• Published 4th May 2024
  • 196 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 44: A Plan For The Baddies

Ever since the Gala incident, the prince had seemed to give up. Well, give up isn't the right word for his mind is empty with ideas.

Tirek got destroyed, Chrysalis got destroyed, leaving one of the changeling guards to take over the horde of the rotten swiss cheese looking ponies. It wasn't fair in his book. It wasn't fair for the prince, leader of the Armada.

The villains he has left are the leftover changelings, Levira, who is working on the device to get them all back home, Argus who is rubbing his hoof on his sword, Damaras who is casually bearing at the window, Grogar watching the orb to spot where the heroes are at, with Cozy Glow being with Vekar.

Vekar sat in his chair for almost an hour. He's getting tired of being beaten by those Rangers, their allies, and everyone else.

He got up, went to the wall - and banged his forehead on it.

The others watched him take his anger out. They don't feel like stopping him for they don't want to be policed by him.

Pieces of the wall fell. It wasn't just frustration, it was also the envy of his brother.

The pony highness will know what he'll say to him. He'll call him a fool, a scoundrel for unable to get rid of those...

The banging went faster, harder. In fact, hard enough where he broke through the wall.

He let his head rest there. It was the bathroom. Good thing no one is in there.

"...this is getting nuts for me..." he mumbled loud enough for the others to hear. "I'm clean out of ideas."

"I have a plan," Cozy spoke up with enthusiasm. "A perfect plan."

"Plan?" Pulling his head out of the hole, he gave her a disbelieving eye. "You're pulling my leg, kid," he said, sitting down, thinking he's being joshed.

"Hehehehe." Giggling, she placed her foreleg around him. "I may be a filly, yet I have an idea."

"Mind telling us what it is?" Argus required in interest.

Simply closing her eyes, she gestured a hoof.

Everyone came up to her.

Whispering the plan to them, they understood what she's getting at. Even Vekar thought it was a genius plan.

"Are you sure it will work?" Vekar doubtfully questioned, feeling that the idea will fail.

"Chill, it'll work," she promised. "We'll have to wait until night time in order to do it," she said. "Luckily, Luna is raising the moon. The ponies will be all asleep once the moon is up."

Vekar couldn't understand a pony lifting the moon. Guess it's an Equestrian thing.

He's glad it won't take hours for what the plan is supposed to do.

The moon at the right spot of the sky, he sent his army after Grogar located where the heroes are at.

Seeing the moon in its area, the Blue Ranger heard a knock on the door.

He was about to fall asleep, except he had to answer it, or else whoever it was won't stop until he does, he knew.

He wasn't the only one awake for Joe is up, as well. Unless he'd fallen asleep before hoof.

Yep, he was asleep. The messy hair gave it away, with him sitting up, fixing up his mane by smoothing it down on his head.

Hazel Blossom and Fluttershy are sound asleep.

Hazel had a cot, sleeping next to her counterpart's bed for she decided not to sleep on the couch anymore. Noah's counterpart moved his cot in the Blue Ranger's room during the same night.

It's perfect for these stallions in case someone bad is out there. Plus, they both don't mind sharing a room together.

The Ranger refused to let anything bad happening to her, to Fluttershy, of course. Neither will his counterpart, not wanting to see the girl he desired to get hurt, too.

Departing down the steps, one of them got to the door first.

First, the Ranger opened the top part, seeing no one there. Is this one of those knock and run pranks? It's the oldest one in the book. Annoying, too.

Opening up the other door, he stepped out of the cottage. He looked around before hollering in a whisper.

"If this some kind of joke, you better thin-"

Something wacked him in the back of head. The blow stunned him for he clasped on the ground beneath him.

It was too quick for the Gokaiger for he had no idea who did it.

He trotted up to his unconscious counterpart. "Noah, get up." He shook him. "Dude, get up," he slightly raised his voice.

Noticing no movement, he went to call Marvelous - when the same process is done to him.

They were out. Out in a not good way. Out cold.

However, the holler after the next blow woke up the two mares.

They both emerged from their room.



They called out their names. "Noah." Descending down the steps, Fluttershy saw her door being wide open. Maybe the boys are out there, she believed. She got closer with each step. Each step made her nervous.

She got out of her home. Hazel is next to her.

"Joe!" Hazel hollered within the night. These two are lucky for the small home to be far from Ponyville.

"Noah!" They moved further away.


A frightened scream came from the girls. They didn't have time to react when they, too, got bashed in the back of their heads.

A painful groan awoke Noah from his 'slumber'. He sat up, messaging the back of his head. It felt like he got hit by a brick. He looked at his surroundings, and saw bars all around him, straight up and down.

It doesn't take long for him to figure out he is in a cage.

The groan was heard again. It came from his left. Swiveling his head in the direction where the sound is located, he saw Fluttershy.

"Flutters," he said, getting her focus. She, too, was in a cage. "Are you okay?" Worry was written on him.

"I'm...fine..." she managed to say, shook up.

Looking, the Ranger has no clue where he was.

He and Fluttershy weren't the only ones in cages for their friends are in their own ones.

The cages are old and rusty.

"My Luna, it's filthy in here!" came a dramatic cry from Rarity. "Eww, it's on my coat. My mane is gonna be a mess."

"Mine, too," Mythic Diamond whined, checking herself.

"Simmer down, you two," Lacy Lasso settled.

Ice Crystal tapped on the bar. "I'll repeat what she said, we all have to chill."

"Chill?!" the Power of Beauty roared in rage. "How can we chill when we have no clue where we are?" she questioned her leader.

"Yes, what's the big deal?" Lighting Twister exclaimed.

"You're in Tartarus."

"Grogar!" Twilight gasped, seeing the ram with Vekar by his side, Cozy along his side. Damaras and Argus are also here, as well.

A sinister snicker came from the old villain. "Looks like you and your fellow friends are trapped," he mused in entertainment with a smirk.

Gia punched her cage. "Let us out!"

Vekar tsk-tsk at her aggressive demand. "You pathetic Rangers, Gokaigers, Power Ponies, and the rest of you are on my last nerves. You keep winning, leaving me like a loser like my father said I was for my brother took all the glory."

"Boy, I almost want to feel bad for him," Sugar Cupcake leaned against her cage, softly talking to Cobalt.

"You shouldn't say what you said," he whispered back.

"I said almost."

"Silence!" Grogar boomed, getting them to shut up. He smiled at the princess, for he walked in a cool manner. Reaching between the bars, he forced her to look at him. "It's too bad you won't save your home because we came up with a plan."

"What plan?" she bluntly asked.

"Why, the plan to destroy Ponyville since it's a small population," he casually returned. "Then Canterlot, then the Crystal Empire-"

"My sister in law, brother, and my niece live there!" A protective scream erupted from the alicorn. "You stay away from them - this instant!" she proceeded through clenched teeth.

"We never knew you had a niece, a brother, and a sister in law," Troy spoke, the Gokaigers, Power Ponies, and the rest of the Rangers unaware of it.

"Remember when Luna mentioned about Shining Armor and Cadence?" They nodded, recalling it. "They're my siblings - my big brother, along with my sister in law. They have a baby named Flurry Heart. I would like to introduce you all to them..." The alicorn shot a death glare at the bad guys. "... unless they let us out."

"No," Cozy spoke in a spoiled tone.

"Fine," the Red Ranger shrugged at her attitude, "then we'll get out of ourselves." He took out his key and morpher. "Let's Power Up."

"Super Mega Mode!" Following his lead, the Rangers morphed. The sudden move damaged their cages.

"Gokai Change!" Again, the same process. This time with the Gokaigers.

"Let's Power Pony Up!" For the third time, the cages holding the Power Ponies burst apart like rubble.

"Super Megaforce Red!"

"Super Megaforce Yellow!"

"Super Megaforce Green!"

"Super Megaforce Pink!"

"Super Megaforce Blue!"

"Super Megaforce Silver!"

"Gokai Red!"

Gokai Yellow!"

"Gokai Green!"

"Gokai Pink!"

"Gokai Blue!"

"Goooooookaiiii... Silver!"

"Power of Energy - Mask Matterhorn!"

"Power of Beauty - Radiance!"

"Power of Forces of Nature - Zapp!"

"Power of Lightning Speed - Fili Second!"

"Power of Super Strength - Mistress Mare-velous!"

"Power of Fury - Saddle Rager!"

"Hum Drum!"

"Earth defenders, never surrender!"

"We are... The Power Ponies!"

"Kaizoku Sentai..."


"Ugh, finished yet?" the prince asked impatiently.

"Yes, now let's finish you all!" The leader of the Rangers declared in answer.

"Let's see you try," he smirked.

The Rangers charged first at the villains, along with their counterparts, and Power Ponies.

"Ahh, protect me!" Going behind Argus and Damaras, he shook in fear.

"Coward," Rainbow muttered.

"You're gonna have to get past us first," the most Powerful Warrior of the Universe sneered.

"You take care of them, I got Argus." Facing the bodyguard, the Ranger of blue pulled out his Saber. "Let's duel."

"With pleasure..." The bodyguard came towards him in a sly way, the two getting further away from the others to have a private battle.

Noah went to make the first move, when his opponent beat him to it.

Thinking fast, he blocked the sword with his own when he gave Argus a rule. "We do it on the ground since I'm not a peguses."

"No problem. I can defeat you in any way." It was like he was thinking about it, except the hero cannot be sure if this guy will follow the rule.

Not wanting to stand around, the two fought against each other, moving, clashing their weapons together.

Argus made a swinging motion, leaving the unicorn to duck out of the way. No need for his head to be sliced off.

Standing back up on his two hind legs, the Ranger went with another move.

The move made a hit on the side of the white pegasus' head.

Crying out from the blow, the evil pegasus was about to give the same thing, when Noah took out a key.

"Legendary Ranger Mode - Time Force! Time For Time Force!" Inserting the key in the slot, he turned it. "Blue Time Force Ranger!"

"Change outfits all you want, Blue. You'll never beat me."

Pulling his blue colored Chrono Sabers, the Ranger gave him a response. "Let's test out the bet you said."

"Let's," the other agreed at his suggestion.

Lifting his sword, with Noah doing the same. A quick motion went towards the horned pony, who blocked it with his weapons.

The weapons clashed, like they were toasting each other.

Yet, they aren't toasting. These two wanted to destroy one another - Argus wanting to bring the hero down; Noah wanting to do the same.

The fighting went on. A blast of magic came. Noah saw the Elements of Harmony, Starlight, and Spike, joined the others.

Wanting to keep this guy busy, the Ranger knocked him to the side.

Grunting, Argus got back up. He pierced over at the others. "I'm always surprised by such a yellow body, pinked mane pony fighting," he observed the scene, getting Noah to pause. "Fluttershy may be a good fighter," he complimented, gazing back at his fighter, a smirk coming upon him. "Yet, she is such a coward-"

A sudden blow came, breaking what he was about to say.

He got slammed up against a rocky wall.

He hadn't had time to recover when Noah slammed his hooves on his chest.

"Watch what you say about her," he growled, refusing to let this pony go any further on with his insult. He doesn't want anyone to say something hurtful to her. No one says something bad about her. No one!

A sly expression formed on Argus's face. "Aw, you don't want me to say anything bad about her?" He shook his head. "See? All of you are protective of each other; a weakness you all have."

"It's for our safety," Noah answered. "And keeping each other safe is important."

"It's still a weakness." Gritted teeth came from the Ranger at the bodyguard's 'correction'.

He was about to yell at this guy when a loud noise - an explosion - was heard. Cries came from his team, the Gokaigers, and the Power Ponies, all landing on the hard ground.

He cringed after they thudded like bolders.

He saw Twilight and the rest of the Elements of Harmony galloping towards the others.

Cozy, Damaras, Vekar, and Grogar seemed to be gone.

Was the villains' plan to also destroy them, too?

Yes. Answering his own question, Noah knew those bad guys wanted them here in order to make havoc in Ponyville, as well to possibly get rid of them for good.

Releasing his hooves off of Argus, he went to check on them when a powerful hit came when the white pony flew in front of him, creating his X mark, sending it to him.

It was so sudden, he flew backwards like he had wings.

A cry escaped from him.

It was a short cry until he got the back of his head smashed by the wall he pinned Argus on.

Stars got in his sight. He violently shook his head, trying to force them away.

He stood up, though the yellow haze surrounded his eyes.

The hit was hard enough to make his ears ring.

Tartarus started to spin, like he was on an uncontrollable ride.

He took a step, when the yellow engulfed him into darkness for a second time, the sound of muffled screaming coming from Fluttershy.

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