• Published 10th Mar 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Crash of the Titans - RainbowRaptorDash1

Get ready for a crash landing, because Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata's next adventure will be wumpa crazy!

  • ...

Episode 1: A New Hop

In Crash's house, Crash looked at his Bokken Sword with a new sheath.

"Thanks again for making me this custom sheath, Sonata." Crash said to Sonata in gratitude.

"No problem. Now, let's get some practice in." Sonata responded.

"Alright! Let's go dudes!" Mikey declared.

"We'll help you get better, AND have fun training, Crash!" Pinkie told Crash.

"Extreme training time!" Crash shouted before he trained with Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata for the next hour, then took a break, hanging out with Coco and Crunch.

"I can't believe you guys went to a Wild West dimension and discovered the town's mayor was a criminal and the sheriff was just as corrupt. That's so infuriating!" Crunch said in frustration as he was doing some push-ups.

"Yeah, we were pretty ticked off, too." Mikey agreed.

"Mayor Bulloney sounds almost as bad as Cortex." Coco dreaded.

"Hmm... I dunno. Something tells me that Mayor Bulloney is worse than Cortex." Sonata noted.

"Well, me, Coco and Aku Aku did have to team up with Cortex to save all of time and space from Dr. N. Tropy." Crash remembered as he then began licking a purple wrench.

"I guess Cortex isn't bad every time." Sonata said.

"I suppose evil has good in them, just as good has evil inside, like Moo Mesa's sheriff and mayor." Aku Aku agreed.

"Amen to that, Aku Aku." Coco added.

"Hey Coco, what are you working on?" Pinkie asked the female bandicoot.

"I'm working on a way for the world to recycle butter." Coco answered as Crash let out a huge burp.

"Ooh! Nice!" Mikey commented, impressed by that.

"Hey, stop that!" Crunch responded to Crash's burp.

"Hey, that was a good one." Coco said, making Crash giggle in response to that. "Ok ok, hand me the transpalooper." Coco requested, much to the trio and Crash's confusion.

"Huh?" Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata uttered, knowing it was Donnie talk.

"The transwhalooper?" Crash asked, not having a clue what she's talking about.

"Ha ha, the purple thingy." Coco answered as she pointed at the purple wrench Crash had.

"Ah!" Crash, Sonata, Pinkie and Mikey realized as the bandicoot hero then got onto his feet and noticed something.

"Look at that!" Crash called out as everyone else noticed what he was looking at, that being was a huge iron airship with the letter N on its side which opened up its hatch, revealing a megaphone.

"Is… Is this thing on? Yeah? Haha! I'm back, babies! Surrender to Cortex!" Dr. Cortex ordered.

"Make us, sucker!" Crunch responded.

"Hey, genius, I can't actually hear you. I'm really far away and I'm flying like a hovercraft or something." Dr. Cortex taunted.

"Huh. He actually makes a really good point when he says it like that." Pinkie noticed.

"I will deal with them. I have been fighting evil for many centuries." Aku Aku declared, much to Crunch's confusion.

"What? You don't even got a body!" Crunch responded, making Aku Aku look at Crunch with a raised eyebrow from that comment.

Then Pinkie's hair started shaking, scaring the party kunoichi. "AH! Twitchy hair!" Pinkie panicked, causing panic in her other two ninja friends.

"That means...!" Mikey started.

"Something's gonna fall!" Sonata finished. But before anyone could question what they're talking about, a cage fell onto Aku Aku, capturing him.

"Help!" Aku Aku yelped as his cage started to get lifted, followed by a second one capturing Coco.

"Guys! Help!" Coco cried out as her cage also started to get lifted into the mechanical blimp.

"Aku Aku! Coco!" Crash panicked as a cannon aimed at the others, glowing ice blue, shooting a beam.

"Freeze Ray!" Mikey shouted as the ninja trio and Crash dodged, but Crunch couldn't in time, finding his whole body except his head and neck frozen in a block of ice.

"I'm off to do bad things! Ta-ta!" Dr. Cortex said as he bid farewell.

Crash then decided to free Aku Aku, by throwing Coco's invention.

"Are you sure Coco's gonna be okay with that?" Sonata asked in concern.

"If it's to save the world, Wumpa Island or Coco, she doesn't mind at all" Crash answered as he threw the invention at Aku Aku's cage, causing it to fall to the ground in the forest.

"AAAAAAHHHH! *CRASH* Oh-ho..." They heard Aku Aku groan in pain from the fall.

"Uh... I'm just gonna stay here awhile." Crunch simply said, knowing this will take some time to break out of the ice.

"Let's do this mates!" Crash declared.

"Alright!" Sonata agreed.

"Rainboom power! Whee-hee!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"Booyakasha!!!" Mikey shouted his catchphrase as he and the other heroes went off into the cave. "Guys, quiet. I hear something up ahead." Mikey said as he and the others hid, seeing two dorky rats walking up.

"Remind me again what exactly is a Bandicoot." The first rat requested.

"I don't know what a bandicoot is. But the boss, Dr. Cortex said if we see a bandicoot, take it out." The second rat responded.

"Oh yeah. But what does a bandicoot look like?" The first rat asked.

"Maybe I can help with that." Crash called out, catching the two rats' attention.

"Thank you, sir. That would be very..." The first rat started to thank Crash, but trailed off as the pair of rats gulped at the sight of the bandicoot patting his hand with his Bokken sword.

"You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?" The second rat asked as Crash stood still, allowing the two rats to jump onto him, starting to bite and scratch him. But while the pair of rats were one Crash, the bandicoot decided to give them his signature spin twist attack, with Bokken sword on the side, knocking the two of the minions out.

"Whoa dude. Seeing that doesn't get old." Mikey awed.

"Yeah, I don't think it ever will." Pinkie agreed.

"You know, Crash. You were awesome before, but now with that sword, you're even more awesome!" Sonata cheered.

"Thanks, mates." Crash said in gratitude.

"Ooh! I know what to call these little dudes, Ratnicians!" Mikey declared.

"Drat! But there's more of us up ahead on the ridge. They'll have you outnumbered 20 to 4." The ratnician mocked, underestimating the four heroes.

"Means there’ll be plenty for all of us." Crash responded.

"And we got them outmatched." Mikey agreed.

"Ohhh, we should come up with some moves, too." Pinkie Pie suggested.

"Yeah! That'll make us as awesome as the others!" Sonata cheered.

"Sonata, dudette, you just read my mind!" Mikey said in excitement.

"Mine too!" Pinkie added.

"Well, mates, I think making combo moves and usin' 'em will give the edge against Cortex and his minions." Crash agreed as he spotted a large group of ratnicians.

"Whoo-hoo!!!" Mikey, Sonata and Pinkie cheered in unison.

"But right now, we got the element of surprise. Here's the plan..." Crash started explaining his plan, while the ratnician group waited impatiently for something to happen till Crash's Bokken Sword came spinning towards them and knocked out 5 of them as it flew back to Crash.

"I'm going to give you guys one chance: Stand aside and help me and my friends get to Aku Aku or be beaten into the dirt." Crash offered, only making the ratnicians laugh.

"Even with that little Boomerang move, it's 15 against one." A ratnician mocked, being overconfident. Just then, a chain was launched and wrapped up 5 more ratnician and pulled them into a bush where punching sounds were heard.

"Still, 10 against one is still good." The ratnician said as his confidence was slowly dwindling, when mist started to roll in, with all of the ratnicians heard more punching sounds, and when the mist cleared, only 5 ratnicians remained.

"Uh... 5 against one's still okay?" The ratnician uttered as he was completely scared now. Then a blue blur came in, knocking out the last 5 ratnicians.

"Now it's zero against four." Crash said, as Pinkie, Mikey and Sonata revealed themselves, being responsible for the sneak attacks.

"Nice job." Crash congratulated his friends.

"All thanks to your planning." Mikey said, being modest.

"GO TEAM BANDICOOT!!!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"Uh... Guys? Unidentified floating object." Sonata pointed out as everyone saw a strange mechanical toilet, with Crash doing his Swornadorang attack on it, destroying the machine.

"That was one of Cortex's spybots." Crash explained

"So if we find anymore of those spybots, we bust 'em up!" Mikey said.

"Exactly, Mikey. But that made you sound like Raph." Pinkie told the prankster ninja turtle.

"Guys, we better find Aku Aku. He's not going to last long against these things." Crash said, feeling worried about his friend, as everyone forged ahead until they came across a huge gap.

"Can we swim across?" Sonata asked, looking down at the river below.

"Nah, waters going too fast." Crash answered.

"It's easy! We jump across!" Pinkie declared.

"Good idea Pinkie! But it looks risky." Mikey said, sharing his concern about her plan.

"C'mon! It's just a hop, skip, and a jump!" Pinkie scoffed of as music started playing.

(Cue the song!

Listen to it!)

Pinkie Pie:
It's not very far
Just move your little rump
You can make it if you try with a hop, skip and jump

"Really?" Sonata asked.

"Really. I've done that before, mates." Crash confirmed.

A hop, skip and jump,
Just move your little rump,
A hop, skip and jump,
A hop, skip and jump,
A hop, skip and jump,
A hop skip and jump,
A hop skip and jump!

The song ended as Pinkie jumped from rock pillar to rock pillar and made it to the other side, followed by Crash jumping and doing his twirl technique to glide across.

"Alright guys, your turn." Crash said.

"How do we do that?" Mikey asked.

"Try using your weapons." Crash suggested, as Mikey did just that and found himself gliding through the air with his nunchucks spinning like helicopter blades. While Sonata used her grappling hook to swing across the gap from tree branch to tree branch.

"Thanks for letting me hold onto the grappling hook, Mikey." Sonata said in gratitude.

"No prob, Sonata dudette." Mikey replied.

"Having fun up there, Tarzan?" Pinkie asked Sonata.

"Plenty. And I see Aku Aku's cage ahead. And he's in trouble!" Sonata pointed out, as everyone saw Aku Aku in his cage being surrounded by ratnicians.

"Don’t worry dude and dudettes, we can take care of them, no problemo." Mikey said as he twirled his nunchucks.

"Mikey’s definitely right about that." Pinkie agreed as she was spinning the chained weight on her bakuhatsugama.

"No doubt, after all, we’re facing minions." Sonata added as she readied her tonfas for the upcoming battle.

"All right, mates… Let’s go free Aku Aku!" Crash declared as he drew his Bokken Sword, while the ratnicians came closer to Aku Aku's cage.

"Ahhh, here's the freaky mask the boss wants." The first ratnician said.

"I don't know why he wants this one when he already has one." The second ratnician replied.

"Just load him up." The first ratnician simply ordered.

"Or you can do the smart thing and let him out." Crash suggested, making the Ratnicians notice Crash Bandicoot and the others.

"It's the bandicoot!" The first ratnician shouted.

"But who are those other guys?" The second ratnician asked.

"Oh, just a mutant turtle, a human, and a human-turned siren who are all ninjas and about to kick your rat shells!" Mikey answered.

"ATTACK!" The first Ratnician ordered as he and the other Ratnicians charged, being armed with rulers and beakers.

"Hey guys, mind if I try something with some glitter?" Sonata rhetorically asked as she brought out a glitter canister from her back pocket, sprinkling some glitter on her hand and blowing them into the Ratnicians' faces.

"MY EYES!!!" The second Ratnician cried out.

"Oopsie! Should've warned ya. Not!" Sonata said as she knocked a Ratnician away with her tonfas, followed by Crash jumping behind two Ratnicians and whacking them into a tree. "I gotta admit, you three know how to make a fight fun." Crash admitted with a smile as Mikey bashed two Ratnician heads together. "Gotta love what you do." Mikey simply said.

"Yeah! It's important to have fun in your life." Pinkie agreed as she used her magic on a group of ratnicians, making her affected sprinkles explode in color, disorienting the mutant rats. "Time to wrap this up!" Pinkie Pie punned as she wrapped the disoriented ratnicians and made them spin into different directions.

"Yo-yo Collision!" Mikey shouted out a combo special move as he whacked a ratnician with one of his nunchucks, followed by Pinkie attacking another ratnician with the sickle of her weapon, then by Sonata punching a third ratnician with her tonfas, and lastly by Crash spin-twist attacking the fourth ratnician, sending the four disoriented ratnicians crashing back into each other. But nobody noticed one sneaking away as everyone got Aku Aku out.

"Thank you, everyone. My powers were useless against them." Aku Aku said.

"It's okay, Aku Aku." Crash reassured his voodoo mask friend.

"Yeah mask dude, no biggie." Mikey agreed.

"Dark magic is behind these creatures. Strange things are afoot." Aku Aku said, confusing Crash and Sonata.

"Uh... Huh?" Crash asked, not knowing what Aku Aku meant by that.

"But you're a mask, which means that-" Sonata tried to tell the good mask, only for Aku Aku to cut her off. "Yes, I know I don't have feet. Let's just go already." Aku Aku said.

"Pinchy knee!" And as soon as Pinkie said that, everyone heard a scary roar, seeing a strange mutant that had spikes on its back, making everyone cower as the creature left. "I'm starting to wish Leatherhead or Traximus was with us."

"You and me both, Pinks." Mikey agreed.

"That makes three of us." Sonata added.

"Guys, I'm not crazy about running about the possibility of running into that thing. But we got to save Coco." Crash said, as the trio knew Crash was right and went ahead with him and Aku Aku.

"Hey Aku Aku, you said dark magic created these creatures. How many sorcerers with dark magic are on this island?" Mikey asked Aku Aku, making the mask feel ashamed as he didn't want to tell them this was his brother's work. Crash knew that look on Aku Aku's face and decided it wasn't the time to tell the ninja trio who's responsible.

"There's very few dark sorcerers on Wumpa Island, because there's only one. But now's not the time for that." Crash urged.

"Crash is right. We need to find Cortex and rescue Coco." Aku Aku agreed.

"Alright! Let's-a go!" Pinkie declared, making a jump like a certain hero. The group continued moving ahead only to run into the creature they saw earlier, as it looked like a porcupine, only it looked the size of Slash. Three Ratnicians tried to ambush it, but the creature noticed them and brought spikes from the ground.

"Dude! That spiky dude just used the power of the earth! That's it! That's what he'll be called, Spike!" Mikey declared.

"Uh, Mikey? Hate to spoil your name creating fun, but I think we'll run into more Spikes, so I think that's what kind of mutant titan they are." Pinkie said, not wanting to hurt one of her best friends' feelings.

"Oh. Good point, Pinkster." Mikey admitted.

"But how are we gonna get past him?" Sonata asked.

"Perhaps we can use him. If you 4 can stun him, I can use my Mojo magic to take control of him." Aku Aku explained.

"I think I have an idea. Mikey, how hard is your shell?" Crash asked.

"Hard." Mikey simply answered.

"Pinkie, we need a distrac... Pinkie?" Crash called out to Pinkie, only to hear her voice.

"Hey! Big guy! Over here!" Pinkie Pie yelled, attracting the attention of the Spike titan, seeming like she was already distracting him.

"Pinkie can be way ahead of her game when she wants to be." Sonata said as she grabbed onto Mikey's shell, with Crash getting ready to throw it with Aku Aku on her back.

"Ready?" Crash asked.

"Ready." Sonata and Aku Aku confirmed as Crash then threw Mikey's shell across the ground with Sonata and Aku Aku on it, when Mikey crashed right into the Spike titan, disorienting it long enough for Sonata to jump onto it and put Aku Aku on the mutant's face, jacking it, making Aku Aku turning into the Spike titan's head shape.

"Aku Aku, did it work?" Sonata asked as Aku Aku started moving the Spike titan.

"It worked." Aku Aku answered through the Spike titan as he cleared the path to find Ratnicians waiting.

"It's the bandicoot and his friends!" The first ratnician shouted

"Ah! One of them is jacking the big guy!" The second ratnician yelped.

"So we can just take him down with the others!" The third ratnician declared, trying to put up a brave face.

"You guys really think you can win?" Aku Aku rhetorically asked, making the ratnicians in the area scared and run away.

"He's almost as bad as Uka Uka." The first ratnician mentioned as he disappeared from view with the other ratnicians.

"Who?" The ninja trio asked, wondering who this "Uka Uka" was. But before Aku Aku could respond to that, Pinkie's geode, Mikey's medallion and Sonata's body began to glow, summoning a rainbow laser that surrounded the Spike titan. When the laser disappeared, Aku Aku no longer felt any bad mojo in it and got off of his face, leaving the Spike confused.

"Ugh... What happened? *GASP!* I can talk?!" The Spike titan gasped in complete shock.

"That's great. Can you tell us what happened?" Crash asked the big mutant, relieved that they have a new friend on their side.

"Myself and many others were captured and mutated by Dr. Neo Cortex. He had help with a floating mask that looks like your friend here." The Spike titan answered, making the three goofy ninjas look at Aku Aku, who seemed more downtrotten.

"Aku Aku, you can tell us the problem." Pinkie assured the good voodoo mask.

"We won't judge you." Mikey added, making Aku Aku sigh.

"Very well, the one behind the dark mojo in these mutants is none other than my evil twin brother, Uka Uka." Aku Aku told the silly trio, leaving Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata shocked that Aku Aku had a brother, let alone an evil one.

"For realsies?!" Sonata asked, still caught off guard by the news.

"Centuries ago, we protected the island together. But the evil side of Mojo tempted my brother. I tried to save him, but his heart became as black as night. I was afraid you three would think I was evil." Aku Aku admitted.

"We understand, Aku Aku." Mikey said, as he and the two girls understood how Aku Aku felt about that.

"It's hard to trust strangers you just met." Pinkie agreed.

"But we know you're not a bad guy if you've been protecting Crash and his family." Sonata added, seeming to have relieved Aku Aku a bit as the three ninjas, two mutants and voodoo mask went across swinging bridges and to a strange tree.

"Y'know big buy, we need to come up with a name for you. How about Stalag?" Mikey asked the Spike titan.

"Hmm... I like that name." The Spike titan-No! Stalag admitted with a smile.

"You should get out of here. You don't want Cortex taking over your mind again." Pinkie suggested to Stalag, as the Spike titan agreed. "You don't have to tell me twice. One last thing, there's more of us up ahead." Stalag warned the four heroes and voodoo mask.

"Thanks for the heads up, Stalag." Sonata said in gratitude.

"We appreciate your help, mate." Crash agreed.

"I'm just glad to be someone's friend. I'll see you guys around." Stalag bid farewell, as he began leaping away into the distance.

The group snuck ahead and saw seven Spikes, but of different colors.

"Okay, mates. Me and Aku Aku got one on the right, but how are you three gonna jack 'em?" Crash as the trio.

"Crash, dude, I'm sure we’ll figure something out along the way." Mikey assured his bandicoot friend as a lightbulb lit up next to Pinkie Pie.

"Ooh! I think I got an idea!" Pinkie squealed, pulling Mikey and Sonata into a huddle because she wanted her idea to be a surprise for Crash and Aku Aku.

"...I think that'll work Pinkie!" Sonata said in excitement.

"Yeah boi! You the ninja, Pinkie Pie!" Mikey agreed.

"Aku Aku, try and stay close to me." Crash said to his friend after drawing his Bokken sword.

"You got it, Crash!" Aku Aku responded to Crash.

Pinkie Pie threw up a smoke bomb and latched onto a Spike as it tried to throw her off. "Whoo-hoo!" Pinkie cheered as Sonata wrapped up another Spike with the chain from Aku Aku's cage. "Why are you hitting yourself?" Sonata asked with a smirk as Mikey jumped onto his skateboard and began attacking enemies left and right real quickly while going in a figure 8 loop. "Think you can get me dudes? No? Then how about a nunchuck to the face!" Mikey said before grabbing his skateboard and jumping onto a Spike, latching onto it with has skateboard back on his shell, followed by Sonata making the chained-up Spike spin as she latched on top of him. But that's when something strange happened... Mikey's eyes glowed orange with his medallion and the eyes of the Spike he was on glowing the same color, along with tribal tattoos of the same glow appearing on the titan. The same was happening with Pinkie, her geode, Sonata, her body and their Spikes, except for Pinkie and her Spike, it was pink, and for Sonata and her Spike, it was sea blue.

"What the..." Sonata uttered through her Spike as she raised her left arm, which was the Spike's left arm.

"Dude... What's going on?" Mikey asked through his Spike as he looked at his Spike body.

"Just I as suspected." Pinkie said through her Spike with a growing smile as she whacked ratnicians away like flies. "Thanks to our magic, we can jack the titan mutants in our own way and have the experience of being titans at the same time! Whee-hee!"

"We can question why I'm able to after we help Crash." Sonata told her friends through the Spike titan as everyone saw Crash struggling, convincing Mikey-Spike to jump up high into the air.

"Crikey! Havin' some trouble here!" Crash yelped as he kept dodging attacks with Aku Aku only blocking medium attacks.

"I'm sorry Crash, my protection isn't as strong as it was before, even though I could protect you any time." Aku Aku apologized when he and Crash heard Mikey's voice.

"BOOYAKA-SPIKE-ASHA!" Mikey-Spike cried out as he slammed his fists into the ground, causing spikes to erupt from the ground, knocking out Ratnicians and Spikes, while stunning one Spike long enough for Crash to jack it with Aku Aku.

"Guys, what happened?" Crash asked his friends.

"Our magic helped us jack some titans." Pinkie-Spike answered as she pointed to the glowing geode on her human body, the glowing medallion on Mikey's mutant turtle body and Sonata's glowing body, where the glow was shining the brightest in her throat.

"But we destroyed my pendant. I shouldn't any of my Siren Evil Magic." Sonata-Spike said in shock.

"Perhaps it's not the evil part you kept." Aku Aku-Spike theorized.

"Yeah, Aku Aku's right, dudette! Since you and the other dazzlings are friends with us and on our side, you have your good magic, Sonata." Mikey-Spike agreed.

"Doesn't that sound awesome, Sonata?" Pinkie-Spike asked as Sonata thought deeply about this new discovery, and gave a genuine smile though the Spike titan, happy for herself and all of her friends.

"...Yeah. I can't wait to tell Adagio, Aria and the others!" Sonata-Spike said in excitement.

"Guys, we can't keep them like this." Crash said.

"He's right. This is wrong." Mikey agreed.

"Yeah. If me and the rest of the dazzlings are gonna use magic, we're gonna use it for the right reason." Sonata added, wanting to make up for her mistakes.

"I have a feeling that once we disconnect of the titans we're jacking, they'll wanna take a nap for a few hours." Pinkie guessed as the group released the Spikes, with the mutant titans leaving them. "Where are they going?"

"They'll be resting by our homes. They'll be safe." Aku Aku answered.

"Good thing I knocked down that odd tree before we went back to normal." Sonata said as she pointed to a hollow fallen tree, which led into a giant empty log.

"C'mon mates, let's keep goin'." Crash said as he, Aku Aku and the ninja trio went into the log-cave.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Aku Aku's Advice:

The Ratnician
These little guys were created by Uka Uka's mojo and Cortex's science. Luckily for us, they’re as fragile as they look! Oh, I could wail into these nerds all day!
Next time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Leo: Mikey! Pinkie Pie! Sonata! They're gone!

Rainbooms, turtles, dazzlings, April, Casey, Karai and Shini (In Unison): WHAT?!

Crash: Crikey!

Sonata: Aww... Aren't you cute.

???: Thanks for helping me snap out of it.

Mikey: Dude! Awesome aiming!

Pinkie Pie: They must be as sharp as kunai knives!

Aku Aku: Episode 2: A Succumbing to Age Story