• Published 6th Nov 2022
  • 4,810 Views, 217 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

  • ...

The Mouser Hydras

As a plane flew over Middleton, Kim, Ron, the turtles, Blade, the Rainbooms, the CMC, and the others were putting on parachutes.

“Ok, I'm gonna ask. Do we actually have a plan to stop those giant killer robots, and those smaller ones?” Ron asked in a panic.

“We go down and fight real hard.” Leo answered.

“Seriously?” Ron asked in confusion.

“It's how we roll for the most part.” Pinkie replied.

“I myself have learned to just go with it.” Blade admitted.

“Even so, we still need a plan.” Twilight noted.

“My brothers and I will take out the Big Bots,” Leo explained, “The rest of you handle the ground level.”

“We can do that.” Rainbow admitted.

“Just leave it to us.” Shini nodded.

“Then let's go!” Kim called, as they jumped out of the plane and free fell.

They eventually deployed their parachutes and landed safely on the ground of downtown Middleton where they saw people taking cover as the robot army marches through the streets with the Hydra Mousers following behind.

“Alright, we have our assignments. Let's do this team!” Leo ordered, as they put their hands in.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey cheered, as they split up.

As the Hydra Mousers stomped through the city, Drakken laughed, “I've waited so long for this. Now the world will tremble before my might!”

“Don't forget mine, Drakken.” Stockman reminded him.

“Of course.”

“You know, things are actually looking like they could go your way.” Shego admitted.

“Not if I have anything to say about it!” Kim called, as she flew up on her jetpack.

“Kim Possible?!” Drakken called in shock.

“Why're you so surprised?” Stockman asked rhetorically.

“Huh? I don't know,” Drakken admitted sheepishly, before shaking it off and spoke to his nemesis, “No matter, it's too late for you to stop me, Kim Possible!”

“That's what you think!” came Leo's voice.”

“Huh?” Stockman asked, as they saw the Turtles levitate up with their medallions magic activated putting them in their armor.

“As much as I commend you on the design of these Mouser Hydras, they gotta go!” Donnie called.

“Not a chance!” Stockman answered, as the Mouser Hydra they stood upon tried snapping their jaws or shooting energy blasts our of their mouths at the Turtles who using their magics flew to avoid the hits while began fighting back.

“Shego!” Drakken called.

“On it!” Shego jumped up tackling Kim who flew them both around through their grappled before landing atop one of the other Mouser Hydras. Once there they began fighting hand to hand with Shego using her energy blasts.

On the ground level, the Rainbooms, the CMC, Blade, Ron, and the New York heroes were dealing with the other robots.

“Time to bust some bots!” Applejack called, as she used her clawed gloves to slice through some Stockman Bots. When a Shego Bot tried to jump her from behind, she flipped it over her shoulders and onto the ground destroying it.

April and Casey were dealing with some Stockman Bots, as Pinkie threw sprinkles into their joints before they exploded destroying them.

“Hope Stockman has warranties on these.” Pinkie told the two.

The CMC were using their weapons and ninja moves against some Mousers jumping at them, “Jeez, these things are pesky!” Apple Bloom said, as she sliced a Mouser with tanto.

“No kidding!” Sweetie Bell agreed, as she grabbed a Mouser by the head using her nail knives to tear through it.

Scootaloo stabbed some Mousers with her butterfly knives before spin kicking one away, “We keep this up, we'll be finished before dinner.”

Suddenly the three were grabbed from behind by Shego Bots and lifted them up, “Let us go!” Apple Bloom demanded.

The three reached behind and used their weapons to stab at points in the Shego Bots causing them to drop the trio. Rainbow ran by weapon armed, and spoke, “Not bad, girls.”

“Thanks, Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo smiled.

“Now watch this!” Rainbow zipped around using her weapon to cut down some Stockman Bots.

Karai was tangling with some Shego Bots, slicing them with her sword, before getting blasted from behind by another. She turned towards it with her snake eyes before hissing. She assumed mutant snake mode and latched onto the Shego Bot using her snake hands to rip its arms out before using her main mouth to chomp the upper half off from its legs. She changed to to human and smirked, “Sometimes I'm so good it scares me.”

"But you still make it look so awesome." Shini admitted, as she used her chain and hypno ball to take down some Shego Bots.

Twilight was twirling her weapon around stabbing at a Stockman Bot and Shego-Bot. When three Mousers tried to jump her, they were nailed by a kunai each courtesy of Sunset Shimmer. The two smiled, before teaming up as more Stockman Bots surrounded them.

As Ron was running from the laser and energy shots from the Stockman and Shego Bots, he finally took cover behind a mailbox.

“This is no place for me!” he panicked.

“Yeah!” Rufus agreed.

Blade landed close to him while swinging is sword to deflect the laser shots, “Ron, what're you doing hiding?!”

“I can't do this, Blade! I'm not a fighter!”

“Don't talk like that! You are an important asset to Kim saving the world.”

“If you're talking about the Ron Factor that was debunked already.” Ron noted.

“It doesn't matter what it's called!” Blade replied, “You're Kim's friend. She could never do everything alone without you. You're always there for her like a true friend should be.”

“Maybe, but I can't do half of what you or your friends can do.”

“Can you?” the mutant from Equestria asked, “Kim told us you were exposed to the same Mystical Monkey Power as was Monkey Fist. You trained at the school that was founded upon it. You bested both Monkey Fist and Fukushima. Kim even told us you outsmarted a mutant fish man! You are more than what you give yourself credit, Ron Stoppable! Our friends need help from each and everyone of us. That includes you. So what's it going to be?”

Ron looked around seeing his ninja friends struggling and fighting as the Stockman Bots, Mousers, and Shego Bots kept coming and attacking them. The more he watched the more concerned he got. Soon that feeling of concern turned into a feeling of determination as an astral monkey appeared in his eye doing kung-fu moves.

Suddenly Ron started yelling and making monkey noises as he ran out into the fight surprising Blade. As Rarity used his sicked to slice a Shego Bot, she used her diamond shield to block the laser shots from some Stockman Bots.

“Just need to hold out!” Rarity strained, until Ron jumped in and using kung fu destroyed the Stockman Bots, “Ron?”

“I feel amazing! I feel I can do anything just like Kim!” Ron cheered, as he ran around knocking over robot after robot.

As Fluttershy defended herself from a Stockman Bot, Ron ran up and tackled it away, “Thank you, Ron!” she thanked him.

As Ron continued to fight, Mikey landed by his side, “Hey, not bad, Ron!”

“Thanks, Mikey.”

“How about I finish these up?” Mikey offered, as he used his magic on the earth to summon wood pillars that wrapped around the robots binding them so hard they broke into pieces.

“Booyah!” Ron cheered.

“Kasha!” Mikey finished.

As all that was going on on the ground level, Leo flew around using his magic while swatting at one of the Mouser Hydra's heads with his swords.

“Take out the heads!” Leo called, as he continued to slice at the faces.

“Easier said than done!” Donnie called, as he flew around before using his staff to conjure thunder on one of the giant robots heads.

Raph landed on the back of one Mouser Hydra before encasing his stronger sais in his metal magic allowing him to pierce into the robot more and dragged them along putting a wide crevice in it.

“Now, let's see how this bot handles heartburn!” Raph used his mastery of fire to engulf the inside with flames making the robot melt from the inside.

“No! Our Mouser Hydra!” Drakken cried.

“Don't worry, we still have five more.” Stockman reminded his partner.

Leo dodged some energy blasts shot out of another Mouser Hydra's mouths before launching blasts of water at it.

“Nice try, Turtle!” Drakken mocked, “All you're doing it giving it a spit shine!”

Leo frowned, before channeling more of his magic into his sword and flew at the Mouser Hydra cutting down the heads one by one, “Good thing these things can't regrow heads.”

Stockman hearing that turned to Drakken, “What? You didn't add in the head regrowth function?!”

“Hey, they're your designs!” Drakken argued.

Mikey while on the ground level noticed the feet of a third Mouser Hydra, “Can't move without feet.” he used his earth magic to grip its feet and rip them out making the giant robot fall down unable to get back up.

Leo seeing Mikey's move got inspired, “Guys, forget the heads, go for the feet!”

“Alright!” Raph cheered, as he and Donnie went down and used their magics against a fourth Mouser Hydra's feet making them break off sending it crashing to the ground like the other.

“Great, only two more left!” Stockman frowned.

“Don't worry, we can always clone more with this now that it's been recharged.” Drakken said holding up the duplicator ray he stole from HenchCo.

Blade had ninja'd himself up to the stop of the Mouser Hydra they were on spoke, “Not today!” he swung his sword back charged up with energy before swinging it forward unleashing said energy knocking it out of Drakken's hands destroying it.

“No!” the two geniuses cried.

“Yes. And now my next trick.” Blade once again channeled electrical energy into his sword before piercing the robot's shell sending the electrical energy surging through the robot.

“No! You'll cause an overload!” Stockman cried.

“Exactly. Catch ya later.” Blade jumped off and free fell, before being caught by Twilight's magic and lowered safely to the ground.

As the Mouser Hydra overloaded and shut down, the two geniuses evacuated only to get hogtied by Applejack using her lasso.

“Yee-haw!” She cheered, as the two grumbled.

On the last surviving Mouser Hydra, Kim and Shego continued going at it hand to hand with Kim using some ninja moves.

“Impressive moves, Kimmy.” Shego admitted.

“Thanks. Leo taught me some of these.” Kim answered.

“Nice. Now let me teach you something.” Shego blasted at Kim, who kept dodging before retaliating with some kicks.

The two ladies grappled before pushing each other back and stared each other down, “We end this now, Kim. Any last words?” Shego inquired.

Kim started blankly at Shego before answering, “Booyakasha.”

“Wait, what?” Shego asked confused.


Before Shego knew it, the turtles jumped in slamming their shells all around Shego squashing her. In a daze the black and green dressed criminal stumbled around, until Kim spoke, “And here's some more words. Bye-bye.” she delivered a kick to Shego knocking her off the Mouser Hydra.

Shego fell before landing on a diamond disk courtesy of Rarity bringing her safely down. As Applejack and Rainbow looked at her oddly, she spoke, “Well, it was only right.”

“Ouch.” Shego groaned.

“All the robots down here are toast!” Casey called, before using his taser to short out a Stockman Bot.

“Now to deal with that.” Sunset motioned to the last Mouser Hydra as the turtles and Kim got off it.

“Come on!” Pinkie called, as the Rainbooms linked up and became empowered by their full Equestiran Magic and levitated up.

“What, what is that they're doing?” Drakken wondered.

Blade smirked, “That's the magic of their friendship.”

The Rainbooms unleashed their magic on the last Mouser Hydra causing it's body to fall apart leaving nothing left but a pile of pieces. The girls touched down and saw all the robots in pieces, and the three villains restrained.

“We did it!” Mikey cheered.

“Yeah!” Rainbow cheered.

“Do we rock, or do we rock?!” Pinkie called.

“Yeah!” they all cheered.

The villains frowned, until Stockman managed to use his blade in his armor to cut himself and Drakken free, “Yes!” Drakken cheered.

The heroes spun around seeing this, “Oh, no you don't!” Mikey tapped into his medallion to make the street pull Drakken's feet in.

“Hey! Stockman, help!” he pleaded.

Stockman who activated his rocket boots hovered above them, “Sorry, Drakken. But you know in the end it's every villain for himself. Time for me to go home!” he flew off laughing.

“No!” Drakken groaned.

“You didn't see that coming?” Shego asked dryly.

“But we're good friends.” Drakken replied making Shego sigh.

Later on, the clean up was being done as the robot parts were being taken away to be disposed of, while Drakken and Shego were being escorted into a police car.

“You think you're all that Kim Possible, Rainbooms, and Ninjas?! Well, you're not!” Drakken shouted, before getting into the car that drove away.

“Does he always say that?” April asked Kim.

“More or less.”

“So it's done? We can go home?” Raph asked.

“Looks that way.” Twilight said.

“Oh, can't we stay a bit more?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, after all that's happened today, we could use some rest.” Leo admitted.

“I'm down with staying a bit more.” Casey added.

Everyone nodded, as Karai spoke, “Looks like it's unanimous.”

“Is that alright, Kim?” Fluttershy asked.

“No problem at all.” she replied.

“So let's go back. I'm beat.” Apple Bloom admitted, as they started heading back.

As Blade walked behind with Ron, the swordsman spoke to the boy, “I'm proud of you today, Ron.”


“You showed true courage back there.”

“Thanks. But now that I got the adrenaline rush out of my system, I don't think I could do that again.” he admitted.

“Never say never, Ron,” Blade patted his shoulder, “After all, those skills are a part of you. And are always there when you need them the most.” Ron was moved by Blade's words and knew he could probably still use those moves when he really need them.