• Published 10th Mar 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Crash of the Titans - RainbowRaptorDash1

Get ready for a crash landing, because Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata's next adventure will be wumpa crazy!

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Episode 18: War of the Whirls

At the top of the base of operations holding the Doominator, the heroes, Aku Aku, titan allies and mutant army appeared with the RoadRoller.

"This is as far as I can take us. We'll all have to fight our way to the robot's interior and save Crash's sister." Aku Aku said.

"Okay!" The heroes replied.

"I'm ready for a fight." Dingodile said as he cracked his neck.

"Shakabla!" Crash agreed in a gibberish tone.

"Go time dudes!" Mikey responded.

"Let's start this party!" Pinkie added.

"We're coming for you, Nina!" Sonata declared before everyone's excitement was interrupted by a bunch of knives nearly impaling them. "What in the?!" She gasped as a bunch of Fox-like creatures appeared ready for battle.

"Bratgirls? Seriously?" Batlado deadpanned.

"Bratgirls?" The ninja trio asked in confusing.

"They’re bat mutant minions that act like high-school girls, not to mention their voices are loud and dangerous with those speakers of theirs." Zaptrap explained.

"And they work for Nina, so no surprise." Foxer added.

"Just makes this a whole lot more fun." Mikey said as he grabbed his nunchucks.

"And knowing Nina, there must be thousands of them along with other mutant titans." Pinkie noted with a hunch.

"Fortunately, we evened those odds back at the lab by freeing the prisoners." Sonata responded.

"We might not have to hold back much." Dingodile added.

"Alright mates, let’s do this!" Crash declared as everyone rushed forward into the Bratgirl crowd.

Dingodile started firing at them while he asked Foxer a question. "Oy Foxer, what was that name Zaptrap and Batlado called you?"

"My real name is Vixot, but my friends and family can call me Foxer." Vixot (Foxer) answered with a smile.

"Not a bad nickname, actually." Zaptrap admitted.

"Somehow that suits you, Vixot. Besides, the Twister Sisters are back together!" Batlado cheered.

"Yeah!" Zaptrap and Vixot agreed as Sonata blocked some incoming knives with her tonfas.

"You know, the Foot Clan could use some security at our base. You three wanna come home with us after this is over?" Sonata asked while whacking some Bratgirls.

"You trippin’? Of course!" Vixot answered.

"Heh, I suppose we could stay at another home." Zaptrap agreed with a chuckle.

"But what’s confusing me, Sonata, is what did you mean by Vixot being your mutant counterpart?" Batlado asked Sonata.

But before Sonata could answer, something latched onto her. "Get off!" Sonata shouted as when she threw it off, it was a Ratnician. "Seriously? You again?"

"When we released the mutants from the lab, we must've stopped the mutant production. Probably not even nothing more than lackeys guarding this place." Crash said.

"Somehow, that makes sense." Dingodile admitted.

"Which means this should be slightly difficult." Mikey realized.

"Or not difficult at all." Pinkie smiled.

"No, Mikey's right. We let these guys swarm us they'll overpower us easily." Crash warned.

"Yeah, if we underestimate the little guys, they'll take even me and Scorgomid." Crabusk agreed.

"Oh dear!" Scorgomid gasped.

"Seems like Nina's underlings are taking us seriously." Orciamond said as Pinkie looked ahead and a counted 36 lackeys from Ratnicians to Bratgirls.

"Hey guys, want do our Sneak Attack Maneuver?" Pinkie asked sneakily.

"Aw yeah!" Mikey answered sneakily.

"They won't know what hit 'em!" Sonata agreed sneakily.

"Wanna clue me in here?" Dingodile asked in confusion.

"We'll explain as we go. The rest of sit back and watch the show." Crash answered as the five heroes disappeared from view.

The lackeys waited for the heroes, but 6 of were knocked out by Crash's Swordnarang move, who caught it perfectly. "I'm giving you all one chance to let me and my mates go forward without giving any of you a concussion."

"Psh! Yeah, as if!" The Bratgirl scoffed as the lackeys were confident in their numbers.

"Bandicoot bad math." The Doom Monkey mocked.

"He's right. It's still 30 against one." The Ratnician agreed, before a blue blur sped in the form of a X and knocked out 6 more lackeys.

"24's still good, mate." The Koo-ala said.

"Oh no, not again!" The Ratnician remembered in fear as an orange blur sped in the form of a shell disk, knocking 6 more minions.

"18 against one still acceptable." The Voodoo Bunny said, feeling a bit rattled as a chain wrapped around 6 more and pulled them around the corner, followed by the sound of punches.

"Nonononono! This isn't good!" The Ratnician whimpered, when the next thing the lackeys saw was a large brown-greenish ball flattening 6 more lackeys.

"Maybe we could discuss this?" The Bratgirl asked, feeling absolutely, before Solava, Sligeon, Grihoga, Vixot, Batlado and Zaptrap approached the last six and knocked 'em out.

"That's just sad. Anyway, nice job with that move, Dingo. Curling up into a ball, honestly didn't see that coming." Solava complimented.

"Oi... Uh, thanks." Dingodile bashfully said while unknown to anyone, started blushing, before everyone started laughing at how pathetic the minions were.

"If these guys were smarter, they'd be dangerous." Crash laughed.

"Or bigger for that matter." Sonata added as Pinkie kicked a Koo-ala that was regaining consciousness into a wall.

"Or tougher." Pinkie pointed out as Mikey backhanded a Doom Monkey who was regaining consciousness as well, knocking it back to sleep.

"Or faster." Mikey finished as everyone calmed down.

"No wonder you're the Element of Laughter, Pinkie. Anyway, let's get moving, everyone." Crash declared as they were leaving, Dingodile saw a security camera and shot it, destroying the Spybot.

"Got rid of another Spybot." Dingodile said, making Solava giggle a little.

"You sure you're a Dingo/Crocodile hybrid? Or do you have a bit of Snipe DNA in you?" Solava flirted.

"I've always been good with blasters. But it looks like yer no slouch yourself." Dingodile responded, before he and Solava heard giggling and snickering.

"What's going on here? No need to be shy about telling us." Skunture teased.

"Heehee! Stop, Skunture. You already know." Grihoga said.

"Hah. You know I already do." Skunture resopnded, while the hybrid and mutant titan blushed a bit from that embarrassing moment, unknown to anyone.

"Oy, what's the hold up back there?" Crash asked.

"Nothing!" Dingodile and Solava answered, only to blush more realizing they said the same thing at once.

"Then pick up the pace. We got some demo work to do." Crash said.

"Aw yeah, time to blowtonate some stuff up!" Crabusk cheered, saying one of his catchphrases.

"Blow up and detonate, nice!" Pinkie said, knowing that he'll get along with a bandicoot back at Wumpa Island.

"Coming!" Dingodile responded.

"Hey! Don't forget about me and the others!" Solava urged, while in the Doominator, Nina fumed as the heroes and titans ran ahead.

"Grr... If only those goody two-shoes hadn't broken all of the mutants free, they would be having a lot more trouble." Nina growled, making Coco laugh.

"Told you my brother and friends were unstoppable." Coco gloated

"Doesn't help that the Siren girl is still on their side." Dr. Cortex added.

"I don't understand! I thought Uka Uka brainwashed that girl!" Nina said as Coco leaned back in confidence.

"Friendships like those can't be broken." Coco replied smugly.

"Oh, please. Spare me the rainbow barf." Nina scoffed.

"That was our Dingodile fighting with them, right?" Dr. Cortex asked Coco, who just shrugged her shoulders, while Nina picked up on that, not knowing what they're talking about.

"What do you mean, 'our' Dingodile?! Of course that's him, you doofuses!" Nina said

"Could be that Other Dingodile we know." Coco responded.

"Dimensional Travel... Such a headache." Dr. Cortex groaned.

"What are you talking about?! You know what? Never mind. It doesn't matter." Nina said.

"Because you're going to get beaten up?" Coco asked coyly.

"No! Because the Doominator's about done." Nina answered as the mind control device got back onto Coco's head.

Meanwhile, with the heroes and the titans, they decided to hurry up.

"Pick up the pace, people!" Crash urged as everyone rushed ahead, before noticing a large amount of minions in a room.

"Dude, that's a lot of lackeys." Mikey uttered, before Vixot noticed something.

"Wait a minute, this is Nina's room! That means we're getting close!" Vixot cheered.

"Also means..." Dingodile started as he brought out a stash of C4 explosives. "it's time to blow this joint wide open!"

"Ain't going to do us good without a detonator." Crash pointed.

"Why do you think I'm a demolition expert, mate?" Dingodile rhetorically asked as he held out the detonator in his hand.

"This is going to be great!" Mikey cheered.

"Gonna mix in some magic sprinkles to add some color!" Pinkie added, before Crash stopped them.

"Hold it! We get Coco first."

"Shoot! Forgot about that!" Dingodile, Crash, Mikey and Pinkie realized as Dingodile withdrew the C4 explosives, but left one behind.

"What's the distance with that detonator?" Aku Aku asked.

"Ten miles, mate." Dingodile answered.

"That's far enough." Mikey said.

"But first, we gotta take out those lackeys." Crash pointed out.

"Me and Micolda will take care of them." Solava said, making Micolda gasp.

"You mean...?!" Micolda asked.

"That's right!" Solava confirmed as she slammed her fists into the ground the same time Micolda thrusted her claws into the floor.

"FIRE AND ICE!" Solava and Micolda called out in unison as burning ice spikes and freezing lava sprayed out of the ground in Nina's room, encasing minions in ice and setting them on fire, allowing Crash and the others to charge forward, knocking out the lackeys, making many foes retreated back to the next room.

"Alright everyone. FORWARD!" Crash shouted as everyone charged forward to their path of victory, further into the base, getting closer to the Doominator.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Aku Aku's Advice:

The Bratgirl
Every evil queen bee needs some drones, so Nina just grew her own. They’re as dangerous as their dress sense and twice as loud!
Next time on Equestria Ninja Girls…

Crash: There it is! The Doominator!

Pinkie: Looks like we'll be going from the hand, to the brain of the robot.

Dingodile: Since Ah'll be leaving these bombs behind us, once we're done, this place will be blown sky-high!

Mikey: YOW! This robots a torture chamber on the inside!

Sonata: We can do this!

Nina: Dingus, doofus, time to start the fun.

Aku Aku: Chapter 19: Minority Rapport