• Published 10th Mar 2022
  • 1,871 Views, 258 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Crash of the Titans - RainbowRaptorDash1

Get ready for a crash landing, because Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata's next adventure will be wumpa crazy!

  • ...

Episode 13: Doomraker

Crash and his friends were riding down the chute in pursuit of N. Gin.

"And it looks like we’re just about outta here, dudes." Mikey said.

"Good, I'm ready to blow this place up." Dingodile replied.

"Remember everyone, we need N. Gin to tell us where Uka Uka and Nina are. We find them, we'll find the Doominator and my sister." Crash reminded everyone as they exited the chute, only to find themselves in a familiar situation.

"Dudes, this is just like the temple." Mikey remembered

"Gotta go left first, then right to go straight." Pinkie said.

"I'll stay behind. I'm too big to fit through, anyway." Scorgomid pointed out.

"Actually, you still have your mask form, meaning you can stay with us." Pinkie countered.

"Let her stay. We'll need someone to guard this position." Sonata suggested.

"I'll stay, too." Micolda added.

"Likewise." Solava agreed.

"Uh… maybe I’ll stay out here too, just in case they need my help and all that." Crabusk bashfully said while unknown to anyone, the Shellephant had a little blush on his face.

"Alright, mates." Crash replied as he and everyone else went down the left corridor, only to find it booby-trapped. "Should’ve, seen that coming."

"Ya think?" Skunture rhetorically asked as Mikey grabbed his skateboard.

"Just makes it interesting." Mikey said in excitement as he started to ride away.

"Got a point there." Skunture admitted as she started to run fast as a blur.

"Pinkie, darling, do you think I can have the honor of fusing with you?" Orciamond asked Pinkie, who was skating.

"Sure, no problem." Pinkie answered as she dodged a buzz saw perfectly, when Orciamond turned into her mask form, allowing Pinkie to grab her and don the mask, transforming into a humanoid Whalephant with Pinkie’s hair, clothing and gear, becoming Pinkamond.

The Titans and Doom Monkeys in the next room were ready for a fight, when the door in front of them gained three fist-shaped dents.

"Oh!" A Doom Monkey gasped as Pinkamond came smashing in and threw the Doom Monkeys around like rag dolls.

"I ain't letting you have all the fun!" Dingodile said.

"Of course not, sweetie!" Pinkamond responded as she shot bursts of cake batter from her blowhole at other enemies and Dingodile shot Doom Monkeys with his water and flamethrower pistols, while none of the Doom Monkeys saw Crash and the others setting the dynamite till a Ratcicle charged at them.

"I got him." Sonata said before whacking the Ratcicle in the face with her tonfas, stunning the titan, allowing her to jack it. "Now I'll show those Doom Monkeys what's 'cool.'" Sonata-Ratcicle said as she froze the incoming enemies.

"You got the lines down and everything?! Sonata, you're on point!" Mikey cheered as he whacked another Doom Monkey with his nunchucks.

"Alright everyone, it's going to blow!" Crash said as he and everyone else in the room ran out of the left side as the locking mechanism in the left side was demolished by the dynamite.

"Alright! Next up is to the right!" Grihoga cheerfully said as the heroes ran to the next one, setting up the explosives when Skunture spoke up, offering the fuse to Sonata. "Wanna light up the fuse, Sonata?"

"Dingo?" Sonata requested as Dingodile tossed his flamethrower pistol to her. "Thanks." Sonata said in gratitude as she lit the fuse of the dynamite. "Now let's get outta here!"

The heroes ran and were just at the door leading out of the right side, only to be confronted by a large mechanical... Bandicoot?

"C'mon... Mecha Bandicoot? Again?" Crash deadpanned.

"You fought this thing before?" Mikey asked.

"Yes, but this time, it seems to be auto-piloted." Aku Aku answered as the machine started attacking, which made everyone dodging it.

“Crash, how'd beat this thing?” Sonata asked.

“See that nose of his? It shoots energy blasts that we can hit back.” Crash instructed as the Robot Bandicoot fired at Crash, but he used a his Bokken sword to send it back. “Alright guys, junk it.”

Everyone then started attacking the Mecha Bandicoot from all sides, taking out its chainsaw and missile launcher, before Dingodile grabbed the head with his claws and jaws.

"Crash, I know we're friends now, but I seriously need to get this out of my system." Dingodile said before ripping off the Robot Bandicoot's head, making it shut down.

"You good, pal?" Crash asked.

"Better than ever, mate." Dingodile answered with a smile, spitting out the robot head as Sonata grabbed the chainsaw.

"No way we're leaving this." Sonata giggled.

"Uh… Ya sure about that, mate? ‘Cause that looks pretty sharp and dangerous." Crash asked in concern.

"You're talking to a trio of highly skilled ninjas here." Mikey countered as everyone ran out of the right side just as it exploded, making the middle entrance open.

The titans guarding outside came with them, as everyone saw the room filled with doors, rushing straight towards N. Gin's location.

"Crikey, that’s a lot of entrances." Crash uttered, before he and everyone else saw N. Gin.

"We’ve finally caught up with you, N. Gin!" Sonata yelled.

"Crash, Sonata, you fools. You’re all too late. It’s time to drop the doom hammer on you. Eh, the doom hammer of doom, u-upon you. And-LET’S JUST DANCE, BABY!!!" N. Gin shouted as he started playing his organ. "You'll have to fight your way to me first. Destroy the others, but leave the Siren Girl alone!"

"Perhaps it's my turn for a fuse." Micolda said.

"And mine." Skunture agreed.

"Um… One problem. There’s too many enemies to get to N. Gin." Scorgomid pointed out

"We need to find a way to cut off reinforcements!" Solava said as Micolda became a Ratcicle mask, which Pinkie grabbed.

"Leave it to me." Pinkie said as she put on Micolda mask, turning into a humanoid Ratcicle, with the clothes, hair and equipment, becoming Pinkolda. "Here everyenemy, have some ICE cream!" Pinkolda punned as she threw ice powder at a group of enemies, which exploded, freezing the foes.

But then Foxer noticed a target on nine entrances each. "Wait a minute… We need to destroy the targets above the doors!" Foxer informed.

"Sonata, take Skunture and deal with it." Crash said.

"I'll give her a hand." Dingodile added.

"Thanks, Dingo!" Sonata thanked as Skunture became a Stench mask, and the siren ninja went with the croc/dingo hybrid to a few targets.

"Booyahkasa!" Mikey let out his battle cry as he charged forward whacking away Doom Monkeys.

"He has the right idea. Booyahkasha!" Pinkolda yelled out as she attacked Doom Monkeys away with her hands and weapon, freezing the enemies on contact, while Crash helped out, doing his Swordnado trick on other Doom Monkeys.

"This is literally going to stink." Sonata dreaded as she put Skunture's mask on, turning into a humanoid Stench with Sonata’s color, clothing, hair and equipment, becoming Sonature. "Here comes the stink bombs!" Sonata declared as she launched stink bombs from her hands as Dingodile nailed the bombs with his flamethrower pistol and they blew up what they wanted to destroyed, closing four entrances.

"Okay, maybe Crash was right about that Moon Launching." Dingodile admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Besides, from the looks of things, this smell from Stenches have methane, which can be put on fire." Sonature noticed.

"But there’s five more targets to take down." Dingodile added.

"I should stick a missile in YOUR head for that!" N. Gin said with frustration.

"Please hurry, we need back up!" Mikey urged as he knocked away more Doom Monkeys.

"Allow me!" Foxer said as she threw four feather darts, destroying four more targets, leaving one entrance left. "Eight down, one to go!"

"Stop resisting my good looks, AND GIVE UP ALREADY!!!" N. Gin yelled with anger.

"Mikey, toss me a Doom Monkey!" Dingodile requested as Mikey kicked a Doom Monkey towards him, which Dingodile sucked into his Blow Blaster. "Peace-o Muhado, stupid." Dingodile said as he shot the Doom Monkey at the final target, stopping all reinforcements.

"No more baddies comin’!" Crabusk said with joy.

"Now let's get N. Gin!" Mikey declared as he and everyone got to N. Gin, cornering him.

"Well, what do we have here? You'll tell us where Coco is, won't you?" Aku Aku asked.

"Of course not. Disgusting, filthy bandicoots! I hate them with cheese." N. Gin answered before shuffling to his good side. "They made it here. Now, they'll help us save Dr. Cortex." Shuffling back to his bad side. "Don’t be ridiculous, you stupid, horrible idiot! We’re with Nina now. We’re with the winner." Back to his good side. "But Dr. Cortex is our friend." Bad side. "You don’t have any friends! He always kicked you in the tuchus, and other… very… gentle spots." Good side. "But I liked it when he did that."

That last part disturbed the heroes and titans greatly as Sonata looked to her friends and tapped the side of her head. "I take back about what I said about having half a brain, because that brain half is completely scrambled." Sonata said as all of her friends agreed.

"It was kinda fun. Listen, we make a deal with these filthy rodent, little girls, sneaky turtle, backstabbing traitors and pine-nuts face, and they help us save the master. Then we shower them with doom? Eheh." Bad N. Gin said before his good side started laughing. "Yes, shower them good. Right in the eyes." Good N. Gin agreed with a small laugh before being grabbed on the missile by Crash closer to them while the cyborg screamed like a girl.

"Listen up, Corn Dog. You help us, or Crash here will sing you some knuckle music with his Bokken sword as a backup singer." Aku Aku threatened as Crash showed his fist to N. Gin before patting his hand with his Bokken sword.

"Ooh! I know that is one kind of music Raph will NOT miss." Mikey said, glad about that kind of physical music.

"(High-pitched) I’ll be good! I promise, I’ll be good... (Normal-pitch) And once my precious master has been freed, I will gladly betray you. You don’t even look like a bandicoot!" N. Gin shouted to Crash, confusing everyone else in the room.

"What?" Aku Aku uttered in confusion, before getting shushed by N. Gin.

"Shhh, it's okay. Anyway, get out of here." Good N. Gin said to them before going back to his bad side. "That’s right, stupids. You need to go to Uka Uka’s lab and stop him. That’s where they make all of the delicious mutants, eheh. Maybe your revolting sister is there, too. Eugh, girls."

That was a bad move for N. Gin, as all of the girls got shadows over their eyes, Pinkie’s hair became flat, and Sonata’s eyes glowed ruby red through the darkness.

"Uh, okay. Let's not do anything hasty, ladies." N. Gin suggested as the girls moved in with hostile intentions. "No! Please! I bruise easily!"

All the boys heard next were the sounds of punches and N. Gin's cries for his mommy.

"Time to go, everyone." Aku Aku said after the girls were finished with N. Gin's punishment, then all of the heroes and titans left, leaving behind an explosion on the core of the power station, shutting down the factory.

Meanwhile, at Uka Uka’s lab…

Listen to music from 13:35-14:41

"The mojo we’ve stolen is working perfectly. We’re making more loyal mutant soldiers than we know what to do with." Nina said.

"Yes, for once everything seems to going according to plan." Uka Uka agreed before staring off into somwhere, which Nina noticed.

"Yo, Uka. What’s the matter with you?" Nina asked.

"I sense something. Two presences. One I haven't felt in a thousand years and the other since..." Uka Uka trailed off.

"What? Spit it out, kindling face." Nina ordered.

“A tremor in the mojo. The last time I felt this was in the presence of my brother, Aku Aku.” Uka Uka answered.

“Oh, jeebus. Crash, Aku Aku and the others are here? Oh, I’ll take Blondie and make her finish work on the robot. You, stay behind, turn Sonata against Crash and kill him and his friends.” Nina ordered.

"Oh yes, I will make Sonata betray Crash Bandicoot and kill him and his friends. Kill them… Forever." Uka Uka said menacingly as he... Oh boy... Broke the 4th wall...

Listen and watch video from 14:25-14:41

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Aku Aku's Advice:

The Doom Monkey
N. Gin's servants are as danger-loving and totally bonkers as N. Gin himself. Likes include head explosions and long walks on the beach.
Next time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Mikey: A tree?

Pinkie: Strange little bunnies.

Foxer: I knew some of them would follow us, but I didn't expect all of them!

Sonata: FOXER!!!

Crash: Uka Uka’s lab has gotta be at the top somewhere.

???: Thanks for saving me. I’ll help you get to Uka Uka.

Aku Aku: Episode 14: Family Tree