• Published 6th Nov 2022
  • 4,810 Views, 217 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

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At Drakken's lair, both Drakken and Stockman were hard at work building something big. As Stockman was using a blowtorch, he turned to Drakken and spoke.

“You know, Drakken, I'm surprised you wanted to go this route with dealing with Kim Possible. Not that I mind using robots and all. They are my specialty. But wouldn't mutants have worked too? I can supply us with mutagen after all.”

“I'm much happier using robots. Even though my first attempt backfired on me.” Drakken grumbled.

“Ah yes, your Bebes that betrayed you.” Stockman smirked.

“And they were so loyal, then one slip of the tongue and they rebel!” Drakken vented.

“That's why it's best not to make your robots too sentient. Otherwise they will deem their creator unworthy.”

“Well, this creation better not do that.” Drakken warned his partner.

“Don't worry, it won't,” Stockman assured him, “In fact with this creation we'll not only destroy Kim Possible and the Ninjas, but with it, we'll dominate the world!”

The two heard foot steps approaching, and they looked seeing Shego, “Shego, did you get what I asked for?” Drakken inquired.

“Straight from HenchCo Industries.” Shego tossed Drakken a ray device.

“Excellent. Now our greatest creation will become more!” Drakken announced as he aimed the ray at what he and Stockman were working on and fired a beam.

As the object hidden in the shadows was surrounded by the beam's aura and the three watched as the object appeared to be splitting.

“Yes, yes!” Stockman cheered.

“It's working!” Drakken cheered before announcing, “Now we will have an unstoppable army!” he and Stockman laughed maniacally.

The next day at Middelton High after school, the Rainbooms, April, Shini, and Karai were working with Kim and the rest of the Middleton High cheer squad doing routines. Because they were now welcomed to participate with the squad the girls were taking advantage of this chance to use cheerleading as a means of training their bodies.

Even though Bonnie was ruled out about letting them join she didn't wanna make it a pleasant experience for the girls, and had been trying several times during the routines to sabotage either the Rainbooms or the ninja girls by trying to either trip them up, nudge them, or get in their way. Unfortunately for Bonnie each of the girls anticipating her sabotage kept dodging and avoiding her all while keeping up the appearance they were still practicing the routine leaving Bonnie to constantly flopping.

Soon all cheerleaders posed together, “Gooooo Mad Dogs!”

Ron and the boys masks on head ran out and howled with Ron shaking his mouth foam around. Kim looked to everyone, “Good one, all. Take five!”

As the girls were heading to go change, Karai called to Bonnie, “Hey, Bonnie, sorry you flopped so many times during the routine!”

“You just keep up the practice and you'll get it right!” Rainbow laughed, as Bonnie growled in embarrassment before storming away.

As the girls went to the bench to relax where the CMCs were sitting at having watched their practice, the boys removed their masks, “That was good work, girls.” Leo said.

“Thanks, Leo.” Twilight replied.

“You all weren't so bad yourselves.” Applejack admitted.

“Thank you,” Blade replied, “I'm actually getting used to this. Next time I go to a Buck Ball game I should do something like this to support my fave team.”

“I'd like to see the sports in Equestria myself.” Ron said.

“Maybe one day.” Sunset patted his shoulder.

When the Kimmunicator rang, Kim reached into her bag and answered the device, “Go, Wade!”

“Hey, Kim. You got a hit on the sight from Jack Hench,” the genius explained, “Looks like his company's been robbed.”

“Jack Hench?” Applejack asked.

“What company does he own?” April wondered.

Karai sighed and explained, “Jack Hench is the owner of HenchCo Industries; a company that supplies supervillains with whatever they need. Shredder's done business deals with them before.”

“Wait a minute, there's entire company that makes stuff for supervillains?!” Raph asked in shock.

“At this point that doesn't seem so surprising.” Donnie answered dryly.

“And it's owner wants your help?” Fluttershy asked Kim.

“Wouldn't be the first time.” Kim replied.

“You've helped Jack Hench before?” Shini asked.

Ron answered, “One time Drakken stole a bunch of muscle enhancement rings for his henchmen.”

“And Ron here kept one of them for 'evidence', when really he used it for himself.” Kim added making Ron pout.

“Why did you think you'd need muscle enhancement, Ron?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Have ya seen him lately?” Rainbow asked rhetorically making Ron scowl.

“A second time we had to help was when Drakken tried to use one of their creations called the attitudinator.” Kim said.

“Attitudinator?” Casey wondered.

“He wanted to use it to make himself more evil.” Ron explained.

“But because it got broke during the process all of Drakken's evil was transferred to Ron, and he went from acting like a bad boy to acting evil.” Kim put in.

“Uh-huh, evil.” Rufus confirmed.

“Even got Drakken's blue skin to go with it.” Kim added.

“This guy, a supervillain?” Raph asked in disbelief while motioning to Ron.

"Somehow I just don't see it." Casey said equally skeptical.

“Believe me it surprised all of us.” Kim replied, “And Ron's goodness was transferred into Drakken. And I had to rely on him to use fix the helmet so he and Ron could swap attitudes again.”

“Tell me you're not thinking about helping this HenchCo, are you?” Applejack asked hoping for a rejection answer.

“I have no choice, Applejack,” Kim replied, “Some of their creations are too dangerous to be given into the wrong hands.”

“Kim's right,” Twilight agreed, “The last thing we need is another Black Hole Generator incident.”

“So let's go pay HenchCo a visit.” Scootaloo suggested.

Later after suiting up in their mission attire, Kim and Ron brought their friends to HenchCo where they met Jack Hench himself.

“Kim Possible, so nice to see you. And welcome, distinguished guests.” Jack greeted the ninjas.

“Still as smooth talker as ever, Hench.” Karai spoke up.

“Well, if I'm not mistaken, Ms. Karai Oroku herself.”

“The name is Karai Hamato.” she corrected him.

“Of course. How is the Foot Clan these days?” Jack inquired.

“Better now that Shredder's gone.”

“Pity. He was a very valuable customer.”

“Alright, Hench, why the invite?” Kim asked wanting to get to the point.

“Ah, yes, right. You see, Ms. Possible...” Jack began, as the group walked with him.

As Jack Hench was speaking with Kim, Raph noticed several hench guards on standby. He grunted before looking at Leo, “Leo, this is wrong. Are we really just gonna act like we're not standing in a villains supply company?”

“Believe me, Raph, I know this feels all kinds of wrong.” he replied.

“So let's just blow this place or something.” the hothead suggested.

Sunset leaned in, “Raph, there's a time and place for everything, but right now this is not that.” Raph just sighed in disappointment.

“And that's when I designed this.” Jack showed up a blueprint for the ray Shego stole.

“And what is it?” Kim inquired.

“Duplicator Ray,” Jack explained, “I think it speaks for itself.”

“You made a ray that can duplicate stuff?” Donnie asked in surprise.

“Precisely, my reptilian friend.”

“Why would you make something like that?” Apple Bloom asked.

“To save villains from constantly mass producing other things they invent through the machine that made them.” Jack Hench shrugged.

“Wow, with that I could make one pizza into ten, or twenty, or a hundred!” Mikey salivated.

"And I could make so many cakes that way!" Pinkie said equally excited.

“Well, unfortunately it's only capable of reproducing one thing five times before it needs to recharge for 24 hours. It's still a prototype after all.” the company owner explained.

“And who's the lucky person to steal it?” Ron inquired.

“You tell me.” Jack said, as he pulled up surveillance feed to show Shego sneaking in and stealing it.

“Shego.” Kim called it.

“So Drakken's at it again?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Which means Stockman is too.” April added.

“Oh, Baxter Stockman's in town too?” Jack asked curiously, “He's quite the customer himself always needing some spare robot parts and weapons when he needs them.” the heroes gave him dry looks.

“What do you think they're gonna do with that ray?” Pinkie asked her friends.

“No doubt try to duplicate Stockman's robot army.” Karai suggested.

“Drakken wouldn't want to just duplicate Stockman's robots,” Kim began theorizing, “For something like this, he'd want something more to use.”

Twilight who got an alert on her phone looked shocked, “Uh, I think we might've found out what they used it for.”

They looked on Twilight's phone seeing a live news feed in Downtown Middleton. Not only did they saw several Stockman Bots, Mousers, and Shego Bots running around, but the biggest shock of all was seeing six 30 ft tall Mouser Robots that had six heads connected to long robotic necks.

“Holy chalupa!” Mikey gasped.

The video feed showed Drakken, Shego, and Stockman riding atop one, as Stockman announced via loudspeaker.

“Tremble before the might of the Mouser Hydras!”

Kim, Ron, the Ninjas, Rainbooms, Blade, and the CMC looked at one another in total shock knowing they got their work cut out for them again.

Author's Note:

The reference of Kim helping Jack Hench when the Muscle Enhancement Rings were stolen by Drakken comes from the episode Ron the Man.

The reference of Ron turning evil and Drakken turning good because of HenchCo's Attitudinator comes from the episode Bad Boy.