• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 845 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

  • ...

Chapter 7 The Galla

Twilight as always was dressed in her lab coat, examining the strange purple liquid. Apple Jack pulled out a tray of cold strange red vials and placed it next to Twilight. Never taking her eye off the purple liquid she picked up a vile and carefully dropped a single red drop on the substance. As soon as it hit the liquid froze solid. "Ugh." Twilight brought back her head taking off her safety glasses.

"Well, that worked" AJ chuckled.

"We weren't trying to freeze the substance we were trying to undo it." She sighed as she typed into her computer. Vile number six froze the subject, most likely lethal, test number 7018 failed." She deadpanned.

AJ smiled. "Look at it this way Twi, at least we know what doesn't work."

Twilight smiled at that. As much as she didn't want to emit it, having an assistant, a real one that actually, for the most part, understood what she was trying to accomplish helped greatly. It was even better that she was also a chimera and understood why this was so important. A fellow scientist as well, if not a little country. Unlike Twilight who tried her best to keep everything sterile. AJ had dirt and other stuff all over her lab coat. Along with lion hair due to her mane. She finally had friends. friends willing to actually help.

Just then the door slammed open. "Hello everyone," sang Rarity. Behind her was a very annoyed dash rainbow in a frilly dress. Rarity smiled as she looked at her work on Dash. Dash looked, well like a girl, everything the mare hated was on her. She was more of a tomboy and hated the fancy stuff. She had makeup on her lips her mane all done up in a bun eyeliner and then there was the dress. It was a nice silver dress with a rainbow sheen to it. It almost looked sci-fi and futuristic. It was a nice dress but seeing it on Dash was quite a surprise since it just didn't match her usual style.

AJ set a lion-like paw over her mouth trying to styfle her laughter. Dash looked over and glared at her. Twilight was also was trying her best not to say anything.

"Oh isn't she just beautiful," Rarity boasted.

"She looks wonderful Rare," Twilight replied nicely.

"Ugh, why me?" She complained.

"Oh come now Dash, you look well." AJ rolled over laughing. Making Dash's face grow red.

"Dash, Dash, Dash." Rarity smiled, "DONT listen to AJ you look great. Besides, now that you and Fluttershy are done it's twilight and AJs turn."

"Hay where's Fluttershy," asked Twilight.

"Um overhear," said a small voice just outside the door."Rarity are you sure about this?" She asked sticking her head in the door. All that was seen was a little pink hair and a blue eye.

"Come on Flutters, you look great."

"Uh well ok," she said in a shaky voice. She then stepped into the doorway. Fluttershy wore a rather simple dress with a jacket that hid her wings. The end of the dress flowered out like a black rose. But her dress was mostly a strawberry red with green and blue stitching. A green jacket to match, It was A very beautiful dress, but Fluttershy did wish it was a little less eye-catching. She didn't like bringing attention to herself.

Everyone in the room except Rarity stopped for a moment in surprise.

"Woah Fluttershy you are definitely a model that's for sure," AJ said. She then looked at herself. "Wish I had your look I'm a bit too bulky to pull off a dress like that."

Fluttershy gave a slight blush and hid behind her hair. In it was a simple arrangement of flowers that matched the dress braided in but nothing too noticeable. "Umm, thank you."

"Well, it took an hour but you two look great, next." Rarity sang as she pulled out two more dress bags.

Twilight looked at them with a warm feeling building up in her. She never went to prom since she was home-schooled and a bit of her wondered if this is what it would have been like, of course, this was no high school dance she was going to, she was going to attend a very important high-class party.

"You guys are certain about this right, asked Twilight. I mean the galla is such a pristine party and..."

"And nothing, I've been there the last two years darling it's a fun party and anyone who's anyone will be there all high class 18 and over are invited. I tried to get Fluttershy last year to join me but she refused to go."

"Yes well, it will be good to have some fun for a change." She softly said." I mean we've worked so hard with school, work, and being heroes,"

"Fluttershy's right we deserve a night's break to be normal and have fun as college students do." AJ chimed in. "Granted I'm not really into dresses either." She rolled her head.

"Oh, come. Now let's get you two ready shall we?" Rarity sang.

An hour later and it was close to 7:00.

Fluttershy was playing a game of chess with Dash.

"Checkmate," she softly said as Dash still looked up set about her look.

"Oh good. Hay are you ready yet the party starts soon." She complained.

"Almost'" Rarity called out.

Dash sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. What is it Dash, do you not like your dress? Asked Fluttershy

"The dress is fine it's the hair and makeup. It sucks. I look like a, a"

"A girl." Said twilight with an amused look.

"Yeah and..." She stopped seeing Twilight. She wore a right purple outfit that faded into a blue starry night sky-like pattern. Her hair was done up with makeup matching dash.

"Oh, you look great Twi. The hair looks good on you."

"Thank you Flutters" Twilight replied.

Rarity stepped out in a pretty crystal dress .matching hat and makeup. "Oh isn't this fun." She squealed.

"Apple Jack come on." She shouted for her.

"I am. Not going." She shouted back in the most country accent ever heard, even for her.

"What!? Oh, come on you look fine darling." Said rarity.

"Come on, I'm wearing it." Yelled dash.

"Y'all gonna laugh."

"No, we won't..."

"Hay you laughed at me," Dash replied.

"That of course is because we're not used to you Dash. AJ come on it's just us." Twilight told her.

With a grumpy sigh, the mare in question finally came out. Her dress was almost Cinderella-like with a country twist. She had high heels on that almost looked like glass. Her straw-like hair was all done up in a bow. Her lion-like main around her neck looked like a fur coat. She had less makeup on her than Dash but a look of announce on her face.

Dash laughed hard at her. "Wow, and I thought my dress was a lot."

She glared at Dash who only shrugged. Oh come on you did it to me. You look fine.

"Rarity I'm not going looking like a monkey." She grabbed a napkin whipping off her face.

"Oh come now that makeup took forever." Rarity complained.

"And these darn shoes too." She kicked them off and grabbed her dirty cowboy boots. There that's better.

"What but, but."

"I'm with you AJ, Dash said whipping off her makeup and ripping out her hairpins letting her mane fall back down into its normal rainbow look. Except the front stuck up a bit but she didn't mind.

"Oh fine. You look better anyway." Rarity shrugged.

Twilight smiled and snickered a bit. She remembered when they first told her they were going to the Galla

She was working on her computer cross-referencing Data in hopes to find whoever turned the others into chimera. She hoped with every bit of her heart it wasn't her brother. "It just can't be him. It can't be," she thought.

Just then the four girls walked in and headed to twilight all at once. She glanced over but continued her work. "What is it?" She asked.

The four just smiled. "Well, you see darling you know of the grand Galla, right?"

"You mean that big fancy party my godfather throws every year."

They all gasped.

"Oh right, you met my godmother, but didn't realize that that was Celestia Kang, mayor of town and wife to President Sombra Kang."

After a few moments of surprise, Rarity shook her head and continued. "Well with you being 18 you can officially join the party But no drinks."

"I wasn't planning to go why do you ask?"

"Well, being the daughter of the regal shine I go every year since I was 18 and well." She looked at the others.

"We all thought perhaps you could use some fun for a night." AJ finished.

"So we all got tickets to go, weeks ago," Dash chimed in.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time, Fluttershy said softly a bit nervous, hiding under her hair.

Twilight eyes widen at this. "Uhh, guys I really don't think..."

"Come on well all be each other's date and have fun together, just the 5 of us."

"No," said Twilight.

"Why not," dash exclaimed.

"Beacuse were a bunch of chimera mutant freaks. One hint of our powers and were arrested and thrown into a lab cage. No, it isn't a good idea."Twilight said as she stood up from her computer. "Besides there is so much work to do right now, I just don't have the time to,"

"To have fun."AJ deadpanned.

"Fun I have fun, reading books and research is my fun." She crossed her arms.


"I can't believe this, coming from you of all people, AJ".

"Twi I get it, I use to believe that If you got something to do you do it right there and then, and without no pony or anyone else. But I learned a long time ago when I tried to farm the entire apple tree farm by myself, and all in one day about tired myself out and didn't make a mark in the work, I learned you can't do it all by yourself and you can relax a little and have fun, the work is still there tomorrow to do. One day won't hurt you."

Twilight was annoyed at that, but understood what her friend was saying. She took on the work herself and wouldn't let anyone touch it. She herself, has also been at it constantly and without fail.

"Look Twi I'll help you with the research and I'll do more than be a test subject, if" She raised an eyebrow. "You give us one night to give you a break"

Twilight sighed in the defeat of her rise words of her friend. And finally gave in. "Alright but remember, our secret must be preserved at all cost. How are we gonna wear dresses and stuff when we all look, well like this," she said turning a mirror on them.

Dash was able to hide her beak with a fake muzzle, but AJ hid her tail and told people it got cut off on a farm accident, she also had quite the wild lion-like main, which she told people was her fav scarf. Fluttershy had wings and even with a closed back a nice dress would show them. Then there was Rarity with her fish-like tail and horn, she always had to wear a hat to cover it.

"Leave it all to me darling I can come up with some fabulous dresses for the occasion."

"And I can help stitch them," Fluttershy said sweetly.

See we got the plan down. Dash chimed in.Twilight had a worried look on her face but reluctantly agreed.

That was nearly a month ago. It was near the holidays. So why not give them this little Christmas present?

Twilight smiled at the memory and the thought.

"Ok gals, come on my dad will be waiting in the limo," said Rarity

"Wait a Limo!" The girls shouted at once.

"Hello everyone I am your host of the night show candy tails," Said a cat reporter in front of her camera. "Tonight we have a big night for all of you, since we have one of the fanciest hotels all bought out for a grand night of dancing the Galla, is sure to be a hit." She purred."As you can see the Kangs, Sombra, and his wife are indeed standing at the front of the hotel ready to greet their guest. And the first car on the red carpet is just opening up let's see who it is."

The door opened, and a white pony dressed in a fine suit walked out, his wife in a daisy yellow with a warm jacket on since it was winter accompanied him.

"Oh look it's the shines." Said the reporter.

The two stepped aside and with them came out Rarity who waved at the cameras.

"And with them their daughter oh and who's that."

Fluttershy walked out next.

"Oh, it's Rarity's top model Mrs breeze."

Then Dash, Twilight, flowed by AJ and walked out.

"Oh, look folks we got all of Rarity's friends I'm assuming coming along with oh how nice for her to invite her friends... Oh and oh. My gosh is that Twilight sparkle..."

Twilight and her friends waved high walked down the carpet and headed to greet the party host.

"Twilight I'm so glad you came," Celistia said and hugged her.

"Yes, it's nice to see you. Said a grey pony the same height as Celestia. He had a very stylized, somewhat greasy black main but wore a blue business suit that matched his eyes color.

"Hi, uncle it's so good to see you." Twilight shook his hoof.

"Likewise, Twilight, always a pleasure. I hope you have a good time, these parties can be a little boring."

Celestia rolled her eyes A little, "You and your friends are welcome to go in."

"Uh, actually we want to see who else shows up, Do you mind if we watched by the side?"

"Of course not, glad to see you." Sombra said as the next car rolled up.

An hour went by as the cars rolled in with the fanciest guest, top businessmen, politicians, and some who just enjoyed the fancy life. Twilight and her friends stood by the front door excited to see who would show up next.

A car pulled up, by the red carpet. When a servant opened the car door it was none other than fifthly Ritch and his wife. Their daughter was too young to come to such a party. But even as a child, everyone knew about her.

A reporter pony jumped up and asked, "How is Tiara's project going."

"Oh great." Mr Ritch said. "Our daughter is so thoughtful of the kids making a new playground for their school. Wonderfully thank you for asking." He said and waved to the crowd. His wife smiled but said nothing. As soon as she was turned out she pulled out her phone and never looked up from it again as they headed inside. filthy Ritch met up with Celistia and Sombra.

"Great turnout tonight huh? Mr. Ritch complemented the party host. So that's everyone then."

"No, not quite," Celestia told them.

"Oh, come now. He'll never show up." Sombra commented.

"Who's that?" Mr Ritch asked.

Oh, you know. My wife invites him every year as a complementary gesture but even as the riches man he refused to ..."

Just then a black car pulled up.

Mr. Ritch nearly turned to ice at the sight of it... "Him?" He said star-struck.

Just then two figures walked out. One was a cat with sunglasses dressed in a work suit like a bodyguard, and the other, a tall lengthy stallion dressed in a slim almost skin-tight suit with a top hat. Dressed as if in the olden days.

He was quite slim and tall but was a pony nonetheless. He had a fang-like over bight tooth that hung out of his mouth. And kept his eyes closed as he walked at a leisurely pace with his arms behind his back in a rather almost soldier-like stance. But it was his face that sparked the most interest. It was almost skull-like.

The crowd was silent for a moment, but as he began to walk towards them, the cameras and the reporters all jumped for a photo or a word from the strange tall figure.

"Who is that?" Asked Dash with a raised eyebrow.

"That is none other than the infamous Mr Ghost," Rarity said star-struck.

"Famous?' Fluttershy asked.

"No not famous flutershy. Infamous. He's not only a high-class businessman. He's also a banker. And a war hero, a dealer who holds most of the right to top manufacturing plants, and if that's not enough he's a lord.'

"A lord." They all said in unison in response to Rarity's claims.

"Yes, but he has quite the reputation of being a secretive man. Tho tons of rumors have spread about him."

"What kind of rumors?" Asked Applejack.

"Oh from being involved with the black market, all the way to being secretly a government spy for the enemy. No one knows. The only thing is clear. Lord Ghost is a mystery."

Fluttershy said nothing to it as the memory of her date a month ago ran through her mind... "It's not possible, is it? Surely she must have just met someone who looks like him... Or was it that she actually went on a date with the infamous lord Ghost?

"Lord Ghost, Mr. Ghost, please." Said a few reporters. "Tell us is it true you work with the government, What about the rumors of your scientific research or the claims about your relationship with the rich females?
Mr ghost hear tell us your opinion on the chimera incidents."

Mr Ghost said nothing as he approached the front entrance. "Well well well," Sombra said In a surprised tone. "Welcome lord Ghost."

"Please, please, the pleasure is all yours. He then straighten his jacket. "I am here for business matters. If I don't make an appearance here and there people might actually think I am what my name implies". He said as he opened his eyes half lid and an uncanny smile. It was the first time anyone could see his eyes, Fluttershy recognized them, there was no mistaking it now. the red eyes gave him away.

They were a simple crimson. Almost blood in color. And the fur on the back of Fluttershy's neck stood up. "No there's no way it's him. No way. He might look similar but. His eyes." She remembered back. While she didn't get a good look at them exactly. She did see In a strange way some register of emotion. This man. This man was emotionless in every way. even his smile was obviously put on and not genuine. The way he walked the way he talked. The look in his eye. Why it was almost sad.

"Oh, thank you for coming Mr Ghost," Calista said. Here you must meet my goddaughter, for the first time she actually came just like yourself. Twilight. Celestia called out.

Twilight and her friends walked over huddled in a little group. Fluttershy hid in the back as much as she could.

"Hello lord ghost." I'm twilight sparkle.

"Charmed." He said with a roll of the eyes.

"Uh yes well it is very nice to..."

"Your father, quite a pain in my side, but a good one nonetheless. My condolences Mrs sparky." He gave a convincing low chuckle. "Sorry, that was always my nickname for him. I'm rather surprised, I didn't know you survived that night. As the daughter of a politician, I expect great things from you."

He said in a tone that was both convincing and yet slightly sarcastic. The conflicting tone in his voice gave no way to what he truly meant, and it was unnerving to Twilight. "Oh uh... Of course." She gave a slight curtsy. But as she went down out of sight a look of announce crossed her. "Who does he think he is speaking to anyone like that? I don't care if he's a lord I'd like to slap him." She said to herself in her mind.

Mr Ghost gave no such gesture in return and simply walked past the group entirely, interning the building. A few minutes in someone. Asked to take his coat and hat, which he declined.

As soon as he was far enough away Sombra turned to his wife, "How in blue blazes did you get him to come."

"Believe me I never expected him to," Celestia said before turning to Mr Rich.

"Well, this will be a fine evening," he smiled. "Now we truly have all the top business partners hear tonight."

Luna narrowed her eyes at that.. she sighed. "Politics."

On the other end as soon as Mr. Ghost was far enough away Twilight turned to her friends.

"Dear me how rude was that" Rarity spat.

"Yeah, I'd like to give him a piece of my mind." Dash replied.

"Just let it go girls. We can still have a good time. So long as none of us go near that guy" Twilight told them.

"Your right Twilight. Let's just all enjoy tonight." Apple Jack said.

The only one not paying any attention was Flutershy who was lost in thought.

"Fluttershy you alright there." Asked AJ.

"Huh oh yes, yes I was just uh thinking about something." She said a bit startled to be addressed.

"Well in any case let's not waste our night hear. Said rarity.
"Yeah let's go in," Dash replied.

"Ok, but girls remember. Rarity doesn't drink anything. AJ keep your claws in and tail hidden. Dash you barely look like a pony so don't pull any stunts with your disguise. And Fluttershy, just keep your calm."

"We know, we know". Dash complained.

"Seriously, I know you mean well but we got a hold of this. Nothing gonna go wrong sugar cube." AJ told her.

Twilight sighed with a roll of the eyes but smiled and gave a short nod afterward. The girls all giggled and decided to head in for a good night at the gala.

an hour later.

"Oh yes and then I said what jar." Hahaha. Said Mr Cheese. The group around chuckled except for Mr. Ghost who had a wine glass in his hand... "If you truly need a jar I say look for one to go over your head 'cause that joke was awful." He smiled and took a sip of his drink.

"Haha maybe. Hay it's really nice to see you out here." Cheese told him.

"Yes yes, I know. Unfortunately, I don't get to..." He narrowed his eyes, "Party with the like of you as often as I'd like to." His tone still seemed bored and sarcastic. Yet with his smile, they assumed he was being sincere.

"Yes well, come on now are we all going to just stand and drink or are we going to dance? This is a gala after all." Said, Mrs Rich.

"Yes, yes. Oh, I know hay Mr. Ghost why don't you dance with someone? I'll even hand you my wife's hand for a dance huh?"

Mr. Ghost held up his free hoof as he took a drink. "No, no, come you don't need me to dance"

"Oh come now," Sombra said. "Surly a dance won't hurt you. What do you think Celestia why don't you take him for a dance?"

"No no, I refused to dance with any one wife. Especially yours Mr. Kang. Mr. Ghost said with a sly grin."

She narrowed her vision at that. "Alright, fine suit yourself," Celestia said and took her husband's hoof and joined him for a waltz. "And what of you Luna? Come and join in." Celistah broke her sister midway through the dance.

"I'd rather not. Looks like you two doing fine by yourself."

As she sat there other ladies married or not were asking the infamous Mr ghost for a dance. He then grew a rather innocent grin. that didn't look so innocent of him. "Please ladies, please." He turned to Luna who still sat in the corner checking her phone for security. He raised an eyebrow and gestured to his assistant, who gave a nod and pulled out a flash drive, capper then walked over to a computer and began to work handing his boss a mic.

"Ladies and gentlemen." He said taking everyone's notice.

"Oh, what is he up to now," Luna grumbled.

He smiled wildly. "I have an idea. You all want me to donate to the research fund on the chimera. Well, how about this? I'll give the fund a hundred thousand dollars if... "He said as he held up his hoof, as The crowd gasped and whispered among themselves.

"If I can get every single one hear to dance to a little music one of my favorite songs. It's about four minutes long so here's the deal, I'll even dance two with everyone, well all switch partners every time the beat changes." Some laughed and some were happy about it. Luna just rolled her eyes.

"Oh but everyone including staff must participate, that includes you, Lulu." Luna spun around towards him furious. "Tia you never got your sister to lighten up did you."

Celestia just put a hoof on her head. "Oh, this isn't gonna go well." She mutters.

"I say it's a splendid idea Mr. Ghost," Sombra announced.

Luna looked a bit annoyed at that.

Twilight and her friends didn't know what to think, especially Fluttershy.

Just then the music started. To every ones surprise it was a popular pop song from RARA. I WILL SURVIVE!!! It was a poppy almost jazzy remix of the song as well not the original.

"Now I won't give a dime unless I see everyone dancing alright." Mr. Ghost called out.

As the lyrics first I was afraid came in, the dancing began.

It was something different for sure. Most high-class parties like these only had ballroom music to play. And mostly only a few dances while the others conversed. The staff itself never danced along, but tonight with this new claim every one just got into the beat of the music.

People swing their hips and moved their arms to the jazzy beat. Everyone except Luna who sat there annoyed at the whole situation.

"Oh come now Luna find a dance partner, Or all this is for nothing." Mr. Ghost called out while he stepped into a dance with a few ladies surrounding him who were more than happy to dance beside the infamous lord.

Luna huffed.

"Oh come now is it really because you can't dance..look everyone your pride and joy general is scared a bit of dancing. "

"I am not!" Luna shouted

Bak. bak Mr. Ghost started clucking like a chicken.

The crowd joined him in clucking at her.

She grew furious. "Oh that's it you want a Dance. I'll give you a dance..." She shouted and tore off her jacket. She then stepped perfectly into the groove of the music swinging her hips and twirling like a ballerina till she met Mr. Ghost himself who caught her.

"Haha, now that's the general I know. After all these years you gotta lighten up a bit." He said setting his hooves on her hips and joining her for the dance. Luna finally broke free and give a little giggle. "Alright I must emit it is a bit fun."

"Right. Alright everybody switch partners." He said as he swung around meeting Celestia as Sombra took Luna.

This was whether kind of you, Mr. Ghost. I'm a bit surprised," she smirked, narrowing her eyes, wondering what he was up to.

"Oh no, I was just hating the party, Tia. You know I'd rather enjoy some real music."

She smiled at him with a raised eyebrow. "Well, you always were the life of the party."

"Yes, and with that good buy princess," he said as he twirled her into someone else's arms.

He took up Dash next. Who started the sprinkler? "Ha ha, now that's old school." He said as he began doing the wave.

Dash couldn't help but enjoy the dance in only for him to twirl her out and turn to twilight.

Twilight was having fun, doing her best to keep up to the music. But she was less than graceful and couldn't get the beat down. "Haha don't worry sparky, your father couldn't dance either." Mr. Ghost said as he started snapping to the beat. He eventually trolled her into her next dance partner, a yellow-orange colt with a firey mane and glasses.

"Ok, people jumped back boys on the left girls on the right."

They did as they were instructed.

"That's it that's it. Now follow me."He said as he took control of the dance floor. The boys went left and the girls went right. "That's it now reverse it come on people. He said took it back and then rejoined his dance partner was Rarity time.

Rarity gave no hesitation as she enjoyed the music. But then when he twirled her out she found herself dancing with Spike. Still enjoying herself.

As for Mr Ghost Apple Jack was his next one. "Ahh, a country girl ah." He said jumping into a bit of a country dance that still fit the jazz beat. Apple Jack enjoyed herself but ultimately he twirled her out and turned to his next dance partner.

He grew a slight surprise look for a second, only to grow back into an amused one. "Well, well, well, fancy meeting you hear Mrs Breeze."

Fluttershy stopped dancing for a moment and looked at him. Her face growing a bit pink. "Uhh so, so you remember me?"

"If I may be so bold I wouldn't forget a pretty thing like you. It was a fun night after all." He said as he took her hoof.

She slowly slipped back into the notion of the dance as he took her hoof. He held it as if she were made of glass. To loose and she would slip and break to strong and he would break her, in a strange way it felt so right to be in his arms, and quickly she lost her sence of shyness with his next words. And if I may be bolder still, that's quiet the dress you have on, definitely a top model for sure."

She blushed at that. "I uh I never did ask your name that night." She stuttered.

"Mr Ghost. Funny I didn't think I'd see you ever again. "

"Yeah, same" she said beging to relax thanks to his tone.

He still had a look of uninterest yet kept a convincing smile on his face.

"So this is fun." She told him.

"Yes, you see it's why I don't come to these that often. The average ball is so boring and over the top. However, a bit of money is worth it to see the Ritch snobby people actually act like real people for a change. I had to do something or I'd go mad. With how this ball was turning out." He said as he twirled along with her, Instead of twirling her away from her.

"Yeah, I must admit. She said as she steps into the beat with him. This party definitely picked up thanks to you." She grinned.

Mr. Ghost gave a slight chuckle..a real chuckle not like the forced ones she heard from him all night."

"Well, Mrs breeze thank you for the dance." He twirled her away from him and into her next dance partner, a cat.

"Oh." She said a bit let down. She kinda wanted to stay with him and get to know him.

With that, Mr. Ghost didn't take another dance partner after the cat, but as the drums of the music kicked up he did a solo spin. First, spinig up in place then down spinning faster and faster meeting the comedic beat of the drums only to come up as the drums ended and the jazz beat of the drums, that took over. He flung his arms out and held out his hat doing a slight kick mid-air catching himself on his feet.

The crowd all clapped at his solo act and started dancing alongside the music again. He slipped back into the crowd and danced with another random partner for a moment before leaving it entirely.

As the song came to an end the crowd all stopped dancing and started clapping for each other and Mr ghost, but to their surprise Mr. Ghost wasn't anywhere to be seen. Nor was his servant. Instead where he stood was a stack of cash.

Luna took the money and smiled at it. Not at the bills themselves, but at the memory this night had brought to her, and everyone else.

Celestia walked up to her. "Well, I have to admit sister I didn't know you could dance so well."

"I never stopped those ballerina lessons mom had us take' like you did. I just." She blushed. "Don't like showing it."

Celestia nodded knowing all too well her sister really loved tonight. And she had Mr ghost to thank him for it.

"So where is he," Sombra asked.

"Oh, I'm afraid there will be no trace of him. He always disappears on you when convenient for him." Luna told him.

"You seem to know him quite well," Sombra asked.

"Uhh yeah. It's a long story for another time. I'm quite tired after all that dancing so if you excuse me." Sombra just nodded and Celestia hugged Luna before she left.

Capper got into the car after mr ghost, closed the door.

The driver of the car was a dog, "how'd it go mr ghost he asked."

"Well enough fido," mr ghost smiled. "Capper did you get what we came for he asked amused."

Capper pulled out the flash drive and handed it to him. "Right here, boss."

"What's wrong then capper? "

"I just think that went too easy, sir what if they trace the hack?"

"Oh, capper they will trace the hack. That's the trick." He said eyeing the flash drive. "To anyone who looks into it, I made sure it will look like another routine update, even if they trace it, all they'll get is an unscheduled security update made by their own systems. By the time anyone finds out that those files have been copied our trail will run stone cold." He said as he tossed the drive and caught it with his hoof, smiling a wicked toothy grin.

"So back to the lab then boss," asked Fito.


"The two others were surprised by this."

"There is a bit of another security risk I have to deal with."

Shining armor walked out into the small living room of his apartment, holding his head as if he had a headache. "What have I done," he muttered as he took a drink from a bottle.

"Don't worry too much sparky." A voice called out. Shiny jumped and spun around to the voice behind him. Their sitting on the couch in the dark was none other than him. Shining tried to turn on the light but nothing came on. He flipped the switches a few times but nothing came on.

"Hmm seems like the powers out. You really should have that looked at, and for god's sake boy, clean up a bit, I mean you never know when you're going to be expecting company after all."

"What are you doing here? Get out!"

"Oh, yes look at that fiery spirit of yours."

"What do you want?"

"I have some good news for you. "

"I'm not gonna do your dirty work anymore."

"Oh, but I think you'll be interested in this and you'll have to deal with it for me."

Shinny narrowed his eyes.

"Twilight is alive."

Shinny's eyes widen. "That's," he shook his head as he gulped. Thats impossible.

"Oh, but I saw her. And she looks to have no mutant features."

Shiny grit his teeth.

"Most likely she is hiding her true form and using medicine to stay sain. I highly doubt they found a cure for her. But just in case they have, I think it's time for a little family reunion. Find out everything you can and report back to me." He said getting up and heading to the window.

"Oh and shiny do remember I have my ways of knowing if you lie to me." He said then slipped threw the window leaving a discouraged sleepy shinny.

Author's Note:

The plot thickness,

What do you all think 🤔?