• Published 6th Nov 2022
  • 4,810 Views, 217 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

  • ...

Trophy Theft

At Middleton High one afternoon, classes were letting out, as Kim, Ron, and their ninja friends were walking down the hall.

“Man, I don't think I can handle another pop quiz!” Mikey grumbled.

“I hear ya, Mikey,” Ron agreed, “It's like they do this to us because they want to catch us off guard!”

“That's the idea of a pop quiz, boys,” Twilight replied, “It's always to keep you prepared for when you'll be tested.”

“Yeah, well, they seem to spring them on us here more than they do at CHS!” Rainbow grumbled.

“I know.” Scootaloo agreed.

Kim opened her locker, as Wade appeared on her computer monitor, “Hey, Wade.” she greeted.

“Hey, guys. Glad I caught you.”

“Got any new leads on Stockman with Drakken and Shego?” Leo inquired.

“No, but Kim did get a hit on the site,” Wade began as he looked up a message, “Pain King and Steel Toe need your help. They've both been robbed!”

“Wait a minute,” Raph spoke up, “Pain King and Steel Toe?”

“That's what he said.” Kim replied.

Raph's eyes lit up, “They're two of the best wrestlers in the world!”

“A booyah!” Ron cheered.

“They're the champs!” Rainbow cheered along.

“I don't understand how that fella can walk around with a metal foot.” Applejack said confused.

“No time, Applejack!” Raph ordered, “If Pain King and Steel Toe need our help, then we're gonna give it!”

“Wow, Raph, didn't know you were so passionate.” Sweetie Belle said in surprise.

“These two are more than just wrestlers, Sweetie Belle. They're an inspiration.”

“He does have a point.” Casey admitted.

“Alright, we'll head right over.” Kim said, as they closed the locker and left to prepare.

Soon the group were all at the training gym where Pain King and Steel Toe train that was taped off as a crime scene. The ninjas and teen crime fighter stood before the two wrestlers who were in front of a trophy case that was broken into.

“So explain to us what was stolen again?” Kim inquired.

“Two trophies. One belonging to each of us,” Pain King explained with a sigh, “My first place trophy for when I came in first at Vegas Victory.”

“I remember watching that,” Raph gasped, “You mopped the floor with the competition!”

“Good times.” Pain King nodded in nostalgia.

“And yours?” Karai asked Steel Toe.

“My first place trophy from Denver Demolition.” Steel Toe sighed.

“Stealing that is a definite crime!” Rainbow frowned.

“Anyone specific you know might wanna try and steal them?” Rarity began acting like a sleuth, “Rival wrestlers who thought you didn't deserve to win?”

“Nah, we checked. Every one of the wrestlers we fought in those matches had alibis.” Pain King answered.

“And they're not that bitter.” Steel Toe added.

Kim looked to her Kimmunicator, “Wade?”

“It's all true, their alibis check out. And I've been doing some more digging, their trophies weren't the only ones stolen.” Wade explained.

“They weren't?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Nope, hundreds of first place trophies from other athletes have been going missing in this last week or so.”

"That's just wrong!" Casey said with a frown.

"And so bad sportsmanlike!" Rainbow added.

“So we know the stolen goods are all first place trophies for sports.” Donnie pointed the facts.

“Whoever's stealing first place trophies must always come in last.” Mikey noted.

“That's one possibility.” Blade admitted.

Spike who was walking around caught a scent and began to sniff around. Sunset caught sight of this, “Hey, I think Spike may be onto something!”

Everyone looked down at the dog sniffing around, “What is it, Spike? You smell something?” Twilight asked her dog.

“Yeah. Two specific scents,” Spike answered, before sniffing again, “The first is fresh cut grass... And the second one is a pair of golf shoes.”

“Golf shoes?” Shini asked curiously.

“Are you sure about that?” Fluttershy wondered.

“Yeah. I know my shoes. And these smell like golf ones.” Spike confirmed.

Kim and Ron began putting the clues together, “Fresh cut grass.” the redhead began.

“Golf shoes...” Ron trailed, as they came to the same conclusion.


Their friends looked to them, “Who?” Mikey asked.

“If Spike's nose is right, then all these signs point to Duff Killigan.” Kim explained.

“And who is that?” Blade wondered, until Twilight spoke up.

“Duff Killigan; former famous golfer until he was banned from all golf leagues for aggressive behavior. Including Mini-Golf,” the group looked at her oddly, “My dad is a golfer himself. He talks about these things.”

“Wade, would majority of those stolen first place trophies be for golf championships and tournaments won by star golfers?” Leo asked.

“Indeed they are.”

“Makes sense for Duff to be going after trophies for golf championships given his ban, but why go for other sports trophies?” Kim wondered.

“Probably out of spite.” Rainbow suggested.

“Sounds just like him.” Ron agreed.

“So he's just stealin' first place trophies for every sports championship and tournament out of spite?” Applejack wondered.

“I know he'd probably wanna keep the golf ones, but the others?” Kim trailed, as they were all curious.

Meanwhile at Drakken's lair, the doctor along with Shego and Stockman stood before their ally Duff Killigan who was marveling at the two latest trophy steals.

“Say what ya want about other sports, lads,” Duff began, “They sure know how to make a trophy good and shiny.”

“Well, we're glad you're enjoying your steal.” Drakken began.

“And I have ye to thank Stockman fer lendin' me yer Mousers to help in the heists.” Duff thanked the scientist as Mouser robots were pacing around.

“Always glad to put my Mousers to good use.” Stockman said with pride.

“Yeah, but I can't believe why he's stealing them in the first place.” Shego said bored.

“Shego, Killigan has his reasons,” Drakken reminded her, “And we agreed so long as we help him, he'll lend us his aid.”

“Aye,” Duff nodded, “Just a few more trophies and I can finally have them all melted down and use the content to have a giant first place trophy dedicated to me made!”