the seltzer bottle and said “If it involves humiliating those bullies, I’m game. What’s the plan?”

“It involves the rope on the pole,” Danged Spell said back.

“I’m on it,” Rainbow Dash said as she extended her wings.

As Hoops continued to hold down Ditzy in that vice-grip of a bear hug, Ditzy continued to struggle to break loose as Dumb-Bell and Score continued to laugh at her misfortune. Tears flowed from Ditzy’s eyes as she endured her torment.

“Let me go this instant,” Ditzy cried. “I don’t want to cause any trouble.”

“Oh you’re not causing any trouble,” Hoops said as he held Ditzy tight. “It’s just that trouble wants to come to you, Klutzy.” And with that, Hoops squeezed Ditzy tighter as Dumb-Bell and Score laughed harder. Ditzy looked as if she was about to scream really loud.

“HEY BOZOS!” Hoops, Dumb-Bell and Score turned their heads to the end of the arena where they saw Danged Spell stared down at the trio.

“Well if it ain’t the King of Equestria himself,” Hoops said as he, Dumb-Bell and Score laughed at Danged Spell. The unicorn colt struggled to contain his anger as he let out a smug grin on his face.

“Well I’d say you three need a KING-SIZE COOLING OFF!” Danged Spell yelled as he pulled out the seltzer bottle from the corner, aimed right at Hoops and pulled the trigger. A powerful stream of seltzer water bursted out from the nozzle, and knocked Hoops out of the air, causing him to let go of Ditzy Doo. The pegasus floated in the air, breathing heavily from that bear hug.

Danged Spell looked at the seltzer bottle and said “Wow. This is some strong stuff.”

Hoops got himself up and shook off the excess seltzer water. He clenched his teeth and took a good look at Danged Spell. Dumb-Bell and Score walked beside their fellow bully.

“Forget the defect,” Hoops said. “Let’s get that unicorn.”

And with that, Hoops, Dumb-Bell and Score marched towards Danged Spell. They stared down at the unicorn colt with complete malice.

“Any last words before you get the beat down of a lifetime?” Hoops snarled.

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said with a smirk on his face. “Checkmate.”

As Hoops, Dumb-Bell and Score looked at Danged Spell with a confused look on their face, Rainbow Dash flies on in, tying up the Boy Bully Trio with the same rope used in the failed tug-o-war duel. The trio was completely dumbstruck by Rainbow Dash’s stunt.

“HEY,” Hoops yelled as he is squeezed in the binding of the rope with Dumb-Bell and Score. “YOU TRICKED US YOU DOUBLE-CROSSING RHINO!”

“A rhino has a bigger brain than the three of you combined,” Danged Spell said as Rainbow Dash tightened the rope binding the Boy Bully Trio together.

“LET US GO,” Hoops yelled as he struggled to get out of the rope bindings. “YOU CAN’T HOLD US DOWN LIKE THIS!”

Rainbow Dash landed right in front of the trio and said “Pretty poor choice of words coming from three cowards who thought holding Ditzy Doo in a bear hug was amusing.”


“Maybe if you three weren’t attacking innocent fillies,” Danged Spell replied. “You wouldn’t be in this mess. Oh well, have a nice flight.”

As Danged Spell winked at Rainbow Dash, the tomboyish pegasi filly grabbed the loose end of the rope and flew into the air with it, pulling Hoops, Dumb-Bell and Score with her. The trio screamed as Rainbow Dash hoisted them off the ground.

“NOOOOO!” Hoops, Dumb-Bell and Score cried. “DON’T DROP US!”

“Maybe if you three weren’t so much of a jerk,” Rainbow Dash said and she began to swing the trio around in the air. “You wouldn’t be going for a ride.”

And with that, Rainbow Dash swung the three bullies faster and faster, until she let go of the rope. The momentum generated by Rainbow Dash caused Hoops, Dumb-Bell and Score to go flying off into the atmosphere.

“WE’LL GET YOU FOR THIS RAINBOW DAAAAAAAAAAASH!” Hoops yelled as, Dumb-Bell and Score helplessly fly out of the vicinity of the fairgrounds and crash right into a nearby set of trees.

“Good riddance,” Rainbow Dash said as she flew down from the sky and landed right next to Danged Spell, who was tending to Ditzy Doo. Rainbow Dash put her arm around Ditzy Doo, who only let out a smile towards the brash filly.

“Thanks Rainbow Dash,” Ditzy Doo said. “I don’t know where I’d be without you.”

“No worries, Ditzy,” Rainbow Dash said with a grin on her face. “And besides. There’s no way I’m letting those creeps harass you.”

“You know Rainbows,” Danged Spell said. “We’re most likely going to get kicked out of the fair for that stunt.”

“Yeah, I’m aware of that,” Rainbow Dash said as she put her arm around Danged Spell. “But I wasn’t going to let those creeps get away with Ditzy Doo.” She and Danged Spell then turned their head towards Ditzy Doo, who waved right back at them.

“That’s actually true,” Danged Spell replied as he looked at Ditzy Doo.

“And besides,” Rainbow Dash added. “I care alot about the well-being of my friends. Despite her shortcomings, Ditzy is my friend. And so are you.”

“I am?” Danged Spell asked, surprised by Rainbow Dash’s response.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash replied. “In fact, you have that spark of loyalty within you. You’re willing to stand by your friends, especially if trouble chooses to follow them. That’s what I truly like about you. So, I’m going to say this: I hope we’re best friends for life.”

Danged Spell was at a loss for words. He looked at Rainbow Dash and the words that came out of her mouth. He also glanced at Ditzy Doo, who was in a cheerful mood. Danged Spell was about to open his mouth when he heard two adult ponies yell out “GO RAINBOW DASH!”

“Uggh,” Rainbow Dash said as she put her hoof on her face. “They had to go and ruin the moment.”

“Your fanbase?” Danged Spell asked.

“No, my folks,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles.”

Danged Spell turned his head towards the bleachers and saw an adult pegasi couple wearing Rainbow Dash memorabilia. The stallion, Bow Hothoof, had a color scheme similar to Rainbow Dash, except with a slightly darker fur color while the mare, Windy Whistles, had a similar color coat, but with a light scarlet and orange mane.

“Those are your parents?” Danged Spell said.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said as she hung her head in shame. “They can be a real pain in the flank.”

Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles walked up to the trio, bursting with excitement. Rainbow Dash turned her head away from her parents while Danged Spell looked confused. Ditzy just stood there, waving to the older couple.

“So you must be one of the students from Canterlot City,” Bow Hothoof said as he shook Danged Spell’s harm, causing the young unicorn colt to shake up and down.

“Yyyyyyyyeah,” Danged Spell said, shaking up and down before Bow Hothoof let go of his arm. “And you’re Rainbow Dash’s parents.”

“Uggh,” Rainbow Dash groaned. “Hi mom. Hi dad.”

“Now honey,” Windy said as she put her wing around Rainbow Dash. “I heard that you were helping out Ditzy Doo in Canterlot and that you made a friend up there. But I didn’t know that you had a boyfriend.” Those words shocked Danged Spell’s own core.

“I’M NOT HER COLTFRIEND,” Danged Spell yelled.

“Now don’t be silly, young stallion,” Bow Hothoof said as he hoisted Danged Spell into the air. “I can tell that when you both get older, you’ll want to get married.”

“Aww heck no,” Danged Spell said as she struggled to get out of Bow Hothoof’s arms. “Marriage? Not in my lifetime.” Rainbow Dash looked up at Danged Spell and blushed red.

“Marry him?” Rainbow Dash replied. “But we’re only friends. We’re not like that.”

“Now come my, my little Rainbow Wainbow,” Windy Whistles said as she picked up Rainbow Dash. “I can see a bright future for you and your new coltfriend.”

“Mom,” Rainbow Dash said as she struggled to get out. “You’re embarrassing me.”

“But don’t you want to be happy when you grow up?” Windy Whistles said. “After all, who’s going to be by your side after you become a Wonderbolt?”

“You said it, honey,” Bow Hothoof said as he and Windy Whistles held Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash high into the air. “Here’s to a future Wonderbolt, and to her future husband.”

As Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles cheered, Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash looked at each other, completely disgusted.

“What you described about them is an understatement,” Danged Spell whispered to Rainbow Dash. “They’re not parents. They’re stalkers.”

“Right now,” Rainbow Dash whispered back. “I would rather be kicked out of the fair than to put up with this moment.”

As Windy Whistles and Bow Hothoof held Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell in the air cheering, Ditzy Doo looked on from nearby, smiling at her close friends.

“You know,” Ditzy Doo said to herself. “I think they do make a cute couple.”

To be continued in.,..

Moondancer and Rarity: A Dress for the Occasion

Author's Note:

Yes folks. Hoops, Dumbbell and Score are back. They will be the highlight of the entire arc, and will appear in Sunburst/Fluttershy part, Starlight/Trixie's part, and Wanda/Sunset/Applejack's part.

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