• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 845 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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chapter 19 Future Warning's

May 3rd, 2011 - 2:00 AM

As the clock kept ticking late into the night, Twilight lay in her bed, tossing and turning. Her mind scattered amongst the memories that tormented her that night. When she finally did fall asleep, for a moment or two, it was the same nightmare that haunted her for years.

“Twilight…” She can hear her brother, Shining Armor, call out to her, in a shaking voice. He was scared to death. “Twilight…”

“Twilight.” She heard another voice, ringing within her ears.

“Twilight… it's gonna be ok.” Her father shouted.

“Twilight everything's gonna be alright, I promise.”

“Run, Twilight, run!” She heard her brother cry out. A maniacal laughter filled the air as her father pleaded.

“Please stop this. Don't hurt them. Don't. I’ll help you, just don't.”

"Hahahahahahha." Laughed the Lord of Chaos himself.

Only now it was worse. With the sound of a gunshot, she woke up in a pit of sweat, knowing all too well what happened next.

She breathed in and out, trying to calm her pulsing heart, in the reflection of her time machine. She saw the eyes of a monster, the eyes of the chaos lord himself, only they were her own eyes. She knew they were her own eyes. She grits her teeth as she looks at the clock, it is nearly 3 in the morning. She had enough of this and decided she needed to get some air...

Twilight quickly took off into the warm night air, a sign that summer was on its way. She used to only be able to run around in the shadows on the ground, even with her grappling hook and other small gadgets she couldn't jump across town as easily as she could now. She leaped and flipped across the rooftops of the city, somewhat easily.

But as she took one jump over the edge of the wall and began to plummet to the ground, a twinge of panic ran through her for a few seconds only for her to gain composer and use her chimera powers, or dragon powers now thanks to her theory) to create an ice beam and slide down it, as she did tho she skipped and fell on her ice powers,

She got up and shook the dirt off her. "God, I really need to get better at that," she scolded herself. She then grabbed her phone and checked where she was. She was heading to her brother's place who still lived on the southside of town, along with Spike.

At the near thought of Spike, so did her aunt Luna come to mind. She has no clue where Luna or any of the missing chimera were, or how many chimera there was in reality. The very thought of this had her banging her head.

Then she thought of something she hadn't before; when was the last time she got a phone call from her godmother, the person who was like a mother to her after what happened to her own family that night? She hadn't spoken to her in a while, and that thought brought her more down in the dumps as she used her horn to make a walkway made of ice, back up to the top of a building.

"I should call her, tomorrow," she told herself. As she stood on top of the building she looked up at the night sky. She took in a deep breath of fresh air, as the wind blew through her mane. "What have I got myself into, Mother?" she said in a pleading depressed tone. "What are you up to?"

Suddenly, her chimera hearing heard a ruckus from down below, which caught her attention. "Hmm, oh, of course, this is the South side of the city, there are crimes here every night." She grumbled but then smirked. The thought of kicking someone's butt tonight actually sounded quite pleasant at the moment. She took off towards its direction never once realizing she was being watched like a hawk on top of the rooftops.

Capper walked out from the shadows, as he watched the hero jump from the rooftops toward him. "You don't think I know that you are there."

"I wasn't exactly hiding," She answered him in a sarcastic tone.

"What's the word, Smolder?" Asked the cat.

"They are on the move. I don't know who those two are, or why they are here but they're pretty close, at this point, I feel we should kick Dash and her little friend out." The two have signed up for the tournament now.

"No that would be problematic, perhaps a trap should be laid to see where their loyalty lies."

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

"I am," He said almost comically.

"Alright then, I mean the tournament is a few days away, so I can set up the boys to be ready for her when she wins. What will we do when we have them cornered?"

"Leave that to the boss to decide."

Just then, they heard something come from down in the streets.

"Shouldn't you take a look at that?" She asked.

"Nope, I think the pawns got it," He smirked.

What he didn't realize was that through a pair of binoculars, Tempest Shadow watched him carefully, she lowered her binoculars as she heard snoring behind her. She looked over to see Dash and Pinkie completely asleep. She shook her head as she chuckled. As she looked at Dash, she was instantly reminded of her own daughter. The very thought of her nearly broke the stone-cold posture she kept herself at. She sighed as she returned to her work.

She chuckled at that as she closed her eyes and sighed a sollum sigh before she heard a train roll in. She grabbed her binoculars and muttered to herself, "Just on time, aye?" A big black train came to a roaring stop, it had both cargo and a few passenger cars. She watched as a group of tough-looking lizards walked out of the train car and met up with Capper, who was working late. She tapped on Dash's shoulder. It did nothing, so Tempest had to shake her until she woke up. “Wake up!” "Ahh! I'm up, I'm up. What’s going on? Are we being attacked?" She asked.

"No, it's just time to switch watch. Remember the plan?"

"Yeah yeah, me and Pinkie join the fight. Ya know, most likely our friends are gonna come and try to infiltrate too."

"Which is why we'll keep an eye out for Rarity. Now take a look." She handed Dash the binoculars. "You see them, those are some fighters from the dragon's gain, located in Newhoof. Along with them, the pony gains bills from Atland. These are your competitors. They are members of some tough street gangs in other cities here to compete under the chaos king himself. "

Dash yawned but nodded. "They may though but," she yawned again. "I'm a chimera, they're not."

"Either way don't get cocky. The goal is to win and get close to that cat. Once you give the signal every cop and agent in the city will surround the building."

"The 2nd in command, but I thought we were after the Chaos King."

"Yes, but the likelihood of him showing up is unlikely. However, all we need is his location from the cat and we'll be able to give air support to his location."

Dash smiled, *The Chaos King is going down."

Tempest rolled her eyes at Dash's enthusiasm, turning away not wanting to show she smiled at it too.

"What took you so long," mutters a female voice.

"Sorry, it's not easy finding a crowbar," A male voice said as he pulled out a crowbar from his jacket and began to undo the door.

"Hey! Breaking and entering is illegal ya know." Shadow Star said as she jumped down In front of them.

The one with a crowbar quickly tried to hit her but she was able to catch it and knock him to the floor with one kick.

The other jumped on a bike and the other got off the ground through smoke bombs in the air.

As the bike drove off, it hit a bump and something fell smashing onto the ground, shattering to pieces.

Twilight tried to go after them, but could only find the broken bits of what looked to be a computer. She picked it carefully trying not to cut herself as she tried to turn it on. While it didn't she figured she might be able to learn something about those two, from its hard drive. “Hmm,” she ponders who these two were and why they were trying to break into this building in particular. But she just shrugged and checked to see if the door was broken, luckily those two didn't even get in.

May 4th, 2011 - Noon

On this fine spring day, Fluttershy found herself on the back of her colt friend's bike. He wouldn't tell them where they were going, only that it be a surprise.

While she held on tight, the wind blew past her mane. Whatever bit of her hair wasn't under the black helmet she wore for safety. While he refused to wear one, much to her dismay, he did buy her one at her request.

She wasn't really following where they were going or what streets he was taking her down. Instead, she focused on the warmth she gained from him in her forelegs. To hold someone or be held by someone you love always felt nice. But unlike when she hugged her brother or family members, this was a different kind of feeling. One she hoped never to let go of.

She was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't even notice the bike stopped until Discord turned the engine off.

She looked around and much to her surprise, they were up a mountain road just looking over the valley below where the town stood. The same mountain road they shared their first kiss. They haven't been back since that very night. Months ago.

But instead of the chilly night air wrapped up in glorious lights and little flowers, it was a bright spring day as flowers of all sorts of colors spread across the trees.

"Oh Discord, it's beautiful."

"I have one little more surprise, my dear.” He said as he got off the bike and grabbed something out of the trunk.

He pulled out a picnic basket and a blanket. He walked over to the edge of the cliff and lay it down.

"Oh, a picnic. Oh, this will be wonderful for our three-month anniversary."

Discord smiled as he set it up. Inside the basket were several sandwiches, discords of favorite chocolate muffins, and a little campfire tea set.

"Three months of officially dating maybe. But it's been merely five since our first time here. I thought you might want to see this place in the springtime."

"Thank you," she told him as she helped set up the picnic.

"Do you remember that night?" He said smoothly as he wrapped his arms around her. "The night you were so drunk you wanted to kiss me." He set a small kiss on her cheek.

"Mhmm and we snuggled for a while, I do." She replied.

He let go of her and began looking around for some firewood, but not before he said back, "Happiest night of life."

Discord made a little fire with some sticks and heated the tea. It was ginseng, their favorite. They sat and ate lunch, the conversation didn't go too far as they were and enjoyed each other's company.

"So Rarity has a whole new line of summer gear already lined up. She asked me to model for it, but I don't know if I can."

"And why not?" He said as he took a bite of a cucumber sandwich.

She sat facing him but was in the bright light of the spring sun. Even for a vampire, with a somewhat pale color, her pale yellow fur practically glowed in the light.

He on the other hand sat in the shadow of the tree, watching her every movement.

"Because I'm now a mutant. I mean, the wings the pale skin. I got a bit skinny too. I don't think it's a good idea, and Twilight is insisting we all take extra precautions."

"It shouldn't stop you from living tho. You need the money to pay for college after all." He said as he took a sip of tea.

"You just want to see me in the bathing suit, don't you?"

He spat out a bit of his tea, "What no." He said dramatically. And chuckled nervously.

She giggled at his reaction. "Yes well, I just don't think now would be a good time."

"Well, there is still plenty of time before summer ends." He told her as he moved some of the leftovers back to the basket and got closer to her in the process, prompting himself up on his elbows, as he lay by her, a happy dreamy look in his eye.

"True." She said.

He sighed happily, "Just the two of us, alone at last."

"Don't you mean three?" She asked him.

He narrowed his eyes a bit confused. Then looked down and noticed his muffin. "Oh,” he said and ate it in one full bite. “There, now it's just the two of us." He chuckled whipping his mouth with a napkin.

She giggled at that, for a moment, but her expression fell. That isn't what she meant but how to tell him she had no idea. Seeing her expression he asked in a concerned tone, "What's wrong dear?"

This caught her attention immediately breaking her train of thought. “Oh, nothing,” she said before leaning down to give him a quick kiss. She broke it off too easily and as she lifted her head from him, he grew his signature sly grin she come to know him for.

She knelt back down and laid into a passionate kiss, one that he returned happily. Not wanting to let her go, he set a hoof to her chin pulling her gently closer into the shadows along with him.

Twilight was on the phone as she entered a room, staring at the broken computer she got last night. She looked at it as she replied to the phone, "Yes, it is a work in progress, but I think i'm finally figuring it out."

"Really? Well, that’s amazing. I'm so proud of you and your studies. You've been trying to make a time machine for years, I'm so happy for you..." Celestia encouraged, in a sweet motherly tone. "And I know your mother would be too."

At that Twilight smiled, but it waved a bit, as she thought, if only Celistia knew. "Wherever she is." Twilight was mentioned by accident.

"Oh come now. You know your mother is looking down on you, with the biggest smile from the heavens. You know that"

"Thank you, thank you so much for what you've done for me. You know, raising me and all.” Twilight said, as her lip quivered.

"Oh, now where is this coming from," Celestia chuckled gleefully.

"I’m sorry, it’s just I feel really bad for Spike right now."

"Oh, and how is he doing? I mean, he calls me every other day but… he’s actually doing a lot better than I am… he has a lot of hope."

"Hope is all you need, Twilight. We’ll find Luna, that I am certain of." Celestia replied sounding wise.

Twilight smiled and her tone shifted back to a happy one. "You’re right, anyway I gotta go, I’ll call you again soon."

"I’m free anytime you want to talk. I mean, after all, I kinda don’t have a job right now," she giggled.

Twilight joined in the humor with her own amused laugh, "I suppose that’s true. Bye.” She hung up the phone.

Celestia hung up the phone, and as she did her happy expression fell into a serious one.

"So… how is she?" asked Sombra’s voice.

Celestia turned to him. “I thought her studies on the chimera were going to slow her progression on the time machine down, but looks like I was worried for nothing.”

"Oh, and what's with that look, my queen?" he asked as he bowed.

Celestia rolled her eyes at his use of the word ‘queen’. Something isn't right. Something I don't know what, but something is very different from last time, something we must be cautious about to say the very least. She narrowed her eyes, as they shifted to a reddish color shining like a snake. She must complete the machine, otherwise, all my plans are lost. And to think I lost power to that beast.

"And what about Luna?" asked Sombra whose eyes flickered the same as hers.

"I could care less, so long as she doesn't get in my way," Celestia said coldly.

Twilight sat by her computers, one was hers, one she got from the mayor, and the third one was in shattered pieces. She took that one trying to access it once again, hacking into its hard drive. The computer was trashed, but its hard drive was still intact. She yawned slightly as it was still early.

"What are you doing here, sleepyhead?" her brother asked her as she awoke.

"Oh, morning," she yawned with a stretch.

"Morning? It's noon, Let me guess couldn't sleep and came here on your own did you." Shining remarked.

"Yeah, that’s pretty much it." She cracked her neck from sleeping in an odd position.

"Isn't Fluttershy going to be worried about you?"

"No, she's been busy at work, not coming home lately; however, I left a note. Got any flakes? I'm starving," she argued and began raiding his kitchen for some cereal.

As she said that Spike walked into the room with a sandwich It took him a moment but he soon noticed Twilight’s presence.

"Oh hey, nightmare again?' He asked.

She just sighed confirming his suspicion. And continued making herself a bowl of cereal.

"So any news on..."

She shook her head, knowing what Spike was asking.

Spike gave a little annoyed look at that, a bit disappointed.

"We’ll find her, I promise," Twilight told him.

Spike gave a nod, the look on his face showed how hopeless he felt. It wasn't just him though, they all felt that way.

"Well now, what about this thing?" Asked Shining.

"Oh, I got that from these two robbers last night, they were to break into some building. I don't know what's on it. I figured I'd either find out who they are, or who they stole this from and return it to them."

Shining looked over the computer. "You know you're using the wrong cable for that."


"You're using an HDMI, but that will never get the entire hardware. Let me see if I have an old DVI cable, I think I might I. The back."

"Since when are you a computer whiz?"Asked Spike.

"Since middle school actually. What, you think Twilight is the only smart one around here?" he called back as he walked away.

Junior was pacing back and forth. "Ahh, why did I drop that, why did I drop it?" He mutters again and again, much to his sister's annoyance, who sat eating a pancake in hoof, leaning on her bike, staring at something through her binoculars."

As he uttered the words for the thousand times that morning, she finished her pancake and called out to him. "Hey!” She caught his attention, as he turned toward her. "Don't worry about it, what's done is done we still have a mission remember." She lowers her binoculars.

"Yeah, and all our data has been gone!”

"Hey, quiet down! Do you want them to hear us?” she grumbled and looked back through her binoculars. She was watching as the two figures lay kissing under a tree.

Discord lay on his back staring up at the canopy of his thinking tree above him, she lay on his bare chest, and he opened his shirt for her at her request. She was telling him her story of how she was turned into a chimera.

"And so, that's when we all decided to try and team up, to stop whoever turned us into chimera." Discord chuckled at that, making him and her shake a bit from his laughter. "So that's the origins of the heroes is it." He could have laid there forever, hearing her voice. Her sweet little voice, talking and laughing, telling him stories.

"So what of you? How did you get turned into a chimera?"

He dropped his gaze to her with a sad expression.

"Unless it's a painful memory, I understand if you don't want to talk about it."

"No, not really, but if you must know, it’s…" he winced, "...it’s complicated. I wasn't made, you see. I wasn't turned." he shook his head. “My parents were…” He trailed off. "My dad was…”

This surprised Fluttershy, as she watched him struggle with words. "You were born a chimera, but… but you’re an orphan."

Discord moved his head away from her, she could tell he didn't want to talk about this, but she couldn't help but ask her next question. “Who were your parents, did you ever meet them?"

"Mhmm." He replied. "My mother."

The two then lay quiet for a while, listening to the sounds of nature that surrounded them. Flutershy slowly began to run her hoof over his scars not realizing what she was doing.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to do that." She took her hoof away, but he placed a hoof over her own. "It's ok, it feels kinda nice."He replied encouraging her to continue.

"So, she's alive then."

"No, I met her years ago, I got to see her before she died. She asked me to watch over her children."

"Children? So you have siblings?"

"They’re not my siblings. We only have her."

"Half siblings or not, they’re your family, you have a family?"

"They don't know?"

"Then tell them."

"It's complicated."

"But you know them."

He sighed.

Her eyes widened a bit at this news, tears began to build up in her eyes again.

"Please don't cry. I'm safe now. I'm with you."

"Are you though? Are you safe," she raised her head to look at him.

"Aren’t those who tried to kill you still out there?"

Discord chuckled at that as he yawned. "They can't get to me. You see the research, my research was highly classified and to accuse me now to the public they would have to declassify such information, and they're not gonna do that." He shook his head playfully.

"I'm protected by being in the spotlight. Still, they try to do everything they can to ruin me. My reputation is destroyed by all those rumors, rumors that they have no proof of, And it is because of that, that my business is clearly intact. Not only that, but as something who has power in the banks, I have access to all transactions, I can tell where most of the money is going to, and why. They can't hide anything from me anymore. The government can do what they want I'm in charge of it all, especially this city."

"The rumors of you being involved with the black market."

"All true. I am watching for any transactions and dealing with them accordingly. If I wasn't," he yawned again, "then we would have a lot more to worry about."

"And the black market?"

"A few paintings here and their or jewelry goes missing I don't really care. It's weapons I'm looking for. I make sure no weapons can get in or out of this city without me knowing about it."

"You keep us all safe." She smiled. As he's hooves morphed into claws and played with her hair. She could feel a scally tail wrap around her leg. She didn't know he was he looked like completely, he often only showed her his claws, keeping his tail out of view. Yet she had a good guess as to what he looked like. That painting.

Twilight did tell Fluttershy about her bizarre but plausible theory of them being dragon ponies, so with that in mind it made scene he's mutations would have features similar to her fangs and bat-like wings. She didn't think twice about it as she snuggled with him.

"Ah ha! Finally," Shining announced as he got the computer working.

Twilight walked in along with Spike and entered to see what he would find.

Twilight's eyes went wide as she looked at the file names. Thats strange.

What is this?

These files, they are… Twilight shook her head. They’re set up almost like my files.

“Twilight, all files are set up the same,” Shining said, rolling his eyes.

“No, I mean the way I would organize my…” she stopped mid-sentence, as she slowly said wait a minute.

She quickly went to her laptop. As she searched through her personal laptop, her eyes widened In disbelief.




The two boys looked at the screens of computers. “What am I looking at? They’re the same.” Spike asked, not following.

“Yeah, Spike, they’re exactly the same, same files, same names, same way organized. Spike, this is my computer, my personal computer.”

Shining raised an eyebrow at that as he put two and two together. “So your computer got hacked or copied, by the looks of things.”

“No, this thing never leaves my side. And when it does, it's put up in my safe. It's the only thing I ever keep my research on the chimera on. All my logs all my paperwork, everything.”

“Wait, that doesn't make sense, Twilight. Who has access to that computer except you, it can't be exactly the same. Shining told her.

Twilight then opened one of the documents on the other drive, and compared it to one of hers.

She glanced over it, beginning to grow more and more concerned.

"Guys, these are word for word what I wrote, these… these are my files."

"Twilight, the only explanation for that then is that someone stole your computer and copied it. I mean that..." Shining told her again.

Twilight nearly fainted as she opened another page.

Creeks and snapping sounds of the trees in the light warm spring breeze. Along with it, Discord took a breath of fresh air, letting in her scent as he did.

He set a few small and quick kisses on her cheek only to then set one on her neck, lingering a bit longer. This turned Fluttershy’s face a bright red with her face burning hot. The exact opposite reaction happened down her spine. A chill ran down it making her entire body shiver.

Discord could feel her shiver against him. The corner of his mouth grew into a sly grin. He loved the way she reacted whenever he kissed her there. She had no control over the way her body reacted. And it amused him greatly. But he didn't do it too often or for too long. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, so he let go and laid his head on her shoulder.

The two never did anything in public. To the outside world, they barely looked like friends. And while she herself hated the fact she reacted to this every time, she never fought it or him. He only did it once in a while. Satisfied with what he got he nuzzled her shoulder till he found a spot to lay against her making them both comfortable. The two simultaneously breathed out a calm peaceful sigh closing their eyes and taking in the sounds of the mountain forest.

"I wish it was like this forever."

She giggled a bit sleepy and relaxed. "It is very nice, isn't it?"

"Makes you just want to run."

"Run?" She asked still in a dreamy state. She finally opened her eyes and saw the tree that canopied above them.

"Mhmm," he replied. "Why don't you and me hop on my bike and just go somewhere."

"Where would we go?" She asked.

"Somewhere far away." His voice was just above a whisper. "Somewhere my past won't bother us." He said with a frown. "Just run away from it all."

For a moment, she said nothing and just stared and watched the tree sway in the light breeze.

When she didn't respond he continued. "Somewhere, probably in a forest. You can be a vet for all your little creatures. I'll build you a cabin or a cottage, I'll get a job as a mechanic, I like tinkering with old parts." He then smiled aging. "Maybe open up a little coffee, no a tea shop together for fun on the weekends."

A slight chuckle came from Fluttershy. "What would you call it."

"Flutters, of course."

"You'd name the tea shop after me?" She asked with a blush.


"That sounds nice, Discord... a dream for the future."

"Yeah," he sighed..."Only a dream."

"Wha, now Twi, don't do that to me!” Her brother scoffed.
"Guys, my nearly daily inter vlogs of my research... I just wrote this one yesterday morning." Twilight showed her the file with the date on it. "And now look at this one." They were identical in every way.

"That, that's crazy," Spike said I'm disbelief.

"There’s something else."

"What now?" Spike asked, a bit apprehensive.

"That's not the last file on this laptop," Twilight said, with a twinge of distress in her voice.

"Ok, so that means it's not yours then."

"No, it is. The next one is from two days from now, according to its date."

"Twilight, that hasn't happened yet. It's impossible, to see something from two days in the future."

"No, it's not," Twilight said, as she began to shiver in fear.

"What do you mean by that? " Her brother asked as Twilight searched up her time machine.

"What, does your time machine..." As he said the words Shining already knew where Twilight was going with this.

"No, no. There is no way, no that, that's ridiculous."

"Only one way to find out," Twilight said as she hopped back on the computer, she quickly went through the drive and found the blueprints. "These are my blueprints to the machine... Um, but they're modified." She said as she clicked on a file.

"Wow, this is some elaborate prank, I gotta hand it to you." Her brother began chuckling. "Now seriously, what's going on?"

"I'm not joking!" Twilight yelled. Spike snickered at her tone toward Shining.

"You gotta be joking, ain't no way that's real."

Twilight scoffed at her brother’s sarcasm, then scrolled down the files and found a vlog clip. The last vlog clip is on the hard drive. Twilight took in a deep breath as she hit play.

"Twilight? What are you doing?" Spike questioned but was shushed by her.

The camera shook a little as the screen began to clear up. A recognizable voice, yet somehow different, sighed as the camera began to focus.

A light above flickered, barely staying on, eventually a spark shot out scaring the pony in the video and she just grumbled.

"Ok well just have to do this in the dark I guess." Said Twilight Sparkle’s voice, yet it sounded scratchy, it sounded older.

The pony who vaguely sounded like Twilight sat down in a desk chair with wheels in front of the camera. The little light that was on her was from the computer and her camera alone. It only illuminated the figure of her but was not enough light to make any true detail from her within the video.

"May 15 2028 12:50 am ish" the voice of Twilight spoke.

"I think I might have finally done it. The time machine is done, theoretically..." The voice said tiredly.

"One component left, to add, pure chimera blood, with it the energy to start the time machine. In doing so I reconfigure the time machine to go back to that first night. The night this journey truly began for me."

She chuckled. "It's strange to think of that night as the start of all of this. It seemed so random yet I wonder if it was random at all," the figure seemed to smile, "as if, fate has anything to do with this. As if the god of this would himself decide to test us to our limits."


"Definition, a mythical hybrid creature. The most famous is the one that holds its own name. A monstrous two-headed cat. One head of a cat, one of a goat, and a tail of a snake head.

Often depicted as the villain or at least adversary of a hero.

Some chimeras are said to have magical powers. Breathe fire, control seas, shape-shift, and have the strength of a hundred elephants. They can even command the very heavens above with the power to control lightning, wind, and other elements. Most were depicted as grotesque and terrifying, yet you can also find many depicted as nature's most majestic creatures to ever exist.

Gods would often send heroes after such beasts to prove their worth.

But rather they were the spawn of evil or nature's greatest, no need to be alarmed. Such monsters only exist in legend… or so I thought."

"Then I met him." She shook her head.

"The Chaos King." She sat quiet for a moment.

"Turned my whole world upside down. I never really knew him, I never really knew what this world would come to because of him. What my world would come to because of him."

"With the changelings on the rise and no way to defeat them going underground was our only option. Now, now you, you have a chance to stop him." She breathed in and out slowly, "mission alpha. You must go and find him in the past. You must stop him at all cost. You must stop the Lord of Chaos," she winced again as if the words itself hurt her to say them. Her next words sounded as if she was about to cry.

"You must stop Discord from..."

"THEY'RE HERE! THEY'RE HERE! THEY FOLLOWED US!!!" Someone yelled in the background.

The mare presumed to be Twilight grabbed a large gun and loaded it, just before she turned off the camera In a hurry.

"Discord?" Twilight repeated horrified by the name already, "The Chaos King is Discord."

"Stop him from what, whose Discord?" asked Shining.

"I don't know. From making more chimera, I suppose, something about a changeling," Twilight said as she stood up and backed against the wall, she slowly slid down it as she tried to take in the new knowledge that she had acquired.

"What do we do now, sis?" asked Spike in disbelief.

"That was me in the video. That means those two who were breaking into that lab were probably time travelers entrusted with this mission. If they were at that building." Twilight shook her head in determination. "We're on the right trail. We can stop him. We can stop Discord. We have to, the fate of the world depends on it, it seems." Twilight said as she stood up, still slightly off balance from the shock of it all.

"Twilight, do you even hear yourself right now?" asked Shining in disbelief.

"I know," she gasped. "I know. For now, we'll keep this between us. Don't even tell the girls. Right now, right now I need to lie down and think this through."

The boys stood a moment staring at each other but simultaneously decided to join her lying next to her, their expression all the same.

Crazed, shocked, and disbelief.

Twilight thought to herself, “If we reveal this information to the girls, it could change the course of the timeline, thus creating alternate events. Have you seen Back to the Future? I’m not Marty McFly, but let’s go to the future.”

Fluttershy and Discord finally drifted off to sleep, not realizing someone was watching them from a cave above.

Junior lowered his binoculars and gagged in disgust. "You are such a baby," his sister commented. "Of course, they’re gonna kiss. They are dating, after all."

To that, Junior rolled his eyes. “So, that’s him, huh? I didn't think Mayor Ghost would be our dad. The dude looks nothing like us," he turned to his sister.

"Ok, so what's the plan?" He asked.

"Simple, we go up to him." She replied.

"Are you crazy?! He's terrifying. I am NOT going up to him. Did you see how tall he was!" He shuddered at the thought.

At that, she giggled, showing she did have a girly side to her after all.

The very sound of her laughter nearly took her brother back, as he muttered the words, "You sound just like mom when you do that."

"And you, the tallest pony I ever met, is afraid of some skinny dude from the 1990s in a trench coat. Anyway, we know Dad was a part of Chaos Vill, and always went to the big fight club tournaments associated with it, we now know where he lives and we know the location of the bar, so why don't we just join that and when we are there, if we see him, well just kidnap him."

"Kidna-?" He asked, appalled. “He's the most powerful chimera ever to live and you want to just kidnap him like he’s a lonely schoolfilly?!"

"Oh, only long enough to survive his death date," She smirked and looked at her own hoofs as if it were a genus idea.

He wanted to argue, but he gave up with a sigh. "You’re unbelievable sometimes," he expressed and walked away.

"I know,” she smirked to herself. “Wonder where I get that from?"

Author's Note:

Dun dun dun!!! Didn't see that coming did ja. Please tell me you didn't. 🤣ok now to continue my author note story of how I made this story.

Co-written and edited done by NagelTubeHD Productions


So I wasnt really liking my work and I read some other fan fics. Being a fan of love stories, family stories and the like I read a lot. Like Opera phantom discord. Which is why discord last name in this is Mr ghost. A bad reference to that. And other stories that gave me some inspiration, like the draconiqus with the dragon tattoo ( another great story on fim fic) and me being interested in mystery and cop shows figuring stuff out, or supernatural, also Scooby doo. I wanted to form a mystery with our heroes trying to solve it. Solve who is the villan instead of right out making it obvious to them and have the audience second guess where the story was leading. I soon added this changing the story once again. At this point I literally re wrote this story a dozen times. Long before I was anywhere close to releasing the first chapter. By the time I did finally release the first chapter I was working on it for 3 months before.

Ok more on this later 😆👋