• Published 10th Mar 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Crash of the Titans - RainbowRaptorDash1

Get ready for a crash landing, because Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata's next adventure will be wumpa crazy!

  • ...

Episode 5: The Emerald Pity

Back in the trio's world, Leo and a few others waited for an hour till a portal opened up. Raph, Rainbow Dash and Applejack jumped wearing their Moo Mesa clothes.

"Any luck, Raph?" Leo asked.

"Nothing. Other helping than helping Montana and the others recapturing Bulloney and the Bull Brother after a jailbreak, they haven't seen Mikey or the others." Raph answered when another portal appeared, with Donnie, Aria and Rarity jumping out of it.

"Who knew there was so much crime in Gotham." Aria noted.

"So, did you guys find any of them?" Twilight asked.

"Darlings, please forgive us." Rarity apologized.

"Why?" Karai wondered.

"Because we couldn't find a trail of them." Donnie explained.

"What?! You gotta be kidding me!" Adagio exasperated when yet another portal opened, revealing Sunset and Fugitoid.

"We talked to the Utroms and they're willing to give us a hand." Sunset informed.

"That should help us." Leo said, glad that they were getting somewhere.

Meanwhile in the other world, Crash, Mikey, and Pinkie were gathering food and canteens of water.

"Think this is enough, dudes?" Mikey asked.

"Yep, should be plenty, mate." Crash answered.

"And I have sweet snacks in case we get peckish." Pinkie added as she ate a cupcake she pulled out of her hair.

"I still don't get how she does that. But after a while, I'm afraid to know how." Aku Aku admitted.

"Smart choice, dude. 'Cause when Donnie and Twilight tried to figure out Pinkie's logic and her Pinkie Sense, they almost went insane." Mikey explained when knock on the door caught their attention.

"Is this Crash's house?" A voice asked.

"It is, mate. Come on in." Crash answered, but when the door opened, they were surprised by who it was, it was Stalag, the Spike titan!

"Stalag! Bro! What're you doin' here?" Mikey asked.

"I was thinking about ways to repay you all and decided to join you in your mission to stop Cortex. If that is okay with you, Commander Crash." Stalag said, confusing the bandicoot hero.

"Commander?" Crash asked.

"You're the leader of this group. By default, you're the commanding officer." Stalag explained.

"Like me, Mikey, Sonata and Aku Aku said, your leader material." Pinkie reminded, making Crash bashfully rub the back of his head with a blush.

"Guys, stop. You're makin' me blush. And of course you can come mate." Crash said to Stalag, when the Spike titan glowed a bright light, and when the light faded, Stalag's fur was orange, his spikes were blonde yellow and he had pink and blue tribal marking tattoos on him.

"Whoa...! What happened to me?" Stalag asked.

"Calling it as we see it, buddy." Mikey answered, not really explaining it.

"I understand if you’re hesitant, but I assure you my allegiance isn't and will never be to Cortex." Stalag assured the others.

"Alright, big guy. You can come with." Crash confirmed.

"Thank you, Crash." Stalag said in gratitude.

"Yippee! We got a new friend!" Grihoga cheered as Aku Aku teleported himself, the heroes and the titans to where the heroes last left off.

"I see Sonata and Foxer!" Pinkie pointed out, as Sonata was doing her nails 'til she saw the others coming.

"Bad news, everyone. I lost sight of Cortex 20 minutes ago." Sonata informed.

"My fault. I wasn't fast enough." Foxer apologized.

"It's okay dudes, we'll find him." Mikey said, assuring Sonata and Foxer.

"And we have a new friend joining us!" Pinkie added as Sonata and Foxer noticed Stalag.

"Stalag, what are you doing here?" Sonata asked.

"I wanted to help you all stop Cortex, Sonata." Stalag answered.

"That's very sweet of you, big guy. Glad to have you on Team Bandicoot." Sonata said.

"Glad to be on Team Bandicoot." Stalag agreed, before Aku Aku stopped them.

"Guys, we got a slope to get down." Aku Aku informed as everyone noticed the slope in the tree in front of them.

"Yeah, boi! Thanks for the wait, Sonata!" Mikey cheered as he grabbed Stalag and rode down on his skateboard. "WHOA!!!" Stalag yelped.

"Guess he can't go mask yet." Foxer noticed as she and Grihoga turned into their mask forms.

"This is going to be fun!" Pinkie cheered as she Grihoga and jumped down after Mikey.

"Last one down is a rotten egg!" Crash said as he Aku Aku and rode down after Pinkie.

"Oh! I'm not gonna be a rotten egg! It's on!" Sonata declaring, getting into the competition now as she grabbed Foxer and began riding on her bike after the others. While all four friends rode down the slopes, they started dodging mines that were placed by Cortex's forces.

"HEY GUYS, WE GOT MINES UP AHEAD!" Mikey informed as he jumped over a mine, with Stalag whimpering in fright.

"JUST MEANS WE'RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK! NICE JOB, SONATA!" Crash said in gratitude as he did some tricks.

"THANKS, CRASH!" Sonata responded before Stalag spotted something.

"INCOMING RAMP!!!" Stalag shouted as they reached a ramp, and rode off of it, with Mikey being the first to land.

"Victory, the name is Mikey." Mikey boasted as Sonata managed to land safely on her bike.

"Second place ain't bad." Sonata admitted as Crash was the next one to stop.

"You can't win 'em all, mate." Crash advised as Pinkie finished at the back of the pack.

"Aw! I'm last! Which means I'm a rotten egg. But it was fun!" Pinkie whined before cheerfully saying that, before Stalag noticed something.

"Uh... Guys?" Stalag uttered, making everyone looked around and saw huge machinery ripping up trees and scattering animals, making the heroes look heartbroken.

"What in the name of Wumpa?!" Grihoga gasped.

"This is so wrong." Sonata uttered.

"Boy, I'm glad Fluttershy isn't here." Pinkie said with a sigh of relief.

"Why would that be?" Aku Aku asked.

"Because she would either faint out of sadness, or go ballistic on the guy or guys that did this." Mikey explained, scaring the Wumpa Island inhabitants.

"Guess you weren't kiddin' when you said Fluttershy liked nature and animals." Crash admitted.

"Not at all." Pinkie confirmed, when Foxer noticed Sonata's angry face.

"Sonata? You alright?" Foxer asked.

"No. I'm not. Cortex will pay for this!" Sonata yelled as she started glowing red faintly, but faded when Crash comforted her. "He will, but we need to keep a level head. We give in to anger, we'll be giving him satisfaction in breaking us." Crash warned the siren, making her sigh.

"You're right, we should keep going." Sonata agreed as the heroes and mutant titans saw a camp filled with koala mutant minions.

"Hmm... I think I'll call those dudes, Koo-alas!" Mikey declared, but more quietly this time.

"Those guys don't look too smart." Pinkie noticed.

"You're right. They look like a bunch of slack-jaw yokels." Mikey agreed.

"Probably won't need Foxer and the others." Sonata scoffed, making Mikey and Pinike Pie turn to Sonata.

"You feeling okay, Sonata?" Mikey asked.

"Whaddya mean?" Sonata responded in confusion.

"You're acting a bit more like... Raph." Pinkie pointed out, making Sonata sigh once more.

"Sorry about that. It's just that... Cortex... Just... Fires up this ninja siren!" Sonata explained as everyone else could definitely see the fire in her eyes.

"Aw, don't let him get to you, Sonata." Pinkie advised.

"Yeah, girl. Just think about how fun it'll be to give him a black eye." Mikey told Sonata, cheering her up.

"Yeah... You're right! I should think about having fun!" Sonata agreed, getting out of her gloom.

"Atta girl!" Foxer cheered.

"Yippee!" Grihoga whooped.

"Glad that's all worked out." Stalag said in relief.

"Alright, let's get back to work, guys." Crash declared.

"Agreed, we need to take out those Koo-alas and find out where Cortex is." Aku Aku said in agreement as everyone hid, readying themselves to attack.

"Boss lady wants us to speed up the machinery." The first Koo-ala said.

"We're already got them going at full speed." The second Koo-ala responded when a smoke bomb appeared and broke, obscuring the minions’ field of vision, then Crash jumped into the cloud and whacked the two Koo-alas unconscious.

"It's the Bandicoot! Get him!" A third Koo-ala ordered.

"Righty-o, mate!" The fourth Koo-ala responded, before the rest of the Koo-alas were knocked out by the ninja trio and their mutant titan allies.

“Not much of a challenge with these.” Mikey said before one Koo-ala regained consciousness and burped up a stink. “Dude, nasty! But a good one.” Mikey replied before knocking out that minion with his nunchucks.

“That seemed to be the last one.” Sonata noticed.

“Hey guys, when was the last time any of you saw a boulder roll uphill?” Pinkie asked, confusing the others.

“What?” Everyone else asked as they saw a rolling boulder coming straight towards them.

“Incomin’ boulder!” Crash cried out, but when the boulder arrived at them, it unrolled into a Amadillo/Rhinoceros/Lion hybrid mutant.

“Whoa! A rolling rhino! That’s it! The RhinoRoller!” Mikey declared as the RhinoRoller curled into a ball and rolled towards the heroes.

“Get clear!” Crash yelled as everyone scattered except Pinkie who somehow got into a matador costume.

"Ole!" Pinkie said.

"What the?! How did you?!" Stalag asked, baffled by Pinkie's logic.

"Don’t question it!" Aku Aku answered as the RhinoRoller kept its attention on Pinkie, getting ready to charge.

"Guys, I got a plan. Attack that thing after it misses Pinkie." Crash said.

"Okay!" Sonata agreed as she and Foxer nodded to each other, while the Rhinoroller rolled towards Pinkie, only to miss again.

"Ole!" Pinkie said again, and when the Rhinoroller stopped, Foxata struck it with her feathers. It didn't stun it, but it was effective. "Toro, toro." Pinkie taunted when Grihoga headbutted it with her tusks stunning it.

"Pinkie, jack it!" Mikey told Pinkie as she rushed onto it and jacked it.

"Ole!" Pinkie said once more, before a bright light shined, covering the RhinoRoller. And when the light vanished, the RhinoRoller’s armor was emerald-green, fur was blonde, horns were brown, skin was tan-orange, and had marigold-orange tribal tattoos on its skin and armor.

"Thank y’all kindly fed helpin’ me. *GASP!* Well slap my saddles, Ah can talk!" The RhinoRoller said in astonishment, making Sonata giggle.

"He's talking like Applejack." Sonata noticed, catching the titan's attention.

"Uh, excuse me? Ah’m a gal." The RhinoRoller informed.

"Sorry, my bad." Sonata apologized.

"It's fine. Honest mistake." The RhinoRoller responded, forgiving the siren ninja.

"Ooh! How would you like the name Armalion?" Pinkie asked as the armored titan seemed to have agreed.

"Huh, Ah think Ah do like it." Armalion answered.

"Not bad, Pinkie." Mikey complimented.

"Thank you." Pinkie said in gratitude.

"There’s only one problem, how are we all going to get through that?" Crash asked, pointing to the curved slopeway.

“Maybe build a carriage pulled by a RhinoRoller?” Sonata suggested.

“Not a bad idea. Everyone, spread out and find building materials. Nails, hammers, rope, anything.” Crash said as everyone split up. And later, the heroes and titans got the materials they needed and built the carriage.

Meanwhile at a hideout, Tiny and Dingodile were discussing their job.

“All I'm saying is that we get rid of the union breaks and we'll be able to work faster.” Dingodile argued.

"But we need to be ready in case they come here. Besides, we're just trying to do our job. Plus we can get in twouble with the Wowkew Union if we deny the men theiw scheduled bweaks." Tiny countered.

"Alright, point taken. What if we..." Dingo was interrupted by the alarm. "What in blazes?!"

"This is bad! We got people tryin' to bweak in!" Tiny panicked. On a moniter screen was Crash and company on screen with a perfectly built carriage pulled by Armalion.

"Now there's something you don't see everyday." Dingodile admitted.

"What is that? Some sort of pony or horse carriage?" Tiny asked.

"More like a RhinoRoller carriage! Look, mate!" Dingodile pointed out as the two henchmen saw the RhinoRoller pull the carriage.

"Not another one!" Tiny yelped.

"Send out the Rhinoroller Riders!" Dingodile ordered.

Meanwhile, with the heroes and RhinoRoller, they were going the the slope and dodging saws.

"How're things in the driver's seat, Pinkie?" Crash asked.

"Awesome! It’s like I’m on a clown ball in the circus!" Pinkie cheered in excitement before Aku Aku noticed something. "Hang on guys, we got company!" Aku Aku said as everyone saw Koo-alas riding Rhinoroller towards them.

"Looks like we're playing pirates. Pinkie, keep us steady. Everyone else, prepare to repeal all boarders." Crash said as he drew his Bokkun sword.

"Got it, dude!" Mikey agreed.

"Ready to do some sniping, Foxer?" Sonata asked her titan friend.

"Do you have to ask?" Foxer answered with a rhetorical question as Sonata got to the top of the carriage and donned her Snipe mask, becoming Foxata once more. She climbed to the back of the carriage and started nailing Koo-alas off Rhinorollers as Foxata noticed the Rhinorollers willingly leaving when their riders were off. Unfortunately, she was unable to stop a few from coming aboard. "Boys, a few coming your way." Foxata warned the boys.

"Aw yeah, boi!" Mikey cheered.

"Get ready!" Crash said as he and the ninja turtle started whacking Koo-alas off the carriage until one burped in Crash's face, blurring his vision. “I can't see!"

"Crash, Master Splinter showed me once how to fight without sight. Use your other senses." Mikey advised Crash while he was still fighting, as Crash calmed down and used his hearing.

The moment he heard something, Crash swung to his left, knocking out a Koo-ala. “Gotcha, mate!"

Then Koo-alas started retreating when they realized they were outmatched. When they stopped to examine any damage, Crash's vision started returning.

"You okay, Crash?" Aku Aku asked in concern.

"My eyes are alright, now." Crash answered.

"Hold on tight, y’all, ‘cause we’re gonna head off ramps! YEEHAW!!!" Armalion whooped as everyone held on for a rough landing. After landing safely, everyone got out to see if there's any trouble.

"It looks like we're in the clear." Sonata said

"That was awesome!!!" Pinkie cheered.

"Glad Ah could help, y’all." Armalion said as she turned into a tan-orange RhinoRoller mask.

"Dudes, I think we found our way up." Mikey said as he pointed to a machine with its door open.

"We'll leave the carriage here and double back for it when we find a clue to my sister." Crash said.

"Dudes, let's call it Roadroller." Mikey declared, much to Pinkie's excitement.

"Nice! It sounds like we’ll roll all over our enemies! MUDA!" Pinkie cried out with a punch into the air.

"Wish we had a flag for it... And some comfort." Sonata added.

"Aku Aku And I can head back home and get some stuff for the Roadroller. Why don't you three scout ahead?" Crash suggested.

"You got it, dude!" Mikey agreed.

"Ooh! A scouting party!" Pinkie cheered.

"You can count on us, Crash." Sonata said with confidence.

"I know I can." Crash said as he saw everyone else going their separate ways to scout the area, before Aku Aku teleported himself and the bandicoot hero back to their house.

To be Continued...

Author's Note:

Aku Aku's Advice:

The Koo-ala
These crazy little bears have a twisted hatred for anything natural and a twisted love for anything gas-powered or heavily carbonated.
Next time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Crash: Guys, you got anything useful?

Mikey: Let's keep going, dude!

Pinkie: Whoa! That's a big mutant!

Sonata: We gotta find a way to get him outta there!

???: *Trumpets!*

Foxer: Incoming!

Aku Aku: Episode 6: Don't Eat the Yellow Brick Load