• Published 4th May 2024
  • 196 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 12: New Villains, Same Henchmen

The Armada Ship was full of changelings, buzzing all over the place like bumble bees, flying all over the place from either inside or outside the ship. The x-borgs and the bruisers have been confused by the new villains they saw, even getting chased multiple times by the buzzy pony-like creatures.

They quit when Chrysalis threatened them that Tirek would suck up all their magic if they didn't stop, while Cozy Glow flew up to each of Vekar's henchmen, shaking their hooves in a friendly manner.

Grogar had taken a liking to the huge ship, especially the Command Room where the prince is there every day, which he is now.

Vekar has been walking all over the place, his ears pinned back for how annoyed he's getting with all the noise, disturbing his inner thoughts on how he and the new villains will help get rid of the Power Rangers.

He hated every one of them, but the one person he hated was his younger brother, who took all the glory. Vrak has been proving he was a lot better than his older brother, making him feel like an idiot.

He also hated how his allies say that Vrak never had temper tantrums when something goes wrong, causing him to be more jealous than ever before.

Stopping, he turned to see the doors slide open, seeing Cozy Glow flying in, her chubby cheeks all happy until it turned into a frown. "What's wrong, new friend?"

"Hmph," he huffed, casting away from her, the changelings inside the ship getting louder. "Shut up!" he finally cried out, so loud that even Tirek and Chrysalis heard it from outside. He looked back at the filly. "How come you're a villain even when you're..." He doesn't want to say the word for how it grosses him out.

"Adorable?" Cozy giggled, closing her eyes. "Villains aren't always scary, they can be cute, too. Well, I'm cute, and everypony falls for it. I can walk up to someone with tears, asking for help."

"Does it work?" Vekar can never believe that there are adorable villains like her.

"No, it doesn't work," she then frowned. "I once tried it on a guy back on Mount Everhoof, asking him to help me get up the mountain, except he said no." Rolling her eyes, she went up to the window. "Golly, I hope this ship does get off the ground, including the smaller ones. Levira did say that she can't use that, um... what's that thing called again?"

"A Magma Beam," Vekar muttered, walking back to his console, shoving an x-borg out of the way. "We won't be able to use it unless we're off the ground. Or it won't work." He crossed his forelegs in front of his chest. "I would rather be back at home, taking over the earth. It's all Argus's fault for bringing us here."

"You're still blaming me for this mess?" the bodyguard spoke up, shoving Grogar out of the way. "It's the Blue Ranger's fault, not mine."

"Suure." The prince rolled his eyes. "It's his fault that he activated the device which you stepped out of the way from his attack."

"I had to, I won't let Blue destroy me!" Argus yelled angrily.

"Do you and this Blue Ranger always fight each other?" Grogar wondered.

"Yes, he does," Vekar answered before the pegasus can, casting him a glare. "He's a failure, too," he criticized. "Thankfully, I'm smarter than any of you. Smarter than my brother."

Grogar blinked. "You have a brother?"

"And what's his name?" the evil filly added. "I would love to meet him."

The prince placed a hoof on his forehead. "...His name is Vrak. No you cannot meet him. He's somewhere back at home into hiding. I would rather not talk about him for he's better than me."

"Aww." Wrapping an arm around his neck, the little one gave him a hug. "You're just as good as he is."

Vekar shoved her off. "Don't ever touch the prince!" he shouted. "Plus, he will always be better at everything, proving to be my dad's favorite, even though I'm the first in line for the throne! Do you know how hard it is for me not to get jealous of my brother!? Do you!?" Cozy and Grogar looked at each other. "A lot!" He kept on going. "I've always been jealous of everything that he does to make our father proud, and he wants ME to be the first one in line for the throne?! What?! How come he loves my brother more than me, despite me being the first one for the throne? I know, I'll give it to my younger brother! 'Hey, Vrak, take my throne, I won't need it for how much of an empty headed blunder I am'. I'm sick and tired of him being better than me!" Hopping off of his seat, he brushed past the ram, walking up to Levira. "What are you doing?" he rudely asked. "You are supposed to be working on the device to get us back at home."

"I'm working on the blueprints, first, sire," she told him. "I won't build it unless I know what it should look like."

This got him steaming mad. "Work on it already! You also said you wanted to make sure this stupid ship can still be in the air! You won't be able to use the beam thingy to grow anything! I wish we had those stupid zombats that Vrak has. Oh, wait, we can't. We have to use our own stuff."

"When I'm done with the blueprints, I'll see if this ship can still fly, including the other ones," she said patiently for she's always been like that.

"Do it now!" he ordered. "God, I'm so peeved that I'm gonna punch Grogar right in the face."

"What did you say?" Vekar felt himself being lifted up off the floor, being pinned on the wall by the malicious ram. "You dare use those words upon me? I don't like it..." he hissed, watching the prince struggle against the magical bonds. "She said she'll check to see if these ships can still fly once she's done with the blueprints."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Surrendering, Vekar quit his struggling. "Put me down already." Grogar released his hold on him. "Oof!" Plopping on to the floor, he landed hard on his stomach. "Not like that!" he cried out, annoyed that he's been dropped rather than being set down nicely. "Even my own father would never do that to me even though he loves my brother more." He stood up, brushing off his chest.

"Where are you going?" the little pegasus asked, watching him walk up to the doors.

"None of your business..." The doors slid open, and he stepped out when she went right through before they could close up again. "Are you deaf? I said, it's none of your business."

Cozy fiddled with her hooves. "You do seem green with envy from your brother..."

"Gee, I wondered how you figured that out when I already mentioned it," he rolled his eyes sarcastically, heading forward. "And don't follow me!" he shouted, feeling her right behind him.

"But us villains are getting together," she said, grinning from ear to ear. "I want to know everything about you. We can't be friends unless we know each other first, and all I got was your name."

"I'm the Prince of the Armada," he said quickly. "There, that's everything about me. Now go away."

"Golly, it must be hard work for being a prince," she smiled, seemingly ignoring his command, following him. "You know, you do have a nice ship. It's a lot nicer than Grogar's Lair."

Vekar grumbled underneath his breath, annoyed by this filly. He wanted to be left alone for a while, except it won't happen unless this girl is off his back. Plus, he still can't believe that this type of villain is the adorable type. Like, aren't villains supposed to be less cute? And like he said before, he hates anything that is cute.

Cozy flew in front of him, flying backwards as he kept going forward. "Wanna know something about me?" She didn't give him a chance to say anything. "I tricked these three fillies to let me be in the school. I pretended to be a good filly, a good pony, so everypony can be my friend since friendship is powerful. I had these artifacts where I was draining out all the magic of Equestria, except six friends ruined it!"

"Let me guess... It was Twilight and her friends."

"No," she scoffed. "It was these students who go to the School of Friendship. They're the ones who saved the day, ruining my plans, and getting me sent to Tartarus where Tirek was at before we got summoned by Grogar. My friends and I sang a song about being a better way to be bad. You wanna hear it?" she grinned.

"No, no singing on my ship," he responded rather fast, hoping he won't hear any songs from this little equine. "Can you please leave me be? I want to be alone."

"Sure thing, Vekar," she respectfully answered. "Or should I call you Prince Vekar?"

He stopped at his bedroom, turning to face her. "My generals call me 'sire' most of the time."

"Oh, well, I'll see you later, sire," she saluted. "I hope this ship can fly. I want to see Equestria when I'm a lot higher in the sky."

"I hope so, too," he mumbled, pushing the door open of his room. Before the filly had anything else to say, he slammed the door right behind him with one kick of his hind hoof.

He waited until Cozy was gone, listening to her fly away. It was hard to tell, though, whether she flew back to the Command Room or not for how quiet her wings are. He decided to not open up his door, going over to his bed, flopping down on his back, his mane sprawled out, his eyes up at the ceiling.

He couldn't believe the Rangers were here, wanting to get rid of them for good more than ever before. He has to admit that he's glad to have more help in getting rid of them, as long as he and his allies do the same for them.

Getting up, he was already starting to get bored of being inside his room with nothing else to do. He would rather be in the Command Room anyway.

And that's what he did. But when he got there, he saw that Levira wasn't there this time. The only ones he saw are Cozy Glow, Argus, Damaras, and Grogar, looking out the window. Even Chrysalis and Tirek had made their way inside, they too, gazing outside.

Vekar stepped over to them. "Where's Levira?" he broke the silence.

"She's working on the little aircrafts," Argus told him. "She thought it'll be a good idea to start those off first since they need those things to fly over to where the Rangers are at," he explained. "No worries, sire, she said she'll check to see if this ship can get off the ground, too."

"She better," the prince grumbled.

"I'll go see if she needs any help." Cozy was about to go out when Argus grabbed her by the tail.

"She can work on them on her own," he said.

"Can we send our henchmen to destroy the Rangers and their friends?" Vekar interrupted.

"Vekar, we have no idea where they're at," Damaras spoke, bringing up a good point.

"Hmph." Sitting down on the floor, he crossed his arms over his chest. "Why don't we look at Grogar's orb?"

"Great idea - for once," Damaras nodded, and Vekar glared at him. "What?" he shrugged. "All I said that you had a great idea for once, since all of your other ideas failed miserably." This got the prince to turn away from him, watching as Grogar went over to the orb, which was sitting on the table next to Levira's blueprints.

The orb began to glow. Vekar got up off the floor, heading over to the orb. Grogar's eyes hadn't blinked as the orb turned on, this time showing a small village.

"What's that?" Vekar asked. "The place, I mean."

"That's Ponyville."

"Ponyville?" he repeated to the little pony. "Ugh, the name's even worse than Equestria."

"Actually, Ponyville is in Equestria," Grogar frowned. "It's one of the places here in this world, along with other ones."

"Whatever!" he yelled. "Now, are the Rangers there or not?"

"Yes, they are, your highness." Pointing his hoof at his orb, he showed Vekar where the Rangers were. He saw them walking somewhere, but he has no idea where. The village is making it difficult for him to focus.

"Send the henchmen there now," he ordered. "I don't care if they have to walk to get there, send them anyway."

"Half of our x-borgs have wings. We can have them carry the ones who don't have wings," the bodyguard suggested.

"Fine. Chrysalis, have your army go with them. We need your changelings to get rid of these Rangers and their new friends. Maybe with a whole bunch of them, we can destroy them."

"Yes, sire." She faced the changelings that are inside. "Go to Ponyville," she commanded. "And make sure to help his henchponies get there, too."

Doing a salute, the changelings buzzed off outside, talking to their new allies before grabbing each of them, the ones who don't have wings, and buzzed off. The x-borgs, the ones with wings, helped out, grabbing each a bruiser.

When they were gone, Vekar rubbed his forehead. "I hope their ships will fly."

"Yeah, I don't think they want to carry each other every time they get sent somewhere," Cozy agreed, watching them go.

Rolling his eyes, he looked at the orb, waiting for the changelings and his henchmen to wreak havoc among the village to get the heroes attention, and hopefully get rid of them.

Too bad it didn't work.

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