• Published 20th Jul 2023
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Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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chapter 12 Drunk Leads

February 8th, 7:59 pm ----

Twilight stood at her counter staring into the microscope. What she was viewing was a bright white scale sample from rarity.

"Hmm strange," she thought to herself moving her head to a book of difrent fish scales. "Tho she does resemble a fish with her tail and fins, her scales don't look like that of any fish at all." Twilight said in her mind.

She quickly moved from one book to another. This book had lizard scales, of all sorts. But as she flipped through the pages not one matched.

She then looked over to her friends samples. "Ajs lion hair resembled less lion hair and more like proto feathers, her claws however looked like lion claws and could be retracted like ones, but they were the wrong shape, feline claws were curved these were flap and sharp more like a tallon from a bird. Speaking of bird on closer inspection dashes beak didn't resemble that of an eagle then like a griffins supes to according to mythology books. Yet it also didn't match any known bird beaks and removed that of a reptiles beak." Twilight scratched her head before she looked over at the table where her brothers fell asleep playing thire bored game. She smiled as she grabbed some blankets from the couch and covers them gently as the sounds of them sleeping filed the room. She glanced at the the clock, it was nearly 8:00. Not exactly a late hour but she couldn't help but feel tired herself, after all the work she did. She then wondered when fluttershy would get home as she set a hoof to her chin and grabbed a carrot out of the kitchen. She handed it to the a verry anoyed little bunny in its cage, and then proceeded to feed the rest of Fluttershy's animals.

As for Flutershy, she stood in a dark green and black dress nothing to fancy since she was going out for drinks and nothing more. Shed hope to get a dance out of the evening with Mr ghost at the verry least, it's been so long she he held her in such a manner. She rembered the way he held her at the galla, as if she were glass, as if he she was the most important thing at that moment. With any luck he would ask her and not the other way around, even so if she did ask him to dance would it be so bad. Her mind ponded such questions as She was sitting in a car driven by tree hugger. Question was was she already drunk, the way she drove didn't ease any of Fluttershy's nerves that evening.

So ya say you invited a friend huh. What's her name any way I can't wait to meet her. Tree huger asked.

Um his name is...

No way. Our old friend got her self a boyfriend aye. Said landy, tree huggers room mate. She was also friends with fluttershy back in the day.

"No no it's not like that. He's just my tutor and he's really nice and so I thought .."

"Oh lighten up I'm just teasing . Snickers landy, if you really want to lighten up I know one or two good drinks to get ya". She winked.

"Fluttershy don't really drink like us. I told her it will just be a cooool niiiight" said tree hugger with a slow and smooth grin.

"Yes of course." She smiled nurvosly. As they pulled up to the dragon pony bar.

As she waited in line she remeberd the conversation she had when she asked him out. and couldn't help but feel nervous as the thought of him coming here tonight crossed her mind.

Little did fluttershy know that Dash stood inside of the bar in the back drying dishes, along side her cleaning them eas non other then Dr sonburst the very same doctor who implanted shinings eye.

He looked over with a smile and noticed her stiff posture. "Hay you alright" He asked in a friendly tone,making her twitch a bit.

"Huh oh yeah yeah,um." She thought of an excuse quickly. "It's just im underage,what if a cop comes in."

"Your not drinking your working, so don't worry about it." Sonburst assured her and got back to work.

Dash nodded and turned her attention back to the cup she was drying. All the while cursing her self. "Stupid stupid, get a hold of your self," she thought. "Play it cool, just play it cool,":she told herself.

Truth is she hated it here. She was scared and nervous when ever she had to do anything involved with chaos vill. But she couldn't let her friends know..no she had to play it cool..this was important
.any intell even the slightest bit could help them figure out who the chaos king was and where he was. What hips plans were and maybe even how to stop him once and for all. She has to put aside here fears and get the job done not matter what. So she loosened her posture a bit and put on a cool smile before turning her attention back to the doctor next to her.

"So how long have you worked here any way," She asked playing it cool as she could.

"Oh let's see, hmm last decade or so. I use to be a high class doctor, and I wanted to help any one I could but.."he shrugged and then sighed. "Not everyone can afford to go to a doctor when they need to." His tone shifted to one of pity." I saw how so many here in the south needed my help, so I opened my office here much to the dismay of my peers." He lowered his eyebrows. "Those stuck up doctors, they all say they want to help people, but then don't help unless you have a bundle of cash in your wallet." He shook his head. "I know I wasn't going to make.much opening a office in the city like this. But I didn't care..I just wanted to help people, and then I learned about chaos vill. I joined almost emidatly and even made thire websites for them." He smiled. "And what's also nice is that some of thire funds go to me to keep my office open, so that I can help anyone despite not having much money they have.

His story surprised Dash. She honestly didn't know what to say and it showed in her expression as she looked away, and found hanging on the wall a framed newspaper article.
Dash dried her hands and took a look at it. Her eyes widen at the information as she read it.

Gang crimes at an all time low. The headline read.
Gang wars over terotise is now diminished with several gangs taken out completely found by the cops..sources say those who were arrested said only one man did it. And it isn't the first time to. The man in question a bar tender who owns the shop have no responses.

Thire was a photo of at least fifty gang members nocked out cold on the side of the roads from several difrent gangs. In the back ground you could make out the bar, tho it didn't have the dragon pony sighn yet. Must of been an early nphoto before that sighn was out up.

Dash bit her lip as she tried to think about that, only for sonburst to interrupt her thoughts. "Now I'll deel with the rest of these, do me a favor and go and deliver these drinks," he gestured to a tray with orders. "We're understaffed tonight and it's a popular night, so put on your best friendly face for the customers," he chuckled gleefully.

Dash did as instructed not wanting to give anything she was thinking of away. She picked up the tray and headed out as she read which tables they belonged to.

"Table seven, ten and twelve." She shrugged and headed back to table twelve delivering mugs full of bear to two questionable looking creatures.

"Thank you"smirked the tall slender cat with a sly smile and a rather smooth voice. His partner,a dirty looking brown pony grumbled a response but didn't say any thing. Dash didn't care and barley paid attention as she continued thire conversation before she got there.

"Here's to a deal well made Cableron," the cat held his mug up.
" It's a rather expensive request capper, not gonna be cheap," Cableron smiled.

'Hay, since when does my boss never pay up." Capper smile only grew. Cableron smiled back matching his sly grin. "I'm just making sure I'm not getting swindled."

"Your not," the cat eased him much to Cableron amusement. "Well there hears to the boss." He held up his mug.

"Here's to the boss." Capper joined in the toast.

As for Dash she moved swiftly to her next table delivering it Smolder and some of her friends before heading to table twelve.

She faked her best smile and walked to the furthest back table, thire sat a pony reading a news paper. "Here mam your dri-" Dash nearly spilled the costumers Martini as she relised who she was standing in front of.

"Oh hello again,I didn't know you work here." Said AK Yearling in a dull voice as she lowered her paper and took her drink.

"AK Yearling," Dash nearly sequels but coughed and tried to play it cool. "Uh what are you doing here."

"Oh, just getting a drink while I'm in town,"She said never changing her gaze from the two at table seven.

The two seemed to getting along just fine as they chatted.

"So why are you working here, your not drinking are you." She raised her eyebrows.

"Me oh,no, no, Im a good girl.' Dash wanted to hit herself in the face. "I'm a good girl, really, so uncool,"she scolded herself but continued. "You see I joined a group of charity..."
"Of charity, really Dash can you even speak right?" She argued with herself. 'It's called chaos vill and they actually own this bar, all funds from it go to mostly charity around the city, were understaff tonight so I'm helping out,' she smiled, sounding a bit like Pinky.

"Chaos vill aye, strange name," Yearling replied in her usual dull tone.

"Oh, I suppose anyway enjoy your drink, I'll jist, uh, get back to work, she smiled nervously and tried to leave before she made more of a fool of herself.

'Wait," AK called out stopping Dash in her tracks.

"Would you like to read a little bit of my next book I would a fans opinion on it."

"Would I," Dash turned on heal with the bites smile on her face. "Uh uh I mean," she coughed and then played it cool. "Sure."

Ak Yearling chuckled at her enthusiasm before drinking down her martini in one gulp and began her way out of the building.

Dash followed her so internally excited, that she didn't even realize she walked right past flutershy standing in line. Nor did fluttershy see her due to her head being in the clouds dreaming about the possibility of dancing with Mr Ghost once again, only for her thoughts to drift away with the familiar sound of his bike. To her surprise he was nicely dressed in in a dark green hat and suit matching hers in complet coincidence. But he wasn't so dressed up he was out of place for the night. Flutershy watched as he quickly cought up to her and her friends, a soft smile on her face the entire time.His hight intimidated everyone but flutershy who was use to it.

"you made it" she called out catching his attention as she stretched out her hoof.

He didn't take it, instead he straightened his jacket, bit to her disliking, "Yes well I said I would meet you at 8 did I not. Unfortunately Im Five minutes," he checked his watch. "And twenty four seconds late due to work, my apologies Mrs Breeze,"

" it's fine we haven't made it in yet."she then turned to her friends. "Tree hugger, Landy, this is Mr Ghost, Mr Ghost these are my old highschool buddies from back in clouds dale.

Mr Ghost gave them a nod and a friendly smile, yet some how it came off a bit off to look at. "Well why are we all standing here,then let's go in."

"But we're in line. You can't just cut line." Fluttershy told him a bit confused.

"As the owner of the pub I sure can." He smirked.

"What? /" The three girls shouted in unison.

Mr ghost chuckled before by passing the short line, the three followed him still in shock. Most were unhappy at first but as soon as they recognize him they all gasped and parted ways to let him though.

"Boss we uh, we weren't expecting you,"said a dog with a bit of sweat dripping off him.

"No need to worry, I was invited,"he chuckled, "invited to my own bar by a friend. I had to come just to see the look on her face." He laughed more.

Mr Ghost clapped his hooves and thoes in the crowd held the door for him and the three ladies who followed.

The bar itself was what you expected from a bar. A dance floor of some sort, pool tables, and we'll a large bar that took up the entire back wall, from the entrance.

He went to the bar tender first.

"Muh sir. Uh what are you doing here," asked sonburst in a stutter.

"Take it easy Mr burst I'm only here to have a few drinks and relax tonight." He said taking a shot of something random.

"However since I am here I say get next rounds on me." He said with a smirk.

The bar was packet with ponies lizards cats and dogs. Some were bikers and some weren't .Most of them were just thire for a drink. But as soon as they heared Mr Ghost offer the crowed all cheared in one gulp, making fluttershy jump a bit.

Mr Ghost took another shot of something before turning to his guest. "Well let's grab a table he clapped his hoves and some table in the back cleared out for him and the ladies. It was a rather large booth.

In the back of the room sat Mr Capper, and Cableron Both of which were surprise to see Mr Ghost out for once. "Heh well I'll be darned," Capper smirked. As he watched the boss along with the laddies. "What's he doing here," grumbled the pony next to Capper. "No idea the," cat smirked.

"Wow I should of come here with you more often" Landy laughed as she sat down next to Treehugger.

Flutershy got in the booth followed by Mr Ghost who set his arms out on the back of the booth like he owned the palace and for good reason he did. Flutershy couldn't believe it,she new he was a drinker but to actually own a entire bar, she new he was a banker, but the way he always held himself, made it seam like he's never be involved with such things, yet again it was clear it was all an act, even now with the way he sat with such a laid back posture, it all seemed as tho he was acting.
Some of the waitresses came to thire table. Much to Fluttershy's all distaist they asked him in a quiet a flirty matter "Can we get you any thing boss."

Despite thire tone Mr Ghost shrugged and gestured his his hoof to the thoes around his table. "What ever they want." He answer back as he took off his shades reveling his ruby eyes. "So Mrs breeze what will it be."

"Oh I uh I don't drink." Fluttershy replied.

"Oh come.on, flutters I know what to get you, it'le put you right in the mood. Just a little root bear float except with real beer."Landy laughed as the weightless wrote it down. "In fact make that three."

"Ok and you boss," the waitress smiled some what seductively.

"I'll take a few more shots. Thanks, hell just bring the bottle." Mr Ghost said before another voice came over the crowd.

"Haha well isn't this quiet the surprise, if it isn't the infamous Mr Ghost." Said a shady looking gray pony with a yellow shirt and a bear in hoof. The same pony who sat with capper a moment ago.

"Ah Mr Cableron..always a pleasure," smirked Mr Ghost, But the smile said anything but friendly. As Fluttershy watched this exchange, she got the odd feeling she shouldn't be thire at all.

Cableron sat down across from them. "Yes of course, what are you doing here sir..this isn't about our trades now is it." He asked. A bit slyly

"Carefully Cableron I didn't invite you to sit down." Mr Ghost grin shifted to one of annoyance, with his eyes narrowing. "I am here for a night out nothing more."
Cableron smiled, but despite it, at that very moment it seemed as if all the confidence in the rough looking ponies face melted away as he quickly got to his feet. "Yessssss of course so my mistake." To any one it would seem like he only ment about thire trades, but to Fluttershy she got the feal that he was talking about something else with that apology. "Oh hay I know, since your here why done we hear you sing something. I haven't heard you in so long."

"Sing a song, sing a song, chanted the crowd.

Mr Ghost Snickers.

"You sing?" Asked Fluttershy.

"I dable. I'm not verry good at it. I'm better at playing music then singing."

"Oh now you have to do it."
" Be among the mighty the world at our command,"sanged capper from the back of the room.

His boss instantly recognized his voice and shot him a dirty look, a look that if it were given to any one else they would quiver in fear, yet capper only chuckled slyly to it. "Come on boss have some fun," he encouraged.

"Fine so long as it's anything but that," he pointed at the cat. With another gulp of a shot down his system
he mentally cursed his subordinate, "why of all nights is he here," he grumbled as he headed to the piano. "So anyone here have a suggestion? One that isn't a curse," he narrowed his eyes at capper in paticarlure, who only shrugged in response.

"Oh I know I know," Landy said with an evil grim.. "Fluttrshy you got to get up thire and sing with him."

Flutershy eyes widen at that. "Me, uh,no, no I don't thank so."

"Duet duet duet!" Chanted the crowd.

Fluttershy sighed in defeat and then grabbed someone's bear drinking half of the glass from a waitress plate. She just wanted enough in her system so she could get past her stage fright.She got up on stage as a blue feline handed her I mic.

Mr. Ghost only rolled his eyes, "any song you'd like to sing then." He asked as if he was already tired.

"No not really?" She answered.

Mr,ghost played with the keys a bit but then an idea struck his face.Flutershy tilted her head waiting for his response.

"I got it," he laughed. "Oh every one knows this one." He chuckled. "Tell me folks you want a show tonight." He asked the crowed who only response was to chear.

Mr ghost began playing the piano. It took a second for every one to catch on to what he was playing. But soon the crowd began clapping to its best knowing the song all to well

Flutershy set a hoof to her mouth, trying to stifle the laughter, she didn't know if it was the alcohol in her system or if she was just comfortable with him, but she already knew what to do.

"We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy"

Mr ghost sanged a bit smoothly, making Fluttershy gasp at the around of his voice but knowing the song all to well herself she joined in.

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand

Mr ghost chuckled as he sanged the next line.
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it

"That'll do" , shouted Capper, Mr Ghost disapproving look never wavers for Capper, who could only do so much to stifle his own laughter, Im in so much trouble latter he mentally noted, as he gestured for his boss to star singing.

"Inside, we both know what's been going on,"

. "We know the game and we're gonna play it"

The entire bar joined in, I'll you could even hear the song outside

"Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"

Dash followed her hero to her car, it was the furthest car in the parking lot and it sat in a rather dark shadow. She stoped just a foot away as Ak Yearling opened the back seat supposedly to get her computer.

"So what's the next adventure , are we going to finally face of the ancient mummy who was actually a long lived aliens from space or what? "Dash asked a bit over excited.

"Oh yeah about that, you see." AK Yearling back up a bit and stretched out her back. To dashes surprise she was just a bit taller then her slump old body gave her credit for. But she thought nothing of it til it was too late. As dash became destroyed with the sound coming from inside the bar she asked "huh what's going on in-"

In an instant Yearling jumped and spun mid air her back holm kicking dash int he back of her head, she fell to the ground hard unconscious as AK Yearling landed.

"Your kinda my next story.' She smirked and took of her hat reveling her long hot pink reddish spike hair. She had a scar just across her right eye and an evel grin in her dark green opal eyes.

Finding her voice Fluttershy sanged the next line more confident with every word, starting to get into the groove.
"We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it."

Mr ghost got up and to her surprise spun her around as he wanted the next line.
"Inside, we both know what's been going on, We know the game and we're gonna play it, I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling"

"Gotta make you understand" fluttershy said as she lost herself enjoying the dance as the crowd continued the song dancing along and snapping thire fingers or clapping thire hooves.

"Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"

Mr Ghost ended the song by spinning her around and catching her in a half sip. The two stood a bit out of breath both smiling at eatchothers for a moment as the crowd cheared and clapped.

Mr ghost was the first to undo thire stance and take a seat, but not before he noded his approval to her singing skills. The two sat and had a few more drinks listing to the crowd sing a few difrent songs only to soon begin to tire out and want to emd the night.

Welp I have work in the morning said Landy, come on Treehugger. Treehugger didn't argue. She only looked at Fluttershy who was currently eyeing me Ghost in a drunken happy daze. Hay you don't mind if we head out so you, maybe your friend can give you a ride, treehugger said tipsy her self.

Flutershy nodded as she asked, "you don't mind giving me a ride do you?"

Mr ghost only shrugged, as he stood up.

Flutershy was in a happy daze, all that alcohol in her system as she walked out of the bar loopy. She didn't have much to drink but it was clear she over did it. As they walked out of the bar and parted ways with the her friends, Mr ghost offers to take her home instead, worried about what she do if on her own on this side of town like this., though he had four times what she had and and a lot heavier of drinks, he wasn't the least bit drunk by the looks of it.

"Come on let's get you back to where you belong." He told her with a smile as he watched the drunken mare dance around.

"What oh come on the night is Young, let's have some fun." She said as she began to shake around dancing.

"No it's time to go." He mutterd angrily not liking the sound of himself. Since when was he the party popper.

"Oh come on just dance with me a little,":she spun around, before humming never gonna give you up.

A bit annoyed He spun around with her once but only to get her closer to the bike.

"Thire we danced now come on," he retorted as he sat her onto his bike.

"Oh fine, fine I like your bike any way. At least it's better then you. "What she said maid no since at all but he just shook his head, "why did I agree to this," he cursed himself.

"Bike rides can be so much fun" she cheared excitedly as she wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Don't you think," she asked a bit flirty. "Oh I know can we take the scenic route, I don't want it to be a short trip."

"A scenic route?" His nose scrunched angrily. She pouted at the anger in his voice, the look of her nearly made the tall pony laughed. She was rather nice looking in her dress, and he cought himself as his gaze drifted down her body, only to snap out of it with her next plea.

"Please, I don't want the night to end just yet," she whined as if she was a little filly. Seeing a full grown and beautiful mare beg him nearly broke his composer.

"A scenic route aye," said a sly voice. Discord growled as he turned around and saw his subordinate." The mountain rode is quiet scenic actually." He grined.

She gasped, "oh a mountain ride yes, yes, yes can we please." She begged nearly falling off the bike tipsy. Discord growled in his frustration only making the cat smile widen. He turned to her with a groan. "If I do will you promise to behave." He said a bit nervously.

"Mhmm oh I promise. I promise to behave" she replied drunk, coming off some what seductive.

Mr ghost cursed himself for his own choice of words, but knew it was the best way to shut her up, Capper chuckled at the scene before him. Mr Ghost turned back, "you have a job to do and I want it done tonight," he growled. "On my way now, I was just having a drink with cableron when I saw you, that's all," he held up his paws. Mr Ghost rolled his eyes and got ont he back of the his bike starting up the engine. He rode off leaving Capper in a pile of dust, but Cappers expression never changed despite the dirt in the air. He simple put on a pair of glasses and said, "well time to get to work."

Once Mr Ghost was as far away from him that he couldn't see him he let his expression soften before a new thought crossed his mind. 'Hmm I haven't been thire in awhile," he mumbled to himself.

Author's Note:




Hope you guys don't mind and you enjoyed the chapter.