• Published 4th May 2024
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Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 25: Centaur Attack

The Prince of the Armada watched his scientist at the other side of the room, while she was working on her invention. The invention to bring them back home. The issue is, it's taking forever for her to build it.

He stood there in annoyance, eyeing at her before plopping down on his haunches, crossing his arms, releasing an impatient huff. She's been working on this thing for two and half months, from making the blueprints to this.

His tail flicked. He wished he destroyed the one Ranger he jumped out on. Thanks to his bodyguard, he couldn't do anything with him around.

The blame of Argus bringing them to this land filled with ponies and other creatures kept lingering on. Vekar wanted to go back home - to take over earth like his younger brother tried to.

At least he won't go into hiding, like Vrak did.

Vrak. Oh how many times does this prince have to mention his brother? For how his dad liked him better than his oldest son?

The thought of his dad made him more mad - beyond ticked off. Whenever something goes wrong, his little brother will refuse to throw any fits like a four year kid at a candy store.

Unlike this prince, he would throw massive temper tantrums. It's probably one of the reasons why his father likes his other son better.

From the corner of her eye, Levira let out a sigh. "Vekar, staring at my invention won't build it any faster," she told him, holding out her hoof. Cozy gave her a wrench.

"Yes, it will," he threw back, getting back up. "The more I stare at this new thing, the more you get it done faster. Normally you get your new inventions done less within ten minutes."

She set the wrench down. "Do yourself a favor - get out!"

He didn't like what came out of her mouth. "I'm the boss of the Armada, I should be the one giving orders! Thanks to my wonderful bodyguard, we could be trapped in this world for the rest of our lives!" He kicked out his hind legs, knocking stuff over. "I wanna go home! I wanna take over the Rangers' home planet! I wanna take over their world! I wanna-"

"Shut up!" The prince flinched when the green unicorn screamed at him. "Cozy," she sighed, using her other tool to point out the door. "May sire and I have a chat? Alone?"

"We're not dating," the prince muttered. Levira ignored him.


"Yes, ma'am," the filly obeyed. When she flew out the door, the prince rubbed his forehead.

"She's so cute, it makes me wanna puke. Why is she cute?! Villains are suppose to be scary, mean, cheating, type of monsters. Chrysalis and her new horde are changelings, counting them as monsters. Tirek is a monster who's half horse half something else for I don't know. Grogar is a simple ram with evilness inside of him, while Cozy Glow is...ugh...cute."

"Let's avoid talking about our new friends..."

"They aren't our friends!" he cut her off. "I made a deal with them to help them out get rid of Twilight and her pathetic friends who call themselves a stupid hero name. It's worse than Power Rangers." He began pacing around. "The Blue Ranger has a thing for someone named Fluttershy, grossing my guts out. How in the galaxy can a unicorn have these...you know what...to a girl who is a winged type of pony? What in the star!?" he raged, bucking at the nothing in unknown frustration.


"No, Levira!" He stopped, facing her, going up to the table, slamming his hoof on top of it. One of the tools fell on the floor, inches away from him. "I wanna get rid of the Rangers. I wanna get rid of their faithful companions. I wanna get rid of the Power Ponies who betrayed us!"

"Are you going to throw a tantrum?" she deadpanned, going around the table to retrieve the fallen tool.

"I'll throw another one in ten minutes," he told her. "Every ten minutes, I vent on things I hate - like the Power Rangers. I will also vent about Vrak from time to time. I would vent about my plans that end up failing. I tried to get rid of the Blue Ranger, except I failed."

"Wait, every ten minutes, you go into full tantrum mode?" Levira had to question him on this. "What a dumb thing, Vekar," she then commented. "Besides, we don't need to keep sending x-borgs, bruisers, and changelings to defeat the heroes - we have Cozy, Chrysalis, Grogar, and Tirek."

"You forgot Damaras and Argus," he brought up.

"So." She set the tool back on the tabletop. "I was thinking...you could have one of them go somewhere."

"No, I have a better idea."

"I wonder what this idea's going to be," she muttered under her breath. "Tell about your idea, sire."

"I was thinking we could send one of them, not Argus for how dumb he is, somewhere in Equestria." This got the unicorn to hit herself on the forehead. Storming out of the room, he entered the Command Room, yelling. "Grogar! What are the heroes doing? Name a few, I don't care."

Grogar smirked. "The dragon, the colt, the leader of the Power Ponies, the princess, the princess's student, and the leader of the Power Rangers, are in a place in Seaquestria where Mount Aris is at. It's an underwater location where seaponies, who are also hippogriffs, live."

"It won't work, old ram. How are our henchmen and changelings going to fight them underwater?"

"Good point, prince. From what I've been seeing, the hippogriffs are wearing pieces of the pearl - the pearl once owned by their queen - where they can transform into seaponies whenever they want. We can have one of them-"

"I want the fight to be on the ground. Tirek!"

"Yes, sire." Tirek came up to the prince. "I will do anything for you, your highness," he bowed in respect.

"Go to Mount Aris of Equestria."

"Actually," the changeling queen spoke up, removing her face from the view of the pony land from the window. "Mount Aris isn't part of Equestria."

"What? How come?" The prince was never told that there are places outside of Equestria. "Never mind. Tirek, go to Mount Aris. I'll send in my henchmen with lots of changelings." He avoided his gaze from anyone else. "I hope they explode," he wished heartlessly. "All the buzzing is driving me up the wall."

The centaur saluted. "Teleport me there. I'll get the job done."

"Yes, whatever." He teleported the mythical creature out of this ship. "X-borgs, bruisers, insect looking ponies, go to Mount Aris!" he ordered from the other side of the window of the ship. Despite his voice being muffled on the other side of the glass, they heard him anyways. The x-borgs and bruisers used their ships to fly to Mount Aris, with a bunch of changelings with them.

When they were gone, he saw a disapproving stare from the queen. "What?" he spat.

"You wished my horde to be gone?" Chrysalis frowned. "Very low, Vekar."

"It's my words," he bickered, sitting on the chair. "I'll have Levira use the Magma Beam to enlarge this beast. Surely, the Rangers Zords won't come to this world," he bet, leaning against the chair.

The villains can only roll their eyes at him, going back to the usual things they're doing. Vekar then asked a question to Levira, who stepped into the room. "How many minutes had gone by? Cause I need to throw a fit."

"Ten minutes."


It was neat when Troy swam with the fishes, seeing all the dolphins jump out of the water, plunging back down into the service. The coral was bright, with lots of pretty colors like a rainbow.

The underwater sea plants swayed when he swam past them, going up to the service.

His head popped out of the water, the drops running down his face. Shaking it, he got most of the water off. He saw he wasn't too far from the land.

He decided to swim around some more - when loud explosions came from the land, adding by screams of terror.

He wasn't the only one who heard it. Twilight, Starlight, Ice, Cobalt, Spike, along with Queen Novo, who was with them after her message, saw a bunch of ships, shooting out powerful beams at everything.

Troy went to reach for his morpher. Feeling nothing, he remembered he took it off his pants. "I need to get to my morpher," he told the queen. "I need to call for backup."

"Your wish is granted." With her own piece of the pearl, she got Troy back to his normal pony form. She also got his friends to go back into pony forms. Spike went back to his dragon form.

Flapping her wings, Twilight used her magic to help Troy, Starlight, Cobalt, and Ice out of the sea with her dragon with her.

"We'll deal with changelings, Troy," Twilight said, placing everyone down. "Spike, you're with me. Starlight, you're with her and Cobalt. Troy, you and your friends fight against the x-borgs and bruis-" She stopped when she saw someone familiar. "Tirek!"

"Huh?" Following her gaze after slipping his shoes and leather jacket back on, he saw a mythical creature. It looked like a centaur. "That's Tirek?" he exclaimed, watching him using his powers to destroy everything around him.

"Yes, he eats magic, so all of us have to be careful. He could drain out your powers," she forewarned the Ranger. "I'll handle him. My friends defeated him once, we can do it again." She spread out her wings.

Tirek saw her and grinned. "Well, well, well," he mused, seeing the pony in front of him. "It's Princess Twilight. Come to fight me again?"

"Don't taunt her!" Spike came to her defense.

The centaur had to laugh. "You're going alongside with your companion? To help her fight me? Look at you. Look how small you are," he teased. "Last time I saw you, you never had wings. You think you can- Ahh!"

Something shot at him. "Do you listen?" It was Troy, holding his Blaster. "Don't taunt." He turned to Starlight and the other two ponies. "You help Twilight and Spike," he instructed them. "My friends and I will take care of the henchmen and the insect looking kind of creatures."

"Right." Starlight nodded her head, flaring up her horn, charging at the centaur.

Ice Crystal nodded at Cobalt, calling out their transformation. "Let's Power Pony Up!" A bright flash surrounded the two.

"Power of Energy - Mask Matterhorn!"

"Hum Drum!"

"Let's go." The two of them helped Twilight and the ones who are busy with Tirek.

"Tensou, we need help - send the others to Mount Aris," Troy called on his morpher.

"You got it, Troy," he responded. "I'll send help right away."

"Thanks, buddy." Getting out his key, he made sure no one was looking. "It's Morphin Time!" He slipped the key into his morpher. "Super Mega Mode!" He turned the key. "Super Megaforce Red!" Morphing into Super Mega Mode, he took out his Saber, going after the henchmen and changelings, taking the fight until the rest came to help him and his friends out.

With his Saber, he knocked down some x-borgs, kicked at a few changelings, and blasted the bruisers on their chests.

It hadn't taken long, for the rest of the Rangers and Power Ponies teleported to the scene, alongside with the rest of Elements of Harmony. The Power Ponies and Rangers morphed into the hero outfits, and began helping out.

Lacy Lasso twirled her rope, roping four x-borgs, flinging them back. "Heads up, Applejack."

Seeing them coming, she smiled. "I hope you like buckball." She did a fast spin, bucking at them. "Gia - quick, shoot them."

Gia shot at them, while she flung her Saber at a bruiser who went to attack her.

Pinkie, Sugar Cupcake, and Jake helped with Emma and Rarity. Rarity did some punches with her own front hooves. Mythic Diamond conjured up a bottle of perfume, spraying at the x-borgs' face.

They coughed and choked, making them vulnerable, when the party planner and her compeer got in front of them.

Taking out each a pie, both the giddy mares smashed them into the gray ponies' faces.

With them blinded, they failed to see Jake and Emma shooting at them.

Noah helped Hazel, who's form grew big, stomping at the shot henchmen. The Blue Ranger looked around for Fluttershy, spotting her, with bruisers aiming to attack her.

Shoving his way through, he went to help her. No one interferes with someone like her. She may not be a great fighter like him, but it doesn't mean he couldn't help her.

One bruiser made a move - too fast for the yellow pegasus to make her own.

She flung backwards, heading towards the brown unicorn.

Noah, at first, thought she'd use her wings to stop herself, when he remembered something. Something he was told a few weeks back. How she isn't much of a flyer, being more comfortable on the ground.

He does, however, see her fly from time to time. He once heard her sing.

However, the whack from the blue henchman was too powerful. It wasn't enough time for this timid, yet, pretty and cute girl, to flare up her wings.

Fluttershy, fearing she was going to get hurt like last time, found out she got caught. She knew who it was. Slowly, she turned to face the Blue Ranger.

With both eyes meeting, they instantly blushed, with her face more redder than his.

"Yo, are you gonna help us or what?" Jake's voice snapped them out of their trance. The unicorn and the pegasus got themselves apart. While Fluttershy helped Hazel, the Green Ranger punched an x-borg out of his path. "Dude, you really-" He blasted at a changeling. "-should ask her out." He stomped on the changeling.

"Buddy, the more you wait, the more nervous you'll..."

"I'm not nervous, Jake." During their conversation, they kept fighting the henchponies. Noah looked at the sky, to see Orion, Dash, and Lighting Twister knocking out x-borgs and changelings in the sky. "I wanna tell her at the right moment - before we leave this world. Who knows. We might not be able to leave," he theorized, watching Fluttershy battle the x-borgs.

Jake shook his head. He knows his best friend is going to tell his true feelings to the girl, although he doubts that these Rangers will be staying here. After all, they're only going to be in Equestria for a year, and two and half months have passed, and Hearth's Warming Eve is approaching.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Ice, Cobalt, Starlight, and Spike, dealt their battle with Tirek. It wasn't easy. This mythical creature was basically toying with them - especially the princess.

"You wanna make a bargain?" he sneered, grabbing the princess by her horn - when he got blasted by Ice's magic, getting shards of icicles in his face, getting him to let go.

"We need to finish him!" the princess declared. "And I don't want him to drain your powers on all of us - even taking my alicorn magic."

"We'll finish him." Troy and his group stepped up to the centaur. Troy placed his key in his sword. "Follow my lead," he told the others.

The other five Rangers took out their former Ranger keys, inserting them into their own Sabers, with the exception of Orion's personal weapon.

"Super Mega Sabers - Charging!" Troy, Emma, Jake, Gia, and Noah's swords began glowing in a red, pink, green, yellow, and blue energy.

"Super Mega Final Strike - Charge! Final Strike!" Orion's trident glowed into a silver color.

"Final Strike!" With a quick move, they send their teamwork attack.

"Super Silver Spear!" Orion threw his Spear in flight.

The attack shocked the centaur, especially when the Silver Ranger's weapon pierced through him like he was made of soft butter.

The sudden movement caused the centaur to hit the ground.

With the centaur down, all the heroes cheered, when Troy halted them. "Hold it. I feel like we're up for another battle against this guy."

"Dude, we did a final strike - we hadn't been fighting him," Noah told him, making a good point. "We've been busy dealing with the other bad guys and Chrysalis's changelings."

"I know, Noah, but..." His voice trailed away, staring at the down centaur, waiting, knowing what's going to happen next.

Vekar slammed his hoof down. "No! Levira - quick, do something!"

"Calm down, I got this." Levira went up to the control panel. She picked something up.

Grogar pointed at it. "What's that?" he had to ask.

"It's a Magma Beam," she told him. "Watch." She aimed the blaster-like weapon in the direction she's pointing at. "Magma Beam!"

A bright blue beam shot down where Mount Aris is at.

The beam went onto Tirek, and Twilight and everyone else watched with eyes wide open. The Power Ponies backed away, seeing him grow, growing huge.

Tirek let out a laugh. "You thought you had defeated me? I'll crush you!"

"Whoa, he's a giant," Lightning Twister exclaimed in amazement.

"He didn't have to drain our magic," Dash added.

Fluttershy saw how terrifying this monster looked - for how huge he was, peering her head out behind Noah. "What was that beam?"

"Seems like Levira used her Magma Beam to enlarge him," Troy stated, taking out his morpher, flipping it open.

"Wait," Emma stopped him. "What if our Zords won't come here in this world?"

"We have to try, Em."


"We need our Zords," he reasoned her. "Gosie, do you think our Zords will come to this world?" he called his mentor.

"There's one way to find out - summon them," the Rangers' mentor's voice boomed.

"Alright." He pressed the number five, five, zero, one. "Summon Skyship!" he called out.

Everyone held their breath - when Twilight let out a gasp. She saw a large, red pirate ship coming their way.

Ropes dropped down. Troy, Gia, Noah, Jake, and Emma, grabbed a hold of them, the ropes bringing them into the ship.

"Release the Zords!" the five Rangers declared.

"Super Mega Wheeler!" Gia called out

"Super Mega Sub!" Emma shouted.

"Super Mega Racer!" Jake exclaimed.

"Super Mega Jet!" Noah completed.

"Zords Combined!" the five Rangers declared. Twilight watched in amazement, all five Zords, which are different types of vehicles, form together. "Legendary Megazord - Ready!" they finished, when the Megazord completed it's transformation.

Rainbow looked at Orion. "What about your Zord, dude?"

"If their Zords came, then mine would, too." The Silver Ranger placed a key - a Quantum Ranger key from Time Force - into his morpher. "Summon Q-Rex Zord!" He pressed the one of the buttons, which is the Quantum Ranger, three times - zero, zero, zero - then tapped the call button on his Silver Ranger morpher, and raised it in the air.

The Zord came within a flash. The rainbow maned pony smiled in amazement. "Awesome!"

Flying into the Zord, Orion went into it, taking out a different key - the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger key - slipping it into the key slot. "Q-Rex Dino Mode - Activate!" He twisted the key, his Zord transform-

How come you're not explaining how the Zords got put together?

Cause it'll take too long in my opinion. Plus, I'm lazy about it.

Like when you didn't describe the Rangers Super Mega outfits or their Legendary Rangers outfits?


Okay. May I tell the story?

No. I'm telling the story since I'm writing it. Ahem, his Zord-

His Zord started forming-

This. Is. My. Story. Anyway, his Zord began to transform.

"Q-Rex Dinozord - Ready!" The Silver Ranger announced the completion of Q-Rex Dinozord. "Q-Rex Laser!" he called out, the Rex's mouth opening, shooting out a laser beam.

"Augh!" The beam hit Tirek's face. With an aggressive snarl, a large orange ball formed between his curved horns.

"Watch out!" Troy warned, and when he did, both Megazords got knocked down - one on its back, the other on its stomach.

All of the Rangers got their Megazords back up, and Orion called out another attack.

"Drill Blazer!" He bored the tail into the enemy.

Tirek let out a cry, giving the Rangers inside to attack him with the Megazord Sabers.

The centaur used his muscular arms to block them when Lightning Twister came in. She took a hold of her lightning bolt.

Clouds came. Tirek had to laugh. "Haha, those dark clouds won't-" He got struck by a streak of lightning.

"Quick, while he's stunned." Troy took out his personal key, the others tagging along.

"Super Mega Final Strike!" The five Rangers placed their own keys into the slots. "Super Mega Starburst!"

Placing his White Dino Thunder key, Orion slipped it into one of the key holes. "Q-Rex Megazord - Activate! Q-Rex Megazord - Ready!" When the Zord went to its final transformation, he called out his final strike, placing the three keys - the Mighty Morphin one, the Quantum Ranger one, and lastly the Dino Thunder one - into the slots. "Super Mega Final Strike - Triple Drill Attack!"

Spawning duplicates of the Megazord's previous forms appeared, combining with the drills into one massive drill attack.

Both the attacks amazed the ponies and the dragon from the sky and on the ground, watching Tirek sparking out of control, all the electricity going through him. "No, this cannot be the end of me! I wanted to drain out your powers!" Once he said his final words, a loud explosion came from the monster.

"Super Mega Rangers, that's a Super Mega Win," Troy smiled in triumph.

"Alright!" the rest cheered.

They got out of the respectful Zords, knowing they'll need them for another time. Troy turned to his friends. "You wanna go to Seaquestria?"

"Sea-what?" Noah questioned, cleaning his glasses.

"It's a place underwater," Fluttershy answered. "You get turned into seaponies."

"Seaponies?" Orion wasn't sure about this.

Rainbow bumped his shoulder. "It'll be great, Silvy."

"And we know someone who can transform us into seaponies," Ice piped up. "Follow me." All the ponies went with her, when Gia stopped to see Spike, flapping his scaly wings, bending them, flying in place.

Gia walked up to him. "You coming?" She directed her head at the open sea.

"I'll hang here with the hippogriffs," he answered, watching the crew. The Rangers got in the water after removing their sneakers, socks, leather jackets, the denim jacket, and anything else they don't need, leaving them with their pants and shirts on. "When I go in there, I'll end up turning into a puffer fish."

"Power Pony Down!" The mare saw the Power Ponies power down, getting into the water where she saw a seapony.

She watched as the seapony held out her hoof-like fin, watching each of her friends holding each other's hooves.

Jake, being the last one on the right side, had Pinkie's hoof in his, using the other to reach out to his crush. "Gia, the water's great," he proclaimed, gesturing her over.

"Coming," she shouted, racing over there, leaving the dragon behind, though he could care less about it. "I'll tell Twilight for you not wanting to go to Seaquestria," she called over her shoulder, making her way to the ocean by trotting there.

When she got to the water, she told Twilight, in which the princess took well. She took a hold of Jake's hoof and, in a flash, the other seapony transformed everyone into seaponies.

Emma gasped at her fins, seeing how amazing these are. "Whoa..." she breathed.

"Haha, yeah!" Orion declared.

"Cool, right?" Starlight said, getting lots of enthusiastic smiles in return. "Oh," she realized, knowing that the rest of the Rangers and Power Ponies who hadn't seen the seapony who turned them into seaponies. "Gia, Jake, Emma, Noah, Orion, Mythic Diamond, Lighting Twister, Sugar Cupcake, Hazel, Lacy, this is Queen Novo - queen of the hippogriffs and seaponies. Twilight, Cobalt, Spike, Ice, Troy, and I, have met her already."

"Nice to meet you, Queen Novo." This seapony - the queen - got the Yellow Ranger to tilt her head. "You seem like a nice, friendly queen. My friends once ran into a queen bee monster."

Jake patted her on the back. "This one isn't going to make us boys her slaves, and force you and Emma to become rivals. Come on, let's have fun. When will we have a second chance to become seaponies?"

Novo let out a calm chuckle. "All of you are welcome to come to Mount Aris and Seaquestria whenever you want," she happily invited. "Here, I'll take you to Seaquestria. There might be stuff you'll probably like to do while you're there."

They all agreed to go. She dove into the water, the others behind her, the last ones being Noah and Fluttershy.

The Blue Ranger adjusted his glasses. At least, they do look like glasses, except they turned into goggles - goggles to help him see better. "You look cute," he said, unafraid to say it, yet he was nervous to tell his actual feelings to her, so he didn't let it show. "You're cute as a seapony."

"Same goes for you..." Fluttershy returned shyly, she too, wanting to tell her feelings to seapony unicorn. "Let's go - we can go see lots of sea animals while we're in Seaquestria."

Grabbing his hoof, she pulled him into the water like a filly.

They caught up with the group, entered the underwater place, and did daily stuff, wanting to do as much as they want before they have to return to Ponyville.

Noah smiled at Fluttershy, who was petting a baby sea turtle. He noticed both him and her are alone. "Fluttershy?" he spoke, swimming up to her.

She looked into his eyes. "Yes." She went on petting the little sea turtle on his shell.

"I..." Noah started to struggle. "I..." In defeat, he sighed. "May I pet him?"

"Why not." She handed the baby sea turtle over to him. "You can hold him. There you go. Be gentle."

With Noah holding and stroking the little ocean critter, she knew deep in her heart that he wanted to tell her something.

And she does, too.

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