• Published 10th Mar 2022
  • 1,883 Views, 258 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Crash of the Titans - RainbowRaptorDash1

Get ready for a crash landing, because Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata's next adventure will be wumpa crazy!

  • ...

Episode 10: A Sludge Too Far

Crash and friends exited the cave, only to find Dingodile and the Titans under cover from missiles.

"Guys!" Dingodile called out

"What's going on?!" Sonata asked.

"The crown on N. Gin's statue is firing missiles all around this beachside!" Foxer answered.

"Everyone in the carriage!" Crash ordered, making everyone climbed aboard the Roadroller as he took the reigns. "We're almost there! Let's do this, mates!"

"YEE-HAW!" Armalion whooped as she rolled up into her ball form and bulldozered right through with the roadroller carriage in tow.

"Everybody, hang on!" Crash said as he drove the carriage through the missiles as they charged forward, but he was so much in a hurry, that Crash didn't noticed he was heading for a grinding area. "Guys..."

"Yeah?" Everyone else asked.

"Everyone hold onto something. Cause things are about to get very fast." Crash suggested as everyone held on as the Roadroller sped down the slope towards a ramp. They flew into the air and landed in the arena right at the factory, with N. Gin seeing the whole thing.

"Wow, points for craftmenship." N. Gin admitted as Sonata noticed the destructions the factory caused and the mutants N. Gin created and brainwashed.

"Grr... You won't get away that easily N. Gin!" Sonata growled in anger, with N. Gin noticing her red aura.

"Hurry up, and defeat Crash and his friends, then capture the Siren girl! They're getting that look in their eyes again!" N. Gin ordered.

"Get ready, everyone!" Crash said as Doom Monkeys charged forward, only for Sonata to unleash her fury.

"RRRRAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" Sonata roared in rage as she became a blue blur surrounded by a red aura and knocked out Doom Monkeys left and right, before a Stench pounced on Sonata and attacked her.

"Sonata!" Crash gasped.

"GAH!" Sonata yelped in pain as Sligeon offered his hand to Crash.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure none of you will get sick from me." Sligeon assured everyone, making them sigh in relief.

"Phew... That's a relief, because I didn't want to get another Shellacne." Mikey said, completely calmed by the news.

"Shellacne?" Pinkie wondered.

"Don't ask, please." Mikey told Pinkie, ashamed of the experience as Dingodile sucked up a Doom Monkey.

"Oy, clear the way!" Dingodile yelled as Sonata calmed down, making the red aura disappear, before noticing generators that had targets on them.

"Foxer! Let's have some target practice!" Sonata declared, making Foxer turn toward her with a smile.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Foxer replied in excitement as Sonata and herself combined into Foxata once again, climbing up to a generator, only to be met by a Stench, when Dingodile launched the Doom Monkey, stunning it.

"We even?" Dingodile asked.

"Of course we're even. We're friends after all." Foxata answered as she threw a tonfa feather dart at one of the targets, only for it to bounce off to the ground."Grr... Guess we'll need more strength. Pinkie! Fuse with Scorgomid!"

"Let's do this!" Pinkie cheered.

"Oh! Okay." Scorgomid agreed as she turned into a Scorporilla mask, which Pinkie donned, becoming a human-sized and shaped Scorporilla with Pinkie's hairstyle and color, along with her other gear, becoming Pinkomid.

"I'm only going to destroy the machines!" Pinkomid said in a determined yet peaceful tone.

"And the rest of us will cover you." Crash replied.

"This will be fun." Dingodile said as he readied his flamethrower pistol.

"Easy with the fire on the Stenchs." Mikey added.

"He's right. We don't want a one-way ticket to the moon." Crash agreed.

"Ya sayin' they're stink nukes?" Dingodile asked as Crash started wrestling a Stench.

"Not sure. But best not to take chances." Crash answered.

"Good point there, mate." Dingodile agreed as Pinkomid destroyed three generators..

"Three down, and one to go." Pinkomid noted.

"I got your back, Pinks." Foxata assured the pink Scorporilla fusion.

"Yes, thank you very much." Pinkomid said in gratitude, giving a warm and gentle smile, before a Scorporilla appeared and threw her aside.

"Dingo, I have an idea. When I tuck into my shell, use your Blow Blaster to launch me at it." Mikey said.

"Are ya sure about, mate? Ya won't get hurt, right?" Dingodile asked in concern.

"Don't worry, dude. My shell will keep me safe." Mikey answered.

"Alright, Mikey. If ya say so." Dingodile said as he sucked up Mikey into his Blow Blaster, and then shot him at the final generator, who bounced off, stunning the brainwashed Scorporilla and jacked it.

"Told ya I'd be fine." Mikey-Scorporilla said as he lowered and forced open the door, revealing the pathway into the factory through… The butt of N. Gin’s statue?!

"What the?!" Everyone gasped in shock.

"OW! They broke my bum!" N. Gin yelled as Sonata and Pinkie took off their masks, along with Mikey disconnecting from the Scorporilla, freeing the large titan from Nina's control.

"We're seriously going in that way?" Sonata asked, filled with fear of the situation.

"It doesn’t look like we any other choice." Aku Aku answered as he and everyone else dreaded of going in through the rear.

"Dudes, I would prefer the sewers or the toxic waste than going in that fortress through there. But we gotta do it." Mikey said, giving in to the situation.

"I'll stay with carriage." Armalion responded as Dingodile grabbed a back of TNT, saving everyone from the embarrassment of going in through the rear of the statue.

"Don't want to let this eyesore stay." Dingodile explained.

"Got a lighter?" Pinkie asked as Dingodile reached into his back pocket and brought out an electric lighter.

"Fully charged and ready to light." Dingodile answered.

"Better stay away from the dynamite." Crash suggested.

"What about the workers?" Sonata asked in worry.

"Oh. You mean all of ‘these’ workers?" Pinkie responded, pointing to fleeing workers as much to everyone’s surprise and shock, Pinkie already got all of the workers out.

"How did you...?" Crash uttered.

"Fire Alarm." Pinkie simply answered with a smile.

"Why am I not surprised?" Sonata and Mikey said with a shake of their heads and a smile.

"Crude, but effective." Dingodile admitted.

"Let's roll." Crash ordered as the dynamite blew up the statue and the factory.

To be Continued...

Author's Note:

Aku Aku's Guidance:

The Sludge
This guy is like the common cold come to life! We can take his powers, but I'm not sure I want to touch him.
Next time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Everyone: 'SECRET FACTORY?!'

Pinkie: Brr!!! It's cold in here!

Mikey: I'm glad I became a mutant!

???: Thank you so much for freeing me! And I'll help you find the best probability to find and beat N. Gin!

Sonata: That Uka Uka...! He's just like the Shredder!!!

Crash: Or we could do that.

Foxer: This'll be hard to knock down.

Armalion: Let's roll!

Aku Aku: Episode 11: Shock and Awesome