• Published 6th Nov 2022
  • 4,810 Views, 217 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

  • ...

Stomp the Foot Founder

The ninjas and crime fighting duo stood in shock as Monkey Fist and Fukushima stood on opposite ends with Koga in dead center.

“You've gotta be kidding me.” Rainbow said in disbelief.

“That's the founder of the Foot Clan?” Sweetie Belle trembled.

“The very same.” Karai confirmed.

“How?!” Kim asked in shock.

“All it took was a little scroll and ceremony.” Monkey Fist explained proudly.

“But why?” Leo asked.

“The Foot clan's leader should see just how the world is since his time passed. Especially the condition of the very clan he founded.” Fukushima explained.

Koga looked at the heroes, “Who is the one that leads the Foot now?”

Karai stepped forward, “I do. Hamato Karai; daughter of Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen.”

“A Hamato leading the Foot?!” Koga asked in outrage, “It's an outrage and disgraceful!”

“It's this century, pal!” Raph replied, as Applejack shushed him.

Koga sighed, “Fifteen hundred years dead and so much has changed. No matter now that I have been reborn it's time I foster in a new age for the Foot.”

“More like the old age,” Karai accused, “Your days ruling the Foot is long over, old man! Now it's my time!”

“You call yourself the leader and yet you do not wear the most important relic of the Foot. The Kuro Kabuto.”

“The kabuto has been lost due to another ritual to resurrect another former leader of the clan. But make no mistake I have my own helmet to assure my leadership of the Foot.” Karai answered.

“Then why do you not wear it?”

“Because unlike the last leader I'm not going to develop a colossal ego like he had. Plus unlike the last leader I don't wanna get helmet hair or something.”

“That's the worse kind of hair.” Rarity shuddered, as Sunset and Applejack gave her dry looks.

“Might I suggest we skip the pleasantries, Master Takuza?” Monkey Fist suggested.

“Indeed so,” Koga agreed, as he stepped forward, “Allow me to show you how a real Master of the Foot fights.” Monkey Fist, Fukushima, the Monkey Ninjas, and the Foot Bots stood ready.

The heroes stood ready, as Leo announced, “Attack!”

The two sides went into battle with Karai leading the turtles, and Blade to attack Koga and the Foot Bots, while Kim, Ron, and Yori led the Rainbooms, the CMC, and their New York friends against Monkey Fist and his army.

As Monkey Fist fought Kim and Ron, the others watched Ron who despite trying to get away was actually proving to hold his own.

“Wow, Ron's doing very well for someone who doesn't exactly fight like Kim does.” Apple Bloom admitted.

“Well, both Ron and Monkey Fist have been empowered by the same Mystical Monkey Power Fist sought.” Kim explained, as she landed close by.

Twilight was blocking some of the Monkey Ninjas strikes, before using her magic to levitate an old waiting sofa and chuck it at some knocking them into a wall.

Pinkie after dodging one Monkey Ninja grabbed another by the tail and swung it into another, “Jeez, these monkeys aren't...”

“Don't say it!” Rainbow called, after wrestling one of the ninjas off her.

“Monkeying around!” Pinkie laughed.

“And she said it.” April said dryly.

“Don't touch the hair! Not the hair!” Rarity shouted at the Monkey Ninjas that tried climbing and jumping on her head.

Shini knocked some of the Monkey Ninjas away, before more started coming for her until she giggled, and held out her hypno ball, “Look into the eye.” she said hypnotically, as the hypno ball swung back and forth putting them in a trance.

“Goongala!” Casey announced launching his exploding pucks at the hypnotized monkeys that exploded at them.

As they fought, Rainbow saw Fluttershy was talking with one of the Monkey Ninjas, “So that's why you chose to become a Monkey Ninja?”

“Uh-huh.” the monkey answered.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow called.

“Oh, sorry, but I gotta go. Nice talking to you.” Fluttershy pat the monkey ninja's head before going back to help her friends.

“Bye.” the monkey waved bye.

Fukushima and Yori were facing off, as the girl spoke, “It's bad enough you betrayed the school, but now you resurrect one of the most devious warriors in history?!”

“To show you all what a real ninja master is like.” Fukushima answered, as he blocked one of Yori's hits before knocking her back, “Just look at him.”

Koga was facing off against the turtles, Karai, and Blade in hand to hand combat along side the Foot Bots. As Leo and Raph fought Koga he was blocking their punches and kicks, “Not bad for ones so young.”

“You're not the first to underestimate us!” Leo answered, as he fought back against Koga who fought head on.

“Ninjas of Hamato and the Foot Clan fighting side by side? I never thought such a thing would come to pass.”

“Well, they did,” Raph confirmed, “And while I find it just as weird I know it's better to have allies than enemies.”

“Which is weird coming from you since all you ever do is make enemies out of others.” Mikey noted making Raph glare at him.

“And to top it off the Hamato Clan trained freaks? They'll train anybody these days won't they since they are a clan without standards.” Koga mocked.

“Don't diss the Hamato Clan!” Mikey frowned.

“Our father was the last head of the clan and now I carry on that mantle.” Leo warned Koga.

“I see. Well, then it looks like I'll be putting an end to the Hamato clan like I should've done before.” Koga prepared himself, until Blade slid in.

“You want them? You have to go through me.”

“With pleasure.” Koga answered as they fought.

The Turtles and Karai dealt with the Foot Bots while hoping to get to Blade and help him out, “We don't have time for this!” Raph growled, as he fought harder against two Foot Bots, while his brothers and Karai continued to fight more of them breaking them in so many ways.

Koga and Blade fought one another throwing one attack after another with neither letting up, until Koga did a sweep of Blade's feet knocking him to the ground and kicked him aside.

Blade got up, as the Turtles and Karai gathered around him, “You ok?” Karai asked in worry.

“I'll be fine.” Blade said shaking it off.

“Let's attack together!” Karai ordered.

“And usually I’m the one giving orders.” Leo joked.

The six of them went into battle against Koga, but even with their numbers Koga was deflecting and intercepting their moves right from left, before jumping back and gaining distance.

“You fools have caused me enough trouble. Now I shall finish you.” Koga declared.

The groups panted, “This guy's like Shredder and Tatsu combined.” Leo told the others.

“How do we expect to defeat a ninja who studied more techniques and moves than we know?” Raph asked the others.

Donnie pondered before getting an idea, “By being unpredictable.”

“What?” Blade asked.

“This reminds me of my first fight with Victor Falco before he became the Rat King. He used his psychic powers to predict my every move. But I learned from Master Splinter to try fighting without thinking.”

Karai started piecing together, “You're right. He may know an endless amount of ninja moves. But he's never seen what we're truly capable of.”

“Then let's do it!” Mikey announced, as they readied themselves.

“Come and face your end!” Koga beckoned them.

“We're ending this alright!” Raph answered, as the group prepared themselves and charged into battle.

“Here's something no leader of the Foot Clan could do!” Karai declared, as she shifted into her mutant form before launching herself at Koga squeezing him with her coils.

“What in the?!” Koga called, as he struggled to break free from Karai's grip.

Karai disengaged leaving Koga opened to a metal fist punch from Raph who tapped into his medallion. Koga ended up hitting a wall before getting up.

“What was that?” he demanded.

“You may know a lot of ninja moves, Takuza, but I'll bet you've never faced a ninja capable of what we can do before.” Raph said smugly.

Donnie activated his own magic and Blade channeled lightning through his sword as they jumped up and slammed their weapons to the floor sending a combo of thunder and lightning strikes at Takuza knocking him off his feet.

“Now let me show you a storm!” Leo tapped into his magic an unleashed a powerful wind blowing Takuza back making him land in another room.

Monkey Fist, Fukushima, and the Monkey ninjas watched as Koga was suddenly getting overpowered, “What is happening?” Monkey Fist asked in shock.

Sunset smirked, “The thing about our turtle friends is they're always unpredictable.”

Koga stumbled out of the room, before Mikey activated his magic and suddenly vines popped up from the floor and started to ensnare Koga who struggled.

“Release me!”

“Looks like we stomped the founder of the Foot!” Mikey laughed, as his brother sighed.

Suddenly their medallions started glowing brighter much to their surprise, and each one shot a beam that hit Koga.

“No! What's happening to me?!” Koga struggled to break his restraints.

“What is happening?” April asked.

“Look!” Scootaloo pointed.

They saw Koga was started to rapidly age, “No! Why?!” the founder cried as he started aging so fast he turned to dust much to everyone's shock.

“No!” Monkey Fist cried, only to leave himself wide open for Kim to jump up and come down kicking the martial arts villain who stumbled backwards. Applejack got behind Monkey Fist and got down on all fours causing him to trip over her and land on the floor.

Mikey once again used his magic over plants to make more vines ensnare Monkey Fist to the floor, “That's it for Monkey Fist.” Kim told everyone.

“Wait a minute, where is?” Yori began, as they saw Fukushima about to escape.

“Fukushima, you get back here and help me!” Monkey Fist demanded.

“Not this time.” Fukushima answered, as he made his escape.

Everyone caught their breath, as Applejack spoke, “Is everyone ok?”

“I'll live.” Raph replied.

The Monkey Ninjas used smoke bombs to make their getaway, putting Monkey Fist at ease, “At least they're free to break me out when the time comes.”

“Here's hoping it's not for a long time.” Kim replied.

The turtles stood around recalling what just happened, “So, that was the Foot Clan founder, huh?”

“Sure was.” Karai confirmed.

“He sure was something.” Donnie admitted.

“Yeah. Something.” Blade agreed.

Later on, the ninjas watched from afar as Kim and Ron were letting the police take Monkey Fist into custody. When they left the duo met back up with their friends and Yori.

“Well, that worked out well, huh?” Ron asked.

“Indeed,” Yori confirmed, as she held up the scroll that was stolen, “And now I can return this back to the school.”

“It was awesome working along side you, Yori.” Leo admitted.

“Same to all of you. I know your sensei would be very proud of you.” The ninjas smiled, as Yori hugged Ron, “Until we meet again, Ron-san.”

Ron blushed, “Uh, right.”

Yori took her leave, as Kim was scowling to herself, before noticing the Rainbooms smirking at her, “What?”

“Nothing.” Rarity said holding in a giggle.

“Come on, team. Let's go.” Leo said, as they headed off.

Meanwhile Fukushima after escaping was standing atop another building frowning over his plan's failure.

“I will get that outsider, and those turtles and girls, and that brat who stains the great Foot Clan!”

“A feel the same way.” a new voice spoke up.

Fukushima spun around and saw who else but Night Terror and his Purple Nightmare goons approaching him. The traitor got into a stance.

“You’ve picked the wrong person to target.”

Night Terror held up a hand signaling him to stand down, “Relax, we’re not here to fight, we’re here to talk.”

“And what is there to talk about?” Fukushima questioned while crossing his arms.

“Just ask him here...” Night Terror motioned to the side, as Fukushima saw another man approach.

“Greetings, Fukushima. I am Solid Stone, and I have a proposition for you.” he began. Fukushima looked at the man before smirking, indicating he was listening.

Elsewhere back in Japan, at the Yamanouchi Ninja School, Yori was delivering the stolen scroll to Master Sensei. Yori bowed her head to her sensei before leaving the room.

Sensei sat down resuming his meditation while recalling what Yori told him about her mission with Ron and the others. He then felt a spiritual presence around him.

“Your son has truly trained them well, Hamato Yuuta.” he began.

Just then a spirit of an elderly bald man appeared. The man was Hamato Yuuta, father of Hamato Yoshi, and adoptive grandfather of the turtles.

“Yes, I have been watching over them after their, and my son's mutation. And they have truly made me proud.” Yuuta said with pride.

Just then, the spirit of Master Splinter appeared next to them, “Thank you, father. But I couldn't have trained them without what you taught me.”

Yuuta nodded, “You've proven that you are a great master to the clan, just like Leonardo is now.”

Splinter smiled, “The Clan is growing with each recruit, both on earth and in Equestria.”

Sensei spoke, “May the great warriors of the past guide them.” the three masters meditated together feeling proud of their students.

Author's Note:

The character Solid Stone was made by AmethystMajesty25, and he will return in a future story as will Fukushima.