• Published 4th May 2024
  • 196 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

  • ...

Chapter 48: The Adventure Has Begun

The Rangers, Starlight, Spike, the Power Ponies, the Gokaigers, and the Elements of Harmony, entered into the Command Center with Celestia still there who saw the whole thing.

Troy trotted up to the metal tiki head. "Gosei, we-" He let out a yawn, though it didn't stop him from telling the guy what had happened. He hadn't been this tired in forever. "-saw the prince and his generals disappear. They're back in our world right now," he reported, sounding desperate.

"We need to get back home," Jake kind of demanded, stepping forward, the rest of the Rangers standing by him.

Every Ranger except Noah. He had his head lowered, knowing this is the last time he'll see Fluttershy.

Calmly, their mentor spoke to Tensou. "Bring in the invention to take us home."

"Yes, sir." Wheeling out of the room, he went to go get it. "Here it is," he announced, rolling back in with the item.

"Great, Tensou." Gia patted him on the head with a smile.

"Okay, we'll be leaving in-" He hadn't finished when the soccer player's pal came up to his panel, stopping him.

"Wait, guys, look." He directed the screen with his hoof.

The other screens turned on, showing the same image. Jake went up to his panel, his jaw lowering. "It's...us," he got out.

There, on those screens, are the Rangers fighting the henchmen at a familiar area.

Orion put his hooves on Troy's red panel, hovering in the air. "When is this?"

"It's happening right now." All of them gaped at the brainy Ranger. He got away from his console. "Look, I know we're a little surprised-"

"A little?!" Her ears going down, the sound of her black boots, her eyes glaring, the Yellow Ranger stormed up to him. "I've been in a pony for a whole year, Noah, a whole year!" she began yelling, her teammate on the floor. "We've been all ponies for months. We got rid of the people Twilight and her friends had been dealing with, we got rid of Argus, and as for Cozy, we have no idea where she's at. It was great being a little pony, except I'm ready to have my human form back."

"G, we can't-" Noah tried to tell her, except she kept venting.

"A whole year. We wasted our whole year here. We have school to attend, Orion has a job to do, and our duplicates are fighting the henchmen."

"They're not duplicates," he said, standing back up, shoving her out of his space. "It's our spirits."

A blink came because she was puzzled. "Our spirits...?" She sat down, letting what he told her sink in.

"Hold it, hold it." Going up to him, the jock went up to his pal, sitting down next to the mare. "Are you saying...we cannot return home?" he asked, placing a foreleg around her.

"...no..." To avoid looking at anyone in this room, the geek turned his head away, averting his eyes to the floor.

"I have to agree with him on this." Going up to his friend, Troy stood next to him. "There's no way we can go home."

"What do you mean?" Ice questioned, elbowing a sleeping colt to wake him up.

"He means if they leave... they'll die," the Princess of Friendship replied solemnly.

"Wait, we'll be dead when we return home?" Fear was written on the Pink Ranger's face.

The lavender pony nodded. "I'm afraid so, Em."

Getting the sad news, the pegasus sat down, her hooves covering her closed, upset eyes. "It isn't fair." A tear ran down her face.

Being the Element of Laughter, the party pony isn't the one to see sadness and frowns. She gave her a big hug. "Everything will be fine, Emma."

However, the environment lover gently pushed her away. "Pinkie...my dad is gonna..."

"He won't be worried about you," Twilight said, walking up to her. "He won't notice the difference."

"Won't notice the difference?" Placing himself on the floor, the alien folded his wings to his sides. "Twilight, I've been on earth for a while ever since my planet got demolished. I want revenge on the Armada, except we're stuck here - forever."

Upon listening to the conversation, the Gokaigers grouped together, talking on how they should help the Super Mega Rangers. They even bickered a little.

"We have to help them," Don said in a whisper.

"We can't," the captain fought, knowing there isn't any other way. "Besides," he added, looking at their counterparts, "I don't think we can leave either."

"WHAT?!" The Japanese ponies flinched when Luka screamed, grabbing Gokai Red by his sailor jacket, shaking him. "Marvelous, you gotta be joking. We can leave; we can bring our counterparts to live with us."

"Didn't you hear?" Joe pulled her away from the leader of the Gokaigers. "They'll die. If we leave, we'll die, too."


"Joe's right, Luka," Gosei piped in from the group. "If you leave, if all of you leave, you'll be gone in no time."

"And you have no choice but to stay here," Starlight Glimmer added.

The rest nodded when the lavender alicorn spoke up. "I do have a question in mind, though."

"Are you referring to the new keys with the Elements of Harmony on them?" The tiki got a nod from her. "To make my answer short, I had spare ones hidden away."

"Spare ones?" Applejack questioned, while Lacy Lasso cocked her head with confusion.

"I had spare ones for years. I forgot about them until my Rangers explained to me about the Tree of Harmony, how it got demolished by King Sombra, along with the previous Elements."

"I see..." Celestia's pupil understood.

Yet, there's one thing on the Rangers' minds, and Troy was first to ask. "Since no one can leave...who will be our guide?"

"My sister and I were going to retire from what you all know, and, well, I say I'll have to cancel our retirement," Celestia spoke up.

Twilight gasped. "I don't have to take your place?" Her answer came when the tall pony gave her a smile. "Ohh, thank goodness. I wanted to tell you how I don't want to take your place."

"Well, our friends need someone to guide them," she shrugged.

"Are you sure you want to be our new mentor?" Jake asked the royal highness.

"I'm sure," she said.

"And I'm okay with it," the Rangers' now previous mentor joined in.

"So...they get to stay? Noah won't have to leave?" Fluttershy said with full of hope.

"They get to stay. Including Noah." There was warmth within the robot head's volume.

Excitement came from both her and her profound boyfriend, who let out a joyful laugh. Fluttershy gave him a big embrace, the others smiling.

The Equestrian ponies' friends get to stay!

"Heh, good thing we get left behind or else Lightning Dust will miss her boyfriend," the Blue Ranger said, directly at the andresian.

The andresian's face got red all over. He couldn't form words. The one thing he can do is smile sheepishly.

He was saved by the bell when Gosei spoke up. "Looks like Tensou and I need to go."

"I'm gonna miss you, Rangers," his partner said.

"We will all miss you, too." Troy looked like he wanted to tear up, though he held himself together.

"Tensou, teleport them out of here."

"On it, Gosei."

Everyone got teleported out of the Command Center. They all watched it vanish away, having the Rangers say their farewells.

"What do we do now?" Jake asked.

"Well, for one thing, get sleep. We'll be sleeping until sundown," Twilight said with a stifled yawn. "We better not mess up our sleeping schedule," she hoped for the best. "Those bad guys messed up our sleep."

"No worries, my faithful student. My sister knows a spell that she can use. For now, let's all go to my palace. My sister's lunar guards can clean up the mess," the Rangers' new mentor reassured.

No one asked what kind of spell her sis has, but they're more focused on shut eye. Lots of shut eyes for they all had a long night.

Without wasting any time, Celestia lit up her horn, getting all of them, including herself to the castle. She gave them goodnight wishes, the others doing the same, heading into the guest rooms.

Fluttershy and Noah went into one of those rooms. The Ranger's girlfriend got into the bed, her head landing on the pillow, sleep taking over her entirely. Noah pulled up the blanket to cover her up, then went up to the window, gazing at the stars.

It was when he saw a shooting star fly by. Knowing what to do, he shut his eyes. I want Flutters and I to stay together forever, he wished heartfully. Nothing can keep us apart.

He stood there until he himself got into the bed. Gladly, it was big enough for two ponies.

His eyelids getting heavy, he let them take over, falling into a deep sleep.

The sunrays rained through the window, morning birds chirping, waking up Noah from his slumber like peaceful alarm clocks rather than those annoying ones that make buzzing or beeping sounds.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes to help them wake up. Glancing beside him, he saw Fluttershy still asleep.

Happily, he put his glasses on and hopped out of the guest bed, going to the right side of it. He nudged her with his muzzle.

A cute snort came when she woke up, her mane falling in front of her face. "Morning," she greeted, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

"Morning to you, too," he happily chirped. "Man, I felt like I've been sleeping for hours," he said, feeling how fresh he is.

Fluttershy agreed. "Same here." A knocking sound came from the other side of the door. "Come in," she allowed.

Two royal guards walked in. "Breakfast is ready," one of the guards informed them.

"Alright, we'll be there," Noah said. The guards saluted, even doing a small bow of their heads before heading off to their royal duties.

With both adult ponies out of bed, the two walked to the dining room where they saw all their friends - Troy, Gia, Jake, Orion, Emma, Marvelous, Ahim, Gai, Luka, Don, Joe, Ice Crystal, Lacy Lasso, Mythic Diamond, Sugar Cupcake, Hazel Blossom, Lightning Twister, Cobalt, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie, Starlight, and Spike - at the dining table.

The Apple girl saw the last two coming their way. "Howdy there, partners," she welcomed. "Have a seat; this food made by the royal chefs is sure gonna make you want seconds "

The two sat down in front of their breakfast plates with waffles, hay strips, and fruit. They even have a glass of orange juice.

While everyone ate, Jake looked at his watch. "I have to say, I felt like I slept for hours."

"You may think we have been sleeping a long time," the Princess of Friendship spoke from the end of the table. "I was wondering why I hadn't felt tired. I asked Luna and it turns out the spell she used to keep today as today. In other words, today isn't tomorrow. She changed the time, making it look like we've slept for hours."

At first, no one understood what she explained, though nothing less, they decided not to ask. They've been through a lot.

After they're done eating, they all went to the train station.

They waited until the train to Ponyville came, having everyone get on it. They sat at the seats. Noah and Fluttershy sat next to each other, across from their coequals. He put his arm around the sunny colored girl, getting a smirk from the Blue Gokaiger.

His equal chilled back. "Are you two a thing now or what?" He snickered when he got his answer when his counterpart turned slightly red. "Guess your face changing color answers my question." He let out another friendly snicker.

The redness faded away. "Says the stallion who likes a Power Pony," the Blue Ranger smirked back, referring to Saddle Rager.

It was Joe's turn to be red in the face like his leader's pirate jacket for he doesn't have anything to say in return, flicking his head to get his bangs out of his eyes, though it wasn't enough for it to partially cover up his right eye.

It got moved by the mare beside him. "So...when are you and your team gonna be in the newspaper?" she had to ask.

"Yes, clearly these people would be wondering why they're double of us," Noah made a good point. "Look back at what happened at the Gala. All the ponies saw us saviors, yet they don't know about you and your friends," he clearly stated.

"True," the Gokai hero agreed, resting against the seat, crossing his right hind leg over his left one, his front arms behind his head. Hazel timidly leaned against him. "No worries, they'll find out soon-"

"Isn't this great?" He was cut off by Pinkie who got between him and Fluttershy's counterpart. "Can you believe it, Fluttershy? The Rangers, Gokaigers, and the Power Ponies get to stay."

"Yes, Pinkie," she answered, gently moving her coltfriend's foreleg away. "I'm glad they get to stay... especially him..." Her eyes moved away until she let out a small squeak when she was nicely grabbed by the Blue Ranger for he put his arm around her again, not ashamed about showing PDA - Public Displays of Affection. "I was worried they'll leave where I won't see him again," she said, moving some of her mane out of her face.

"Pardon for my curiosity..." Noah's counterpart apologized, analyzing the Pinkie's flank after she moved herself away from him and possibly his love off the seat. "...but I cannot help to notice you ponies have tattoos on your flanks."

"Silly," she giggled, patting him on the head like he was a dog. "These aren't tattoos, they're cutie marks," she explained. "Wanna know how I got my cutie mark?" As she hopped happily, both blue heroes looked at one another, then nodded, with the Ranger keeping his arm around his fillyfriend. "Yippee!" Sitting down on the train floor, she pulled out a sketchbook and box of crayons out her huge mane. "It all started when I was a little filly..." She began to tell her story, using the crayons to draw in the sketchbook to give them a visual aspect of her life. "During those times, I'd never lived in Ponyville, I lived on a Rock Farm, explaining why I panicked when those meanies are after my family. It was more of an...amish place. There was no smiling, no laughing, no having fun. It was all rocks. We would harvest rocks everyday - from sunrise to sunset. Then, all of a sudden, a beautiful rainbow appeared. It was the most wonderful thing to see. I couldn't help it. I smiled. Like, what else can a colorful thing do?" She flipped to the next page, sketching on it. "It was then I had an idea - I would throw my family a party. It was the best thing I've ever done. At first, they wouldn't smile, for they were trying not to. They were used to frowns for twenty-four seven. Then, they did. They smiled! They were happy, in joy. My family and I had a blast. We danced, played games, and had cake. It was so much fun. And that's how Equestria was made."

"Wha- huh?" Baffled, the Ranger looked to see the Asian unicorn having the same expression on his face. Joe held up his hooves, saying he has no idea.

Getting back up with proudness, Pinkie put her things away. "You like the story?"

The four ponies looked at one another, all of them showing the same looks. "I thought you were telling us how you got your cutie mark," Hazel seemed to remind.

"Good idea, Blossom," Pinkie beamed with perked up ears. "I can tell you all about how I got my cutie mark. It's a gem."

"Hold on-" Except she skipped away when she was called out by the brainiac. "How did she get to one story to..."

"Don't mind her," his girlfriend smiled with an eye roll.

Before anyone knew it, they arrived back at Ponyville. Getting off the train, Twilight led them back to the village, seeing it all tidied up, though she was a little sad to see her school is gone, knowing it may or may not be rebuilt, seeing it from afar.

Gia came up to her. "We're sorry, Twi."

"We all are," Jake said, stepping up next to his teammate. Everyone else gave their empathy, along with Sugar and Pinkie giving the alicorn apologizing hugs. "However, what happens next? Troy?"

Eyes turned to Troy, who looked around. A smile came to him. "I know what will happen next. We help in Equestria."

"Yes, surely there are ruffians to take down in the future," Rarity agreed.

"You think we can do that?" Emma questioned with doubt written all over her.

Twilight placed a hoof on her. "I knew we could do it."


"Look, everyone," the princess spoke, referring to the Rangers, Power Ponies, and Gokaigers, "my friends and I saw what you can all do. And the Rangers have been the first ones to arrive, and well..." She closed her eyes, opened them again as she looked directly at the first newcomers of the ponies' home. "When you Rangers first came to Equestria, you were wondering about this place for a while now," she began to sing.

"Trying to find out how you all can fit in

So many things you have done, all the things you have to face

You kept the ponies safe from harm because you Power Rangers don't give up."

"Now we know what you can do," Rainbow joined in, with Twilight leading them down town.

"And your journey here is never really done," Fluttershy added.

"For it's a good place to begin. It's a great place to start," Rarity put her lyrics in.

"A journey that has only just begun," the princess and the Element bearers sang in harmony.

"You all saved our world

You showed our home on what you can do

You all saved our world

To help ponies out in need

To the ultimate reward of your new adventure."

"A new adventure?" Noah questioned, glancing at his leader, while all of them stopped walking.

A smile came from him. "Yes, Noah, a new adventure. However..." The Red Ranger came up to the ponies he and his team encountered back in Canterlot. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, I've got something I need to say." Hearing him sing shocked his team. "When I first arrived with

My friends here, I was worried that we won't save your home

Then those worries went away, for what my friends and I have done

And then the Power Ponies and Gokaigers came along," he directed at the next set of heroes.

"They helped us out when there was trouble around us

They showed us how much they're willing to lend us a hoof

Because nothing can stop us heroes for rescuing these ponies

We all saved your home," he now sang back to the Princess of Friendship.

"And showed you and your friends on what we can do

We all saved your home, for we won't let anything happen to it

Leading us to the ultimate reward of our new adventure..."

Aw yeah, everypony," the party pony announced, getting the villagers attention. "The Armada is gone, including the baddies my friends and I had encountered and defeated. Get ready for a celebration party!" she screamed with joy. Ponies cheered with her, following her, including the heroes, to the open field where the Rangers and Gokiagers had their welcome party. Pulling out her party cannon, she wasted no second, decorating the whole green area with party decorations.

The citizens whooped, happy that everything will be alright in Equestria.

Applejack faced the Yellow Ranger. "G, if my parents were here, they'd be happy my friends and I got helpers on our side."

"I wish we got to see them," she replied.

"Too bad they aren't around anymore." A sad smile worked its way onto the cowgirl.

"We're so proud of you, Power Rangers," Dash went back to singing. "You taught us a thing or two."

"You all have inspired everypony around you." Starlight put a hoof over her heart. "And you Power Ponies and Gokaigers have inspired everypony, too."

"You all saved our world," the Elements of Harmony sang together again.

"Done Equestria so proud

You all saved our world

And we're to sing it loud

For the ultimate reward of your new adventure."

"What do you think, Rangers, Gokaigers, and Power Ponies? Are you all willing to help us out again in case new villains come in our way?" Spike declared.

"We sure are," Gokai Red exclaimed, rubbing the dragon's head. "We are ready for what comes next." All of them cheered after what he stated.

"It first started out with you, Rangers

Six of you are driven to see

What you have done to prove in our hearts." For the third time, the alicorn and the rest of the Element team went back to singing, this time Starlight coming in with Spike not far behind.

"Then the Power Ponies and Gokaigers came along

And here you heroes are, along with your new best friends

You all are about to start it again!

A journey that never will end~!

You all saved our world

Helping ponies out in need

You all saved our world

And all of you had refused to quit

'Cause the ultimate reward..." Before they knew it, the Rangers, their counterparts, including Ice Crystal and her teammates, are gathered up together. "...is your new adventure~" their next set of best friends finished, Twilight's voice hitting the high notes when a flash from a camera came on, being owned by her assistant who set it up, quickly flying over to the ponies to get in, in time to get in the picture.

After the picture was taken, Pinkie went up to the stage. "Okay everypony, who's ready to hit it!?" Her answer came when the party goers hollered, ready to really party. "Get your hooves up, party's starting out right now." On the platform, she danced on her hind hooves, encouraging others in front of her to do the same, front hooves up to the sky.

"Everypony, everypony get down

Time to cheer the Ranger spirits well done

Along with their friends who've helped them out

It's been a year and the Armada and the bad guys are gone

Let's party out loud, it's a celebration

Let's party to the music, it's a celebration

Let's party to be happy, it's a celebration

Let's party and have fun, it's a celebration." She wasn't the only one who was on the said stage, for Jake pulled Gia up there with him, the two grooving behind her, then Marvelous and Ahim, then Ice Crystal and Cobalt.

"Aw oh, aw, aw, aw, aw, oh, oh

Aw, aw, oh

Aw, uh uh, aw, oh

Aw oh

Aw oh, aw, aw, oh

Started out when those bad people came to destroy our home

Until brand new heroes came and fought them off

Time to celebrate, for they had saved us all." Down below, Orion was at the cake table when he felt a tap on him. He turned to see Lightning Dust, much to Dash's anger in which she hid easily when those two gave each other an embrace, adding a kiss to each other's lips.

"And it has been a year; we can't wait for the heroes to return." Something splattered on Luka, getting it all over the back of her neck and hair. She wasn't the only one for Don got pelted in the face.

"Because these ponies who got rid of the bad guys will always be here." The Gokaigers saw it was Gai, who was laughing, pointing at them who figured out it was the cupcakes that occupied the cake. He let out playful yelp, running away from the two who each had a cupcake, going after him.

"My little pony friends, uh uh, aw, oh

Think of what they've done for us." While he watched, Joe gasped when he felt lips on his face, causing him to turn and see Hazel shyly looking away, ready to feel guilty. She got a different result, when she was pulled into a dance with him.

"Why wouldn't these heroes save our home?

Let's party out loud, it's a celebration

Let's party to the music, it's a celebration

Let's party to be happy, it's a celebration

Let's party and have fun, it's a celebration." The rest of the Power Ponies got on the stage to dance with the Green and Yellow Rangers and Gokai Pink and Gokai Red. Orion was in the sky with Dust, the two doing their own dance. Applejack and Rarity helped Don and Luka with Gai, throwing cupcakes at him. He threw one, then covered his mouth when he missed, seeing it got Emma. She snatched a cupcake, chasing after the alien's counterpart, causing those who are watching to laugh.

"Aw oh

Aw, aw, aw, oh, oh

Aw, aw, oh

Let's celebrate a victory well done

Aw oh

Aw, oh, aw, aw, oh

Let's celebrate a victory well done! Yay!"

Not too far away from the celebration party, Noah and Fluttershy looked up at the sky, eyes on the clouds going by them, the two leaning against a large tree, the base of it big enough for the two of them. Birds chirped, flying by the new couple.

The unicorn had his arm around the pegasus, keeping her close to him when she said something. "Noah?" she spoke up.

"Yes, Flutters?" he responded, not breaking his gaze that was above them.

At first, she was silent until she spoke again. "Are you okay being away from earth? I-I know I'm happy you and your friends get to stay, and...well..." She hesitated to say more.

"I can tell what you mean," he answered, knowing exactly what she's going after. "Yes, I will miss my parents. Yet, if my friends and I did leave this place, heh, let's just say..." To her surprise, the pony who held kindness felt him peck her cheek. "...I'll miss you more than anything else in the world."

Her cheeks having pink ovals on them, the kind pony rested the side of her head on the stallion's chest, watching streamers and confetti blow up in the air like they were fireworks, all set off by Pinkie Pie.

As everyone had loads of fun, the princess looked around to see Troy walking away, causing her to worry. She got two slices of cake, carrying them with her magic, following him at the pond.

Placing himself on the grass, the unicorn stared at the water, his reflection looking back at him. It didn't take long when he saw Twilight sitting next to him, offering one of the slices of cake she got. "Thanks, Twi." He took the plate the dessert was on. "This party is great. Not only this, but I'm happy that my friends and I saved your home, even though we cannot leave to go back to earth. Though..."

"You're wondering where Robo Knight is," she finished, after eating some of her cake. "Troy, I'm sure he'll turn up someday."

He chuckled softly. "Like he would be in Equestria. I don't believe Vrak will be here either." He simply shrugged. "For now, I'm glad nothing happened in Equestria. You also did a great job with my Ranger powers."

"I'm glad you thought so," she appreciated, taking another crumb of her pastry. "And if Vrak does come here, us ponies are ready."

"Not until the new unicorns and I learn how to use magic." The two secret Red Rangers laughed at his good point, knowing how true it is, then finished their cake to get back to the party. "But what about our keys?" he then brought up.

"I'll write to the princess about it."

After her promise, they finally reached their friends.

The adventure has begun.

Far from Equestria, a dark blue pony with white wings emerged from the thick bushes, a mane as dark as night. It was dark thanks to the trees for they blocked the sun. He used his hoof to move the branches out of his way.

He may have wings, however, he's also had a horn as long as the Night Princess's sister's, though he was taller than her for he's an alicorn, though not as tall as the Day Princess; about an inch taller than the Night Princess. He had gold armor on him, feathers not only on his wings, but also on his helmet, them being white, as well.

He came to the clearing. The stallion saw no one else around. A sinister chuckle came as he pulled something out.

He grinned evilly at what he's holding. The items he's seeing for the first time he'd stolen months ago.

Actually, that's a lie, these are copies of the items. Then he quickly put them away when he heard a noise, getting himself ready for a fight. "Who goes there?"

"Let me go!" a sound was heard. The dark alicorn jumped back when something was thrown at him. "Oof." It was a pony, though he was made out of metal. "I'll end you all," he vowed, pointing his weapon at those who threw him.

"I like to see you try," one of the ponified monsters said, stopping in front of him, along with the other monsters who have pony features, yet mixed with monster features, as well.

"Yes," another monster added, "you aren't capable of saving earth, let alone this world."

"I am capable of anything, you monsters." The pony got up on his hooves. "You may have kidnapped me, but there's no way I'll join you." He began walking away.

Lighting up his horn, the alicorn had himself appear in front of him. "Oh, you are gonna join us..." he told him in a low tone.

"That's right, sire's orders," a third monster hissed.

"Including them." The pony of no good took out the items again. "Glad I made copies of these months ago..."

"It doesn't matter what you say, I will never join you."

The pony tsk-tsk at the robotic equine's promising words. "You leave me no choice." He turned his head. "Take him to my base," he ordered everyone. "I'll be there in no time."

Getting grabbed roughly, this pony made out of metal was dragged back into the thick forest to wherever the secret base is at. The sinister alicorn's ears listened to his protests and threats, snickering to himself for there's no way he'll get away from him this time, with nobody to save him.

Since he was in the clearing, he chuckled, placing the items on the ground, spacing them apart. Backing up, his horn crackled like lightning - and he shot a beam at them.

"The Rangers are in for a big surprise!" he declared with victory after his power had worked. "With you guys here, nothing can stop me! Hahaha!"

Author's Note:

You All Save Our Home, is a take on of We'll Make Our Mark reprise.

Troy singing his solo is similar to Diamond Tiara's solo of We'll Make Our Mark reprise that never made it in.

Let's Party is the relation of the extended version of Make A Wish.

Sequels, shorts, and deleted scenes will be written to continue on with the story.

When the final season of MLP: FIM was on, I decided not to finish it, thinking it wasn't a good idea for Twilight Sparkle to be the new leader of Equestria. In my opinion, it was a weak way to end it.

Throughout the series, I don't want the heroes to go into battle all the time. Doesn't mean they are free whenever something dangerous comes their way, I want to write stories with a slice of life style.

The Rangers, Gokaigers, and the Power Ponies, will have better experiences with the locations in the sequels, shorts, and deleted scenes.

The deleted scenes are basically moments that never made it in.

Parody songs from other songs will be in those stories. I wouldn't say all the chapters will have them, but I will do my best.

I am thinking about writing sequels coming from the MLP:FIM comic books - despite never read any of them, so I will have to use the Wiki Fandom to do it.

I want to write villains and enemies for the series.

I am thinking of doing something for MLP G5 for MLP G4 but the MLP G5 being G4 characters from A New Generation movie.

With writing sequels, shorts, and deleted scenes, depending on how many chapters, I will post them at once.

I will be writing two parters separately.

I cannot see myself writing rated M stories. I'm more comfortable doing T and E rated stories.

I will, and spoiler alert, be doing something for Ninja Steel to be crossed over with Super Megaforce and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, all I need to do is think about what kind of pony races - two of each Ranger - should be.

I'm thinking about doing stories, going with Power Rangers Super Megaforce and My Little Pony Crossovers for the Gokaigers. The same for the Power Ponies if I can do it.

Thank you for reading this story!

Comments ( 11 )

If I may ask, is Spike gonna be part of the heroes too or is he sidelined?
Only read 1 chapter so far.

He does help out in the story. I won't say he's a sideline. Reading it will give you a better answer then the one I gave. I'm not good at giving straight forward answers.

Like is he part of the actual fights or sadly just sidekick stuff while in the Mane 6's shadows(and missing out on a bunch of stuff the Mane 6 get to do together)?

Gonna see if I can try read the rest soon hopefully.

In the actual fight scenes, yes.

Cool that he got to fight too.

Does he get anything the Mane 6 got too or the Mane 6 got no power-ups this time?

My suggestion is for you to read the story. You don't want me to spoil it for you, do you? ...Unless you don't mind spoilers. Yet, it's best for you to read it to get your questions answered.

I don't mind spoilers(in DMs).

My nervousness and iffy focus(while juggling stuff irl) can make it hard for me to focus on big stories at times.

That's good that you don't mind spoilers, and take your time on your stuff. There's no rush to read my story. :twilightsmile:

So do I DM you or something?

It doesn't matter what you use to talk to me.

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