• Published 10th Mar 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Crash of the Titans - RainbowRaptorDash1

Get ready for a crash landing, because Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata's next adventure will be wumpa crazy!

  • ...

Episode 17: Adolt Edumacation

Everyone grot through an open window into Uka Uka's lab, finding themselves in a hallway, leading toward hanging cages, filled with mutants being experimented and tortured, including some Voodoo Bunnies.

"Dude..." Mikey uttered.

"I'm seriously glad Fluttershy isn't seeing this." Pinkie dreaded.

"If Sonata was here, she’d blow a gasket." Crash added as they jumped from cage to cage, before seeing an electric eel/snake hybrid zapping a generator.

"There you are…" Batlado noticed.

"Whoa…" Mikey awed.

"What’s that mutant titan?" Pinkie asked.

"That’s an Ee-lectric, and one I know closely." Batlado answered as she flew towards the titan.

"Zaptrap, it's me." Batlado said to the ee-lectric, causing Mikey's Medallion and Pinkie's Geode to glow, before Zaptrap fired her electricity at Batlado. Pinkie charged to attack, but Batlado stopped her.

"Don't hurt him. She's my sister... My friend." Batlado pleaded, giving the last push to make the magical relics shoot rainbow lasers at the ee-lectric, covering it in a light. And when the light covering the Zaptrap faded, the ee-lectric's scales were moderate purple, had light brilliant aquamarine fins and webbings, dark violet claws on her hands, and had amethyst-purple tribal tattoos on the scales.

"Gah... I know it's you, Batlado." Zaptrap replied as she looked toward Pinkie and Mikey, letting out a scoff. "Tch... I'm only saying this once. Thanks for snapping me out of it."

"You should be thanking my new friends." Batlado said.

"I know that, o' fearless leader." Zaptrap mocked.

"What was that?!" Batlado asked in anger as the two titans stared at each other, only to laugh after a few seconds.

"C'mon, where's that idiot, Vixot?" Zaptrap asked.

"Who?" The Heroes and Titans asked in confusion.

"Our youngest sister. She’s a Snipe." Batlado answered.

"We'll help you find her after we free Sonata." Crash said.

"He's right. Zaptrap, a friend of ours was taken prisoner. Did you see her?" Batlado asked her younger sister.

"Yeah, but we won't be getting there with those electro-gates in the way. But I'll take care of it, destroying electric machines are usually one of my talents." Zaptrap answered as she threw balls of electricity at a generator, destroying it and deactivating a barrier. "C'mon, just follow me."

Everyone rushed after Zaptrap as Micolda caught up.

"How long we have till that army gets here?" Crash asked.

"My calculations say half an hour." Micolda answered, before Pinkie started shuddering.

"Something wrong, Pinkie?" Aku Aku asked.

"Sorry, am I making you cold?" Micolda added in concern.

"N-N-N-No! It's a d-d-d-d-doozy! I don't know when it'll happen, but it'll happen at Uka Uka's lab!" Pinkie shuddered.

"A doozy?" Micolda asked.

"Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense." Mikey answered.

"That makes no sense!" Micolda yelled.

"Just go with it." The heroes said.

"I just hope it's something good." Dingodile noted.

"What're you guys waiting for? A invitation? I destroyed the next generator, so we need to get moving." Zaptrap urged.

"Grab Pinkie and let's go." Crash ordered.

"Alley-oop!" Crabusk said as he grabbed Pinkie and put her on his left shoulder.

While they were rushing through the lab, Pinkie spotted Ee-lectics ready to shoot them. "Incoming!" Pinkie shuddered before the enemies were suddenly struck by lightning, but there wasn't a cloud in here.

"We don't have time to waste." Zaptraop said as the Ee-lectrics were revealed to be weakened, but not stunned. "Move it!" She urged as everyone followed Zaptrap to a room that was much different from the rest of the lab, seeing eight giant generators that looked too tough for Zaptrap to short-circuit, before noticing Uka Uka.

"So you little insects actually made it. Well, I've prepared a little treat for you." Uka Uka said, making Crash pant a bit as he eyed one of Uka Uka's bones.

"No, probably not food, Crash. A bad treat." Aku Aku said, snapping Crash out of it.

"Oh, it's a bad treat all right. Tell me, Crash, do you remember the Evolvo-ray? Let's see what happens when I use the Evolvo-ray on myself!" Uka Uka exclaimed as he floated under the center of the machine, before getting zapped, causing roots, wood and vines to grow out the back of his head.

"Where's a Markov termite when you need one?" Mikey asked.

"And I want the rest of you to meet my new pets." Uka Uka said.

"N-N-N-N-New pets?" Pinkie shuddered before everyone heard ferocious roars, revealing to be Sonata in her Siren form from Equestria, and Foxer just as big as Uka Uka's new body.

"SONATA!!!" Crash, Mikey, and Pinkie gasped in horror.

"FOXER!!!" The Mutant Titans gasped in fright.

"VIXOT!!!" Batlado and Zaptrap gasped in fear.

"That's right! Your friends have betrayed you and are now under the control of the siren's dark magic!" Uka Uka gloated.

"Everyone, deal with Uka Uka. I'll handle Sonata." Crash ordered.

"No, dude. You take care of Voodoo Forest, we'll help get Sonata and Foxer back to normal." Mikey said.

"No 'if's, 'and's, or 'b-b-b-but's about that!" Pinkie agreed.

"Besides, mate, she helped me join your side, now I'll help her join back ours." Dingodile added.

"Alright." Crash responded smile as he drew his Bokken Sword.

"Mwahahahaha!" Uka Uka laughed with the battle beginning with both Sonata and Foxer roaring ferociously! "Let's see what you've got."

"Let's try electric power." Pinkie declared as Zaptrap turned into an Ee-lectric mask with Pinkie putting it on, turning into Pinktrap, a humanoid Ee-lectric with Pinkies clothing, hairstyle and weapons.

"This sugar might have a tingling sensation!" Pinktrap said as she threw her sprinkles, which exploded with colorful electricity, weakening Sonata and Foxer.

"You mutant reinforcements get in here right now, or I'll punch you all in the clavicle." Uka Uka threatened, making more mutant titans and Voodoo Bunnies show up.

"Swornado!" Crash called out as he spun with his sword and stunned a Ee-lectic, then jacking it with Aku Aku on its face. "Now I have some firepower."

While Crash was shocking Uka Uka, Sonata was doing her Siren Scream at Pinktrap, and Dingodile aimed his Blow Blaster firing Mikey at the giant siren.

"Sorry, Sonata." Mikey apologized as he threw a smoke bomb at the siren's eyes, and whacked Sonata's head with his nunchucks, disorienting the corrupted kunoichi.

"This isn't going too well! Let's get some more evil minions in here, stat!" Uka Uka ordered, making more reinforcements come into the lab.

Crash used the Ee-lectic to send a huge bolt to Uka Uka, stunning him.

"I'm getting my friend back, and you're going to help." Crash declared as the heroic mutant jacked him with Aku Aku.

"Bandicoot on my face!" Uka Uka cried out as Crash made him destroy two generators before he was disconnected from the evil voodoo mask, falling onto Sonata's head.

"Sonata... Time to snap you out of it." Crash simply said.

"Let me help with that, mate!" Dingodile added as he boosted onto the siren's head, before Crash put Aku Aku on Sonata's face, diving into her mind.

Crash wondered in Sonata's mind till he found her human body crying. "Sonata!"

"Crash?" Sonata asked in disbelief as Crash hugged his friend.

"I found you! Now let's get out of here!" Crash urged, only for Sonata to not move a muscle.

"What's the point? I'm nothing but a bad girl. That's why that aura kept being around me." Sonata asked in complete and utter despair.

"Sonata, you're not a bad girl." Crash argued, trying to comfort his friend.

"Yes, I am. Uka Uka gave Adagio the amulets that made us go down the path we went. Being banish from Equestria, turning everyone at Canterlot High against each other, teaming up with the Shredder. Everything terrible thing happened to me and my friends is because of him." Sonata said, completely devoid of hope.

"And you're just letting him use you like this?!" Crash asked in disbelief.

"Why not? A slave serving her master... Makes sense." Sonata answered, having no emotion.

"Sonata, listen. Uka Uka may have led you and the others down a dark path, but you gained so much from it." Crash argued.

"Crash speaks the truth, Sonata." A familiar voice said.

"M-Master Splinter?!" Sonata gasped, seeing the mutant rat's spirit in her mind.

"He's right, mate! Ya helped find me real purpose, so I wouldn't have to think that I had to keep servin' Cortex for the rest o' me days. So do ya know YER real purpose?" Dingodile asked, appearing in Sonata's mind as well.

"C'mon, Sonata!" Mikey cheered, showing himself.

"We're friends, right?" Pinkie asked, showing up in Sonata's subconsciousness.

"Think about everything you gained from changing sides." Crash reminded Sonata as memories flash through her: Befriending Leo and everyone else, redeeming herself to everyone at Canterlot, joining Karai's Foot Clan, getting closer to Adagio and Aria, and now Befriending Crash. "So you staying as Uka Uka's slave or am I getting back one of my best friends?"

Sonata already knew the answer to that, ever since the night she started doubt the Shredder's decisions. "Let's go get outta here, free Foxer... AND KICK UKA UKA'S VOODOO MASK BUTT!"

Back in reality, Crash pried Aku Aku off Sonata's face as she fell to ground.

"Looks like that trick won't work on her. Attack them, my pet." Uka Uka ordered, only to be replied with silence. "What are you doing?! Attack!!!"

"No..." Sonata uttered, much to Uka Uka's shock.

"What?!" Uka Uka gasped.

"You may have been responsible to me and my sisters' banishment, but I won't let you get the best of me anymore!" Sonata declared.

"This can't be happening!!!" Uka Uka dreaded.

"Thanks to all of my friends, I remembered what was important to me! I'll beat you, Uka Uka!" Sonata shouted.

"Rargh! Crash, stop ruining my plans. I spent all day on those." Uka Uka complained as he looked at the pressured minions and titans. "I am so mad at you minions right now! Get in here!" Uka Uka ordered, making more minions and titans show up. Sonata charged at an unflinching Uka Uka, only to be stopped by feather darts, making her turn and find Foxer throwing the last unconscious ally titan aside. "I had a back up plan in case you proved slightly willful as Adagio."

"Grr... Don't you dare mention her name! Not after you took control of my mutant counterpart!" Sonata roared, with that last part catching everyone off guard.

"HUH?!/WHAT?!/EH?!" Everyone else gasped in complete surprise and shock as Sonata used her singing voice, bringing Foxer back to her senses.

"Guh... What...?" Foxer groaned.

"Foxer, you okay?" Sonata asked.

"I... I think so." Foxer answered, before noticing Batlado and Zaptrap. "Batlado! Zaptrap! What're you girls doing here?"

"Looking for you, ya idiot." Zaptrap answered.

"Stop making fun of me, you meanie!" Foxer pouted.

"Now's not the time for that. We have a voodoo mask to fight right now." Batlado pointed out.

"I'd better get some competent help in here soon, or I'm going to have to start repeating myself." Uka Uka said as more minions and titans appeared.

"We need to knock them out before destroying the rest of the generators." Sonata said, before Batlado stepped in front of her.

"Leave that to us. Everyone, get back!" Batlado ordered with everyone got behind Batloda as a twist was combined with Zaptrap's electricity and Foxer's feather darts. "This is what you get for messing with the Twister Sisters! Bat Tornado!"

"Eel Hurricane!"

"Fox Vortex!"

The three attacks combined into a massive twister made of elemental wind.

"You're making me so mad! I just want to be evil. Is that so bad? This is so embarassing." Uka Uka complained.

"STORM TWISTER!!!" Batlado, Zaptrap and Foxer called out at once as the ginormous twister knocked out all of the minions and enemy titans and destroyed the rest of the generators.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Uka Uka cried out as he lost his entire body, leaving only his voodoo mask head while Sonata reverted back to her human form and Foxer shrunk back to her normal size. "You think you've defeated me? I'll get the last laugh on you fools. Any moment now, Nina will launch the robot, and Wumpa Island will be doomed."

"No!" The ninja trio gasped in horror.

"You monster!" Aku Aku dreaded.

"And Nina will have no more use for your lovely sister, so she's finished too. I get the last laugh! Ahahahahahahaha! I'm laughing now too just in case." Uka Uka explained as he flew away.

"Guys, I'm sorry." Sonata apologized.

"Me too." Foxer added.

"There’s nothing to be sorry about, mates. ‘Cause we already forgave the both of ya." Crash said.

"Crash is right, dudettes. Water under the bridge." Mikey agreed.

"And like I said, we’re gonna have a huge party when we get home." Pinkie added.

"Now me debt to ya is paid." Dingodile said.

"I really do hate to break up this touching moment... BUT WE ONLY 5 MINUTES BEFORE THAT VOODOO BUNNY ARMY BURSTS THROUGH THE DOOR!!!" Micolda shouted.

"I have an idea. Anyone else thinking about with all these cages?" Sonata asked with a smile.

"I think I do." Foxer answered with the same smile.

"JAILBREAK!!!" The two declared as everyone destroyed every single cage, freeing every single mutant titan.

But then Pinkie stopped shuddering. “That was it! That’s the doozy!”

“Huh?” Crash and Aku Aku asked in confusion.

“Sonata and Foxer doing a jailbreak. I didn’t expect THAT to happen. THAT was the doozy! Oh, and what a doozy of a doozy it was!” Pinkie explained before everyone heard the voice of a Voodoo Bunny.

"CHARGE!" A Voodoo Bunny ordered as the minions charged into the lab, but 34 seconds later... "RETREAT!" The same Voodoo Bunny ordered as all of the minions ran from the stampede of vengeful mutants that the heroes released and are riding.

"FREEDOM! FREEDOM!" Crash laughed.

"BOOYAHKASHA!!!" The ninja trio let out their battle cry as after the Voodoo Bunnies were ran out, the heroes, titan allies and mutant army rested for a few minutes at the RoadRoller carriage.

"I’m glad we have some help now. A whole bunch of help. But quickly now, everyone. From here, we must travel to the robot. I can sense Coco, so I’ll get us all as close as possible. Get ready!" Aku Aku said as everyone nodded to each other as Aku Aku teleported everyone at the RoadRoller, including the mutant army to the Doominator.

Meanwhile, at the Doominator, Coco was mindlessly working on the machine.

"You terrible, ungrateful child! You’ll never get away with this." Dr. Cortex told his niece.

"Oh, really? And why is that?" Nina asked smugly as her uncle who was hanged upside down, was swinging back and forth.

"I’ll tell you why, this… is my fortress and that… is my robot out there, and…" Dr. Cortex was cut off as she was caught by Nina, stopping him from swinging. "I threw up in my mouth."

"Sorry, Uncle. But with Coco forced to help build the robot, Crash, Aku Aku and the others can’t possibly stop me in time. My Doominator’s almost ready, and when it destroys Wumpa Island, I won’t even let you watch." Nina said.

"Aw, but I love watching things get destroyed! Oh, you’re awful." Dr. Cortex whined.

"Thanks!" Nina responded, laughing with a snort as she spun her uncle around.

To be Continued…

Author's Note:

Aku Aku's Guidance:

Uka Uka
My foolish brother has combined magical tiki mojo with Cortex's science to mutate himself! I'm sad to be related to this guy.
Next time on Equestria Ninja Girls…

Aku Aku: This is as far as I can take us. We'll all have to fight our way to the robot's interior and save Crash's sister.

Heroes: Okay!

Foxer: My real name is Vixot, but my friends and family can call me Foxer.

Zaptrap: Not a bad nickname, actually.

Batlado: The Twister Sisters are back together!

Aku Aku: Episode 18: War of the Whirls