• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 845 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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Chapter 21 Checkmate

"What?!' Shouted Twilight.

"Discord ignored her putting all focus on tempest shadow. "Well Mother I didn't expect you to be alive, still makes sense, I mean you do have the motivation to kill me now don't you?" He said amused.

"Oh but I knew of your little scheme for a while now, however, I did not know who you were exactly,"

Tempest's breathing began to become erratic as Discords continued.

"My, my, my this is quite the surprise to see you alive. I thought you were long gone years ago."He chuckled, then sighed. "Tisk, tisk, always the one, the reason why my life is pure hell."

Discord slowly blinked, his entire expression as relaxed as possible. Twilight, Shining, and their mother stood a gasped as the mayor of the town got off his bike.

"Hello mother, I'm home," he said sarcastically.

"Mother?" The two sparkle siblings said in unison. "Mom please tell me it's a lie," Asked Shining

Discord grinned but otherwise ignored their outburst. "I really didn't think you survived that night."

"How, how are you still alive," she asked with anger and fear in her voice.

"Oh that," Discord smiled. "Simple really, I was never there at my home, tho I was surprised to know you blew it up!" He spat angrily but his tone shifted again to a happy one. "Then again a personal touch I suppose. I was always planning to draw you out of hiding and capture you in one failed swoop. And look, here we are." Discord said as he pulled out a cigarette and a lighter.

"Mr ghost your under arrest for your crimes as the Chaos King." Demanded Mr Shine.

He exhaled a breath of smoke keeping his cigarette in his mouth as he talked. His expression was one of boredom, his poker face. "I think your misjudging the situation here officer, your the ones who are under arrest." He chuckled.

"No. No, I'll tell you what is going to happen hear. I'm going to free my subordinates, capture my mother for questioning, take back my stolen research, kick all your asses." He inhaled his cigarette and let out a puff of smoke from his lips. "AND DANCE TO MY FAVORIT SONG, I'm in the mood for it. I'm so gitty I can hardly control myself," he said the last part with a wide grin.

He then turned on some music from his bike letting It blast at the top of the speakers.

The piano began playing as the song began, it was the same song they heard at the gala.

I will survive...

As the lyrics began to start discord mouthed the words as he Raised His gun.

"Take them!" He shouted and the other member of Chaos Vill quickly ran into the crowd. "Stop them! Shouted Mr Shine to the Cops around. Discord leaped forward at the officers. He kicked one up in the face and spun around on one foot doing a dance move as catching the beat as he quickly punched the enemy's vitals knocking them to the ground but not killing them.

Several others began to rush him, he pointed his gun at them at first but his smirk widened as he shot not them, but at the light above them, making it dark to see, as the lights flashed along with the sound of the music the enamys stood no chance against Mr ghost and his spontaneous dance moves.

Several tries to fire at him. He only leaped up into the air dodging their bullet fire, a wild smile on his face the cigarettes still hanging from his mouth as he lip sang to the song. He quickly punched the guard, even with their armor it was clear how strong he was as he punched them. With a twist of his leg, he backkicks one into another making them fall. He quickly took their guns and still dancing to the beat as he shot fire at most of the ceiling and other lights bringing the building to its knees in seconds.

discord took out another few guards, before doing a back flip and landing on the top of a train, losing his hat in the flip revealing his horns.

Through the chaos Twilight and the others tried to fight back. Rarity grabbed Spike and tried to keep him safe as the crowd turned into a war zone.

A laugh that was anything but friendly. Came from Discord. One that only the deranged would make as he seemed to enjoy the chaos around him.

Discord rose to his full height, a button snapped revealing his lower neck and part of his chest scar. capper just finished undoing the other's chains as he came to a stop, a look of terror filling his face.

Mr ghost was not a pony anymore, not like he was before. His face resembled one..but he had a scally snake-like tail and his neck was long. His tail and neck making up half the size of his full body. The grey fur on his chest darkened to a brown and seemed to be stronger, yet his chest and arms still showed the many scars he gathered over the years. He had a lion-like paw an eagle-like claw, and a deranged smirk as he took his cigarettes from his mouth as the song came to an end. He lifted his head and a mighty roar came from his mouth. One that seemed to shake the very ground itself. It sounded like a wild beast. Gone was Mr ghost the ugly yet charming pony. Now stood the mighty Chaos king in all its glory. Only one word could be used to describe it.


Discord heard the clicking of a gun and turned around to see his mother standing across from him on top of the train like he was.

In her hooves, a gun pointed straight at his chess.

Discord chuckled, so here we are, he said amused.

"I should have done this a long time ago," she breathed.

"Yes, you should have." He said amused as ever catching her off guard.

"What?" She asked her hands beginning to shake.

"Do you know how much pain I had to endure," he smiled.

Her hand shook even more with the sound of his voice.

He began to walk closer to her at a leisurely pace. "How much I went through my entire life, because of you." He chuckled.

"I, I," she stuttered.

"You left me!" He yelled startling her.

"You were just a baby. One I thought wasn't going to survive!" She yelled out.

"And you didn't make sure I was gone did you! Did you!"

Her eyes widened.

"You should have kept me, you should have raised me. Instead, my life is hell and somehow I'm the devil?!"

"You, you turned people into chimera, you killed my husband." She whined. 'You took my family away from me!"

"No, mother. You did. I don't care about your so-called family, I never did, I only ever wanted what was rightfully mine!" He stepped closer to her making her flinch almost pulling the trigger.

"What I rightfully deserved! A home...Go on Mother, go on and shoot, and this time, don't miss," he grinned. "Not like your husband."

Her eyes narrowed as she focused her weapon.

Discord only had a sly grin on his face.

Everyone else was beyond shocked. what could they do? What would they do? Their eyes were glued to the scene in front of them. Most of the struggle came to a stop, and both sides were interested in the outcome of this face-off.

But after a moment of endless silence, Tempest shadow finally choked on a cry and lowered her weapon.

Discord laughed, "I knew it. You can never finish the job. You deserve the Mother of the Year award, Equalizer.

His words barely sat with her, it took her a moment, but Shadow raised an eyebrow. "Wait Equalizer."

"Yes, that's what you are." He teased. "And I have you under checkmate."

"No, no, I'm not the, wait so your not the equalizer."

Discord scoffed. "No, I'm the Chaos King." But then his eyes wide as if what she just said registered with him.

"Wha- but you have to be the equalizer," Twilight shouted out.

He turned to her
"No, I told you the equalizer is someone who was close to the previous mayor. I am not the Equalizer, and who better than the old friend of the mayor to pull such a stunt?"

"But you turn creatures into chimeras" shouted Shining Armour. "With your crazy research"

"No sparky," he uncrossed his arms and pulled something out of his pocket. "I've been trying to cure the chimera disease, ever since our dear sister here got turned."

Twilight gasped, "But your the one who turned me"
She sputtered.

"You were never my target, I don't go for the-"

"The innocent only those who deserved it. so you went for Dad." Shining finished his sentence.

"Exactly, and by the way side note, I found the cure, it's back at my headquarters, luckily I knew of this scheme otherwise if that attack on my lab did succeed there goes the cure, and the only one who knew how to create it."

"Wait," shouted Rarity. "If your not the equalizer?"

"Yeah, that begs the question?" AJ said putting a hoof to her chin.

"Who is?" Asked Dash.

"Good question, I still have no clue," Discord answers her, rolling his eyes. "Still since neither of us are the equalizer, this entire fight is pointless. So we're done here." Discord griped as he leaped off the top of the train car. Just then sirens came rolling in with several cars and trucks. Discord rolled his eyes. "Mother call your goons off." He snarled.

"Wait I don't call for backup." She replied and looked around.

Mr shine shrugged, "I didn't."

"Wait so who are they then" asked Spike just as the several cars rolled up. A group of at least fifty creatures dressed in soldier uniforms ran out and surrounded the area, one of them shot a missile-grade rocket from a launcher.

"Oh, Shit every one down!" Shouted discord as it came in.

Luckily everyone duct as the rock hit the warehouse knocking a wall down.

Twilight, who was next to Discord by surprise, looked over and asked, "Who has military-" but stopped as she and Discord came to the same conclusion at the same time.

"someone close to the previous mayor," Discord said slowly.

Someone who had access to army-grade weapons and knows about Chaos Vill" said twilight

One figure walked up among the soldiers heading to the group.

Twilight decided to take a chance and look up. "What the-," she said in disbelief.

To Twilight's surprise, it was Discord who raised his head next to hers. She glanced over at him a bit of sweat dripped from her brow as he took a look. She wanted to be nowhere near him, no she wanted to be this close to take him down, to gain justice for her father and her mutations. Yet at the time it seemed like all that was irrelevant compared to the situation now.

Discord grew a sly grin. One she often seen on the mayor plenty of times, only with his eyes glowing, he looked far more intimidating than she wanted to give credit for.

"Well, well, well, this is a surprise." He chuckled. "I didn't think of all creatures, the equalizer would be you, Lulu."

Luna stopped her approach and stood with her arms behind her back. She stood in decent armor and a trench coat she used as a cape. She lowers her chin so she could get a better look at her opponent.

Discord couldn't stifle his deranged laughter. "It all fits quite well actually, So little Mrs supervillain, mind filling in the cliche and giving us your motive for this."

"I am no supervillain," Luna replied.

"Oh yes, yes, the villain who's a hero, go on, go on," he mocked.

Luna smirked. "It's very simple really when you think about it. Tell me Mr Ghost what could my motives possibly be, since your always one step ahead of the game?"

His eyes narrowed but his smile never diminished. "Well if I had to guess, let me put it this way? This is a lot of trouble just to ask me to dance."

She grinned, "Oh it's a little more than that? Shall I elaborate?

"As you wish," he said cockily.

"Ever since I saw what you were when were kids," she narrowed her eyes, her smile diminishing. "You were always a freak."

"All this because I stole your lunch money," he shook his head, "now honestly?"He taunted her. "After all it was you and your sister that sent me to jail."

"Yes and you got out, I knew it wasn't going to keep you, but when I heard you got in for a second time I knew a way to keep you locked up forever, she grits her teeth. Who do you think started the beast program?"

Discord's eyes widen a bit at that, but his grin never flustered.

Luna chuckled seeing how she actually already did break him with that information. "Your own research was gonna keep you locked up forever, at least it would have if you didn't kill my top scientist."

Knowing who Luna was referring to, Fluttershy's eyes widened as she recalled what Discord had told her.

"A fellow scientist. A feline. Oh, she was gorgeous, funny, and had the most beautiful name..cosmos, cosmos galaxy," he shook his head at the memory. "and I was a stupid boy just trying to figure out who I was in the world. I miss took her fascination with me as. As affection. How how could I love someone who wanted to turn my children into lab experiments."

Flutershy felt only worse for him knowing it was apparently his childhood friend who set him up.

"I thought you finally were gone when Mr sparkle ordered that attack on you, but then like a bad rash, you just kept coming back! I for years wanted to destroy you but couldn't since you became a public figure. Even with all those rumors I started about you. But from the moment I saw you at the gala, I knew I had enough of you. You who murdered my subordinate, cursing my godchild to a life without her family." Luna choked on a cry shaking to hold back tears. 'It ends today. You end today.' She snarled.

Discord kept his expression and raised his Mitch-matched hands, clapping slowly, mocking her."Fantastic performance." He shook his head gleefully amused. His slow clap picked up pace as his laughter ranged over the crowd. He Snickerd. "So let me get this straight. To stop the devil you became one, knowing you stood no chance of you didn't. you even set up a night so you could turn yourself into a chimera and build up an army just to take down Moei. Wow, really, no no I mean it, I am flattered," he placed a paw on his chest. "Truly. Let's cut to the chase then." His smile disappeared, replaced with a look of boredom, his signature poker face.

"Let's make a deal. I have quite a few members of my own gang, equipment with tranquilizers here. But they are normal. Then you have a bunch of soldiers here who are normal, and finally, there are civilians, other gang members I invited but are all made up of normal day-to-day creatures."

"Let me guess? She interrupted. "You're going to act like the hero and say we shouldn't let the others fight for us?

"Pointless bloodshed of those who don't deserve it was never my style." He told her, in an annoyed tone.

He shifted his weight a bit and slowly stood up to his full height. As he did he handed Twilight a key. She flinched a bit shocked by this. But he didn't address her not taking one eye off of her.

"Chimera vs CHIMERA! Think you can take the king?" He held his arms out. "Let's not let anyone else get involved. Let my boys take everyone on the train and we'll settle this." He told her.

Luna rolled her head from side to side pondering the deal.

"Twilight" she shouted catching her attention.

Twilight was startled to be addressed. But turned her head to her godmother.

"Take care of Spike for me. Get out of here. You have a deal discord so long as she goes safe."

Discord smiled and turned his head to Smolder but didn't take his eyes off his opponent. "Get everyone on that train and go."

"But boss,' Capper tried.

"Are you questioning my orders?!" He barked as the cat flinched.

"No sir," was his only response.

"Good then get going.' Discord removed his jacket before taking a step forward.

Capper was still in denial, but it was Smolder who took control. "You heard the boss" She raised her tranquilizer gun. 'Get moving, everyone on the train, Now!"

Twilight was pulled by her brother Shining onto the train. "Stop discord, we have to stop discord." She thought, "Wait!" She cried out."don't do this."

"Get going sparky." He bared his fangs.

"Nooo!" Cried out flutershy who leapt towards him. "No, you're not going. Discord I-"

Discord didn't hesitate and swiped at her with his tail to keep her away.

"I'm sorry fluttershy," he told himself. "Truly I am," he said as he felt the weight of the small object he had in his pocket. "This is not going according to plan."

She ended up the first one on the train due to Discord flicking her with his tail. The others began quickly gathering on the train as well.

"We gotta stop him," whispered Jr to his sister. 'I don't understand his death day isn't till tomorrow. "She shook her head. "This can't be happening now."

"We don't really have a choice." He told her as they stared in the shadows at the scene before them.

But before anyone could make another move, Luna, now night are closed her hoves. Several large chimeras joined her on the battlefield before them.

Six in total. A large dog with a nose ring now had bull-like goat horns. A cat with dear antlers and dragon-like bat wings joined in. A lizard with a lion .ain similar to AJ stood staring at them. Another pony now Griffens rolled her shoulders a bit preparing for the fight. And finally, a massive bull-like pony who stood at Discord's height walked up behind Luna, who chuckled herself.

Discord removed his jacket revealing the rest of his scars skinny body. He held the jacket to the side with his lion paw. It served their flag. He dropped it, and everyone watched with bated breath as it fell. It took only three seconds, yet the seconds felt like forever as it slowly hit the ground.


In a quick flash, the cat was the first to try and strike. These weren't like other chimeras Twilight and her friends dealt with. No these were trained to fight. He can't do this alone, muttered Fluttershy in a cry. Twilight nodded but didn't exactly know what to do, in awe of the strange scenery in front of her.

Discord leaped back dodging the chimera swipe, as it did her cat's claws imbedded themselves into the cement showing just how powerful that swipe was.

Discord landed a foot away but we were suddenly rushed by two more chimeras, they brought out a few moves and a bat with nails in it. They swung at it but Discord effortlessly dodged their attacks and swiped one with his tail and the other with his lion paw, giving the lizard with a lion main a good scar over his eye.

However, it wasn't enough to take him down. He reared up his head and hissed at Discord who only smirked. As the battle raged on, discord's eyes only glowed brighter with the chaos that consumed them. The bull and the griffens tried to hold him down, but discord was slippery.

Knowing he had to gain some distance from them he jumped and spun around using his ice powers to create a block of around him, he then used lightning to smash it into shards that jetted out in every which way taking the chimera by surprise. Discord finally dropped his cigarettes from his mouth, only to let out a burst of red hot flame from his mouth, bit the flame quickly deepened its cover turning from red to green to blue and purple. It would have burned away the cat had she not been a chimera and used her ice ray to shield herself., barely keeping up with the fire.

Discord twisted and retorted his body into different forms evading capture. Luna's eyes widened at the sight. He was holding his own against four of her strongest chimera. Easily at that. She grits her teeth as she yells out, kill him. She orders her other two chimeras to enter the gray.

Soon the 6 of them surrounded Discord on all sides, circling him, looking for an opening to attack.

The train finally began to move, inside, at the back Fluttershy was able to just get a glimpse of the scene before her. It was as if she was staring at the painting come to life. Her beloved beast was surrounded by scared prey animals ready to take him out, he snarled back, his fangs bared, wanting them to leave him alone due to his own injuries.

Soon the mighty bull found one and went for his tail, discord however felt the twitch in air, and moved his tail accordingly only to flip around, about to go in for a punch. Just before his post made contact his body expanded twice its size throwing the mighty bull-like chimera into the ground creating a small creature, he landed on all fours like an animal and snapped his jaws at the cat who tried to confront him. The others attack his back all at once. Discord's hair stood on its end. He raised his head, as a mighty roar escaped him. The sound was so loud it blew back his opponents. He smirked as he saw his ability successfully. Only to stop as he heard the clicking of a gun. Not just one but several.

Every member of the military was pointing at him including Luna.

"You didn't say they could shoot." She snorted laughter.

Discord grinned never diminished as he took a fighting stance against the threat.

"Well, I haven't lost yet." He said in his mind.

They all aimed and fired at him. He had only milliseconds to react and was just about to when he suddenly felt something tackle him to the floor.

He looked up amazed as a dark purple pony was hit several times in the right shoulder and leg.

Discord's heart sank instantly, a feeling he never felt before, dread.


Author's Note:


Ok continuing with my author note story.

So now all the pics were coming together. But you may ask why the science, why the twins. And how is Luna the villan.

Ok ok I'll tell you. As a science fan myself, as well as a sci-fi fan and a mravel and DC fan. Knowing this was at one point just joker Discord vs bat man Twilight, I of course added the science stuff for funzeez.

And eventually time traveling twins. Now original that was a different story. In that story where discord took over equestria and the knights of harmy was fighting hiM. I got the idea of a warrior from the future using magic to come back and helping them out. That warrior being screwball, the charecter offten depicted as discords doughtier inspired by ofcorse doughtier of discord.

She was also fun to write for. Adding a new mystery to who she was. Was she the villan of the story making chimera, adding more of a mystery element and making the reader second guess what's going on.

I like the name melody and change it. But as I wrote her I didn't like how quiet she was. She was just a creepy grumpy stalker like charecter with little to no dialogue or charecter. And the possibility of making her a boy instead crossed my mind. Not many people do a son for Discord. Then I got the idea of adding her brother. This added so much to her charecter. Having some one to bounce off of giving her more personality. The story didn't change much she just had a little brother along for the ride. Where this time travel story line leads I won't spoil.

Ok more on this later 😂👋