• Published 4th May 2024
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Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 18: Nightmare Night

The spooky day has arrived. All the ponies of all ages were out this time of night, wearing their costumes from scary looking ones to sillier and funnier costumes, all laughing, having the time of their lives.

They hung up decorations like black and orange ribbons, fake spiders, fake webs. They carved pumpkins, creating funny and creepy facial expressions into the orange vegetables, placing candles inside, lighting them up for them to glow brightly.

The flames seem to dance around from the gentle breeze, though it hadn't blown out as the ponies set them against their houses of Ponyville.

Speaking of Ponyville, Noah was walking on the streets, admiring all the Nightmare Night decorations. He even saw ponies setting up booths and games. One of the games has to do with fake spiders and a large web. The pony in charge of it set a bowl of candy on a table that she unfolded, placing upwards to make it stand.

The booths have all sorts of Nightmare Night treats like a candy apple stand, being stood by with Gia and Applejack.

Wondering up to them, he smiled. "Hey, G, Hey A.J.," he greeted, coming up to the stand. "I like your costumes." Gia is a white witch, while the farm pony is dressed up as a beekeeper. "They're amazing."

"Why thank you, sugarcube," the farm gal expressed. "I'm gonna have a great night - especially when my sister got all better after I got a special cure for her cold to make it go away faster all from Zecora." She crossed her front left arm over her right one. "She's out Trick-or-Treating with her friends."

"Really? What is she dressed up as?" Noah looked around, whipping his head to find her, only to realize that he has no idea what she even looks like until a little pony in a Yellow Ranger costume trotted up to the orange pony, a bag full of candy hanging in front of her chest, the strap attached on each side it on the back of her neck, when two more came from right behind her. One was in a Silver Ranger costume, the other one in a pink one.

Seeing this, he noticed the other children - well, most of them, at least - are dressed up as him and his friends when they're in their Ranger form. The suits are the same, except in foal size, but they wore masks over their faces instead of having full on helmets.

They even have fake Sabers and Blasters on them.

The one is the yellow costume put her hoof on her mask, lifting up to reveal her face that is yellow, the front part of her mane in a red color. "Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and I are having the best night ever!" Noah liked the filly's accent. It was southern, and from what he's guessing, it turned out this little one is Applejack's sister. "Right, girls?" she directed to her two friends. "We got so much candy to give to the Nightmare Moon statue." She gasped. "Maybe Princess Luna will be here." It was then she noticed the stallion. "Oh, sorry, what's your name, sir?" she asked kindly.

"No need to be sorry. I'm Noah Carver," he introduced, shaking the kid's hoof.

"What are you going to dress up as?" The one in the Silver Ranger costume had a raspy voice, speaking behind her mask.

"I know, Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle exclaimed for she's in the Pink Ranger costume. "He's going to be a...uh... Huh." She thought about it, gazing upon him. "Tell us what you'll be dressed up as. My sister, Rarity, is gonna be a vampire."

"Neat. I'm going for a mad scientist. Does your sister have one?" If the fashion designer doesn't have one, he doesn't mind wearing something else.

"I think she does," the unicorn filly believed, placing her hoof in thought until she placed it down, picking her Nightmare Night bag with her magic. "Let's go to more houses!" she cheered, rearing up in the air, waving her front limbs.

"Yeah!" the other two followed, trotting up to one of the houses.

Noah shook his head, watching the three little ones collect more candy to hand over to the Nightmare Moon statue when he saw more of his friends.

Troy is dressed as a farmer, Twilight is a viking, Rarity is a vampire, like the filly mentioned, Emma is dressed as a cheerleader, which was great because back on earth, she was busy making pie with Ernie, never getting the chance to dress up.

Jake was in a cow costume. For Pinkie Pie, she's dressed up a shortcake with a strawberry - a soft, fake one - on her head, covering her ears, while the cake part is around her body.

Starlight Glimmer went with an Egyptian mummy

It was then she noticed Spike's costume. "Are you dressed up as a dragon?" It was a dumb question, it just came out.

"It's not any dragon costume. Remember when Gosei said that Troy is the Fury of the Dragon? Well, Rarity made this for me. I'm now dressed up as a dragon three times in a row." He moved the mask up top of his scaly head, receiving confused look from Jake. "...what...?" he said.

"You dressed up as a dragon three times?" The Green Ranger tilted his head to the side. "You're already a dragon."


"Well, it's weird to think of you dressing up..." Sighing, he curled his lips upward, closing his eyes softly before opening them. "Never mind." He looked around. "Where are Orion and Rainbow Dash?"

"I have no idea," Rarity answered when she saw that Fluttershy isn't here. "Is Fluttershy still coming out for Nightmare Night?" she worriedly voiced out, looking towards Noah.

"She is, she told me a couple of weeks ago that she couldn't wait." He began headed to the Boutique, stopped, glancing at the purple maned pony. "You still have a ladybug costume, right? Also, the same goes for a mad scientist one."

"Yes, darling, it's still in my shop. Including the one you want to wear," she responded, dabbing at her mane, which is up in a tall bun that has a black bat in front of it. "Be sure to keep my shop clean, though, I'm still working on the Gala dresses and suits."

"I promise to make sure your shop is tidy," he stated with a quick grin until he trotted off towards her home.

When he got there, he saw two colts - one orange with a long, slender neck, dressed up like a snail, while his friend, a green one, who disguised himself as a harry rat.

They were laughing, tossing something up.

Looking at it, it turns out they're toilet papering this clothes store. No harm done. Lots of people have done this prank. Of course, the Blue Ranger never did anything like that. When he was a little boy, he would go out collecting sweet treats from door to door.

When he got older, he stopped doing that, where he helped his parents give out candy to the new generation of kids.

He watched the two colts skidder off, leaving the mess behind. He did want to take it down, yet he wondered how the Element of Generosity would react when he decided to change his mind, leaving it all here.

It was all over the ground, on the tree, and on the roof of this place. Hey, he couldn't blame those two boys, right? After all, it's a harmless prank and it can be cleaned up.

To his right, he heard a doorbell ring, seeing a trio of foals - one filly and two colts - at a house. The two colts are dressed as royal guards. The filly dressed herself up as a caterpillar.

The door opened, and a friendly mare and stallion stepped out.

"Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!"

Noah laughed softly when he heard their slogan in order to get treats from the adults. It's basically similar to another slogan that the children back at his previous home would use when they want to have Halloween treats.

Except here, in this pony world, they call it Nightmare Night.

The mare used her horn to pick up three pieces of candy - a lollipop, taffy, and chewing gum - dropping them into each bag the little ones carried.

"Thank you!"

Seeing them having a good time, Noah is eager to find and wear a mad scientist costume. He won't be able to search for it outside, so he opened the door.

Like last time, the bell chimed above his head, stepping into Rarity's dress shop, being greeted by racks and racks of Nightmare Night costumes.

Walking up to one of them, he went through each one. "Hmm, let's see... Clown...nope... devil...no... police...uh, uh... pirate...nah... fairy...definitely a big no, no." He kept looking at each costume, looking for a mad scientist one and ladybug one. "Aha!" he declared, managing to find them. He took them off the hangers.

Holding onto the costumes, he went out of the Boutique, heading his way back to the cottage, the moon shining ever so brightly, casting a while light all over the village.

He couldn't wait to see how adorable Fluttershy will be in her costume.

Fluttershy looked out her door. The top part was open, the bottom part closed. She was standing on her back hooves, her front limbs draped over the bottom door, her eyes on the bridge.

She waited patiently, though at the same time, she is also excited. If it wasn't for him, she would be staying in the comfort of her tiny home with all of her animal friends.

Feeling a tap on one of her hindlegs, she looked down. Angel crossed his arms, giving his owner an angry look.

She petted him between his ears. "I'm not staying home; I'm going out with Noah for Nightmare Night," she told him for like the one hundredth time. A sound of chittering came from one of her squirrels when he scampered up to her. She listened to him chitter some more, and she couldn't help but to let out a chuckle. "No, Chitters, he and I aren't dating or anything. I do like him, though we're just friends." However, when she mentioned this, both the bunny and the squirrel can sense the true feelings she has for him. "I want to tell him that I like him, but I wanna wait for the right moment," she said, facing back outside. "I can also sense the fact that he likes me, too," she believed with a smile.

Rolling his eyes, the bunny stuck out his little tongue, his mouth open, pretending to gag.

Giggling, the mare petted him again. She doesn't say anything, just petted him until he pushed her hoof away, hopping out of her sight, bringing back his bowl.

She frowned. "No more carrots." She spoke firmly to him, her tone all serious.

Hearing this, he threw a fit, tossing his empty dish. His owner ignored it like she always does, knowing that if she gives in, she would teach him bad habits.

The more she ignored him, the more he threw a fit.

It was then he decided to kick her, in which he did. Nothing. So he decided to try something else in getting her to give him more carrots.

Taking his bowl, he lifted it over his head - and threw it at Fluttershy's head.


Hopping backwards, Angel watched her rub the side of her head.

Gritting her teeth together, she cast him a scolding look. "Angel! Never throw something at my head again!" She pointed her hoof at a wall where a basket is at. "Go to your bed this instant."

First, Angel refused - until Fluttershy did her secret weapon, going towards him.

Her staring got him to back away - crawling to more exact - to his basket.

When he was in his bed, her Stare softened, her eyes going back to normal. "Good boy." When she went back to the door, she saw Noah, the costumes in his arm as he came up to the cottage.

Opening up the door, she let him inside, taking her ladybug costume at the same time. "I cannot wait to put it on. Ladybugs are my favorite insects. They are so cute with their black spots. I even gave a ladybug project for my students to do."

"I never knew ladybugs are your favorite insect," he answered, when he noticed a petrified Angel. He looked at him then back at her. "The way he looks, it looks like he saw a ghost."

Fluttershy flapped her hoof. "Never mind him. I just did The Stare on him when he refused to get in his bed."

Noah blinked. "You mentioned The Stare on the train. I'm wondering...does The Stare get someone, like Angel, to do the things you want them to do in case the refuse on and on?"

"Yes," she shortly responded, going up the steps with him behind her tail, being sure not to step on it. "The Stare can get someone to do the thing I want them to do, like for example, when I was babysitting Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, my hens wouldn't go back in their chicken coop, so I did The Stare on them, walked towards them, getting them back in their little home."

This got the Ranger to raise a brow. "Does The Stare do anything else? I'm guessing it can..."

"Freeze someone in place? Yes, my Stare can do that, too. I did that to a bunch of vampire fruit bats so Twilight can cast a spell on them. To give you a short version, the spell backfired."

Noah stopped at the top of the second floor. "Backfired?" He never knew about spells backfiring. "What do you mean by...backfiring?"

"The spell was supposed to go on the bats. It took the vampire fruit bats' desire to be vampire fruit bats, transferring it to me." Seeing the baffled expression, she gave him an easy explanation. "I ended up turning into a vampire fruit bat, becoming Flutterbat."

"I see," he nodded, the confusion washing away. "Well, we better get these on - our friends are waiting for us."

The two of them went into the separate bedrooms. In the guestroom, Noah replaced his clothes with the mad scientist one.

Checking himself out in the mirror, he smiled with approval. The costume looks exactly like the one he wore back home, except this one is pony size. Male pony size to be precise.

He adjusted the white wig, the style similar to what all mad scientists had with his hooves that have leather gloves on them.

Once it was on right, he stepped outside just in time to see Fluttershy walking out of her room to see her in her ladybug costume.

It is a simple costume with the ladybug wings on her back, along with antenna that is on a hairband on top of her head. It even came with a few spots, which are placed on her yellow coat.

Going up to her, he grinned. "It looks great on ya. Are ya ready to go?"

Fluttershy began to feel nervous. "I am, except...what if something scary pops out at us?" she asked worriedly as the two walked down the steps, heading to the door.

"Nothing scary is gonna jump out on us," he promised, opening up the door, looking around. "See? The coast is clear." He walked out the door, sending her an encouraging smile.

Taking in a deep breath, she released out slowly. Very slowly, walking out of her small home.

After shutting the door, she stayed close to him, the two of them walking over the bridge, heading to Ponyville.

When they arrived, Noah led Fluttershy across town. The pegasus flinched when she saw two mares - one in a black cat costume and the other one dressed as a werewolf - hanging something up. She flinched when she saw it was spiders.

She started to back up, resulting in bumping into the Blue Ranger for how close she was to him.

The two mares giggled, putting up more fake spiders, adding fake webs to them.

Continuing on walking, Fluttershy relaxed herself down. Noah is with her, so she knows she's safe from all the scary things. Plus, she did say she'll come out for this holiday.

"Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!"

The children continued Trick-or-Treating from door to door, getting loads and loads of candy, filling up their bags. They excitedly trotted away.

When Noah returned to the candy apple stand with Fluttershy, two ponies who aren't there yet are still absent from the group. "Do you think Rainbow and Orion will be here?"

"They better get here," Starlight hoped, looking around. "Maybe they skipped the holiday," she then theorized towards the group.

"Are you kidding?" Pinkie replied in enthusiasm. "Nightmare Night is R.D.'s favorite holiday. It's the great time for pulling-"


Everyone let out a startled scream. Fluttershy hid underneath Noah.

Giggling was heard right above them. Troy and the rest looked up to see two dark, storm clouds in their presents.

Two ponies popped their heads out from the top of them, revealing to be Orion and Dash, both of them wearing Shadowbolt costumes.

Seeing the looks on their faces, Rainbow let out a joyful laugh. "Oh, Celestia, we got them good, Silvy." She bumped hooves with him.

"Haha!" Orion laughed too, laying down on his own cloud. "You guys should have seen the looks on your faces," he gleefully exclaimed when he noticed something. "Gia - why are you hugging Jake?"

The mare tilted her head. "Huh?" She looked to her right. It didn't take long for her face to turn red when she realized how tightly she was embracing the earth pony. Slowly, she took her forelegs off of him. "I was comforting him," she tried to come up with an excuse.

"Sure, you were," Troy said in disbelief, a smug smile on his face. "You are just as scared as we are when those two startled us."

"I guess I was a bit startled..." she admitted, her face color returning back to normal. "You okay, Fluttershy?" Everyone turned their attention to her, who is still underneath the Rangers' teammate.

Lowering his head, Noah nudged her with his muzzle. "You can come out now."

Crawling out from underneath him, she stood up. "I'm fine," she answered Gia in a shaky voice. "Guess I'm nervous."

"Sorry about that, Shy," Rainbow chuckled apologetically. "It's just a perfect time for pranks, you know?"

"You are right, Rainbow Dash, for it is the perfect time of night, to give everyone such a grateful fright," everyone heard a voice, speaking in rhymes.

Twilight, looking in the direction where the voice came from, gasped. "Zecora! You're here."

Zecora stepped up to her. Troy and his friends saw that she wasn't a pony, but rather a zebra. She wore a long, white wig with spiders stuck in the tendrils of hair. Her black dress was torn, like she ripped it somehow.

"Greetings, Twilight Sparkle, for how great it is to come out of my hut from the forest of Everfree, walking into town to watch ponies joying with glee," she returned, continuing her rhyming. "Though, I couldn't help noticing new ponies in my sight. Twilight, may you tell me who they are, if that's alright."

"Yes, this is Troy," she began the introduction. "Emma, Gia, Orion, Jake, and Noah. Guys this is Zecora."

There was a collective of hellos.

"How come you're speaking in rhymes?"

"Jake!" Emma scolded.

The zebra laughed. "No need to be mad, for his question isn't bad. It's something I get questioned a lot, and putting words into rhymes is something I got. Rhyming is part of who I am. If I never spoke this way, then I would be in a jam."

"Boy, the writer sure did a good job of writing you, speaking in rhymes."

Zecora arched a brow. "Pinkie Pie, whatever do you mean? There is no writer to be seen."

Rainbow rolled her eyes that were hidden behind her goggles. "Pinks here believes we're in a story - a crossover."

"Yes, a My Little Pony and Power Ranger story merged together," the pink pony beamed. "Have you heard of the Power Rangers Super Megaforce team?"

"No, I never heard of them since I always live outside of Ponyville, though I would like to see them if I will."

"Hey, Zecora, can you tell us the tale of Nightmare Moon?" Rainbow requested. "I never got to hear it, and I bet our new friends would like to hear it, too."

"I shall grant you the story of Nightmare Moon for Nightmare Night, for it is a good tale to give each of you a fright." She turned around. "Follow me, and very soon, you'll hear the tale of Nightmare Moon."

Everyone followed her, who was leading them to a statue of Nightmare Moon.

"Listen closely, my wonderful dears, for I shall tell you how ponies got their fears," Zecora began telling the story, "of Nightmare Night so dark and scary." She pulled out some green dust, blowing on it. "A Nightmare Moon to make them wary." The dust made an allusion of an evil version of an alicorn, her jaws opened, heading straight for the ponies and the dragon like she was going to devour them.

Everyone gasped when the image of her crashed onto the ground, creating a green fog around them. "Every year, ponies put on a disguise, to save themselves from her searching eyes." Fluttershy let out a startled yelp when she saw two pairs of eyes, bracing Noah tightly until she saw Zecora step out of the fog. "But Nightmare Moon just wants one thing," the zebra continued, circling around everyone. "To gobble up ponies in one quick swing!" The fog cleared away, creating back into Nightmare Moon. "Hungrily, she soars the sky, if there is nopony, she passes by. So if she comes and all is clear, Equestria is safe another year!" The image exploded, the dust raining down on her.

"Uh, Zecora..." Gia piped up. "I was told by A.J. here about Nightmare Moon, and why we had to wear costumes to hide from her, but I was told about giving her some candy."

Jake raised his eyebrows. "We have to give her some candy? Why?"

"A great question, my dear friends. For Nightmare Moon you shall not offend." Again, Zecora pulled another hoof full of dust, blowing it, and the image of Nightmare Moon stalked towards the frightened ponies and Spike. "Fill up her belly with a treat or two, so she won't return and eat you!"


Everyone screamed, including Zecora.

"Ahhh-hahahahaha!" Rainbow roared with laughter when she and her pal scared their friends again. "Hahaha! I-I'm sorry. I whispered to Orion to scare you when she gets to end on why we give some candy to Nightmare Moon," she explained between laughs.

"Hahaha!" Of course, Orion was laughing with her. "We did this twice, and we scared you again. Man, it's gonna be a great night."

"Guys, look at what you did to Fluttershy." Rarity pointed at her, who was hyperventilating, clutching Noah tighter than ever. He rubbed her back, trying to calm her down.

When her breathing regained back to normal, she was able to speak. "I think I changed my mind! I was excited to be out for Nightmare Night, but even with Noah with me, something scary happens! I would rather be under my bed, reading some books!"

Going up to her, Zecora placed a hoof under her chin, lifting her head up. "Being in your cottage for Nightmare Night is something you always do, but this year of this night, your coltfriend will keep the scary things away from you."

"Coltfriend?" Fluttershy looked at Noah, with him looking back at her. He then looked at Zecora.

"We're not dating or anything like that."

"Are you sure about that, pal? For her, she seems to be the perfect gal."

"Positive," he confirmed with a nod, gently getting Fluttershy off of him. "We're just friends."

"I see..." Zecora returned. "Well, I better get a move on, before night time turns to dawn. Nightmare Night is something we do at night, and I wanna check out the decorations in sight."

Pinkie nodded. "Sure thing, friend. Besides, I wanna go Trick-or-Treating."

"Aren't you too old for that?" Jake asked.

"Too old for free candy!?" She pressed her face against his. "You're never too old for free candy." She took her face off of him, reaching somewhere, and got two bags, putting one of them on Jake. "I wonder if Luna will be joining us."

"We are here, thy friends." Luna appeared from the sky. "Tis shall we go on with this fabulous holiday."

Seeing her, Zecora smiled, said she'll see them another time, and went off back to Ponyville.

Luna grinned. "Shall we have fun? Thy Nightmare Night is waiting for us to have loads of fun. It's my favorite holiday, thou I should join in whatever activities thee ponies have set up for us."

"Yeah, let's get the Nightmare Night going." Pinkie hopped up and down.

"Yee-haw!" Applejack raised in the air, waving her front limbs.

Everybody went back to Ponyville, and everyone did something different for the spooky evening. A.J. and Gia gave away candy apples, Pinkie and Jake went with a group of children, collecting candy for the Nightmare Moon statue, Twilight, Starlight Glimmer, Troy, and Luna, told spooky stories in the Castle of Friendship, Emma and Rarity did the Best Nightmare Night Costume contest. None of them won, though Spike did with his Ranger costume, receiving a prize - of candy - handing some to the girls, while blushing at the white unicorn, and Rainbow and Orion are having a blast scaring the coats out of ponies with their storm clouds, getting a lot of screams - along with a few who wet themselves.

For Noah and Fluttershy, they decided to play some of the games. The first one they did was the one with the fake spiders.

Taking a spider out from the bowl, Fluttershy tossed it. Yet, it was only a few inches away from the web. So Noah took a turn. He got his spider on there, except it wasn't in the center, and the way to win is to have the spider be right, smack in the middle of the fake, sticky web.

They don't mind, for it is just a game. Something to only have fun with.

The next game they did has something to do with launching pumpkins into the targets. They each took a turn, launching the pumpkins.

SPLAT! The orange vegetables landed square in the centers of the red targets, getting a bullseye.

The operator of the game each gave them a piece of candy. Noah placed his candy and Fluttershy's candy in the pockets of his white, lab coat.

The Nightmare Night Festival had all sorts of games from Pin the Horn on Nightmare Moon to apple bobbing.

When the Blue Ranger did the apple bobbing, drips of water ran down his face, the ends of his fake wig getting wet, but not much. Even Fluttershy's mane got some water on it.

The night is going great, and he kept his promise to the yellow pony by making sure nothing scary pops out. Whenever he looks around, spotting a pony in a creepy costume, sneaking up on them, he'll get in front of Fluttershy, telling them no.

He did receive mixed feelings from understanding to annoyance. Again, one pony - who is dressed up as a surgeon - asked if he and Fluttershy are a couple.

Like last time, they both explained that they're friends, despite their faces blooming for they both wanted so badly to admit their true feelings to each other.

They continued the night. Nothing can happen.


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