• Published 6th Nov 2022
  • 4,810 Views, 217 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

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Resurrection of the Founder

The ninjas, Rainbooms, Blade, Kim, Ron, Yori, and the CMC had spent the day searching around Middleton for any signs of Monkey Fist or Fukushima. The turtles had been scoping around Bueno Nacho and the rest of the area surrounding it, the Rainbooms were investigating the mall with Applejack and Rainbow keeping Rarity from focusing too hard on the stores or Pinkie at the food court, Kim, Ron, and Yori were checking out the city with Yori making sure to stay at Ron's side making him a little flustered and Kim wishing they'd get a room. April, Karai, Casey, and Shini were outside JP Bearymore's Pizza Party-Torium looking around. Finally Blade and the CMC were checking around the Middleton movie theater.

Leo spoke into his T-Phone, “Anything, anybody?”

Kim answered her Kimmunicator, “Nothing on our part.”

“Clean around us too.” April answered, as Casey was looking up at the Pizza Party-Torium.

“I hear about a place like this that shut down because the animatronics went crazy and killed people.” the boy told Karai and Shini.

“And what was that?” Shini inquired.

“I think it was Freddy's. No maybe Willy's.” Casey tried to recall.

Sunset spoke into her phone, “We're not having much luck here either.” she looked seeing Applejack dragging Rarity away from a store.

“But it's a sale!” Rarity pleaded.

Rainbow was dragging Pinkie out of the food court, “But it all looks so good!” she cried.

Sunset rolled her eyes, “Blade how is it on your end?”

Blade answering his own T-Phone spoke, “Nothing here but newer movie posters being put on display.” he looked at the CMC were were fangirling over the up and coming movies to be released.

“Dudes, we've been out here for hours, and it's getting dark.” Mikey complained.

“Hate to say it, but Mikey's got a point.” Donnie agreed.

“I say we give it another few hours.” Raph suggested.

“What about you, Kim?” Leo asked.

“I still think we should keep vigil. Monkey Fist doesn't wait, nor does anyone else I deal with.” she answered.

So they were ready to keep on checking things out until the turtles medallions started to glow taking them by surprise, “Whoa, dudes, what's happening?!” Mikey gasped.

“Why're our medallions glowing?” Raph asked.

“I don't know, but it can't be good. I can feel it in my bones.” Leo said.

“So am I,” Donnie agreed, “I think they're trying to tell us where to go.”

“To Monkey Fist, I hope.” Raph said.

“So do I,” Leo agreed, before speaking into his T-Phone, “Everyone, something's come up. Our medallions are glowing.”

“Wait, you said 'glowing'?” Kim asked.

“That's right.”

“What does it mean?” Sunset asked.

“We don't know, but my bros and I have a feeling they'll take us to Monkey Fist. We're heading out, I'll feed you all the coordinates when we reach the source.”

“Alright,” Kim answered, before turning to Ron and Yori, “Come on, Leo and the turtles got a lead.”

“Then let's go.” Yori said, “Come, Stoppable-san.”

“Alright, I'm coming. Don't tug!” Ron said, as he was dragged along.

At the mall, Sunset told Twilight the news before the braniac spoke to the others, “Girls, come on. We need to catch up to Leo and the others.

“We're on it!” Rainbow said, as the girls followed the two out.

Back with April and the others, she turned to the three, “Come on, let's move!”

“On it, April.” Karai said, as Casey and Shini followed them.

At the movie theater, Blade turned to the CMC, “Come on, you three. We need to go.”

The CMC sighed, but knew they were on the clock, as Apple Bloom spoke, “Lead the way, Blade.” So the swordsman led the trio of girls off to rendezvous with the others.

Meanwhile at the warehouse, Monkey Ninjas, Foot Bots, and Foot Elite were patrolling all entrances of the building. Inside, Monkey Fist and Fukushima were setting up for some kind of ritual. The young traitor set up another candle and lit it, as Monkey Fist finished drawing a pentagram on the floor before placing a black ninja garment and mask on the center of it.

“Are we all set?” Fukushima inquired.

Monkey Fist looked up at the open skylight seeing the full moon shining in, “Yes. We can begin the ceremony.” Monkey Fist pulled out the scroll that was stolen from the school, unraveled it and began reading the contents in Japanese.

Fukushima watched, as the pentagram on the floor glowed, and the flames of the candles started burning bigger. The from skylight the moon's light shined down on the pentagram as if it was pulling energy directly from it. As Monkey Fist continued chanting the ninja garment started levitating up with something forming inside it. Soon out from the sleeves and pants came hands and feet along with a head slowly emerging from the shirt.

Outside, the turtles and their friends rendezvoused and saw a beam shooting down from the moon and into the warehouse.

“Well, that's not ominous at all.” Twilight said in sarcasm.

“That's what our medallions were reacting too.” Leo noted.

“What is Monkey Fist doing?” Ron asked.

“No clue, but from looks of it it's not good.” Kim suspected.

“We better hurry.” Blade instructed.

“Right. Come on!” Leo ordered, as they took off in the direction of the source.

They arrived outside the warehouse noticing the beam shooting down from the moon at the building stopped.

“It stopped?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“What does that mean?” Scootaloo wondered.

“Whatever it means, we can be sure Monkey Fist has something prepared.”

“Let's get inside.” Sunset instructed.

“One problem, the entrances are blocked.” Ron motioned down.

The group saw the Foot Bots and the Monkey Ninjas, “Foot Bots and Foot Elite?” Karai asked.

“How'd Monkey Fist get a hold of them?” Shini wondered.

“Are those the Monkey Ninjas?” Casey asked noticing the animals.

“That's them all right.” Ron confirmed.

“Oh, they look so cute in their ninja uniforms.” Fluttershy cooed.

“Don't be fooled, Fluttershy,” Kim warned her, “They're loyal only to Monkey Fist.”

“Since we can't use the doors, we need another way in.” Blade told them.

“Breaking in is what I love.” Raph smirked.

So the group pulled out grappling hooks and fired them into the wall outside the building where the busted up windows were.

“Hang on, Apple Bloom.” Applejack told her sis who held onto her, while Sweetie Belle held onto Rarity, and Scootaloo to Rainbow Dash. Ron held onto Mikey, as Yori held onto Kim.

“Let's go!” Leo called, as they swung from the one roof with Ron screaming and the CMC cheering.

They managed to land inside the building and looked around, “Which way? April asked.

Kim looked seeing an open door with a faint light inside, “There.”

“Arm yourselves.” Leo instructed, as the group readied their weapons, and proceeded cautiously.

As they entered the room they saw Monkey Fist and Fkushima standing in waiting, “Kim Possible, welcome.” the villain greeted.

“Monkey Fist.” Kim greeted with a scowl.

“Yori. Outsider.” Fukushima greeted while sounding more bitter towards Ron.

“Fukushima.” Yori frowned.

“Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie announced.

The Rainbooms pulled her back as Monkey Fist squinted, “So these are the new group you're allied with. The Ninja Turtles and the Rainbooms.”

“You know us?” Mikey asked.

“Oh, yes. Drakken tipped me off about you through his new partner.”

“So that's where you got the Foot Bots.” Karai realized.

“Indeed. I was surprised to learn Drakken's new partner Stockman has had countless run ins with you ninjas trained in the style of the famous Hamato Clan.” Monkey Fist continued.

“Well, they're true.” Raph confirmed.

“As well as those in the Foot.” the monkey villain eyed Karai.

Fukushima spoke, “So this girl is the new leader of the Foot?”

“I am. My name is Karai.”

“Charmed.” Monkey Fist greeted.

Fukushima frowned, “It's disgraceful. A child born of the Hamato leading the Foot Clan? An outrage!”

“I'm trying to bring back honor to the Foot that's been plagued by evil for years!” Karai argued.

“Really?” Monkey Fist asked smugly, “Well, I have someone here who may think otherwise.”

“Who?” Rainbow asked.

“Me!” came a voice that sent shivers up their spines.

They looked and saw stepping into the light was a man wearing the ninja outfit set up by Monkey Fist for the ceremony.

“Who is that?” Kim asked.

“He gives me the willies.” Ron shivered.

Karai looked before gasping, “No! It can't be!”

“Karai?” Shini asked.

“Do you know him?” Leo asked.

“I've only heard about him through Shredder. Guys, this is the founder of the Foot Clan!” Karai said in shock.

“HUH?!” the group asked in confusion.

“That's right,” Monkey Fist confirmed, as he stepped up next to the newcomer, “May I present to you one of the greatest warriors in history, and the Founder of the Foot Clan himself. The Dreaded Koga Takuza!” Takuza laughed menacingly that almost sounded like Shredder's laugh.