• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 845 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

  • ...

Chapter 5 introductions

November,18, ---- 2:00 pm

Rainbow walked in the door with a look of frustration on her face. "Ahh. How hard is it to find one guy?" She complained.
She was not alone however,"I searched through all the footage I could get from the school surveillance cameras. He didn't appear in any of them. Even the night of the attack." He was like a ghost. Spike shrugged.

"Oh great, so what, were being mutated by a phantom?" Rarity complained.

"I mean, twilight brother is dead, right?" AJ sighed.

"And between classes and searching for him, we've barely had any time to sleep." Fluttershy yawned.

"And what of Twilight, she's feeling any better?" AJ asked.

"Afraid not. It's been a whole nother week. And she still isn't coming around." Spike muttered.

"She's been going out every night to get fresh air. And when she's not, she works on that thing in her room, I'm starting to get worried about her," Fluttershy said just loud enough for the others to hear, as she hid behind her pink mane.

"What thing," asked Spike, "is it that science project with all the weird nuts and bolts sticking out?"

"Yeah, but she won't tell me what it is." Fluttershy said.

"She never told me either, she has been working on that thing since before I even knew her. I have no idea what that strange device is supposed to be."

"Well, whatever it is, it seems important to her," Fluttershy replied.

"Oh, there got to be a way to cheer her up," AJ exclaimed,

"Yeah, but how," Dash replied.

"Oh, oh I know", jumped up Rarity. "The holiday gala."

"The what?" AJ and Dash asked simultaneously.

"The holiday gala." Rarity repeated excitedly.

"It's coming up. All the fancy, most known people are gonna be there. It's hosted by the president himself and this year it's gonna be held right here in our town, it's only an hour away. And it might be great to get her head off well, you know. We could all go, we could have a blast."

Dash and AJ looked at each other with the same worried look. "Yeah, dances and gowns aren't my thing."

"Me neither." AJ commented.

"I think it's a wonderful idea." Fluttershy smiled through her bangs.

"Well that's great and all, but now there's a whole nother thing to deal with." Said spike, who grumbled a little.

"Oh yeah and what's that, darling?" Rarity asked.

"The night we first met Fluttershy, there was someone following us. And from time to time I keep seeing those two around."

The entire room shouted in unison, "What someone knows were mutants?! Why haven't you said something before?" Dash shook him.

"Umm, I tried, no one ever listens to me."

"Now you know how I feel," Fluttershy muttered with an eye roll.

"Well, we can't wait for them to make a move, if they're following us around, I think it's about time we catch them in the act. "

"Wait, wait, we don't even know who they are or what they want." Rarity chimed in.

"That's the point Rarity, let's get them and make sure they don't tell anyone we're mutants."

"Don't you think we should tell Twilight first? "

"She already has enough to worry about. What about you, Fluttershy?" Asked rainbow.

Fluttershy was surprised to be addressed at first but shrugged. "It wouldn't be a bad idea to make sure we know what they want,"

"See flutters with me," Rainbow cheered.

"Oh, but we shouldn't hurt them until we know for sure. Why don't we just ask?" She said worriedly.

"I think that's a good compromise. Well, go find them, ask why they're following us, and if it's something to be concerned about, well take care of them. Who knows, they might be mutants like us." AJ told the crowd.

"Ok well, I'm going shopping for dresses, spike you come with me," Rarity said,

"Why me?" Spike asked, but with a smile.

"I need someone to carry the bags. Anyway, why don't the rest of you find out about these stockers?"

"And ill stay here in case Twilight needs help," Fluttershy added quietly. "Plus I have my family coming for Thanksgiving, so I'm gonna be busy too."

"Perfect, let's go, team," Dash said raising her hoof hoping someone would hoof-bump her. But no one did and walked right past her. She just shrugged and followed AJ out.


A motorcycle rode up to the end of the street. On it were a girl driving and some dude in a lab coat holding onto her…

"Any luck on his whereabouts?" Said the girl.

"Unfortunately. No, it will take time for the two to meet after all.

Did we go too far?" She asked.

"Nope, not according to the video."

She rolled her eyes. "You and that video. "

The two then rolled off when the light turned green. What they didn't notice was the shadows following them.

Dash in her griffin form peered over the side of a building. "Alright, spike, so are those the two she asked."

The little lizard nodded.

Dash nodded back before she pulled out a walkie-talkie. "Ok, AJ, you're up."

"Roger that. Ready?" she said, turning to Rarity. Rarity nodded. The two of them were in the allay way and watched the two on the bike.

As the two approached and stopped at the next stop light, rarity jumped out, and Apple Jack quickly tied the two up.

"Hay what the..." Shouted the colt. "Let us go now, or you'll be sorry." Said the mare.

"Calmed down, calm down we're just here to ask a few questions," AJ told them,

"Like?" grumbled the girl.

"Like why you're following us around," said the griffin that flew down.

"Oh, it's you, the mutants. Yeah, we were following you around, got a problem." Said the girl with a sly smile.

"Yeah, we do. Why are you following us around like that?" Dash yelled, getting into the girl's face.

"None ya business." Shouted the girl back as she pushed her face back into dashes.

"What she means to say is we're not looking for trouble." Said the colt.

"Ok, what then, why are you following us then?"

The girl shook her head to the other to say no. but he smiled. "We're only looking for our pops."

"Ugh." The girl went and shook her head.

"What you mean?" Asked spike.

"Not much. Our pops is a mutant, we were hoping to track him down by following other mutants."

"And so you're following us around, why do you think we know where your father is?"

The mare sighed and started talking. "Ignore my little brother, please."

"Little!" He shouted.

"Look, we're just trying to track down our father. We saw you were mutants and thought perhaps we could find others until we caught up to him." She said annoyed.

"You're only older than me by five minutes."

"Five Minutes is still being born first, little bro." She spat back. He just rolled his eyes. "Look we're not interested in fighting, we're not gonna tell anyone you're mutants either, we simply don't care. "

"Yeah, well, we can't let you go now that we know. Besides, you're just a couple of kids."

"Are not were sixteen" shouted the girl.

"What she means to say is we're quite fine on our own." Her brother said.

"Uh-huh. And what makes you think we can trust you? Give us a good reason or…"

"Or what." The mare spat. "Look, you can't kidnap us or anything and the moment we tell anyone about you…"

"Which we won't do." Her brother chimed in.

"Then you'll be arrested and thrown in the hospital like the others."

"And what about your dad, the mutant? Isn't he in the hospital?"

"No, he's out running around somewhere, that's why we're looking for him." She said as if it was obvious.

Dash growled, "ok, ok Dash back up, they're just kids."

"We're practically your age." The mare complained.

"Look we were just being cautious of you guys, that's all. We really don't want to be caught up by the cops. We're trying to find a cure to all this ourselves. I'm sorry bout your dad. Maybe we can help you find them. But we can't let you just run around unsupervised with what you know, ok."

The mare rolled her eyes. "So annoying," she grumbled.

What's your name's anyway. Asked AJ as she untied the two of them.

"I'm Junior and this is Mells."

"Really." She argued.

"Ok, Junior, Mells" AJ repeated, raising an eyebrow at the unusual names. "Do you atleast know where to start looking for him?"

"Sort of. But don't worry about it, my sisters right well let you tag along, but we're not planning to get involved with you, and please don't get involved with us. We can do this on our own."

"Ok, got a place to stay then." Asked rarity.

"The two shook their heads. We just want to ride till we can find them, we're fine with sleeping on the side of the road."

"Oh, come now. Look at the two of you. Both of you look tired filthy and your fashion choices could use some sprucing up. I say come by my place, well fix you right up."

"The one girl grumbled something under her breath."

"That's very generous of you, but really we can't."

"Oh no, we insist." Said the Griffin.

"Alright then," Junior answered.

"His sister pulled him by the ear. Give us a moment, will ya?" She smiled an irritated look.

She then pulled him over to a wall and whipped in an angry tone.

"What are you thinking? We can't get too close to them, it could ruin the whole mission."

"Sis, I'm tired, you're tired. One night and well leave, besides, if we do get closer to them, we might find Mom, and she could lead us straight to him."

"But mom's not even with them." She growled.

"Not tonight but they're close right according to the professor."

"Ugh. Fine, but don't forget brother, I'm in charge here."

"Just because you're older doesn't make you in charge."

"You just didn't want to get into a fight."

"Of course not, I hate fights." He growled as he stood at eye level with her.

She then smiled. And rubbed his head. "I know brother. I know."

She then walked back to them and sighed in defeat. "Fine. One night. "

"Yea" shouted Rarity excitedly.

Rarity and AJ walked her home as Dash took Spike home and headed back to the apartments to tell Fluttershy and Twilight.

She walked in the door and Twilight was eating soup along with Fluttershy's brother.

"And then I told her just to go for it. Oh, you should have seen how much the girl swayed over me."

"Uh," Twilight said, barely paying attention. "Oh, hey look, its dash. Hay, Dash, maybe you can entertain him for a minute." She smiled nervously and asked, mouthing the words please and thank you.

Dash's eyes flew wide. "Oh,no. oh. no not him." She muttered,

"Oh, Dash, nice to see ya. It's been a while, huh?"

"Uh, hi, Zephyr," she said throwing a forced smile. "Uh, where's Fluttershy..?"

"Oh, she's on her date, can you believe it?"

Dash's jaw dropped, "What!?"

Fluttershy walked down the street. The night air was growing colder with every step. And why wouldn't it? It was only a week away from December. Some of the stores started to show Christmas decorations in the window. But mostly it was still November turkey day advertisements.

The more she walked, the more nervous she began to get. She wore a simple blue dress and a pair of dress paints. Complimented by a warm, somewhat wool and leather jacket. Tho it wasn't real leather, she never were real leather, but it did complete the look. As she saw her reflection, it wasn't her outfit that she was worried about. She kept setting a hoof over her mouth, hoping her fangs would not come out tonight. The last thing she needed was for her date to find out she was a mutant freak crossed with a vampire.

And if that wasn't bad enough, it was the fact that she was going on a date in the first place that had her on edge the most... How did she get in this mess, asked herself..?

It was her brother's fault ...

"Hay sis." Her brother said as he walked through the door. He was a mint green pony and other than his height, he looked just like their father when he was younger. He was taller than her. He was the tallest in the family. But that wasn't saying much. Most of the breeze family were short. And Fluttershy was no different. Even among her friends, she was the shortest. However, ever since becoming a mutant pony, she began to become skinnier, making her look taller.

"Wow, uh, you ok." He asked.

"Hmm yeah, I'm fine, why?"

"Well, look at you. Have you eaten anything? And you look, so pale, are you sick?" He set a hoof on her head.

This action seemed out of character for him

"Zephyr I'm fine college has changed me a bit that's all. It's stressful, but I Asher you, I'm fine." She raised her eyebrows at how oddly concerned he was of her at the moment.

"Oh good, cause if you were sick, Mom would kill me. Hay, I gotta asked how's Rainbow is?"

And there it was, the brother she knew. With a deadpan expression, she replied. "She's good. "

"That's good because after not having the pleasure of seeing me for months I was worried about her mental health...after all, she did always have a thing for me." He flipped back his hair and gave a sly smile.

Dash, Rainbow never liked her brother. She tolerated him since she and Dash were friends, but her brother was always a bad flirt. Keyword, bad.

"Especially since I have to break her heart and let her know I, myself, am dating."

"You have a girlfriend"

She asked

"Oh no. I've just been dating. I got to tell you about this one girl I met. She was quiet the feline, and not just because she was a cat." He winked at her.

"But I of course have to keep my options open, so I only go on first dates." He shrugged and smiled.

It was clear that he could never get a second date. But Fluttershy was too kind to point that out and let her brother just tell his tall tales.

He was going to be staying the week with her at the apartment. Dad and Mom would be there the day before Thanksgiving.

"So tell me, sis, how's your guy?"

Fluttershy jumped at that. "Zephyr I'm not dating." She blushed, embarrassed to talk about this. "I'm studying."

"What you really came to canterlot. One of the most esteemed schools full of great lookers just to study. Oh, please sis, I'm your little brother. You can tell me."

"No, I'm not lying. I am not dating anyone."

"Oh, I see." He said slyly. Keeping an eye on her. "It's a secret romance then. Isn't it?"

"No, no." She insisted.

"Ok, whatever, don't tell me." it's a good thing I made you a dating profile then.


"Your first dates tonight actually, have fun," he winked.

"Unless you actually have someone"

"No, I don't." She said, petting her snake and glaring at him. Her eyes were close to turning red.

"Then I did you a favor, you need a chance to loosen up and find a special someone."

"Zephyr I"

"It be rude not to show up"...he grinned

At that, she was defeated. And here she was on a Saturday night dressed up, going to meet a blind date.

"Darn, you brother." She mutters between her teeth. Soon she was near the fancy restaurant where apparently she was supposed to meet her date.

She took a step towards it, but then stepped back. She quickly walked down the allay way. As she did, she grew more and more nervous and her breath quickly become erratic. "I can't do this," she utters to herself.

"I am not ready for this." She mutters as she shook her head. She got control of her breath and sighed. "Ok, it's just dinner. You can then tell whoever he is that you're not looking for someone and that it was your brother who set her up... oh come on, that will be so mean. What If he's a really nice guy?" She paused. What if he was a cute guy? Would she stay then? Could she? A relationship. She knew that one day she wanted to have a family. Wanted to meet someone kind, strong, tall, and handsome.

But between her school work, her being a mutant pony, and becoming a superhero on a mission to stop other mutants with her friends was this really a good time to start a relationship? Would she ever get another chance?

All these questions ran through her mind. She didn't even notice the guys who walked up to her. One was a short cat dressed in a pair of dirty clothes, the other was a pony just over her height dressed worst than the cat. Both reeked of alcohol, and it took everything Fluttershy had not to gag.

The cat grabbed her arm while the pony pulled out a knife.

The cat set a paw over her mouth. "No need to scream, mare. We're not gonna hurt you, we're just here to rob you." The cat said.

"Sorry, we need the cash," said the pony continued. "Just hand over what you have and no one gets hurt."

She wanted to scream, but couldn't. However, was it a scream or a yell? As the pony went to grab her saddlebag her bat-like instincts began to kick in. The moment he grabbed her bag, she was going to drop-kick him. And tear apart that cat.

She seemed like a little shy pony, but she had quite the wild side. Especially being a mutant. But as the pony went for the bag, another shadow fell over them.

The two looked at the figure and shouted, get out of here!

In a deep, dark voice, a response came that made a cold chill run down everyone's spine.

"You two again ay. never learn do you?"

The two eyes widen, and they shook In fear when they saw him.

"This is the third time I've caught you robbing a mare." The shadow took a step forward.

"Hay we uh, we got a nice now back off." The pony said with fear in his voice.

"If you were smart, you'd let go of that knife."

The pony and cat stood, not being able to move a muscle.

Fluttershy wanted to kick that cat's head off. But she was too interested in her Savior.

He took another step and the pony with the knife lunged at him.

He grabbed his hoof and with his free one punched him right in the jaw, making him drop to his knees.

The cat pulled out his claws and swiped at the shadow, but he seemed to come in contact with nothing but air. A punch came to his gut and the two robbers could do Nothing but run from their attacker.

The tall figure who, Fluttershy still could make no detail of stood at his full night. As if he was the shadow itself. He dusted off his shoulders with a slight chuckle.

She watched as with each laugh, the shadow shook with amusement. He then began to walk away back into the dark corner of the ally.

"Wait stop, please." Fluttershy shyly said, not knowing why.

The figure stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Ah, you'll still here, huh?"

"I uh." She stuttered. She still had a little bit of instinctual fear, telling her to run. But she stood still.

"Tha, thank you. For uh."

The shadow turned completely towards her. But she couldn't make out any features. "What's a little filly like you doing in a place like this, Anyway? A dark ally on the Southside of town. Not a good place to be in the middle of the night."

He spoke with a bit of amusement In his voice. Yet a hint of boredom was there two. The conflicting tone made Fluttershy even more cautious of him. But she had to thank him for doing what he did. He acted like a true hero.

"I uh. I'm supposed to be on a blind date, But my brother is the one who set me up, I don't know the guy and, I just needed some air when those two mugged me." Why she was saying any of this was clearly out of nerves alone.

"Well, you're clearly not use to the south side of town. This is the roughest part of the city. Many of the neighborhoods around here are not the friendliest."

"I was supposed to go to Landy for dinner."

"You would have been fine had you not taken the back alleyway. Landy, huh? Funny, I'm on my way there myself." he said as he knelt over and picked up a briefcase.

"Your date probably waiting there. Come on then ill walk to it." He said and walked over towards her.

She nodded and didn't say another word as the two quietly walked out of the allay back towards the restaurant.

She stepped into the light first, and he stopped just before the light of the street lamps could hit him. Almost as if a barrier stopped him from moving forward.

"Ugh, such a ridiculous restaurant. Most of its love-struck couples."

"So are you on a date too then?" She asked. She regretted it, thinking to herself that's a stupid question. She should just walk away from him. Why is she still walking beside him? She's supposed to be on a date. What if the guy she's supposed to be with sees them walk in together? She didn't want to give the wrong idea.

"I'm here on business. An associate of mine set up a meeting with a potential client."

"Mrs Beez I think." He said taking a step into the light, letting Fluttershy finally see some detail on him.

He was a tall pony. Nearly twice her height. She wasn't the tallest pony ever, but she barely stood above his stomach. He was dressed in a dark gray trench coat, and a matching hat with a large brim, That was just a tad darker than his own fur. He wore large red sunglasses, she could barely see the hint of two sunken in eyeballs underneath them. Strange since it was night. Even with the trench coat giving him some size, it was clear he was very skinny. Especially his face. He looked as if he was death itself. A head of a pony, no doubt. But a rather skull-like one. She was so taken aback by his appearance that what he said nearly registers with her.

"Mrs. Beeze. Um, Breeze."

He finally set his eyes on her, still under the sunglasses. "You know her?" He questioned.

"I, uh, yes. I'm Fluttershy, Fluttershy Breeze."

A moment of awkward silence sat between them, only to be broken by his laughter.

"Oh great"' he smiled and said in an amused tone. "Oh." He shook his head. "I am so gonna get him back for this."

"For what?" She asked interested.

"My apologies Mrs,"

"Breeze." She told him.

"Mrs breeze. A business partner I'm associated with told me I was to meet a client for our new product. I don't normally go to meetings unless I absolutely have to…he insisted I come. Haha. You're not here for our new line of joke books. That guy set me on a blind date. Oh, how amusing." He said, laughing as he griped his stomach with his free hoof. "And the best part about is you don't want to be here either. Haha." He said as slapped his own leg. He was clearly losing it. And his laughter was contagious. Watching him, for some reason all the nervousness and fear she had of the night just melted away as she herself felt a small giggle she kept tight in her throat. The way he was handling this situation made her relax.

When he finally stopped laughing, he turned to her. "Well, with this odd occurrence, I don't think a romantic candle-lit dinner at a fancy restaurant fits. But it wouldn't be very gentlemen of me to waste your time. You did get all dressed up after all. "He waved his hoof in her direction.

She looked down at herself with a small smile.

"I know a great little coffee shop just down the street. Instead of a date, why don't you let me buy you a cup, and we'll chat for a bit before I give you a ride home."

At that, her expression grew slightly surprised. "Um, give me a ride."

"Yes, I can't let you walk home, it will soon be late, and the later the night the more dangerous these streets get". He smiled. "Believe me, I'm only being courteous, just like you have no interest in a relationship."

This made her completely comfortable. He was only trying to be nice. And a simple cup of coffee at a little shop sounded way better than a full romantic dinner.

She gave him a slight nod and with that, the two set off. Down the street and around the corner, actually on the corner itself, was a little coffee shop called sugar cube corner.

"Here we are." He said as he opened the door for her. She walked in and the smell of cinnamon, sugar, and coffee filled her nostrils. It was a very nice little mom-and-pop shop. It was just on the edge of south and east of town. She had never been this way, but she really liked this small part of the city.

There were a few booths by the window, a few tables in the center and an outside sitting area. An old fellow was whipping up tables when the two walked in. He looked up when he noticed the door open.

"Welcome, to sugar cube corner, the sugerst corner in the city. Be with you in a minute." The old tall pony said.

There were a few customers inside, but otherwise, it was quite empty. A blue mare with pink hair was at the counter giving folks their coffee.

The colt's eyes widen when he saw who stepped in behind Fluttershy. He gasped. "Oh, oh, it's you, sir. Please sit down."

"Please Mr cake. I'm just a customer." Her date said.

Of course, of course. "And who is this?"

"I'm Fluttershy, Fluttershy Breeze."

"Oh my such a lovely date. Honey look who's come and brought his date."

His wife at the cash register looked up and gasped as she waved excitedly.

"Ha ha, not a date. She is just a friend…mind if I get a table near the window." He asked as he waved hi to the other.

"Of course, of course, the back corner is clean, let me get you some menus."

"You're a regular here?" She asked as she took her seat.

"I wish, no, I don't get enough time to come down here myself. I usually send my assistant down here to fetch me something."

Mr cake returned to the two of them.

He placed the menu down. "I suppose you want your usual."

The tall gray pony took off his sunglasses and pulled out a pair of reading glasses. "Yes, he said as he took a look at the menu." His eyes were a bright crimson. But nothing out of the ordinary.

"Two chocolate muffins and a nice jin-sing tea."

"You like tea?" She asked.

"Yes trust me..." he said as he took his glasses off and set his hoof on the bridge of his nose, his eyes closed right..." If I drink coffee, I'm as hyper as a little filly. I won't be able to sleep tonight."

"And you mam." Mr cake asked.

She looked at the menu but quickly fav her answer. "I'll have what he's having, only umm one muffin please."

"Of course mam." Mr cake grabbed the menus and headed back to the counter.

"Believe me, they have the best muffins in the city. I've tried forever to get them to give me thire secret, but they always refuse, which is fine, it just means I'm always ordering from here. They also deliver. And while their tea is great. Their shakes are not bad either." He said as he once again traded glasses.

He looked out the window with a somewhat bored expression...

Fluttershy didn't notice the smile on her face the entire time she was there, until she could feel her slightly frown at how sad he looked for just a very small moment.

But it was brief as the food and tea came to the table. He turned and perked right up as he ate his muffin. He took a few sips of his tea but stayed very quiet, and seemed mostly uninterested in anything else. Including her.

Still, it gave her for some unknown reason the confidence to start small talk. Which was a surprise even to her. She was never the one to start a conversation…she was always shy and nervous. But something about him made her feel relaxed, as if she was talking to an old friend she knew for many years.

He wasn't exactly handsome. In fact, he looked almost sick due to how skinny he was. But his appetite showed anything but, as he quickly scarfed down one of his two muffins before she could even comment.

"So umm, what is it you do? What is the product that you were gonna show me?" She asked as she took a bite of her muffin. He looked up from his almost-gone muffin. Crumbs all over his face. Making her stifle a giggle.

"Oh, I tend to be a profit manager. I have many contracts with many accounts. This one tho, is for a corporation called cheeses jokes imports. Have you heard of it?"

"Oh yes, my friend loves that place. She's really into playing pranks and stuff."

"Yes, well, Mr cheese does many things trying to make people laugh. For one thing, we have pranks galore for sale, many party supplies, and tonight." He brought up his bridge case and opened it. He shifted a few files and brought out a book. A joke book to be exact, and gave it to her.

"A joke book, co-written by both he and me. I used to be an upstage comedian. And met him long ago. He asked me to join him and be his money manager. Considering my position in the banks, I couldn't refuse."

She flipped through the book and skimmed threw some of the jokes. There were mostly bad dad jokes and it made her chuckle. He returned the laugh as he wiped his tea.

"No offense, but these are terrible." She told him and handed back the book.

"Ah, but a bad joke that makes you smile is a good joke in my opinion." He said with a grin and set her book in his briefcase. "It's a shame you're not truly a client wanting to endorse the book, it seems you don't mind the humor." She shrugged with a smile.

"And what about you, Mrs Breeze?" He asked as his smile faded away, and he looked out the window. He seemed once again, utterly uninterested. " What is it that you do?"

"Oh, I'm studying to become a veterinarian at canterlot college."

"Canterlot aye that's quite a pristine school." He said with a bored tone. Still sounding uninterested. "Quite difficult to get in."

"Oh yes, I'd never get in if not for my modeling and singing jobs."

"You're a model and a singer, aye. Makes sense."

"What do you mean by that?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow. How she was able to say this without an ounce of nervousness in her at all, she had no idea. While his tone shift or position didn't change as he looked out the window, he simply said something very kind that took her completely by surprise.

"While I think a compliment might be too much, If I may be so bold, you do look rather pretty."

A surprise to be sure, but while she didn't blush or anything she could feel her face grow warm, and she looked away hoping nothing would come.

"Still, looks aren't anything, especially in this city. You have to be smart. To get anywhere. If you're studying to be a veterinarian at one of the most esteemed schools in the country, you're well on your way at least."

Two complements in the same sentence. Fluttershy didn't know what to say. And returned to her tea.

"Personally," he continues. "I am not one for pets. Tho, I do have a jellyfish sitting in a fish tank at home."

Fluttershy almost choked. "Ah, jellyfish."

"Yes, quite interesting creatures. No heart, no brain yet still alive. And dangerous if you get too close." He continued his drink and ate his last muffin while staring out the window. Something about the way he said the last part almost seemed like warning. Feeling a bit off by that she didn't say much else and ate her muffin.

When she was finished he reached in and pulled out a hundred and set it on the table …" oh no, no, it's on the house." Mr cake said.

"Absolutely not, I refuse." The colt said.

"Oh please, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be in business. I must insist it's on the house. Besides, it was only fifteen dollars."

"Fine, consider it a tip." He told Mr cake.

"Oh no please I can't accept a hundred."

"Take it before I change my mind." He shrugged and head to the door.

Mr cake smiled and gave Fluttershy a nod, good bye. She returned the jester and ran after her company who already left the small store.

"That was kind of you." She said as she got out of the door.

"That little shop has been there since I was a kid. Most places like that have all but gone away as the city's progression has bought up property. I hope they never close." he told her while his back was turned to her." Now let's get you home."

"Yes, yes of course um where's your car?"

"Who said anything about a car?" He chuckled as he got on the back of a motorcycle.

"Her eyes widen at the look of it."

Seeing her hesitation, he gave a little shrug and gestured with his head to come on.

She gulped for a second and then got on the back of the cycle.

He ran up the engine making her jump which made him smirk. "Hold on to me now. I don't want you falling off."

She nervously wrapped her hooves around him as he set off.

The two rode their way down the streets. The wind blew in Fluttershy's pink hair. She didn't want to admit it, but it was clear by the look on her face that she was having fun.

He saw her expression in his mirror of the bike and grinned at it. He wouldn't admit it either, but the date was going well. Finally, he asked for her address while they stopped by a stop light. She told him about the apartment and he drove her home. He came to a stop just in In front of the building. She was smiling and having such a blast on the back of his motorcycle that when it was all over, she felt a bit disappointed as she got off of it. It was almost eleven by the time she got home.

"Umm, thank you again for saving me. And uh, the night. Tonight was fun."

"No problem, Mrs Breeze. I had a good time. You are probably the only one I've gotten along with in years. I hope you have a good holiday."

She jumped as she realized it was Thanksgiving in a few days.

"Good bye." This was good bye. It was a big city, and the very idea they'd ever meet again was slim.

But she said good bye and went inside. As soon as he could o longer see her, he left on his bike. She could hear him ride away on it.

Finally, a smile spread on her face. A sad one but a smile nonetheless. At least she had fun.

As she put the key in the lock, her brother's annoying snore filled the air. But it was Dash who looked up from the couch.

"Dash, what are you doing here?"

" I came looking for you, but your brother said you were on a date." She yawned. "Who is it? Was he a jerk? Just tell me what he looks like and I'll clobber him for ya."

Fluttershy shook her hoof." No, no, it's. Not like that."

"Ok, then, why do you look so sad?"

"Oh uh. Do I? I uh. Well," The thing is" She winced as if in pain. "I actually had a good time, he was a great guy and. And I'll never see him again."

"What you mean?" Dash asked. "Did he not ask you out again? Did he not give you his phone number? Oh, ok that's it, just tell me his name, and I'll clobber him." Dash said as she punched her hoof.

"No, no we both didn't want to. I mean at first but then..." She sighed. Then her eyes grew wide. His name. She never asked him what his name was. She went on a blind date and had the time of her life, and never learned the guy's name. "Great Fluttershy you feather-brain." She muttered to herself. "Dash, I don't know his name, I never asked for it."

Author's Note:


Well I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter and you don't mind the fluttercord B plot.