• Published 4th May 2024
  • 196 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 21: New Members On The Team

Celestia, Luna, the Rangers, the dragon, Twilight, the rest Elements of Harmony gang, Starlight Glimmer, and the Power Ponies, have all arrived at the Command Center.

The Power Ponies looked around when Saddle Rager was the first one to speak up. "Is this...the Command Center?"

"It sure is," Celestia said with Luna at her side. She went up to Gosei. "Nice to see you again. Remember my sister, Lulu?"

"Lulu?" Jake questioned.

"I think that's her nickname," Gia said.

Even though the Rangers' mentor couldn't change his facial expression, he spoke happily. "Yes, I do remember Princess Luna. Tensou and I were informed by Troy that your older sister told you that he and his friends are Power Rangers and to write to those whom we can trust."

"Yes, we thou hope it's okay," Luna answered, spreading out her wings. "The only ponies I told are the royal guards, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Star Swirl the Bearded, his allies, anyone who can keep their identities a secret."

"Who's Star Swirl the Bearded?" Emma asked, curious by his name.

"He was our mentor before Gosei was," the Princess of the Day explained. "Gosei might not have told this to you, Rangers, but the Elements actually came from Star Swirl and his allies. When they banished Pony of Shadows, they too went with him."

"Hold on, hold on." Noah raised his hoof, looking at Gosei. "Is that true?" He went up to Gosei. "Like, did the Elements really come from Star Swirl and his allies? You said Tensou made them."

"Noah, I may have said Tensou created the Elements, but they actually came from Celestia and her sister's first mentor before me," he said, explaining in a way his Rangers could understand. "Anyway, I want to know about the Power Ponies. Power Ponies, may I know who you are?"

Their leader stepped up to him. "Yes, sir, I'm Mask Matterhorn," she introduced, seemingly a little uneasy around him for how loud his voice is. "This here is Zapp..." Zapp did a defiant smile, running her hoof over her mowhawk. "...Saddle Rager..." Saddle Rager hid behind her mane like the Element of Kindness would do. "...Radiance..." Radiance closed her eyes with politeness while brushing her mane with a hair brush. "...Mistress Mare-velous..." Mistress Mare-velous waved her hoof. "...Fili Second..." Fili Second was looking at the keys. "...and Hum Drum," their leader finished by placing her hoof on the little pony's head, messing up his mane.

"Where did you come from?"

Radiance used her powers to get rid of the hairbrush. "We came from a comic book, in Maretropolis."

"Except we were taken out by some sort of ugly pony in the color black with holes on her legs and wings. Her horn was all jaggedy. There was also a centaur and a little filly with wings, along with someone named Prince Vekar." Zapp stood next to the sky blue pony. "The others are named Tirek, Cozy Glow, Damaras, Chrysalis, and Argus. The queen said they have someone named Levira, except we never met her."

"The queen put a spell on us," Saddle Rager explained, shying away. The Blue Ranger noticed how similar she is with the mare he likes. In fact, the Power Ponies seemed to have the same traits like Twilight and her friends other than being their equalness, excluding Starlight. "We don't remember what else happened."

"I see..." If Gosei wasn't a tiki head, he'll be nodding. Instead, he has to speak. "Is the comic book at the Armada Ship?" He bet it is, considering that's where it's at.

"Yes, sir," the one with the lasso respectfully responded.

"No need to refer to me as 'sir'," the Rangers' mentor declined kindly. "I'm known as Gosei," he told them, referring to himself. "By the way, do you have real names by any chance?"

Orion flopped his head to one side. "Aren't those their actual names?"

Zapp snickered, giving the Silver Ranger a friendly pat on the back. "We do have names besides our hero ones. My real name is Lightning Twister."

"Yeah, yeah." Joining with Pinkie and Jake, Fili Second told everyone her real name. "Sugar Cupcake is my true name." With a quick zoom, she ran out of the cave, returning back with a tray of cookies. "Anypony want one?" She held it out for friends, and also her new friends, possibly.

"No thanks, I'm good." The one known as Mistress Mare-velous then introduced her formal name. "I'm known to be Lacy Lasso." With her mind, she pulled out her lasso, twirling it. She even did a few tricks.

The farm pony seemed impressed. "Nice. Maybe you and I can have a duel someday on who can do rope tricks the best."

Twilight looked at the rest of the Power Ponies who hadn't claimed their real names. "What about you four?"

"I'm known as Ice Crystal," Mask Matterhorn confirmed. "You did see how I used my powers to freeze things, along with my energy magic." Lighting up her horn, she aimed it at one of the consoles, doing one of her spells, getting one of the panels - the green one - all frozen with ice covering it. She then used her energy magic to break the ice apart.

Starlight put a hoof up to her chin. "I suppose you know more spells than that," she assumed.

Ice Crystal blew her horn out like a candle flame on a candlestick. "Ice and energy magic are the spells I can do."

"I know a lot of spells." The Princess of Friendship lit up her horn, teleporting from one side of the cave to the other side, next to the little robot. "I can teach you and your unicorn friend lots of spells," she kindly offered. "Unless Radiance knows about them." This got a soft head shake from the Power Ponies' leader. "Really? Then you two are in luck; I'm one of the experts on magic - from basic ones to advanced ones." The alicorn turned to Troy and Noah with the same smile. "I can teach you guys, too, since you don't know any spells."

The Red and Blue Rangers looked at one another then back at her, grinning.

"Sure thing," the Rangers' leader accepted.

His Blue Ranger teammate nodded. "I'm down to learning. Fluttershy did told me about you teaching us how to do them someday." He then saw a baffled look on Ice's face. "What?"

Removing the confused face, she answered. "You two don't know any spells? You guys are unicorns - like her and I." She gestured at herself then at Radiance.

The Red Ranger shrugged his shoulders. "It's a long story. My team and I aren't from here."

Noah nodded his head. "We're from Harwood County."

"Ah," the one known to be Radiance smiled. "It sounds like a wonderful place," she bet, looking at the cave of the Command Center. "I should tell you my true name. My true name is Mythic Diamond."

"Pretty name," Orion commented, receiving a thankful smile in return from Mythic.

"Why, thank you, dear." Like Rarity, she uses the words 'dear' or 'darling', when showing affection. "This little colt here is Cobalt."

"Cobalt sounds better than my hero name," the youngest member of the Power Ponies stated. "I cannot stand my hero name - Hum Drum. It's not as cool as Hazel Blossom's hero name."

"Mhm." Hazel Blossom, the one who's called Saddle Rager, blushed, her cheeks forming reddish circles. "I'm a timid pony, though when I get angry, I grow into a huge, gigantic, muscle up pony."

"It's nice to see you all," Gosie spoke after all of them confirmed their true names. "I'm also glad you aren't under the Queen Chrysalis's spell anymore."

"Thanks to her," Ice credited, looking up at the tall white pony. "I wanna say thank you, Princess Celestia." She bowed her head, her teammates following her lead. Mythic Diamond did a formal bow where swept her head low to the ground, stretching out her front, left leg, while tucking the other one underneath her.

Celestia lifted the pony's head up, her slippered hoof under her chin. "No need to be formal. Celestia is fine." She removed her hoof away. "I shall get going," she informed the Ranger's mentor. "I will see you ponies at the Gala in several months." With her magic, she teleported out of the Command Center.

Lighting Twister cocked her head to one side. "Gala?"

"It's a party that Celestia hosts every year," Rainbow explained. "By the way," she had to add. "I like your name - Lightning Twister. You're much cooler than my ex-friend, Lighting Dust."

"Lightning Dust?" The Power of Forces of Nature looked towards the male pegasus.

The Silver Ranger shrugged his shoulders. "I have no clue who she is."

"Ah, can I ask another question? Why are you guys wearing costumes?"

"It's Nightmare Night," Pinkie told her. "You wanna join us? The night isn't over. Besides, everyone in Ponyville will think you're wearing costumes." Her blue eyes moved up and down. "Do you always wear those?"

Lacy chuckled. "We do say a phrase to get rid of our hero attire."

The Power Ponies' leader agreed. "Mhm. Yet, we should keep these on for Nightmare Night - whatever it is."

"We'll show you." Pinkie got between her and Sugar Cupcake. "Tensou, may you teleport us back out of here to Ponyville?"

"I sure will."

With a few buttons pressed, Luna, Starlight, the Elements of Harmony, Spike, and the Rangers, all teleported back to Ponyville to continue on with Nightmare Night.

The Power Ponies each went with each pony - Ice Crystal and Cobalt went with Spike, Twilight, Troy, Luna, and Starlight, Lacy Lasso went with Gia and Applejack, Lightning Twister went with Orion and R.D., Sugar Cupcake went with Pinkie and Jake, Mythic Diamond joined Emma and Rarity. And last, but not least, Hazel is with Noah and Fluttershy.

They joined their new friends in the Nightmare Night festivities.

It was going great - until Fluttershy accidentally walked into a haunted house attraction, so Noah decided it was the best time to take her home. Hazel thought it was cool, even though she's similar to the other shy pony.

The second shy one decided to stay out. Fluttershy told her where she lives, giving her directions to where her cottage is at.

When that was out of the way, she and Noah walked back home together. The Blue Ranger's fake mad scientist wig got messed up from wearing his Ranger helmet, except it doesn't matter; he's just gonna take the costume off anyway to put back his other clothes on.

Reaching the cottage, they opened the door silently, seeing all the critters asleep.

They entered, with him shutting the door.

Then, they quietly went up the steps, entering into their rooms to get their costumes off.

With Noah in his regular clothes, he put his costume in the closet, putting it away nicely. He then proceeded out the door to see the young mare making her way downstairs.

Following her, he went into the kitchen to see her getting out two pots, along what looked to be noodles and sauce. Huh, he thought, scratching the side of his head. I guess ponies like spaghetti. Wanting to be sure, he came up to her. "Whatcha cookin'?"

"Spaghetti." Yep, he was right. "You want some?" Her face turned a shade of red every time she gave him eye contact. "Or I could make something separate for you..."

The Blue Ranger smiled. "You're so cute. No, I'll have what you're having." He got two plates and two forks, while his crush filled the pot up with water.

With the pot full of water, she set it on the burner of the stove, placing a lid on it. "To make sure the water stays in when it's boiling," she explained, turning the burner - the bottom left one - on high. She then opened up the sauce, pouring it into the other pot, and set it on the other burner, next to the other one, turning it on, but not as high. "Can you see if there's any drinks in the fridge, like grape juice or something?"

"Sure." Opening up the fridge, he looked at each shelf. "Looks like there isn't any." He closed it shut. "I can go get it," he offered, looking outside. "Unless the grocery store is open. That, and I don't have any bits."

Fluttershy offered him some bits, and he put them in his pocket. "The store is still open until the next hour. Go on and get the grape juice."

"Gee, you're bossy," Noah joked, receiving a small laugh from her. "I'll be right back; don't eat dinner without me."

"I promise."

Walking out of the cottage, he crossed the bridge, heading to the store. He did ask a resident due to being new in this town.

The resident in the pumpkin costume kindly gave him the directions he needed in order to find the food store. He thanked her. Walking off, he followed the directions, heading to the store.

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