• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 845 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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Author's Note:

Ok so heres one I have been working on for a long time. Ever since I saw the power ponies episode in the show I've wanted to write a comic book fan fic. Being a fan of both science, science fiction, story telling and the hero genre, like DC and marvel I had something in mind for a while. However the more I wrote this the more the story just evolved and took a life on its own. What started as a power pony fan fic has turned into something I hope you all enjoy, and please feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you all think about the CHIMERA TRILOGY...

update 9/1/2023... I HAVE AN EDITOR!!! and the prolog has been fixed

update /28/2023 im going back fixing more mistakes and gonna try to stream line the first few chapters so its an easier read.

update 1/25/24
i now have an editor.
Special thanks to: Rivershy for edditng this for me.


“Definition, a mythical hybrid creature. The most famous is the one that holds this very name. A monstrous two-headed cat: one head of a cat, one of a goat, and with the tail of a snake head.

Often depicted as the villain or at least adversary of a hero.

Some chimeras are said to have magical powers. They could breathe fire, control seas, shape-shift, and have the strength of a hundred elephants. They can even command the very heavens above with the power to control lightning, wind, and other elements. Most were depicted as grotesque and terrifying, yet you can also find many considered nature's most majestic creatures to ever exist.

Gods would often send heroes after such beasts to prove their worth.

They were either the spawn of evil or nature's greatest. However, there was no need to be alarmed, such monsters only exist in legends…or so I thought.”

“Or so she thought, huh?” murmured a male pony, pressing stop on a computer that was playing a rather dark video, only an outline of someone speaking could be seen on the screen.

As for the pony himself, he had a soft yellowish fur, a black mane, and was tall for a pony. He wore a white lab coat and a pair of glasses. He kept his eyes closed as he wrote down notes on a clipboard.

He stood in the middle of a forest, yet the sound of a wrench working on something was heard in the background.

“Why are you even listening to that? We already know the mission, don't we?” complained a female voice.

“It's always good to get all the facts straight.” He told her.

While he couldn't see her face it was clear by the way her head moved that she was rolling her eyes. He only shrugged in response.

His companion was a gray pony with pink hair and black highlights throughout her long mane which pulled back into a ponytail held by a blue flower hair clip, she wore a leather biker jacket.

“Do you have that thing working yet?” The male pony asked as he grabbed a hold of a ring that was around his neck,

“Hold on!” she called out as she tried to turn the last screw. Using all her strength, it seemed to be enough to get it to twist. She then let out her breath. ”Whoof got it,” she said, then took out the clip in her hair and shook her mane around a bit.

“Ready to go," she turned to him, revealing her eyes. They were like a snake’s. Yellow glowing eyes with a small red slit for a pupil that could send a chill down anyone's spine.

The male pony also finally opened his eyes, showing them to be just the same.

“Alright then, let’s start the mission now.” He said as he checked his cracked and slightly burnt, almost barely holding on to its strap but still ticking watch.

“October, 24, 9:29, ---- pm day 0”

“Citizens of Ponyville…”

The mayor of the city announced with a clear voice. She stood before a podium on the stage, addressing the large crowd of press that surrounded her below.

“I know these are troubling times, with this strange outbreak of…” The mayor paused trying to think of the right words to use. She was a tall white pony, taller than most but a pony nonetheless whose hair sparkled and shined a pastel rainbow of colors, dressed in a simple blue business suit.

“Mutations caused by a disease that we are still tracking down. To all those who are victims of this disease; we are doing our utmost best to fight back, with the help of some of the greatest minds of our entire nation, we are researching a cure for these tragic events that have plagued our fair city today”. She said, her voice sharp and strong, a true politician, yet with an almost motherly tone to her voice. While she gave no smile, there was great confidence in her demeanor.

Suddenly, the reporters in the audience buzzed alive with energy.
“Miss Kang! Miss Celestia Kang! please over here, Miss Kang!”

“One at a time.” She raised a hoof, silencing them all. Celestia pointed to a blue lizard in the group.

“Hello Miss Kang, I am with the Nightly News. Tell me what do you think of the new moniker the public is giving these..um victims as you say?”

“Chimera. Yes, I am aware.” She continued, “True, the first captured mutant did indeed resemble such a beast, I can not deny that. But I personally can not condone such a horrendous name. Chimera is a creature of legend, and are depicted as evil monsters. These people are merely infected by a very real threat. And I assure you that a cure will be found.”

At the end of her answer, all the other reporters started shouting their questions over each other once again.

She pointed at a fat red cat this time.

“Miss Kang, what of the rumor that the mutation disease only affects those of feline variety,”

“A miscommunication. We have seen cases of lizards, cats, dogs, and ponies by now. We know this isn't just an isolated event.”

The reporters hungered for her word, many hands raised in the air.

“I have to apologize, I am out of time but rest assured if there is anything else I will address it another time.”

As soon as she finished, several reporters swarmed her as the mayor ignored their questions and headed back inside, where she was greeted by a dark blue pony dressed in the same attire as her but in black instead.

The pony tapped their earpiece and spoke something into it, the doors suddenly locked shut behind them. Celestia took several steps past the other pony and sighed tiredly, her expression showing exhaustion.

“Well sister, now we can have at least a moment's rest.”

Celestia looked over her shoulder. “If only that were true, Luna.”
She collapsed into a chair, rubbing her forehead.

”I almost didn't even make it. I only won by two votes. The city has lost faith in me ever since these mutants showed up.”

As she continued, Luna walked over to a table and poured two cups of coffee.

“I have to gain the trust of the creatures back. Find a cure for the mutants and stop whoever is creating them in the first place.”

“This is pure chaos, and I have no clue who's behind it at all. And now people are calling the victims chimeras. It’s only a matter of time before people look at these victims as monsters to be destroyed.”

Celestia took the cup of coffee from Luna but did not drink. Instead, she sat with a concerned look on her face. “The last thing I need is a riot on my hands.”

“Sister we are in this together, I promise that-”

A knock broke her speech.

“Sorry, am I interrupting?”

“No, you are alright Mr. Shine. Has the ESA found anything that can help, Sombra?”

“The Equestrian Security Agency is looking into these events but unfortunately we have yet to find anything.”

“Do you really believe you'll find anything?” Another voice joined the conversation. It sent a chill down everyone’s spine as the smell of smoke filled the room.

The opened door revealed a very tall stallion in an orange suit with a matching hat and purple tie. The brim of his hat shielded his eyes, but not his muzzle. Sticking out on one side was a lit cigarette and on the other was a large overbite fang-like tooth. A black goatee hung from his chin, and a black mustache sat above his lips. He had a very long snout, even for a pony, and with his ears, he looked more like a donkey than anything else. His face had a sunken-in, skull-like appearance. No tail to be seen. And despite the suit giving him a wider frame, it was all too clear how skinny he was.

Celestia was taller than most ponies, and he was still at least half a foot taller than her. Standing at what seemed to be seven-foot tall along with his hat, giving him even more height. He towered over most creatures, including lizards who were usually a taller species than ponies.

Despite all that, he was a pony, judging by his hooves. He slowly brought up his right hoof and took out the cigarette. A cloud of smoke escaped his breath like a dragon.

He smiled, yet the grin on his face was anything but friendly. It was the kind of smile a deranged killer would make as he greeted his next prey.

“What are you doing here?” Luna asked venomously.

“I invited him,” Celestia answered for him as she cleared her throat and returned to her desk.

“ Hmm, desperate times do call for desperate measures aye,” Sombra muttered just loud enough to be heard.

“You may go now Mr. Shine.” Celetia excused him.

“Oh sure go and act like I don't know of the cars that follow me around. Word of advice, If you're going to spy on somepony, make sure they don't see you,” the new pony chuckled.

"Well well well. If it isn't the queen herself. What's it been? A decade since we last saw each other?”
The mayor kept her cool, looking as stern but friendly as possible.

“And look,if it isn't the general herself.” He turned his gaze to Luna.

"Retired. I'm top of security for my sister now." Luna said, trying to sound neutral but lacking in her performance.

The pony or creature chuckled, a deep, dark sound that could make the hair on the base of anyone’s neck stand on its ends.

“So I'm guessing you didn't call me here to catch up on old times. A meeting with someone of my reputation wouldn't do well for your next vote." His smile diminished as he lifted his hat slightly, revealing sunglasses.

"Let's stop with the pleasantries. Why am I here?"

"Good, they weren't very pleasant anyways," Luna said under her breath.

"Mr Ghost..." Celestia began.

"Oh please Tia, we were once friends, weren't we? no need to be so formal.” He smiled a toothy all-knowing grin.

Celestia blinked, but her expression hadn't changed. "Mr Ghost..."

"Tough crowd," he muttered as he took a few more steps to look out the window.

"With the rise of the chimera incidents, research to find a cure can never be more important. As a previous head researcher, we wish to employ you, sir, to help us find a cure. And also as one of the richest men in the state, we hope that we can come to an agreement that would be beneficial to all parties."

"Oh, I see." He said with his back turned to them.
"Ten years go by and the only reason you contact me is money. Isn't Dr. Filthy Rich or the Crystals putting in their fair share?"

"Yes, but we need all the help we can get if we are to cure this epidemic," Celestia stated, trying not to sound desperate.

"Why not ask for help from your citizens, since you oh so care for the creatures of this city?"

"As leader of this city, they depend on me to make the right decision. Not to drain their pockets. I am only asking for your help to better your own reputation."

A moment of silence filled the air, and the tension grew every second it remained. Only to be shattered by the sound of laughter.

"Hahahaha." cackled Mr Ghost. His entire chest convulsed with his laughter as he started wheezing. Luna rolled her eyes as Celestia narrowed hers.

"Something amusing?" She questioned in a dry tone.

"Yes," he shot back, turning on his heel to face them.


He said through gritted teeth. "You actually believe you're in charge here. This is my city, do not forget that." He stated gravely.

"If this is your city, then why won't you help us then?" Luna replied with anger burning in her eyes.

"I never said I wasn't going to." He remarked in an equally angry voice. His answer made the two sisters’ eyes widen.

Mr Ghost walked back to pull forward a suitcase they had not noticed him bring in beforehand, he passed by Luna not meeting her glare as he settled the suitcase on Celestia's desk. Clicking open the lock showed bundles of bills.

"I don’t wish for my name to be on any document. This is anonymous, As for the other payments, I have already left them in donation boxes." He began to head to the door. As he reached the threshold he said. "And don't forget, Who really rules this city."

And with that, he left the two sisters stunned.

As the office door closed behind him, his assistant, a tall slender male cat, walked up to him. "Mr. Ghost, sir,"

"Pull the car around, Capper, and quickly. I want to get out of here ASAP."

"Yes sir."

"And what is it that you're wearing?"

Capper looked down at himself, "Oh the suit sir? It's all I had." He was in a tuxedo.

Mr. Ghost sighed. "I told you we were meeting with the mayor, not going to the prom.”

"Sorry sir, it's all I could find on such short notice." Mr. Ghost sighed again and tried not to laugh at his assistant's expense.

"Sir, I also have your next appointment ready."

"Excellent, the sooner, the better." The two headed out the front door.

"I'll take it from here, you go and meet up with our…" he grinned slightly, "business associate. But before you do that, please look the part will you?" He raised an unimpressed eyebrow at Capper.

"Of course, sir. "

"Good…now get going." And with that said, Mr Ghost got in the car and left.

Luna stared at the cash on the table.

Celestia noticed her sister’s line of sight and nodded. "That's just like him, he still hasn't changed a bit, has he?"

Luna gave a stilted nod, still flabbergasted at the sight of the cash.