• Published 10th Mar 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Crash of the Titans - RainbowRaptorDash1

Get ready for a crash landing, because Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata's next adventure will be wumpa crazy!

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Episode 19: Minority Rapport

Later, Crash and his friends forged forward ahead into the base.

"There it is! The Doominator!" Crash said as Pinkie noticed where they were gonna enter the Doominator from.

"Looks like we'll be going from the hand, to the brain of the robot." Pinkie informed.

"just means we'll have a lot of fun." Sonata said, cracking her knuckles as Mikey noticed Dingodile leaving something behind.

"Dingo, what are ya doing?" Mikey asked.

"Making sure we take this machine down in one stroke. Since Ah'll be leaving these bombs behind us, once we're done, this place will be blown sky-high!" Dingodile answered.

"Okay, you set up the C4 while the rest of draw their attention away from you." Crash ordered.

"Alright, mate." Dingodile agreed.

"Good luck, bro." Mikey said.

"Just try not to get hurt out there." Dingodile replied as Sonata gave him one of her tonfas.

"Just in case." Sonata said.

"I'll bring this back." Dingodile responded.

"Sonata, you sure about that?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah, ‘cause it’s hard to use one out of two weapons sometimes." Mikey added.

"I can handle myself well until I get it back." Sonata assured.

"If you say so." Aku Aku said, before a Tonfa-shaped feather dart appeared in Sonata’s empty hand, curtesy of Vixot.

"Thanks to you, Sonata, I can change the shape of my feather darts." Vixot informed in discovery of her new abilities.

"Thanks." Sonata said in gratitude.

"Good luck, Dingo." Pinkie told the hybrid.

"I know, but thanks." Dingodile replied, getting the idea as he ran off in another direction with the explosives.

"Come on, everyone. We got to keep their attention on us." Crash ordered.

"Let's beat 'em and head in there!" Sonata declared.

Later, in the next room, the lackeys waited, feeling completely bored, when Mikey’s shell bashed through them. "Sorry dudes and dudettes, did we leave ya hangin'?" Mikey mocked as the lackeys were about to attack, when Sonata threw several kicks to several of them.

"I don't think so." Sonata denied as a trio of Bratgirls tried to pounce on her, only to get nailed by Crash's Swordnarang move. "Thanks, Crash."

"No problem, mate." Crash replied.

But as they fought, a small drop of molten metal dripped onto Mikey's shell. "YOW! This robots a torture chamber on the inside!"

"Better steer clear of the molten metal." Pinkie advised.

"Micolda, you mind?" Crash asked.

"This'll be hard. I don't know what to do about this." Micolda whimpered, trying to think of something, before a bit of dust from the fighting tickled her nose. "Ah... Ah... Ah... ACHOO!!!" Micolda sneezed, freezing all of the molten metal in the room, hardening them into metal, as Pinkie kicked it to make sure.

"It's solid." Pinkie confirmed.

"Wow. *Sniff!* That wasn't in my calculations." Micolda admitted while sniffing her nose.

"Gesundheit." Stalag responded.

"*Sniff!* Thanks." Micolda said in gratitude.

"At least we can go forward." Vixot added.

"For once, you're right, let's get moving." Batlado admitted, making Zaptrap groan from that.

"Ugh... I think I'll get a headache from Vixot being right." Zaptrap complained, making Vixot growl.

"It's okay, Foxer. I understand how ya feel." Mikey told Vixot in empathy, helping calm her down and smile.

"Hey guys, focus on the situation right now." Crash reminded.

"We can do this!" Sonata cheered, encouraging everyone as they ran ahead and pour the heat on the lackeys.

"Reinforcements requested." A Ratnician called out, making Zombots appear.

"Seriously? These dead bolts again?" Pinkie deadpanned.

"Just means we get to junk them again." Sonata added.

"Yep." Mikey agreed as none of the lackeys knew is that Dingodile's plan was working.

"This plan is goin’ off without a hitch. Once there are C4 bombs everywhere on Doominator, this huge chain of explosions will be like a Killer Queen." Dingodile said as a Zombot stopped by, seeing him and attacked, but Dingodile noticed it first. "Saw that comin’, mate." Dingodile remarked, simply swinging the tonfa Sonata gave him, wrecking the bot as Dingodile finished setting the explosives when he overheard 2 lackeys talking about an ambush.

"Nina wants us to fall back to the Doominator so we can ambush the heroes." A Ratnician ordered.

"Yeah, Nina like, totally knows what she’s thinking." A Bratgirl agreed.

"Scorporilla ready for fight." A Doom Monkey confirmed.

"Crikey!" Dingodile quietly gasped.

"What that?" A Voodoo Bunny asked in confusion, thinking he heard something.

"Gotta warn the others and finish plantin' those bombs!" Dingodile quietly said as he finished setting the explosives and ran off to warn the others.

"Probably nothin', mate." A Koo-ala shrugged off.

Meanwhile, Crash and everyone else were beating the tar out of the lackeys.

"There's just no end to them!" Crash said, when all of a sudden, the lackeys started retreating.

"Huh?" The heroes wondered in confusion.

"Ha! They know they can't beat, so they ran with their tails between their legs!" Skunture boasted.

"Not quite." Dingodile pointed out, surprising everyone by his early appearance.

"What do you mean?" Solava asked in confusion.

"I mean that-" Dingodile was interrupted by a wild roar. "I mean they're setting up an ambush up ahead. And they have a Scorporilla still under their control."

"Dude, they think they can ambush ninjas?" Mikey joked, making Sonata and Pinkie howl in laughter.

"Dingodile, are the charges set?" Crash asked.

"Not all over the Doominator to blow it to smithereens, but enough to make it unfixable." Dingodile answered.

"That's good enough." Aku Aku agreed.

"Everyone to the carriage. We're going to rescue my sister and we're going in hard!" Crash declared as everyone got back onto the RoadRoller, with Armalion ready to pull it.

"YEEHAW!!!" Armalion cheered as they went off.

Meanwhile, Nina was tracking the heroes.

“It's a good thing I captured one giant titan and hid it here just in case they got here.” Nina said.

“You’re going to pay for all this.” Coco growled.

“Well, I gave that Scorporilla a bit of a boost to boost its chances of victory. So I don't think so.” Nina retorted.

“You better not have used any of my weapons.” Cortex said.

“Hehe... That depends.” Nina giggled.

Back with the heroes, they charged forward inside the Doominator on the Roadroller.

“Okay, according to this map I got, we going to... The outside of the other arm which leads to the head?!” Pinkie gasped

“Guys, remember. Cortex was the one who originally designed this.” Dingodile reminded.

“We know that, but Nina's the one who's finishing it.” Crash replied, before everyone heard the same wild roar again, which revealed itself to be a Scorporilla wearing a mechanical suit of armor.

“WHAT THE?!” Sonata gasped.

“OH NO!!!” Scorgomid dreaded as everyone saw Sonata's rage rising.

“Sonata, listen. Don't go back to your anger.” Crash advised, calming Sonata down.

“You're right, I won't go back!” Sonata agreed.

“G-G-G-Grooviona?!” Scorgomid gasped, catch her friends’ attention.

“Wait, you know that Scorporilla?!” Skunture asked the Scorporilla.

“Y-Yes. She's my... cousin.” Scorgomid answered.

“HUH?!” The heroes and titans gasped, caught completely by surprise as Grooviona roared in rage.

“What have they done to you?” Scorgomid dreaded.

“Nina must've put those on her to cause more trouble for us.” Micolda realized as Grooviona brought out a Wrist-mounted blaster and started firing.

“Tch... I'll fry that armor off but not enough to hurt her.” Zaptrap said as she sent a low power current, only for it to bounce off and nail Stalag.

“YOW!” Stalag yelped.

“So much for that idea.” Zaptrap deadpanned as Solava sent out a fault line, only for it to be stomped back, stopping the attack dead in its tracks.

“It's like that armor supercharged it!” Solava said.

“Maybe this?” Pinkie asked as she held out a fruit that looked like a vine of grapes, except the vine looked like a fuse.

“Gah! That's a fruit bomb!” Crash gasped.

“It packs a real punch!” Dingodile added as Pinkie threw it, which exploded on contact with Grooviona, blowing that armor right off.

“Go for it!” Pinkie cheered.

“Swornadorang!” Crash called out as he threw his Bokken Sword, making circle around Grooviona's head, making the Scorporilla dizzy long enough for Mikey to jack her, snapping her out of it.

“Grooviona?” Scorgomid whimpered in concern.

“Ugh... Total wipeout... Wait, Scorgomid, that you, dudette?” Grooviona asked.

“Um... Yes?” Scorgomid hesitantly answered as Grooviona grabbed Scorgomid in a big hug.

“I'd know that shy personality anywhere, little cousin! And whaddya know? Crash Bandicoot! I've been hearin' about ya since I've been surfin' on the waves!” Grooviona noticed.

“Sweet.” Crash responded with a smile.

“And these must be your new friends.” Groovioma presumed before noticing Crabusk. “Whoa, that's some hunk mutant you got there, little cous. When's your first date?” She teased with a tiger growl.

“GROOVY! It's not like that at all!” Scorgomid whimpered in embarrassment, but Grooviona noticed that blush on her face a mile away, making Sonata and some of the others laugh from that.

“What's going on? Huh? Huh? Huh?” Grihoga asked with a smile.

“As much as I would like to continue this, we've got some work to do.” Crash said.

“He's right. Besides, now we got three giants.” Batlado added.

“Let's do some damage!” Crash declared as the heroes and titans charged along with Armalion driving the Roadroller to the hand of the arm.

Meanwhile, with Nina, who was working on the control panel...

“Your brother and friends are close, but they're oh-so far, blondie. The Doominator is finished.” Nina gloated.

“What are you telling me for? You made me finish it.” Coco deadpanned.

“Now we've got an appointment to smash Wumpa Island flat!” Nina said.

“Not Wumpa Island! Our house is there, and all our stuff! Oh, and... maybe Crunch.” Coco whimpered.

"Yeah. And I... can't... wait. Dingus, doofus, time to start the fun." Nina declared as she activated the commands on the robot.

To be Continued...

Author's Note:

Aku Aku's Guidance:

The Ee-lectric
The Ee-lectric bristles with electric energy that it can blast from its hands, or call down from the very sky!

Next time on Equestria Ninja Girls…

Sonata: We finally caught up with you now, Nina!

Dr. Cortex: Oh, you’re going to get some punchy-punch now.

Crash, Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata (In Unison): Yahoo!!!

Dingodile: Ha! That there was funny!

Nina: But if you want something done right… use a giant spiderbot!

Coco: You did it, guys! Thanks, big brother.

Aku Aku: Episode 20: Revengeance 2: The Revengicide