• Published 6th Nov 2022
  • 4,810 Views, 217 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

  • ...

Two Sides Collide

It was late one night in New York City, and jumping the rooftops were the Turtles, their friends April, Casey, Karai, and Shinigami. Accompanying them were their Canterlot High friends the Rainbooms along with their young trainees the CMC, and from Equestria was their mutant pony friend Blade Swipe in his human form.

“You know when we agreed for a visit, going after Stockman wasn't exactly what I had in mind!” Rarity called, as she ran along side Raph and April.

“That's the price you pay for hanging out with us.” Raph replied.

“He's got a point.” Rainbow reminded Rarity, as she jumped to the next rooftop.

“Well, I sure don't mind.” Apple Bloom said, as she and her friends jumped to the next roof.

“Yeah, I'm really getting a workout.” Scootaloo added.

“And we do need the training.” Sweetie Belle put in.

“Just remember you three to not take a situation lightly,” Leo reminded them, “You may have helped us before in our other counterparts world and at CHS, but you are still learning.”

“He's right,” Sunset agreed, “Always be prepared.”

“And they say it's just the motto for the boy scouts!” Pinkie grinned.

“I'm glad I finally get to see New York up close and in person,” Blade admitted, as he maneuvered around some fans before jumping to the next roof, “It really does look like Manehattan just as you said.”

“I'm surprised you even had time to come and visit.” Karai noted.

“I have saved up plenty of my vacation time, and now's a good a time to use it.” the Equestrian mutant answered, as he flipped to the next roof.

“How much further, Donnie?” April asked, as they made it to the next roof.

Donnie who was looking at a tracer answered, “I'm picking up strong energy readings closing in.”

“What do you think Stockman is up to this time?” Fluttershy wondered.

“Nothing good, of course.” Applejack replied.

“And usually when it involves this amount of energy, he's doing something big.” Karai suspected.

“Well, we'll find out soon enough.” Shini said, as they stopped and saw a warehouse with a bright light shining through the window.

“Alright, everyone, this is it.” Twilight told the group, as Spike poked out of her bag and spoke.

“No turning back now.”

“Like we ever turn back.” Raph said.

“Let's get this over with so we can go back to the lair for pizza.” Mikey said, as they all headed down.

Inside the warehouse, Stockman had a portal archway set up while making some adjustments too it, “If only I had a portable Kraang portal I wouldn't have to make my own. But it'll all be worth it once me and my partner join up.” he went to a monitor and spoke, “All set here, Big Blue.”

A voice came on the monitor, “Everything’s a Go here, Fly Guy.”

“Good. I'll see you in a moment.” Stockman said, as he fully charged the portal, while grabbing a folder of blueprints for his Mousers, Stockman-Bots, and others, “Mustn’t forget anything.”

He walked towards the portal, before the doors bust opened and the group slid in, “Hold it, Stockman!” Leo declared.

Stockman growled, “Seriously?! Don't you guys know when to give a guy some space?”

“Nice portal, Storkman, you goin' somewhere?” Raph questioned.

“None of your business!”

“When you do shady stuff for a living it is our business.” Sunset replied, as she pulled out her kunai, as the others armed themselves.

Blade emerged from the group, and looked at their enemy, “So, this is Baxter Stockman? Not quite what I was expecting from what you said.”

Stockman squinted, “And who is this?”

Blade introduced himself, “I am Blade Swipe, ninja warrior, and Royal Guard of Canterlot; the capital of Equestria.”

“Canterlot? Equestria?” Stockman wondered, before it dawned on him, “So you come from the same world as Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzlings?”

“Precisely.” Blade confirmed.

“And just for a heads up, he's a mutant pony in his world.” Mikey piped in, only for Blade to push his head down.

“I really don't have time for you ninjas!” Stockman clicked a switch as his Stockman-Bots appeared armed and ready, “Attack!”

“Get 'em!” Leo ordered, as they went on the attack.

Meanwhile elsewhere taking place moments ago, two teenagers were atop another building looking down at another warehouse. The first was a red haired teenage girl wearing a black midriff-baring mock turtleneck, dark gloves with a thin cuff, green cargo pants, a utility belt, and black shoes. The second was a blonde haired boy wearing a black three-quarter sleeve mock-turtleneck shirt, grey cargo pants, brown utility belt, black gloves, and black sneakers.

It was the duo of Kim Possible the Girl Who Can Do Anything, and Ron Stoppable the Sidekick. Kim pulled out a blue hand held device called the Kimmunicator and contacted her genius helper Wade, “Wade, we're here. You're sure Drakken's in there?”

On the screen, Wade who was at his computers answered, “You bet, Kim. Ever since Drakken's been stealing all that high tech equipment from those labs, I've been keeping an eye on any spikes in energy. And it's spiking where you're at.”

“What's Drakken trying to build this time around?” Ron asked Kim.

“With Drakken, you never know.” Kim replied dryly.

Popping out of Ron's pocket was his Naked Mole Rat buddy Rufus who spoke, “Never!”

“And you know, I always wondered why these villains like to use old abandoned warehouses for hideouts. And I finally realized it.” Ron said.

“Really, why?” Kim asked curiously.

“Because there aren't any old abandoned luxury penthouse suites!” Ron concluded.

“Right.” Kim rolled her eyes, before speaking again, “Alright, boys. We're going in.” Kim fired a grappling hook down to the warehouse, before the two teens used zip-line to reach the bottom. Once they were on ground level they snuck right in through the back door.

Inside the warehouse, evil villain scientist Dr. Drakken was standing before a portal archway just like Stockman's, while his hired help Shego was leaning against the wall, “I tell you Shego, when my partner gets here we'll do so much together!”

“Yeah-yeah,” Shego interrupted in a dry tone, “That's all you talk about, your partner. Honestly where do you meet these guys?”

“You'd be amazed in who I have in my address book,” Drakken replied, as his monitor blinked, before answering the call.

All set here Big Blue.”

Drakken answered from his end, “Everything's a Go here Fly Guy.”

Good. I'll see you in a moment.”

Shego laughed, “Big Blue? Fly Guy? Seriously you need better codenames.”

“Silence, Shego! We're about to make contact.” Drakken smirked, as he started his portal, until Kim flipped onto the scene while Ron slid in but ended up slipping onto the floor, before getting right back up and posed along side his friend.

“Hold it, Drakken!”

“Kim Possible?!” Drakken cried.

Kim noticed Drakken's creation, “Not your usual devices, Drakken. Trying something new for once?”

“That's my business, not yours!” the doc replied.

“Shut it down, before you burn out the power in the whole city!” Kim ordered.

“Is that your plan?” Ron inquired.

“No!” Drakken growled, before turning to the green lady, “Shego!”

Shego powered up her hands with her energy and jumped into battle against Kim, as the two girls went at it in hand to hand combat.

“Don't worry, K.P, I'll stop Drakken!” Ron told her, before gasping, “Me stop Drakken? Score!” he ran to Drakken as the two grappled.

“Don't think you can stop me, sidekick!”

“Watch me!” Ron struggled against the scientist.

Rufus poked out of Ron's pocket and knew while the two were distracted slipped out and ran for the controls. But Drakken becoming the wiser spotted the rodent and broke his fight with Ron and dove to grab Rufus in his hand. This of course left Ron open to run to the controls, only for Drakken to grab him by the foot making Ron fall to the floor.

As Kim fought Shego and Drakken held Ron and Rufus back the Turtles and their friends were fighting the Stockman-Bots, as Stockman hurried to the portal.

“Adios, ninjas!” he went through the portal.

“After him!” Leo called, as they all ran for the portal trying to get past the other robots.

Back at Drakken's warehouse, his portal glowed, as everyone saw Stockman emerge, “I made it!” he cheered.

“Who is that?” Ron asked, as Drakken tossed Rufus aside and pulled Ron back before getting up.

“Stockman, good to see you again.”

“Drakken, likewise. Still that pale shade of blue I see.”

“Blue is in, you know.” Drakken boasted.

Kim and Shego ceased their fighting and saw Stockman, “That's the partner you wouldn't shut up about?”

“Partner?” Kim asked.

Drakken spoke, “Kim Possible, may I introduce to you an old colleague of mine in villainy and more, Baxter Stockman!”

“So now that I'm here, let's take our plans elsewhere,” Stockman suggested, until the portal glowed again, “Oh, no! Shut the portal down!”


Flying out from the portal were the ninjas, Rainbooms, Blade, and the CMC, “Who're they?” Drakken asked in confusion.

“Trouble, if we don't get out of here now!” Stockman warned him.

The ninjas got up and saw them, “Didn't think you'd get away from us that easy, did you?” Karai asked rhetorically.

“Uh, where are we?” Mikey asked.

“No idea.” Donnie answered.

Rarity looked ahead seeing Kim and Shego before letting out a gasp of joy, “Oh, my stars! Look who it is!”

Everyone looked in Rarity's direction, with Casey speaking, “Ok, who're we looking at?”

“Her, Casey! It's the one the only. Kim Possible!” Rarity declared.

“What?” Rainbow gasped.

“Seriously?” April gasped.

“Whoa!” Mikey gasped.

“Amazing!” Sweetie Belle cheered.

"Who?" Blade asked in confusion.

Ron looked and saw the group and blushed at the sight of the girls, “Whoa, ladies,” he saw the turtles, “Ah! Giant Turtle Men!”

Suddenly Drakken's hovercraft flew in and Shego, Drakken, and Stockman mounted it, “Sorry to run, but we have other matters to attend to. And I hope you're good at escaping.” the blue doctor hit a remote and they suddenly heard a countdown.

“This place is rigged to explode!” Donnie panicked.

“Farewell, Kim Possible!” Drakken laughed, as he flew out of the building.

“Come on, we gotta go!” Kim called, as she pulled Ron up and the made a run for it.

“Wait for us!” Sunset called, as the ninjas followed the duo of the warehouse that blew from the inside.

Though they escaped the explosion force pushed the heroes forward knocking them to the ground. They got up and saw the warehouse was up in flames.

“Well, at least Drakken's portal is toast.” Ron said looking at the bright side.

“Yeah, and any way of getting home!” Raph growled.

As they got up Kim and Ron stood opposite side of the Ninjas, “So, you're Kim Possible, huh?” Leo inquired.

“That's me. And who're all of you?” Kim asked.

“And why do you look like giant turtles?” Ron asked the four brothers.

“Because we are giant turtles.” Donnie answered.

“We'll explain everything, but maybe we should go someplace else?” Twilight suggested.

“And fast!” Casey added, as they heard police sirens in the distance.

So the group took off for someplace secluded before the cops could arrive at the scene of the warehouse explosion.