• Published 4th May 2024
  • 199 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 22: The Attempt

Vekar kicked a changeling out of his way, throwing his massive temper tantrum.

"The stupid heroes defeated the Power Ponies, all thanks to the stupid tall white pony with toothpaste mane and tail, who got rid of your spell, Chrysalis!" He jabbed a hoof in her face. "You should've had the spell be spell proof, where it doesn't counterattacked by the dumb white pony! The Power Ponies are joining the Rangers and their allies!" He snatched up the comic book, tearing it to shreds. "Stupid, dumb, f-"

"Language, sire," Levira warned.

"Who cares!" Tossing the shredded up comic book pieces, he stomped on them. "My plans always fail! It's another reason why my father chose my younger brother to be his favorite! Why can't I have plans that never fail!?" In his rage, he bucked, his back hooves making contact with someone behind him.

That someone would be Grogar. His collar glowed, as he lifted his hoof up, lifting the prince in the air.

The prince struggled. "Put down the mighty prince this instant!" The ram ignored him. "I command you to put me down - now!"

Bringing him close to his face, Grogar growled. "If you kick me one more time..."

"It was an accident!" Vekar quickly said, the tantrum turning into fear, praying this thing won't do something awful to him. "I didn't see you there. Totally an accident," he swore, waving his front hooves, like he was surrendering. "Oof." He was let go, dropping onto his stomach, knocking the air out of him. "Grr...! If I wasn't a stupid pony, I would get rid of those Rangers for good! Maybe I can take one by one at a time - starting off with the Blueberry."

Cozy came up to him. "You mean the Blue Ranger?"

"No, kid, I meant the red one." She frowned at his sarcasm. "Yes, I meant the blue one. I've been watching each pathetic Ranger. It turns out that Blueberry likes the yellow pony with wings." Going up to the orb, he watched Blue Ranger in Ponyville. "Levira, send me there."

Levira looked at both Argus and Damaras, when the warrior spoke. "You don't have any weapons," he brought up.

"I can use Argus's sword."

"Uh, uh, nope." Taking out his sword, the prince's bodyguard held it in his hoof. "You have no idea on how to use it."

The stallion ripped the sword from the pegasus. "I've watched you use this thing a million times. I know how to use this. All I need to do is beat up the Blue Ranger. Normally, villians will go after the red one. Since the blue one keeps giving those looks to the yellow pony, I'll destroy him first."

Tirek came up to him. "You want to destroy the Blue Ranger for giving those looks to the other pony he seems to like? Why don't destroy them for a good reason? Like, keeping them from defending Equestria."

"No," he refused, waving the sword in the mythical creature's face. "I'm gonna get rid of him. Levira, send me to Ponyland."

"It's Ponyville..." she corrected him in a deadpan tone. "I'm gonna work on my invention. Damaras, you can send him to Ponyville."

The large earth pony sighed. "Fine." Running his hoof down his face, he went over to the controls, and was about to press the button when the prince stopped him.

"Wait," he halted. "I'll fly there - with one of the x-borgs ships. I can have a few help out, even though I don't want any help, yet what choice do I have? Teleport me to one of the ships."

"Sire - you never flew those ships..."

"I flew this huge one, didn't I!?"

"Y-Yes," Damaras stuttered, knowing his boss is right. "But we feel like we should teleport you to Ponyville. We will send like four or five x-borgs."

"Hmph." Vekar rolled his eyes, releasing a huff. "Okay, fine. I won't fly one of the small ships," he agreed, swinging the sword, knocking an x-borg. "Why are you sleeping? Get up!" He forced the soldier up on his hooves, shoving him. "Go back to work. Wait, you might be one of four or five x-borgs to help me, so never mind." He looked back at the golden pony. "Send me to Ponyland," he ordered ungratefully, bringing the sword in the air like a knight. "I can prove to my dad that I am better than my little brother - once I get rid of Blueberry in Ponyland."

"Ponyville!" Vekar flinched when all of his comrades yelled out the correction.

"Alright, alright. Sheesh. Send me to Ponyville, Damaras."

"Okay. Good luck." Once the warrior wished the pony prince some luck, he pressed the button.

Vekar teleported into thin air. Cozy Glow looked at the others. "You think he can do it?"

"Why bother?" Argus shrugged his wings. "He's going to be defeated. I'll go there, too. I'll watch, and if he needs help, I'll jump into action." The doors slid open. He walked out of the room, heading to Ponyville.

When he left, Levira went in the back to work on her project, with the filly right by her tail, wanting to see if the unicorn needed any help.

Damaras plopped on the chair. "He won't be able to defeat the Blue Ranger."

"Let's give him a chance," Grogar said.

"Okay..." Glancing down at the orb, he watched Vekar, keeping his eye on him like was ordered to by the prince's father before he left.

Noah arrived at the store, seeing the Nightmare Night decorations such as fake cobwebs and spiders sticking onto them. Pumpkins lit up an orange glow, the flames on the candle dancing around.

Pushing the door open, he entered inside, going up to the counter. "Ma'am?" he spoke kindly. "Can you tell me where the grape juice is at?"

The mare smiled. "It's over there," she directed, making sure she doesn't make this guy feel stupid when he hadn't saw them when he first walked in.

"Thank you."

"No problem, let me know if you need anything else."

"I won't need anything else. I came here to buy grape juice for Fluttershy."

"Fluttershy?" It seems like this mare recognizes the name. "I know her. She's a nice girl. Are you living with her?"

"Yep," he answered.

"Are you two...?"

"No, we're not dating by any chance," he shook his head. "I'll get the juice. Be right back."

Walking over to the fridge, he found the grape juice. Opening up the door by sliding it to the side, he took a hold of the handle, getting the jug off the fridge. It was kind of heavy. Thankfully, he and Troy are gonna learn how to use their horns by Twilight Sparkle after asking her after several weeks ago.

He let go of the door, which slid back on its own. He went back to the counter, placing the item on top of it, in front of the earth pony. "How much does this cost?" He took out the bits from his pocket.

The salespony put the item in the bag. "Your total is six bits."

Noah placed six bits on the countertop. The salespony took the money, hoofing him back the change. "Thanks. Have a nice night." He wrapped his hoof around the handles of the bag, turned, and walked away.

He had stepped out of the store when he stopped. He looked around, his head going side to side.

He felt like he was being watched. He could actually smell it. Do ponies in Equestria have a great sense of smell like real equines have in the real world? he wondered, walking forward, the smell invading his nostrils, as he flapped his tail.

All the lights in Ponyville have since turned off. The houses are dark inside. No ponies are out anymore, indicating to him that the Nightmare Night evening has ended. His friends and everyone else seemed to have gone home.

The festival had been taken down - games, booths, everything. He did locate a few pieces of candy, yet the smell of something had his attention - and alerted.

Placing the grape juice down, he followed the scent to another area - when a few x-borgs jumped out of nowhere.

The Ranger let out a real horse noise, startled out of his fur coat. He got into a fighting stance, ready to call his friends when he saw someone familiar.

It wasn't Argus, it was...

"Prince Vekar!"

The prince laughed like a lunatic. "Yes, Blueberry. I'm here to destroy you first - for giving the stupid yellow pony those goo-goo eyes. It's driving me crazy!"

"Don't call Fluttershy-" Noah halted, seeing a weapon he had seen too many times. "Why do you have Argus's sword?" Normally, he would never question a villain, except this was odd. "You never had a weapon when my friends and I ran into you," he recalled, remembering the day when his team first met the prince, Levira, and Argus, along with their henchmen they always have, where he first fought the prince's bodyguard, including a new commander.

It was also before Orion came to their world - earth.

Waving the sword, Vekar clenched his teeth together. "I'm going to get rid of you with this thing!" he declared vowingly. "All I need to do is call out the attack."

This got the Ranger smirking. "Sure - unless you know what the attack is." The smirk turned into laughter.

Growling, Vekar energized his bodyguard's weapon. "Solar Slash Energized!" he called out, creating the move, sending it to the hero.

"Super Mega Mode!" Twisting his former Ranger key, the hero morphed. "Super Megaforce Blue!" With a quick draw, he damaged the attack. "Let's see what you can do."

"Are you challenging the Mighty Prince Vekar!?" the villain raged, unliking the way this hero is speaking to him. "I challenge you to fight back - one on one. Against us."

"Heh, fine. You won't win, though," the Ranger answered, giving this guy a heads up, throwing his Saber, catching it in his other hoof. Behind the helmet he wore over his head, a grin formed, knowing he can take down the prince for how much of a whiner he is.

Yelling out, he charged at the x-borgs, using his sword to knock them down. They fought back, shooting back at him, with him using his Blaster to attack the missiles.

Since there were only five x-borgs with no bruisers, he took them down easily when all is left is Vekar.

Spinning his weapon, he faced the prince. "Where are the changelings?" he questioned, walking over to him. "Did they decide to chicken out?"

"I ordered my generals to send x-borgs only - for your entertainment," Vekar exclaimed. "Fight me or else I get rid of you - for good."

Noah burst out laughing, unable to believe for this villain to stop him from defending this new world with the help of his pals. "You can never stop me. The last time I had to take care of you, you hid behind Argus like a frightened child!" he chortled between words.

His ears going flat, the prince stomped his hoof. "Quit laughing, you fool! It isn't funny! You wanna know funny? By getting rid of all of you Rangers! My dimwitted brother was always my father's favorite. My father hated me - for no reason. But with my brother somewhere back on earth, I can make my dad proud by defeating you rainbow heroes, along with your brand new friends."

The Blue Ranger quit his laughter. "Ohh, really? Well, can you handle this move?" Charging up his Saber, he called out his move he used on Argus. "Radiant Saber!"

"Radiant Saber!?" the prince reacted, unable to take it seriously. "What a-"

The powerful strike cut him off, sending him back several feet, and that's when Argus jumped into action.

"What are you doing here?!" The prince wasn't happy. "Were you spying on us!? How dare you spy on us!"

Ignoring him, the pegasus took back his weapon. He slammed the tip of it on the ground, creating a line of sparks to rush across, smashing them into the nerd.

The powerful move sent him back a few feet, landing on his hooves as he slid back, creating tread marks on the dirt floor. "You know, I thought I smelled something. Something like you guys," Noah stated, gripping the handle of his weapon.

"You smelled us?!" Prince Vekar couldn't believe what this hero had said.

"We're ponies, right? I guess since we're equines in this world, we can smell things - like danger." Raising his Saber, the Blue Ranger eyed the prince. "The first danger I should get rid of - is you." He charged at the prince.

The prince screamed. "Ahh! Protect me!" He hid behind Argus like a frightened colt. "I may be behind you, yet it's still your fault for bringing the Armada here."

Argus cast a sharp gaze at the prince. "Will you quit saying that? And first of all, it was him who brought us here," he pointed at the blue hero. "He hit the device back on earth - not me."

"I don't care," Vekar spoke carelessly. "Destroy him or else you'll be in a cell for a hundred years."

"Are you two gonna keep on bickering?" Noah stood there, waiting for the first attack. "I thought you wanna fight me, Prince Vekar. Are you too much of a coward?" he began to provoke. "I can take you both down." Noah looked in the direction where the yellow pony lives. "Anyways, Fluttershy's waiting. I don't think she'll be too happy when I come back to her place when I'm late, thanks to you."

Vekar almost laughed. "Fluttershy? What kind of name is that?" Noah's ears began to go down, unliking what this other pony is speaking about the mare he likes. "I know, it's because you keep giving these dumb looks at her."

Now the geek got even more mad. "It isn't her name that keeps making me give her what you call 'dumb' looks - it's how pretty she is. Good thing she isn't here with me. I know for a fact she'll get upset hearing your hurtful insults."

"Are you two gonna date by any chance?" This time, the unicorn decided to unanswer that sort of question. "What? You think she doesn't have the same feelings as you do?" the prince said, seemingly to taunt him.

"No, well, kind of," Noah stumbled, lowering his weapon, though he kept it ready for any sort of moves whenever the prince's bodyguard made one. "Besides, it's none of your business. You're the bad guys."

"Good point, Blue," Argus agreed for the first time, stepping up to him. "Though we will destroy you and your allies."

"Including the one called Fluttershy."

"Keep her out of this." Noah is tired of the prince bringing her up. "I need to get going." He looked around for the jug of grape juice. "Aha." He trotted over there, when Argus flew in front of him, landing on all fours.

"You have nowhere to go, Blue." Pointing his sword in the Ranger's face, he made sure the Ranger didn't make any sudden movements.

"I do have somewhere to be. Radiant Saber!" With a quick move, he made his move, fast enough where his arch nemesis had no time to do his own.

The move got him in the air, and he caught himself with his wings. "Fine, you win this time, Blue." Lowering himself down, he put his sword away, picking up the prince.

The prince doesn't seem amused by this. "Unhand me! Destroy him! It's only one puny Ranger. We can get rid of him first. Put me down!"

"And have him destroy you? Not a chance." Turning around, he flew off. "I'll be back," he called, promising the Blue Ranger. "And when you heroes are gone, we'll be back on earth, taking it over while our new friends take over this world. Hahaha!"

Unmorphing, Noah let out a huff. "You wish," he grumbled, grabbing the bag, heading straight back to the cottage. "The Armada and their new friends will never destroy us." He began walking. "And when we do destroy them, Tensou would probably have the invention ready for my friends and I to return home. I may never see her ever again." He knew he was talking to himself. "No, dude," he scolded, shaking the negative thought out of his smart brain. "Maybe there's a way where we can never go back home." He sighed. "Maybe."

He went onward, his stomach growling for food. Guess the 'fight' really gave him an appetite.

He returned back to the cottage. "Sorry I'm late, Fluttershy," he apologized, while entering the kitchen. "I ran into someone." He set the item on the table. "I got the juice, though," he said smiling, taking it out. "Want me to get the cups?"

"Uh huh," Fluttershy responded, putting the spaghetti into two plates. "Never worry about being late, you're just in time." She put the plates on the table, sitting down on her chair. "When Hearth's Warming Eve gets here, my parents will be coming over to my place."

"Since when?" Noah asked, placing a cup full of purple juice in front of the mare.

"They wrote to me first. It was before Nightmare Night, about a couple of days ago. They wanted to see if I can come over to their place for dinner or have them come here instead for Hearth's Warming Eve."

Sitting across from her, Noah thought about it. "How about we go to their place?"

"Noah, you're a unicorn. Unicorn's cannot walk on clouds. One step will send you to your doom," she said, not taking the suggestion.

"Didn't one of your friends say that Twilight casted a spell on you girls where you can walk on clouds?" Noah brought up. "Twilight can use her magic on me where I can walk on clouds."

Liking that idea, she grinned. "Sure. We'll tell her on Hearth's Warming Eve. I'll also let my parents know that we're coming to their place. I'll even tell them about you."

"Good idea," he agreed, eating his plate of noodles. "Is there something you want? Like Troy said back on the train, it's similar to Christmas."

"I have no idea what I want. I honestly don't care what I get," she shrugged, picking up her cup. "However, there is one thing I want."

"What's that?"

"It's a bracelet. It has a songbird on it. I saw a couple of months back. The downside is that it's very rare. I'm doubtful you'll ever get it for me."

It was then Hazel came downstairs. "Oh, sorry. Fluttershy said you were out getting something. I was setting up a sleeping bag in her room since there aren't any other guest rooms in this small home," she explained.

"How long were you here?" Noah asked, watching herself get a plate. "I left this house and hadn't seen you coming my way."

"I was checking the town by air. I did see you 'fighting' what seemed to be bad guys, but all of my friends already went to their new homes with your friends. It's easier to have my friends help me out. I should've helped you, but I didn't know how."

Noah didn't take it personally. "I fought Argus on my own a few times. I can deal with him. By the way, I see your hero outfit is off."

"Yep, The way we transform is we call out, 'Let's Power Pony Up' and when we want to get out of Power Pony transformation, we say, 'Power Pony Down'."

"Nice," he commented. "It's like what my friends and I do. We would normally call out, 'Super Mega Mode' after our leader says, 'It's Morphin Time'. Sometimes he'll say, 'Let's Power Up'."

Hazel nodded in interest. "I also heard about Hearth's Warming Eve. Mind explaining what it is?" She pulled out a chair, and sat down.

"Of course." Fluttershy told her what Hearth's Warming Eve is.

"Sooo...everyone decorates their houses with holiday lights, decorate their trees, drink hot cocoa or cider, sing holiday songs, exchange gifts and candy?" Hazel said after the explanation.

"That's right," the other pegasus nodded.

"Wow, back in the comic book, we never had holidays. By the way, someday I would like to have my own place. It'll be better since you two are-"

"We're not dating," Noah had to cut in. "I mean, at least, not right now." Finishing up his plate, he got up from his seat. "Is there anything you want for Hearth's Warming Eve?" he asked the Power Pony.

"You can get me whatever thing you want," the Power Pony replied.

"Alright," was all Noah could come up with. "I'm heading off to bed; see you in the morning."

"Night," the two girls waved.

"Oh, Noah, don't forget about the field trip for my class," Fluttershy reminded him.

"I hadn't forgotten about it," the Blue Ranger answered. He yawned. "Better get some shut eye." He went up the steps after hearing 'night' again from them with him doing the same in return.

Hazel Blossom noticed Fluttershy's face turning a different shade of color. "You're blushing. Are you into him?"

All other pegasus can do is bloom deeper, and maybe someday admit her true feelings to the Power Ranger.


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