• Published 6th Nov 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

  • ...

Origin Tales

The two groups had left the site of the warehouse on fire and were atop another roof blocks away from it. Kim and Ron looked at the group curiously, as Rarity walked over to Kim and shook her hand.

“Forgive me, Ms. Possible, but I just can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you.”

“Thanks, and please. Call me Kim.” Kim insisted.

“Right,” Rarity said sheepishly, “And I just have to say I adore your mission attire. I remember when Kim Style was in.”

“Don't remind me.” Kim replied dryly.

Rainbow zipped in, “I have to tell you Kim I am a big fan of what you do. I mean globetrotting the world and fighting villains. That is awesome!”

“It's a living.” Kim shrugged, “Now are we gonna get some introductions here? A lot of you clearly know me.”

“Yeah, they know you, but how come no one ever knows me?” Ron pouted while crossing his arms.

Fluttershy approached, “I know who you are.”

Ron did a double take, “Wait, you do?”

“Of course. You're Ron Stoppable, Kim's best friend and sidekick,” Fluttershy began, as Rufus scurried up to his friend's shoulder, “And who can forget sweet Rufus?” she cooed while scratching the naked mole rats head.

“Oh, yeah.” Rufus sighed heavenly.

Kim rolled her eyes playfully, as Leo approached, “Well, Kim, my name is Leonardo, and these are my brothers Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello.”

“Nice to meet you, but what are you guys?”

“We're ninjas.” Leo answered.

“And we're mutants.” Donnie added.

“Whoa!” Ron gasped.

April approached, “Nice to meet you, Kim. I'm April O'Neil.”

“Casey Jones the name, crime fighting is my game.” Casey boasted.

“I'm Karai.”

“And I am Shinigami.” the with girl tipped her hat.

Sunset approached, “I am Sunset Shimmer.”

Kim and Ron did a double take, “Wait, Sunset Shimmer?” Kim asked.

“Um, yes?” Sunset replied confused.

“Then these girls must be Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie...” Kim listed the girls off.

“Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy!” Ron gasped, “K.P, these are the Rainbooms!”

“You know us too?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“Well, duh. You girls are the best high school band around!” Ron cheered.

“You really rock.” Kim commended them.

“Wow. I guess our reputation precedes us all the way to Middleton too.” Sunset told the girls.

The CMC approach, “Nice to meet you, Kim and Ron. I'm Apple Bloom, and this is Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.”

“And while we may be sisters to Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash...” Sweetie Belle began.

“Together the three of us are known as...” Scootaloo continued, as the thre posed dramatically.

“The Canterlot Movie Club!” they posed dramatically.

“A movie club, huh?” Kim crossed her arms in amusement.

“That's right,” Apple Bloom confirmed, “We love watching movies various times, because there's so much to see hit or miss.”

“I get ya.” Ron agreed.

Blade spoke up, “A pleasure to meet you, Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. I am Blade Swipe.”

Ron spotted Blade's scar, “Dude, where'd you get that?”

“It's a... long story.” Blade trailed off.

Spike barked from Twilight's bag before the girl let him down, and Rufus scurried up to him, “Hi.” Rufus greeted Spike who licked him in response making him laugh.

“And that must be Spike.” Kim guessed.

“He sure is.” Twilight smiled.

Suddenly Kim's kimmunicator beeped, and she answered, “Go, Wade!”

“Kim, is everything all right? I heard about the warehouse fire. Did Drakken...”

“Get away, yes. And he wasn't alone. He's got a new partner with him.”

“Drakken's got a partner?”

“Yeah. Ever hear of a Baxter Stockman?” Kim inquired.

“Whoa, Drakken and Baxter Stockman? That's a scary combo. His work in robotics is on a whole other level than most.”

“Good to know, and Ron and I met some people who seem to know him.”


“Take a look.” Kim turned the device so the Turtles and the Rainbooms were on screen with their friends.

“Whoa! Are those turtles?!” Wade asked with a spit-take of his drink.

“They sure are.” Kim confirmed.

Wade did a quick scan of the whole group, before checking stats, “Wow, these turtles DNA is not like anything I've seen.”

“Because they're mutants.” Ron answered.

“Well, that would explain it.” Wade replied.

“Who's that?” Blade asked, “He looks no older than Bright Eyes.”

“This is Wade, my genius inventor/hacker.”

“Define genius.” Donnie requested.

“He aced highschool and college in eight months.” Kim explained making Donnie and Twilight's eyes widen.

“Eight months?!” Twilight asked in disbelief.

“That's unbelievable!” Donnie gasped.

“But it's true.” Wade boasted.

Casey spoke to April, “He may be a better whiz kid than Player.”

“Obviously.” April agreed.

Wade checked the stats from when he scanned the Rainbooms and Blade Swipe, “Odd.”

“What do you mean, Wade?” Kim asked.

“I'm picking up another surge of energy built up in those girls and the guy with the scar.”

“What does that mean?” Ron wondered.

“No idea.”

“Well, we can explain,” Sunset offered, “But we'll all have to start from the beginning.” So Kim and Ron sat down eager to listen to their stories.

Some time later, the Ninjas and Rainbooms told their story to the duo, and much like everyone else they explained their origins too, Kim, Ron, and even Wade were dumbfounded.

“So let me get this straight, Leo,” Kim began, “You and your brothers started out as normal turtles, until you were mutated by this chemical called mutagen created by these aliens the Kraang?”

“Correct.” Leo confirmed.

“And you lived for years in the sewers with your father figure Hamato Yoshi aka Splinter who was also mutated into a rat?”

“Yeah that's right.” Raph nodded.

“And you were trained to be ninjas?” Ron asked.

“You bet, bro.” Mikey smiled.

“That is so cool!” Ron gasped.

“So the Kraang invasion that happened in New York was ultimately stopped by you guys?” Kim asked the four brothers.

“With help from our friends of course.” Donnie replied.

“Huh, and I wondered why New York had been so quiet for months following the invasion,” Wade realized, “I tried hacking into security cameras of the city to be safe, but everything was guarded by firewalls so advanced it was impossible to crack.”

“The Kraang had the media and the military under their control, so it would make sense they would also make sure no one could hack into the city's mainframe or anything.” Donnie explained.

“And the Triceratons actually did wipe out planet earth?” Ron asked in worry.

“Yeah, but thanks to time travel we prevented that from happening again.” Leo said.

“I'm amazed to hear the kind of enemies you've faced.” Kim admitted, “Mutants, aliens, ninjas. And I thought I had a freaky rogues gallery.”

“Especially since they had to deal with a guy like that Shredder.” Ron put in, while the two noticed Karai's somber look.

“I can't believe your dad's brother figure and best friend would do that to him and his wife and take you to raise you based on lies.” Kim told Karai in sympathy.

“Yeah, but at least Shredder's gone and I'm where I belong.” Karai smiled.

Ron turned to the CHS students and Blade, “So Sunset Shimmer and Blade Swipe originally come from a pony world called Equestria, and you girls can use magic?”

“That's about it.” Sunset confirmed.

“And in our world I was a regular unicorn until the Kraang captured me and turned me into a mutant the same way the turtles became mutants,” Blade explained, “When I escaped their dimension and got home the ponies were frightened of my new physical appearance and ostracized me forcing me to go into hiding and develop a hatred for ponykind over the years. Until my ninja friends and the girls pony counterparts helped me see the light and abandon my hatred.”

“I know I've seen a lot of weird things, but Equestrian magic seems a little too much to take in.” Kim said in disbelief.

Spike spoke up, “Yeah, well, that's what everyone says.”

Kim and Ron did a double take, as Ron spoke to Twilight, “Did your dog just talk?”

“Yes, he did.” Twilight confirmed.

“Yeah everyone always seems to think a talking dog is weirder than seeing mutant turtles.” Spike voiced his irritation.

“I'd say both are equally surprising.” Kim admitted.

“Yeah.” Rufus agreed.

“Well, that makes me feel somewhat better.” Spike said.

“And whatever Wade was reading on his scan was obviously our magic.” Applejack said.

“And mine too,” Blade said, “I may have taken a normal human appearance in this world, but due to my mutated DNA I can still use my unicorn magic and abilities without my horn.”

“Alright enough origin stories,” Raph spoke up, “Point is we're here, and the portal that Stockman used to come here is back home.”

“And the one Drakken used here is toast.” Kim noted.

“And as long as Stockman is in league with your archenemy, we can't go back until we deal with him.” Leo said.

“Well, you guys seem to know Stockman best, so perhaps we can work together.” Kim offered.

“Ooh, new team up!” Pinkie cheered in excitement.

“It's really becoming a regular thing with us.” April shrugged.

“I'm amazed at what you're capable of Kim, and the people you face.” Blade told Kim in awe.

“She can do anything.” Ron said.

“Kinda sounds a little boastful.” Raph noted.

“Yeah I thought that way too.” Ron admitted.

“Did you always do this kind of stuff?” Blade asked Kim.

“Well, this all started when I launched my first website,” Kim explained, “And it was mostly for odd job hiring, babysitting, find a lost pet, that sort of thing.”

“Kim's first big mission was when she was 'accidentally' called by a wealthy man who got caught in his own laser security system.”

“What was the goods?” Blade asked.

“A rare Flamingoat.” Rarity answered.

“Flamingoat?” Blade asked.

“It's a cuddle buddy.” Kim explained.

“Oh, I used to love cuddle buddies.” April said fondly.

“I still do.” Kim admitted.

"They're so adorable." Sweetie Belle cooed.

“A high tech security system for a plush toy?” Raph asked in disbelief.

“Seems kinda overkill.” Donnie said.

“Well, maybe to you, but to avid collectors it means everything,” Rarity explained, “There were only ten Flamingoats made. So it's super rare.”

“And would be worth a fortune to some.” April put in.

“I still think it's weird.” Raph said.

“I managed to use my skills in cheerleading to get around the lasers and disable the security system,” Kim continued to Blade, “Since then it started picking up and as I got older I started doing more world travel and helping others, and foiling villains plans.”

“Astounding,” Blade gasped, “You really can do anything.”

“No big.” Kim brushed it off.

“Hey, can we table this discussion elsewhere? I'm hungry.” Mikey said.

“Yeah I could go for some snackage myself.” Ron agreed.

“Let's go back to my place, I'll call us a ride.” Kim said.

Rarity spoke to the group, “A good thing about being Kim Possible is she has so many connections.”

Meanwhile at Drakken's lair, Drakken and Stockman were getting caught up over some Coco Moo, “So, Stockman, how did that attempt to join the ranks of VILE's Faculty go?”

Stockman groaned, “It didn't work out. All because those turtles and the Rainbooms got in the way. I was this close to joining the big leagues and gain the respect I deserved compared to when I was forced to work for Shredder and the Foot.

“I feel your pain,” Drakken sighed, “I was on the verge of cloning a deadly evil genetic experiment with the help of a space gerbil who thinks he's a hamster.”

Stockman sighed, “What is it with geniuses like us working along side crazy people?”

“It's nothing but a curse.” Drakken answered.

Shego who was off to the side muttered to herself, “My only curse is working for a halfwit.”

“What was that Shego?!” Drakken called.

“Nothing, doc. Just go back to your Coco Moo.” Shego said before shuddering.

“And I must apologize for bringing my enemies to you, really it was an unfortunate situation.” Stockman said.

“It happens.” Drakken shrugged.

“And it may be problematic,” Stockman put in, “If you think that Kim Possible is a problem, the Ninjas and the Rainbooms are no better. I doubt even your sidekick alone could take them all on.”

Shego growled as she flipped over landing atop the table and grabbed Stockman while showing her right fist glowing with energy.

“Watch it, Stocky. I am no sidekick!”

“Shego, that's no way to treat my colleague!” Drakken ordered, as Shego let Stockman go and got off the table.

Drakken spoke to Stockman, “While I won't deny your enemies sound like trouble, Shego has faced bigger problems before.”

“Clearly, but with my robots and our great minds, we can do so much together and make this world know exactly who we both are.” Stockman snickered.

“Stockman, you haven't changed a bit.” Drakken laughed maniacally with his partner.

Author's Note:
  • Casey mentions Wade being better than Player whom they met during my ENG Story The Crimson Thief, same when Drakken asks Stockman how it worked out with him and the VILE Faculty
  • Drakken mentioning he was working with a space gerbil to create a clone army of a genetic experiment references to the Lilo and Stitch the series crossover with Kim Possible episode Rufus, where Drakken and Hamsterveil team up to capture Stitch with the intent to clone him