• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 844 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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chapter 23 Family At War

Sitting in a small tunnel connected to the large mining cavern. Two shadowy figures watched as the nearly three hundred people went to work.

"Well sis," Junior said as he leaned upstairs the wall. "What now?"

Mells leaned up against her bike watching the crowd. "I never knew Dad had such a life." She said to no one in particular, despite her brother being by her side.

"Yeah, neither Mom nor Aunty ever told us any of this. He's a strange one that's for sure." Jr's eyes went cross. "I thought our dad was a hero."

She chuckled, "Never meet your heroes I suppose. Still, it is interesting to know we have all his powers. And that we're apparently quarter dragon."

"So, still think it's a good idea to kidnap him?" Her brother deadpanned.

"Shut up I never said that." She smirked.

"Melody, this is how he dies. By tomorrow's first light, he is killed in the morning."

"And if so the world loses. We gotta stop it. It is our mission. Otherwise, chrysalis wins. "

"And how are we gonna do that?" Her brother asked.

"We have no choice. Go to war and protect Dad at all costs. She said just above a whisper." She raised her eyes to meet his.

Neither of them said another word. They didn't need to they knew what had to be done. After a moment of silence, all they could do was give one last hug. Before the final battle.

Once flutershys leg was wrapped up and looked over Rarity sat down next to her.

She at first didn't say anything nor did Fluttershy

"You ok," she asked flutershy.

"Physically yes." She replied tiredly.

That's him, isn't it? The colt you've been with.

Fluttershy gave a sad nod as a whisper escaped her.

"Well, he's a bit uh."

Flutershy whined.

"Hay hes not the villan. The ch- um discord," She struggled to say his name without sounding scared of him. "He is our ally now at the very least."

"You don't know him like I do," Fluttershy cried. "Discord, I know was a chimera, but I don't know any of this. Still, he's." She cried more.

Rarity wrapped her in a friendly hug. "Hay, hay it's ok," she soothed. "Hay as long as he cares for you then I'm fine with it. And so will the others eventually."

"But what if it was all an act, what if.."

"Hay! Do not do that to yourself. If anything I think it's clear how much you care for him. And if he has half a brain I don't think he'd fake such a thing, especially with you."

Fluttershy still cried but smiled at her friend's encouragement. "Do you really think the others would be ok with this?"

"I think Twilight gonna need some time, considering it's her brother. But then again a lot is happening bright now."

"Can you keep this between us? Please Rarity I don't want to cause any more of a scene than what's happened."

Rarity looked at her amazed. "Uh sure, sure, you know your, 're not the same Fluttershy I met a few years ago."

Fluttershy looked away whipping her tears.

"You're a lot stronger, Rarity finished. "Can you fly?" She asked

Fluttershy looked at her a bit confused but nodded.

"Then fly to him. Go, go and tell him what you need to tell him, dear. I'll keep everyone busy, we're going to see Twilight Mother anyway, just go find him."

Fluttershy whipped her tears and nodded as she took in a deep breath.

As Twilight walked down the dark hallways of Chaos Villa secret base she held tightly onto the key Discord gave her. This key was to his lab in Chaos Vill, and within it the cure to all of this.

She was lost in thought, even now as she watched the back of Capper guide her way down the halls. It was strange to her. How could she have been so wrong? She even went toe to toe with Capper and now they stood on the same side.

"Just thought that door there you'll find your mother."He said as he gestured to the door up ahead. " I have work to do so I'll be back in half an hour to come get you ready for the fight ahead." He said somewhat in a dull tone.

None of Twilight or her friends said a word as they entered. Inside the room, Twilight and Shining finally had a chance to digest the fact that their mom wasn't just alive, but was a secret agent working for the government and was the mother of their discord as well. It happened so fast, that no one had a chance to digest any of this, and soon the room turned to the dark purple mare who laid on a male shift bed on the ground. She was hooked up to a heart monitor and had her legs and arms bandaged.

Sensing everyone's eyes on her she took in a deep breath and let it before she said, "Well it seems I have some explaining to do."

The room just nodded as they waited on pins and needless to know the history.

"Right, well then,"; she winced. "If I'm going to tell you this story, I'm afraid I'm going to have to start with the beginning." She tried to sit up but couldn't and decided to stay In her position. She gestured for Twilight and her brother to sit down, which she and her friends did so circling the mare.

"I was a single child adopted by the government, raised to be a top spy. Barley 15 I was sent on my first solo mission out of the country. I've had other missions but never been away from home. I was sent to the lizard lands, my Albany was a foreign exchange student trying to get my archaeologist license. The truth was however far more complicated. Tho there wasn't a full-out war for over centuries tension ran high and always in the shadows a cold war was fought for government power. As an agent, it was my job to prevent anything from going hot. One she shook her head, that I failed."

A young dark purple pony with a fiery red mane sat at a table a none alcoholic drink in her hoof, listening to the tall grey, lizard who sat across from her, with ruby spikes, and matching eyes, dresses a bit fancy, with a dark blue suit a black shirt and white tie, a bit unconventional for just a plain date, but one that he didn't think to much of.

"So how are you liking it here Mrs shadow." He grinned a friendly, somewhat flirty grin, even if it was full of sharp fangs. "being so far from home must be so hard on you, feeling a bit homesick?"

"Perhaps but really I didn't like it much there, that's why I left in the first place." She replied as she took a drink.

"I see. Well thank you for taking me up on my offer to have a drink with me, after all, I hadn't seen you make many friends since you moved in across from me a month ago."

"Yes well a nice night to get my head out of my books is just what I needed," she returned a smile.

"So tell me how are your studies in history going?" He moved his gaze around the room.

"Well actually, I'm just trying to get my license so I can go to catgypt."

"Catgypt, really even with everything going on there?" He said narrowing his eyes.

She grew a smile as she replied, "Oh who cares about the ins and outs, just think of what riches could be discovered there, the greatest archaeology discoveries, yet to be untold just below the sands."She laughed, "Sorry I get excited when I think of the possibilities," she narrowed her eyes.

"I see," he nodded. "Well here's to finding riches untold among the sandy dunes," he smiled with a twinkle in his ruby eye, he was somewhat charming and handsome among lizards. And he had a flirtatious grin on his face when he looked at her. He walked her back to her apartment only before she walked in, the purple pony started feeling a headache. "I don't feel so good she said before she passed out"

Rainbow gasped. "Oh oh, I know this one. Daring do wake up captured by the bag guy. He congratulations her on her also getting the drop on him since he felt drugged too."

"Yeah I mean it wasn't daring to do that drugged him. And the two were surprised that both were double-crossed by a mutual friend and soon had to battle it out for in the books. The golden key to the mummies sarcophagus. And it turns out the gold she found was the friendship or as many guessed the love she found with Larry the lizard on their adventures in the sandy dunes. Rarity finished.

"Uh, guys?" AJ raised an eyebrow.

"No they right," Tempest nodded. "Only it wasn't a key to a mummy-like in my book. It was secret plan's to an entire army facility. Our entire journey through that book was all pretty much true.' She chuckled. "Including our somewhat strange romance." She coughed a few times before continuing. "Neither of us could tell Each other are names. He was secret agent Scales I was Tempest Shadow, an agent that came from different corporations. Our goals were the same. To protect the world and stop an underground cold war from going red hot. But we failed." Shadow grew a sad look as she sighed. "When he died a part of me went with him... And I couldn't take it anymore. I left the spy group entirely, this failing my mission, and that's why the war started. The same war that didn't end till long after you kids were born. to my surprise, however." She grew a sly yet sad smile. "He did leave with a surprise that not even I was expecting."

"Discord." Rarity looked away.

"Correct. I was happy at the time, I thought I could have a little bit of the creature I loved back in my life if only a little."

So what happened "Why didn't you raise him," asked Pinky?

"Well, you see," Tempest coughed again as her tone shifted to one of regret. "He was born a strange creature. He came out twitching and skinny. And despite the noises he made which did not sound like that of a pony at all."She winced. "He wouldn't open his eyes."

"The doctor told me he wouldn't love for very long and that it was a miracle he came out breathing at all. I spent what must have been a month trying to coax him, trying to make sure he survived. I even made up that lullaby to calm down his endless tears. And simply put,' her voice began to crack. "I felt like I was losing him all over again. I couldn't handle it and so I left, thinking he'd never survive." She coughed again. "It would be a few years later that would have finally fallen for someone else. I didn't want to but your father won me over and we had you two kids." she shook her head solemnly. "I never knew he was alive. Until much much later."

Fluttershy hovered down the hallways of the massive building, she was surprised with how large it was, considering it sat in the middle of an underground cavern. But even so, it would not deter her from her quest, if anyone asked which she did run into a few guards, and she always asked for directions to the laddie's room.

A weak excuse perhaps but one that worked well enough considering despite their suspicious looks they often pointed her down her path. But it wasn't to the bathroom she was searching for, despite the growing sensation she had at the pit of her stomach, no what she was on a quest for was one thing.


He needed her perhaps now more than ever. She tried to remember the pathway Twilight mentioned when heading up the tower, but to no avail, being for the most part completely lost. After turning down the hall for what must have been the fifteenth time she gagged her frustration. She pounded a wall not caring for who would hear, a look of defeat on her face as she whispered, "Where are you," frustratedly.

She leaned against the was tired some as she turned her back to it, she slid down it trying not to cry. She lowered her head into her hoofs as she felt her stomach turn again, the pit of worry overcoming her senses.

She shook not with fear nor anger... But sadness. This is hopeless she thought as the smell of smoke filled her nostrils. She hated that smell more than anything. Wait a minute, "smoke," she asked herself as she lifted her head. A quick sniff of it told her what direction it was coming from, not wasting another second she immediately jumped to her feet and ran to its source. Using her heightened sent, thanks to being a chimera she followed it step for step, she could even tell what direction it was coming from, what direction it was coming from, she also knew that the source was moving.

She followed it all the way, until she got to a door and headed out, as she did she could no longer smell the underground caverns but instead, the fresh night air still there was a hint, just him but a hint was more than enough for her to follow the smell of smoke.

As she got closer and closer to its source she realized she exited a small side cave, now she was on a small path that was on the side of the mountain. And not just any mountain, she recognized it for being their mountain. She soon found the location of a small windy road and she instantly knew where she was and more importantly where he was.

Discord took a gulp of whatever he had in his bottle, he gasped for air as he moved it aside from him, two more bottles already empty sat in the branches below him. He sat with his back against the tree, on top of one of its many strong branches. The only sound he could hear was the crackling of the fire and a few chirps and cracked from the inhabitants of the forest. So peaceful so tranquil, everything he was not at that moment. He winced in pain as an angry growl escaped his throat. His head was pounding his body ached, and it took him all he had not to bar up the bike in his stomach. To his surprise, a cold breeze swept through the nightly air. In some ways, it felt nice against his pulsing skin. His many scars bathed in the relief the cold brought him, it the cold made him feel lonely and reminded him of just how alone he was, how alone he truly felt at that moment despite being the king of an entire crime organization, whose all praises him and did his bidding.

Their so-called love and adoration weren't what he wanted at the moment, if anything it made him feel worse knowing that all of them had the one thing he never could. Family friends, loved ones, what a joke he muttered at the thought as he raised his other hoof and bit onto the cugeret he had in his eagle claw. He deeply inhaled it, its effects he could feel working. The pain he felt coursing through his body, subsided if only a little, a little was all he needed to push past the pain, both physical, emotional, and mental.

He narrowed his eyes on a chess board set that was hanging off the edge of a branch, a black king and a few pawns were set up against a white army.

This is what he needed to focus on. The oncoming attack and his next move to make in the game. he ottoman a puff of smoke as the word "game" spread against his lips. "it's all just a game."

Just then he heard the small outer pattern of movement outside the canopy of the forest.

He growled as he leaped off his branch landing perfectly and. Raising to his full intimidating height. "Capper I told you not to disturb me." He said.

But to his surprise, it wasn't Capper who stumbled onto his location, no instead it was a mare, and not just any mare, but Fluttershy who came to him.

Finally, she thought to herself as she raised her eyes to see him at his full height. She had to admit with the scars and height he did look quite scarry, his back against the light of the campfire behind him made him look like a tall empty shadow, avoid of every detail except his glowing red and amber eyes, it reminded her about the day they first met, he looked so much like the shadow of the night itself in that ally way all so many months ago. his expression didn't help either as she shook a little, why she didn't even know, she wasn't afraid of him, she knew he never hurt her.

But to him, that's all he saw, it was bad enough he had seen her face earlier that night, and now she stood inches from him shaking in fear to his perspective. And with it his heart sank, and the pain just seemed to return, he longed for her touch, the warmth, and love he felt from her in his arms the past few months, but now it was gone. She was scared of him and he couldn't blame her. He was, after all, a monster. As the thought hurt him, he took in another inhale of his cigarettes... it's smoke circling his entire body as he lowered his claw.

"Go away," he moaned with more emotion than she ever heard him say in all the time she knew him. There was something there and she knew what it was, pain.

That's why you drink, and smoke isn't it, and why you take these? She pulled out a bottle of painkillers, "I noticed them in your house one time and, and," she repeated softly not knowing what else to say.

He looked at the bottle and then at her only to return his sight to the bottle. In a quick slash motion, he snatched up the bottle from her making her flinch in surprise. He undid it too and scarfed down all the pills he had. Wobbling back over to his tree and grabbed the bottle he had of whatever liquid substance he was drinking. He used it to flush down the mountain of pills he had just taken. With the bottle empty he threw it into the fire it smashed and shattered as the fire grew slightly, clearly whatever he was drinking it must have been some type of alcohol.

He looked back at her over his shoulder. She was still there, a look of fear on her face, at least to him it was fear. It hurt him to see her like this, yet there was nothing more he could do for her.

"Well go on then." He groaned making her flinch once again, but it was only out of the sight of him.

"Oh, Discord." She stuttered.

"Why are you still here, didn't I just tell you to get lost?"

His question struck a nerve with her, all the pity she had for him nearly turned to to anger at his tone of voice. "I'm not leaving," she stated clearly but seriously.

Discord raised an eyebrow at this. Just a second ago she was shaking in fear and now she was talking back to him. Brave girl he thought to himself. 'Oh and why is that?" He retorted with a huff.

"Because I promised you I wouldn't?" She said in the same strong tone.

This nearly broke Discord's poker face. And it showed as his poster began to soften.

He looked away so she couldn't see his expression, but his voice gave him away. "Arnt you-," he said before lowering his head. "-Arnt you scared of me?" He asked as if it hurt him to just say the sentence.

"No." Was all she said. The one word was enough to finally break him. His expression softened a bit in surprise. "Maybe you should be." He said as if far away.

"And why is that?" she asked clearly annoyed.

"Are you kidding!?" He yelled and turned on his heel. "Look at me."

She didn't even flinch. The sight of her never-changing expression bewildered him. Was this the same mare as before? Now he was not so sure.

"I'm looking at you," she nodded. "And you know what I see?" She asked with a tilt of the head

"He stood silent."

"I see someone in who needs help, someone who stood probably the longest in this state." She shook her head as her lip quivered. "I hate my powers. I hate that feeling of pain and anger, I felt it!" She yelled placing a hoof on her on his bare chest. "I told you before I want to help, I don't want anyone feeling like that again, especially someone I love."

He stood jaw dropped as he listened to her words. An odd sense of regret came over him as he closed his mouth. "I'm sorry I." He turned away from her as he winced. "I just thought you'd be like the others."

"Do I look like the others?" She asked sternly.

He looked back. Even In her now torn superhero outfit, she was beautiful. In fact, her torn suit made her look even more attractive to him strangely enough. The way it sat tight to her body. It showed her true form. Not to curvey not to straight. If anything she looked perfect to him. As she always did.

'You say your not scared, but I saw the look on your face during that fight earlier."

"Because I was scared for you." She pleaded. "I don't like seeing any of my friends in danger. Especially you." She whispers the last part.

He looked away ashamed of his own thoughts. "I'm sorry, I, this, I never had this before. I never been loved by anyone or loved someone as much as I do you, so when I saw you were scared of me..." he lifted his head and looked at the sky above. Like Luna, like Twilight, I thought I lost you like everyone else."

With that, despite her own tears, Fluttershy giggled, "You haven't lost me silly, you never will." She placed a reassuring hoof on his back as high as she could reach.

His eyes widen as his body shivers at his touch. He bit his lip trying to hold back the emotional outbreak he wanted to have.

"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down." She chuckled as she spoke the words of their song. Even if the song was a meme in the beginning, it meant so much to her now.
"Just tell me Discord. I want to know, I can't help you if you'd don't tell me."

Discord lowered his head, in defeat of the mighty mare. "Very well," he said in a hushed tone, as the wind blew past making the tree above them creak and sway. "But it's not a very good story." He sat down.

With him sitting she was finally able to set her hoof on his shoulder. "I'm here." She told him.

"It all started when I was I was just a kid, seven or eight I can't remember... it feels like a lifetime ago."

Author's Note:

Oh boy next chapter is a long long loooooong one giving all the back story. Welp now to continue this author note story.

lol this was supose to be out last week but oh well beter late than never, I do plan to upload the next chapter either chritmas eve or christmas day so look forward to that.... I really should't make promises like that lol.

Ok so here we are, we talked just about everything except for one key charecter. Tempest shadow. How'd that come to be. Well in one draft of the story I had Fluttershy help discord find his long lost mother. Who that was I had no idea and decided to figure it out later. When I finally had to add this charecter It was either gonna be an oc, or someone I liked a lot. Hay you know who I like a lot. Tempest shadow. HURAY we have her. 😆 It was long after this that I figured out twilight was discords sister. So adding tempest to be her mother was simple. Oh but what about the daring do thing. Well as I was writing the story I wanted to give everyone something to contribute to it. In highndigjt sight, I could remove apple jack and pinky compleatly and it wouldn't change a thing. It's nice they add to that family part of the story, but they don't serve much a role. Rarity I new I wanted her dad to be part of it, since I did have discord want to capture her in the beginning. Flutershy was fluttercord. Twilight was mc. I needed something to do with dash. Eventually I wanted them to try and infiltrate the ranks of chaos vill. And I could give this to anyone
I picked dash to give her something to do, and I continued with it I really liked it. She was a super spy. Literally super. Now I also had her bring up daring do only beacuse I wanted to reference it from the show. I had no plans to put her in the story. But eventually as I wrote the super spy dash, I wanted to have her be found by a real super spy working for the government. And so adding daring do was ano brainier. But just having her there and not connecting her to anyone wasn't gonna work. So I made her tempest. Don't even know why just thought it would work. Did I get the pay off I wanted. I'll leave you to decide that.

Ok more about this later.😂👋